a`; � ',��.L�7�7 �� t � �� .E�,'� ---
<br /> : 9� i� . .�=--- _
<br /> ,
<br /> ' .` principal emount of ths indebtedness secured by this Oeet9 of 7rust,noi iru�uding sums advanced o proteat the secudty o!4his Qaod oi , �. ��,
<br /> '. ; x-_y
<br /> � . Trust.axc�ed the orlgtnal pdncipaf amount staUsd herein.or$ � .wh3chever is greater_ .• . : c"`:``
<br /> ( • 16.�dfaseiinrteous Provlotona. ` :• � �� ' �""::
<br /> •�p � (a)Borrawa�Na!Ral�a^.s�.Exiension of th8 Ume tar paymant or modificatian of amoNaatlon of ths sums secured by thts :! . ' '• �-:�_�
<br /> Oeed of Tndst granted by l.ertder to any sucaessar in interest of Borrower shall not operate to release,in eny manner,U►e liabti3- :, � . -. �
<br /> , � � ry o4 the odginal 8orrawer and Borrowefs suxessors in interest. Lendgr shall not De required bo commencs proc¢adings � `.�:. �.�`
<br /> against se�h suocessor or refuse to extend tims tor payment or otherwise modi�y►amoRlxe�on of Gtia su�s saeure�by Ws � ";,, w''�=,'=
<br /> -�� - Qee�of Trt�si by reasflrt at asry�emands made Dy the or[gtnal�orrowar and florrourera successors in interest _ . • s
<br /> (bj L�rtdu'a Powsra.Without aftecting the CiaDiliry o4 any other person liahte for the payrtcQnt of any obfigation herdfn men- - - :� :-,*-�.--���--
<br /> . Uoaed,aRd witttart aftecting the Ilen or chasge o!this Daed of T�ust upon erry►poNon of the Pro�erty not thBn or tharatofore �? ' ' �
<br /> eC ::,p �:i��t'.
<br /> ..t reteased as se�udry tor tt�e full amount oi ali unpald obligaUons.Lender may,from Ume to time ai►d wiihout na�oe(��eleas�a . . ,
<br /> ' any person so liabte,(ti)extend tha maturfty or at4er any ot the terms af any such obilgations,(iti)grant othar ind+�IQerw�a,(Iv) , . h�3
<br />--�` retease or convay.or cause t�be re(eas�d or recortvayed at any ttme at Lenders optio+n any parcei,pflrtton or all of the , ; • .�° � _
<br /> �: Proparty,(v�take or retease any other ar addittortal eECUriiy or reoonveyed at any time at Lendars ogUon arey parset,portion or _ _ _�-�.�'�
<br /> _ a!f of it�property,{vi)Cdke o�releasv aay other or ad�i41ona1 security for any obligaUon herein menUoned,or(vii)make compo- :��Y
<br /> � siticns of other arrangemanb with debtors in relation thereto. } . °____�,�
<br /> (c)Fo�aranco by Lender Ha!a Waiver.Rr�y iorbearartce by Lender in exer�ising any right or remedy hereunder,or oth- '� �`� ' ' ,�� -�,
<br />� eiwise afiorded by applicable Iaw,shall not be a waiver ot or preclude the euercise ot any such right or remedy.The procure- _._ • ��►�.
<br /> � rrtent of tnsurance or the payment of taxes or other liens or charges by Lenrter shal!not be a waiver or Lenders dght to acce'er- 1�.._ ,�::::,:,�. a'�
<br /> . ate the ma3uriry of ttte indebtedness secared by this Desd of Trust � r a�r�-�;°���'E`
<br /> �� (�Sac�essors and/tssigns Bound;Jo�et and Sevora1 Liabitity;C�pt1ort�.Tha cevenants and egreeme►�9s herein wn- __
<br /> tained shall hind,and the rights hareunder shatl inure to,the respecUve sua�assflrs end assigns et Lender and Trustor.All
<br /> covenants and agresments of Trustor&hall be 1oi�t and severaJ.The captions and headings ot the paragraphs of this Deed of _ ___ _ ___ __
<br /> • Trust are for convenience oniy artd are not to be used to interpret or deflne the pmvisions hereof. �-��•�_- ,
<br /> : {e)Requos4 far Motices.The partles hereby requsst that a copy o4 eny notice of deTautt hereunder and a copy of any notice �.:d;:.:-_� ��_��
<br /> of sale horeundar ba maited to eacA paRy W this Deed ot Trust et the addr+ess set torth above in the manner prescribed by �,,� �=—
<br /> " ,� :y_,-
<br /> • appticahte Iaw.Except tor any other noUce requ(red under appltceble taw to be given in another manner,any notice prov3ded tor �; �: . w�-'�, '+�,
<br /> in Uils Q�2d of Trust shalt be given by mailing such notice by ceRified mail addressed to the other parties.at the address set ''''• '`:�: "`
<br /> .. bM a6ove.My notice provided for in thfs Deed of Trust steatt be eftecUva upon maiUng in the manner desigr►ate�herein.If �"��
<br />• Trustor is more than one person,notiag seM to the aQdress set forth above shall be noUce to sll such persons. . ��vv ,T-:
<br /> : , ust . . : -
<br /> : (�(nspection.Lender may make or cause to be mads reasonable entriers upon and tnspecBons of the Property,provided
<br /> ,,,. .., that Lender st�all give Tn�stor no8ce pdor to eny such inspaclion specifyirtg reasonable cause therefor retated to Lendars inter- �: � ,... ,t �
<br /> :t:..�:.�.
<br /> . est in the Properly.
<br /> (g)Reconveyanee.Upon payment o!afi sums secured by this Dead of Tn�st,Lender shall request Tn,stee to reoonvey the , 'T"""F`� -`_
<br /> � Properry and shall surrender this Deed of Trust and atl nota�evtdandng indeb2ednsss secured by thts Oeed of Trust to `'`��' •�- -
<br /> .. . .r. Trustee.Trustee shall reconvey the Property.w3tihaut warranry and wtthout charge to ths petson legally ent3lfed thereto.Trustor � .:�,.. ..�,�•
<br /> . shatl pay all costs or recotdaUon,if any. . �.-,
<br /> � �� (h)Personal Pro�erty:3ecsirity/igresmeM. As additlonal secudty for the payrnent of the Note.Trustor hereb rants �° �
<br /> . : :� yg ' �.,_ .
<br /> Lender unQer the Nebraska Unfform Gommeroial Code a sa�s+dty intecest 6n aii fbcwres,equiprtrent,artd o9her personat property , . . . ,
<br /> �• used trt c�iaectlon witfi the real estate or improveme�s located thereon,and not othanKise dedared or deemed to be a paR of ,;.;' � ;�^� �
<br /> the�ea��'.:.+a secured hereby.This instrument shaii ba construed as a Secud A reement under sa�d Cade,end the Lesr�ar ;. `� ,• ;��� '.`='�'�
<br /> tY 9 ,. �..,.;,: :•.,,,:
<br /> . . sfiall hzrre�A fhe dghts and reme�ias �f a secured party uaider Ead Code in add'Non to the dgt►ts and wmedies unt�r�7a:s .:v:, -.• .r�fl c,•.: A • _
<br /> � � paragraph shall be cumulativa wlth,a��irt ao way a limitation on,Lenders rights and remedles uRdar any other sec�tity a�r� _<-{�� �?. ._ ''=�`, ,
<br /> ' � rrsent signed by Borrawze mr T►�t�star. ��:"��'•';����.
<br /> (�Lbns and En�z�.Trus28r hereby�va��Tanis a�d represents that tharo is no detault under tha y��istons m1 r�ny ;�, . '�, -,•;: ;,,.%;"''
<br /> mortgage.deed ot truy:."»Lae or Rur�ct�asa conUract�esa(bing all or any part oi 2`se Property.or othe�ConL�.insburY��Qi ':;��'t,:.i;;,�.;�'7••i",`
<br /> agreement constituting a tien or��oimnbrance agatnst all or any part ot the Praperty(caltecdvety.`l.iens',exisUng as c�� - •' '
<br /> date of this Deed of Trust,and that s:�y and afl exisUng Liens remain unm�fled except as disdosed to Lender in Trustofs wclt ��.,.r;,, . .'r�, �.,
<br /> tan disclosure of I�ens and encumbrances provided tor here(n.Trustor shatl timely perfocm all of Trustors obUgatfons. .'',��;.�•� �-+�•
<br /> ' covenants.represerrtattons end warranUes under eny and all exlsttng and tuture Uens,shafl promptty icrward to L e n d er o o p i e s .. �.�,°•:`��- ..
<br /> o!aN notkes of default sent�n oonnactlon wfth any and all exisUng or future Liens,and shall not wJBwut Lendets pdor wdtten _ . �``���
<br /> consent tn any manner madify the provlsions of or allow any tuture advances under any►exisdng or tuture ilens. :'•,,.•+'��-=
<br /> (j)Ap�;,�ttions o1 Paymetsffi.UNess otherwise requlred by taw.sums paid to Lender hawunder.irfctu�ng without imNa- ��'�r A �A�-
<br /> .:�'f'y:...I--���.�..
<br /> tton pay�r-m:�ts oi principal and(r�terest.insurance proceeds.condemna�on proceeds and re�a.-�d p�fiis.st�ail be aPWiEd bS► '�,'+�;,,�,b..�•-
<br /> .' � Lender to she amounts due antl owiag ftom Trustor and barrower in suct�order ats Lender fn i�sole dtscreSon deems desir- • ___;�_� __''''�•':
<br /> I i: fi�.. . ,„.�,,,-�-T�,n� -
<br /> . 8�6. ���++S�+Awt.''"�_
<br /> ��� (k)Ssw�sb(11ty,i���rovision of Ws Deed o!Trust oonflkts urM �t3w or is deciared invalE�av cstherwise unen- • : �
<br /> ePD1� '....�t�f
<br /> '''.�;;.; toreeabie.suct�wnflicf mr d�validity shall not affecf r�other pmvisians of tts�i t7�a2d af Trust or the Note�qn be�hren `� . ,°,�.-.
<br /> •.•�'�/`� eHect witl+.au4 the c��ictizg pravis!an�nd ta thls end the provts.'ans�?th:s�ee�af Trust and�Note are deda�ed to be sev- �'• ,r�
<br /> �.,�s � �' .. , -.,-
<br /> �..�---.�...
<br /> ':�,,f;�.,�• } erab{e. ----f1�-�
<br /> (9 4�rma.The terms°Yn�stof'a,��'Bortowe!'shall include both singular and ptural,and wlien tlua Trustor�and Bor�wer are �"----
<br /> .,•;`a`"� the came person(s).thase terms as used in ffiis Oeed ot Trust shafl be interchangeable. ..� � � ��^��
<br /> •� (m)6ovimin�Law.TdUs Deed ot Trust shall be govamed by the lavra of th��ate cf tVebraska. ,. ,, ���'�`�
<br /> ,. ��'.l:tkl ��- ^r•. ,.,.i�;.--•y � -.—..
<br /> �4�!'A"!.,_�:: _
<br /> , l5rt S) '1��"�KLa_°��
<br /> + f —''s"
<br /> �.f„%�' . -_ .,;;�,���'li�� _.--. .�-
<br /> '��1:� . . .l_:1��+� '.'' •J.-_
<br /> � '�-:
<br /> , �ta�.tr�•f•'"�ar 'i?�i°
<br /> _.. �'_ri.���%2t.?.
<br /> MY. 'g2"�' - _
<br /> �.. '�4.���t��'...."_.__,__�_.
<br /> '. . .��;' i� �ti�;�,`<t;•; . . �
<br /> Trustor has executed Deed of Trust 1 e date w�Cwn aEove. `�""� ---�-
<br /> ; _1 a i�k'.
<br /> ��:::,�
<br /> - . . _ . i . • � .T►ustor Tnistor ��*.�—
<br /> ���
<br /> , �,::.::�-� --
<br /> .. -,.-=.�a_,.,�_
<br /> ';'�--'=----- �_,_.
<br /> : .�. � Tnutor Trustor ::--�,;:_;�_::w�.Ft�•��.._
<br /> - . _ �����
<br /> .- .�
<br /> .� ------ -- -
<br /> ; , . . v;��s:._-_
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<br />� . . "_ _T'.,(ni�r.•-� -
<br /> T.4�. ��.
<br /> �.. ., _ ..._ �
<br />. . . � . . .- . �.
<br /> ._-----..-_- ----;—:------ ';__.-<.
<br /> ` .
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<br /> ' - ' ' _ � .. , � .. � ... . . �. . . � � � . ..V _ . '_ � � .. .., .
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<br />