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�o�io74v� <br />xe30z8.amd.unt <br />: . <br />i � <br />to Bo�rrower pursuant to Sectian 18 shatl be deem�T to satisfy the notice and opportunity to take corr�tive action <br />pzovisYOns of this Section 20. <br />�1. Hazardous Snbstances. As used in this Section 21: (a) "Hazardous Substanc�s° are those substances <br />de� as toxic or hazardous substances, pollutants, or wastes by Envirornnental Law and the following substances: <br />gasoli�e, kezasene, otl�er flzmmable or touc petrolewm. produats, toxic pesticides and herbzcides, volatile solven�s, <br />mater�ls contairring asbestos or formatdehycle, and radioactive materials; (t�) °Environmental" means federal <br />laws d laws of the jurisdiction where tlae Properry is located that relate to b�ealth, safety ox environmental protecCion; <br />{c) °�vironmental Cle.a�aup" includes any response action, remedial action, oz removal action, as defineci in <br />Env' znmental La,w; and (d) an. °Environmental Condition" �ao.eans a condiition that can cause, contribute to, or <br />othe�ise t�gger an Eaviro�ental `Cleanup. <br />� Borrower shail not cause or per�ut the presence, use, disposal, storage, or release of any Hazardot�s Substances, <br />or t�reaten to release any Hazardous�Substances, on or in the Progeriy. Borrower shall not do, nor allow anyone else <br />to da,� anything the Pzoperty (a) thaE zs in violation of any Bz�.vironme�atal Lavc�, (b) which creates an <br />Envirqnmental Condition, or (c}, due to the presence, use, or release of a Hazardous Substxnce, creates a <br />condition that adversely affects the� val.ue of the Properry. The pr�ediug two sentences shall not apply to the <br />pzeseuce, use, or storage on the Property of small quantides of Hazardous Substaaces that aze generally recognized <br />to be �ppmpriate to nornaal resident�al uses and to nnaintenance of the Properiy (including, but not limited to, <br />hazardous substances in con�,�*n� products). <br />�orrower shatl promptiy give Lender writ[en notice of (a) any inves�igation, claim, demand, Iarovsuit or other <br />action�by anp governmental or regvlatory agency or private party involving the Froperty and any Hazardous Substance <br />or Environmental Law of which Borrower has actnai lmowledge, (b) atry Environmental Condition, including but not <br />limit� to, any spilling, leal�ng, 'discharge, release or threat of release of any Hazardous Substance, and (c) any <br />condition caused by tb.e preseace, use or release of a Hazardous Substance wluch adversely affects the value of the <br />Prope�.y. If Borrower Ieazns, or is notifiefl by any gavernmernat or regutatory aurh.ority, or any private party, that <br />any reinoval or other remediation of any Hazardous Substance affecting the Property is necessary, Borrower shall <br />promg take aTl aecessary remedial actiozis in accordance with EnvizonmentaT Law. Nothing berein shall creaze any <br />�ion on Lender far an Environzaental Cleanup. <br />NON-UIVEFURM COVENANTS. Borrower and Lender further covenant and agree as follows: <br />�2. Acceleration; Remedies. �Lender shall give nolice to Borro�aer prior to acceleration foIIowimg <br />Borrowex's breach of anp covenant or agr�ment in this Secar4ty Instrument (bnt not prior to acceleration ander <br />Sedzo� 18 unl�s Applicable Law provides otherwise}. The no13ce shaII specify: (a) the default; (b) fhe gction <br />re.quit�ed to cure the defautt; {c) a date, not less than 34 days from the date the aotice is geven to �orrower, by <br />whicli tlxe defanit must be cnred; and (� tbat failure ta cure the defau�t on or before the date specified in the <br />notice;may resalt in acceleration of the s�as secured by+ flvts Securlty Ins4rument and sale of the Praperty. The <br />motice. shall futrther inform Borrawer of the rlght to r�3nsta.te after scceleration and the right to bring a court <br />action to assert the non-e�stenae of a defauIt or any other defense af Borrower to acceleration and saIe. IPthe <br />defau�t is not cnred on or before the date specified in the notice, Leuder at ifs optian miay r�uire immedtate <br />paym4nt in £ull of aIl sums s�ureii by t6is Security Iatstrament without �ar demand and may invoke the <br />powe�; of sate and any otLer remedies germictted by AppIicable Law. Lender shall be entitt� to called aii <br />expen�es incurred in pursuing the re.medies pmvi�led in this Sectioa 22, including, but nvt limited to, rn�sanable <br />$ttox�ieys' fees and c�sts of t�tle evidence. <br />� If the power of sale is invoked, Trusfee s�all recard a aotice of default in each county in wlutch any gart <br />of fhe �'roperty is located and shalI mail copies of such noiice in the manner prescn'bed by Applicable Law to <br />Borrawer and to the other persons prescribed by Applicable Law. After the time reqnired by Applicable Law, <br />ZYustee shall g�ve publ�c no�1ce of saIe to the persons ana3 in the manuer prescribed by Applicable Law. Trustee, <br />without demand on Borrower, shaIl sell �the Propertp at public auciion to the highest bidder at the time and <br />place and under the terms desigmated in the notice off sale iun one or more �ls and Hn airy ozder Trustee <br />detenuaines. Trustee m�ay postpone.saIe of all or any parcel af the Property by public announc�ment at the time <br />and place of any previously scheduled sale. Lender or its designee may pnrchase the Property at airy sate. <br />U�n receapt of payraent o€ tlie price bid, Trastee shall delivex to the purchaser Trust�'s dced conveying <br />the Property. The r�ita�s in the Trosie�'s deed sball be prim�a facie evidence of the truth of tbe statements <br />made therein. Tx ustee shall apply the praceeds of the sa[e in tbe faIIawing order: (a) to ati costs and e8penses <br />of ezercising the pawer of sale, an.d the sale, imcluding the payment of the Trastee's fees acLually xncorre.d and <br />reasonable attorneys' f�s as permztted by Appliaable Law; {b) to all swns secuced by tbis Security Instrument; <br />and {c} any egc�ss to the person or persans legally eatitled to it� <br />23. Recon�veyance. Upan payment of all sums secured by this Security Instrume�o�t, Lender sha11 request TxUStce <br />to reconvey the Properry and shalt surrender this Security Insirament and all nate�s evidencing debt secured. by this <br />Security Instrume�.t to Trustee. Trustee shall r�onvey the 1'roperEy witliout waxranty to the person or persons legally <br />entitled to it. Such �rson or persons shall pay any recordation costs. L,ender may charge such person ar pexsons a <br />fee for reconvey'mg the Property, but only if the fee is paid to a third party (such as the Tnistee) for serv�ices rendered <br />and the charging of the fee is permitted under Applicable Law. <br />24. Snbstitute Truste� Lemder, at its option, �onay from time to rime remove Tnisttee amd appoint a succ�.ssor <br />uustee to auy Trust� appainted hereunder by an instrument recorded in the covnty in which this Se�urity Instnunent <br />is recorded. VV'itlzout conveyance of tI;e Property, the successor mistee shall succeerI to aI� the title, power and. duties <br />confened upon Trustee herezu and by Applicable Law. <br />�tEBRASiCA—Singte Famlfy—Fannie Mae/Fredd3e Mac UN3FORM iNSTRUMENT - MERS � <br />Form 3028 7/01 Page 9 of 14 <br />� <br />