! 20iio743G
<br />Ne3028,�d.�1
<br />speci es a procedure £or z�parting Borrower's change of address, then Borrower shall only zeport a change of address
<br />tbzo that specified procedure. There may be only one designated notice address under this Sec�ity Insl.irum.e�at
<br />at any �one �me. Any notice to T..,ender shall be given by deliverzng it or by mailing it by first class mail to Lender's
<br />addres�s stated herein unless Lender has designated anotber acidress by notice to Boirower. Any notice in connection
<br />with this Security �n�rr+,m�+r � riot be deemed to have been given to Lender lmtil actua3ly received by Lender.
<br />If anya notice required by this Security Insm�ment i.s also required under Applicable Law, the Applicable Law
<br />requir�ment will satisfy tb�e corresponding requiremern under this Security Instrument.
<br />16. Governing Law; Severabili�ty; Ruies of Coao�straction. This Security Inslrument shall he governed by
<br />fedez� iaw and the Iaw of the jurisdiction in which i;he Psoperty is located.. A1I rights and obligations contained in
<br />this S�cuzity 7n��+7+�m' are subject to auy requirements and limitations of Applicable I,aw. Applicable I.aw might
<br />exglicitly or i�plicitly allow t�e parties to agree by contract ar it might be silent, but such silence shail not be
<br />constz�aed as a prohibition against agreement by cantra�t. In the event that any provision or clanse of this Security
<br />Ins�iruinent or the Note conIIicts wirh Applicable Law, such conflict shall not affect othez provisions of this S�ty
<br />Instrvment ar the Note which can be given effe.ct without the confl.icring pmvision.
<br />� As used in this Secuucity Tnstrame�: (a) words af the masculine gender sJ�all mean and include c�rresponding
<br />neuter;words or wards of the feminine gender; (b) words in the singular shatl mean and iuclude the plural and vzce
<br />versa; �and (c) the ward "may" gives' sole disererion wi.thout any obIigation to take any action.
<br />I7. Borrawer's Copy. Borrower shali be given ona copy of the Note and of t�us Security Instrument.
<br />18. Trans£er of the Property or a Beneffcial Tnterest �tn Borrower. As used in this Section 18, °Irnerest ia
<br />tYie� Property" means any legal ar bei�eficial. iuterest in the Property, including, but not lin¢it�l to, those beneficial
<br />interes'ts transferred in a bond for de,ed, contract for deed, installment sales contzact or escrow agreement, the intent
<br />� of w ch is the transfer of title by Bt�rrower at a future date to a purchaser.
<br />aU oz aury part of t}ze Property or any Interest in the P'roperty is sold or transferred {or if Borrower is not a
<br />person and a beneficial inter,est in Boaower is sold or lransferzed) wirhout Lender's prior written consenct,
<br />L,endeir may require nnmediate payment in full of all swms secured by this Security Instrument. However, this option
<br />shall. �ot be exercised by J_ender if such exercise is prohibited by Applicable Law.
<br />If Lender exercises this option, Lender shall give Borrower no#ice of acceleration. The aotice shall provide a
<br />period: of not Iess than 30 days firom the date the notice is given in ac�ord�ce with Section 15 within whiclz Bozxower
<br />must gay all sums secnred by tbis Se�urity Instru�ment. If �arrower fai,ls to pay tb.ese sums prior to the expiration of
<br />this geriod, Lendez znay invoke any zemedies permitted by this Security Yn�+�+�171�* without fnrther notice or demand
<br />on Bo�rower. �.
<br />I9. Borrower's Right to Reinstate After Acceleration. If Borrower meets certain conditions, Borrower shall
<br />have the right to have enforcement of thi.s Security Instr�m?Pnr disconfin.ued at any time grior to the earliest of: (a)
<br />five d�ys before sale of the Properry puisuant to any pawer of sale contained in this Security Instiument; (b} s�ch
<br />other �ieriod as Agplicable Law might specify for the terminatian of Banower's right to reuastate; oz (c) e�ry of a
<br />judgment enforcing this Security Instiument. Those conditians are tha# Borzowex: (a) pays Lender all sums which
<br />theu would be due under this Security Tnstivment and the Note as if no acceleration had oecurreci; {b} cures any default
<br />of any`,otl�.er cvvenants or agreements; (c) Pays all expenses incurred in enfarcing this Sectucity Imstxv�ment, including.
<br />but no't limited to, reasonable attomeys' fees, praperty inspaciion and valuarian fees, and other fees incuzred foz the
<br />F?uPese of protecting Tx;nder's i�erest in the Property and rights under this Security Instcument; and (d) takes such
<br />action`as Lender may reasonably reqnire to assure that Lender's interest in the Property and rights under tlxis Secuzity
<br />Instn��nt, and Borrower's obligation to pay the sums sec�ared by this Seciu�ity In.s�_�r, shall continue tmchanged.
<br />Lender may require that Borrower pay such reinstatement sums and expenses in one or more af tlte following forms,
<br />as selected by Lender: {a) cash; (b) money order; (c) certified check, bank check, treasw�r's ch�k or cashier's check,
<br />pro'vi�ed any such ch�k is drawn upon an institution whose deposits are insured by a f�ieral agency, instaumentality
<br />or entity; ar(d) Flectronic 1�`unds Transfer. Upon reinstatement by Borrawer, this Security Inst�vment and obligations
<br />se�ured hereby shall remaia fully effective as if no acceleration had occurred. �Towever, this rigtct to reinstate shall
<br />not apply in the case of acceleration Zmder Section 18.
<br />20. Sale of Note; Change of �;aan Serv3cer; Nohce of Griev$nce. The Note or a pareial imerest iu the Nate
<br />(mgether with this Security Instrument) can be sold one or more times without prior notice to Bonower. A sale might
<br />resuIt in a change in the entity {Imown as the "I..oan Sezvicer") tkzat coltects Periadac Paynaents due uuder the Note
<br />and this Security 7nstxument and performs other mortgage loan servicing obligations under the Note, this Seenrity
<br />Instrument, and Applicable I.aw. There also might be ane or mare changes of the I,aan Servicer unrelated to a sale
<br />of the Note. If t�zeze is a change af the Loau Seivicer, Borrawer will be given written notice of the change wYiich wi11
<br />state the nanae aud address of the new Loan Seivicer, the address to which payuaemts should be made and any other
<br />information RESPA requires in connection with a notice of transfer of servicing. If the Note is sold and tlzezeafter
<br />the Loan is serviced by a Loan Servicer other than the purchaser of the Nore, the mortgage loan servicing obiigations
<br />to Borrower will remain with the I,oan Servicer or be uansf�xed to a successvr Loan Servicaz and are not assumed
<br />by the Note purcd�aser unless athez provided. by the Note purchaser.
<br />Neither Borrower nor LenBer may commence, joia, or be joined to any judicial action (as either an individual
<br />litigant or tiie member of a class} that arises from the other party's actions pursuant to this Security Inslxumen�t ar that
<br />alleges that the other party has breached any grovision of, or any dury owed by reason of, this Security Insflromern,
<br />until such Borrower or Lznderl�as notified the otherparty (with such notice givea in compliance withthe requirements
<br />of Sedion 15� of such alleged breach and afforded the other pariy hereto a reasoaable period after the givin.g of such
<br />notice to take corr�tiva action. If Applicable Law provides a time period which must elapse before certain actnon
<br />can be taken, that time period. will be deemed to i� reasonable for purgoses of this paragraph. The natice of
<br />acceleration and oppornmity to cure given to Bozrower pursuant to Section 22 and the notice of acceleration given
<br />NE8RASKA—Stngls Famtly—Fannle Mae/Freddie Mac UIVIFORM INSTRUMENT - MERS pDCMH�C
<br />Form 3028 t/01 Page 8 of 11 rrryvw.docmaglc.mm
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