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� � a, <br />"� <br />�0��.0'7433 <br />The real estate located in Chihuahua, Mexico, shall be sold and the net proceeds or liability <br />shall be divided equally between the parties. <br />14. <br />15. <br />The credit card debt shall be paid by the Defendant who incurred the debt. <br />RETIREMENT BENEFITS: Each party shall have quieted in them their 401k <br />accounts with the Defendant's having a value of $11,491.32 and the Plaintiff's having a value of <br />$4,240.92. <br />16. ALIMONY: The Plaintiff shall not pay alimony to the Defendant and the Defendant <br />shall not pay alimony to the Plaintiff. <br />17. The temporary support order set by the Court November 13, 2008, shall renlain a <br />separate judgment and shall not be merged into the Decree. As of March27, 2009, the amount of the <br />balance due and owing is $9,487.98. <br />The court considers the testimony of the parties that the Defendant continued to live in the <br />family residence, contrary to Court order, and paid the entire mortgage payment during the pendency <br />of this action. Based upon the testimony, the Court finds that the Defendant is entitled to a <br />$3,424.OQ credit against the temporary support payments. This is one-half of the amount of the <br />monthly mortgage payment made and the Court only gives credit of one-half of the mortgage <br />pa}�nent to the Defendant against the ternporary child support order as the Defendant was living in <br />the home during this time period and thus had the benefit of shelter as did the Plaintiff and the minor <br />children. <br />18. EQIJITY EQUALIZATION: The Defendant remains obligated to the Plaintiff in the <br />amount of $6,064.00 owing on the temporary support judgment. Further, to equalize the 4011c <br />distribution made herein, there is a disparity in favor of the Defendant in the sum of $3,625.00 to <br />equalize the retirement account distribution made herein and a disparity in the equity of the home in <br />favor of the Defendant and against the Plaintiff in the sum of $17,500.00. <br />To equalize property division the Court calculates as follows: <br />Owing to Plaintiff temporary child support $ 6,064.00 <br />Retirement equalization $ 3,625.00 <br />TOTAL $ 9,689.00 <br />Owing to Defendant one-half home equity $17,SOQ.00 <br />The Court, based upon the preceding calculations, hereby credits the Defendant with the <br />$9487.98 teinporary support order judgment u� full and grants judgment to the Defendant and against <br />the Plaintiff to equaiize property division in the sum of $7,811.00. <br />4 <br />� <br />