x , . � .::�: -�2
<br /> 97-���� �: ��=_...
<br />� �:�:_..:_. .. .
<br />• �' `��;,t:.t(.m:ra�s��
<br /> ,,. `proceads�In conr.sc�4ton with conxlemnaUon or other taJdng of the Pra�serty or part thereof,or tor conveyance in Ii�u of oondemnatan. � - -
<br /> Lender shall be eniitlsd ei iis opiIon to cammence,sp�aar in and prosecute in its atim nama any acticn er prcceesliags,and shari alsa :��`-`"""r.��
<br /> � ba entiiiad ta malce any oompromiss or settlemsnt in aonnecUon vrith such talds�g or damage.�n the sveM any partian ot the Pro�erty is - ` � .
<br /> '�• so taken or damaged.Lender shafl hava the optlon in its sole and absofute dtscreUon,to apAly all such procesds. after deducdng � . �:.<<
<br /> tharetram et1 oosm and expanses i�a�r�ed by it In connection witt►such Praoesds,upan any indebtednass securesf hareby snd in sa�� �'� " . - • ":
<br /> 6rder as tsndar may determine,or to aPPh►e!!such Psooeeds,att9r suex►deducUons,to the resiar�tior+ot ths Peo�nY ugnn such coo- .` � . :.,��.���
<br /> , ditians�s Lender may determine.Iany epplicatlon of Proceads to indeDtsdness shall noi eMand or postpone 4he due date of any pay- � '-�-��-
<br /> � mants under the Note,or cure eny detaa�k thereunder or hereundar.My unap�lie�funds sha!!ba patd ts'Tru�r• _ _� r:��• � --_`='�'� ��
<br /> • 8.Parfomsance by Lander. Upon tha occurrence of an Event of Dafault hereunder,or if any act is taken ar lagal procsadi�g . . �' -�-
<br /> . oammertoed vfi.ch materfatly atfes�s Lendors intetest in ttie Pcaperty.Lender may in its own�6�UoP�.Dut without otlligat[on ts do so. � ' �•��-,s�e
<br /> end withaut no�ce to or demartd umon TNStor seid wSthout reteasing Trustor t�am any obfigaUon,do arry act which TrusOer has�grasd • " �
<br /> bui taifad to do and may alsa dn any ether act it dc�sms necessary to protect the securiry hereof.Trustor shall,immed'iateiy upon .. � .F; ;`.:;.1�.r
<br /> �,�;_, demand then�for by Lender,pay to lender all costs and expenses incurred and sums expendsd by Lendsr In connecdon with the exer-
<br /> ass by Lenslsr o!the toregcinc�rigtita,togather vriU►inierest therean at the detauit cate provfdsd in the Note,whtch shall6e added w �` t ��Y�
<br /> . the indsbtec.+ness secured haraby.Lender sfiatl not inaur arry liabiliiy because o!enything it may do or omi4 to 6o hereundar. • • ^�..,�tia-
<br /> • 9.Natardous ltabriats.Tnisior shall keep tho PropeRy in comptiance witl�all applicable laws.or+dinanc�ss and regulatlons ,.
<br /> � retating w tndustrial hygteae or onvlronmenta!protectIon(oollectheery reterred to herein as"Environmental tat�.TrusEOr shaU kesp I `.:�^ • �`� ° —
<br /> the Property f�ae trom all substances deemed to be t�azardous or Wx(c under any Envircnm2nlal Laws(colte�t(valy Bferred w hereln t,„,,;,.;,.•,;�,;;�=s�;- ::.�-:—
<br /> � as°Haz�dcus Mate�.Tnist+or hereby wartants and rep�se�to Lender that there sre no Hazardaus Materla�on or under the `::'Y,����-- -
<br /> Pro�erh.Trtt�r hsceby agrees to indemnity and hatd haimiass Lertder,its diredo�s.officers.empfoyees and agents.and en)I suo�s- 1-_ __j ._
<br /> - ,;.�4�,
<br /> sals to Lendets interesl.fram and against any and al1 ciaims,damages,lossss and liabilities arising in connedion witi�the presence. _ - `
<br /> use.disposat or transpart of any Harardous NlaLedais an.under,from or about the Property.THE FOREGOINti WARAAN'RES AND °=v:�
<br />� � �s�Cal. :�' .-f
<br /> aECOawevaHr,�oFnaES o�o��us-r. ;�;F -'�,-=�-
<br /> ' 10.Assl�metsTs at Renta Tnistor hersby assigns to Lender,and grants Lentlsr a securiiy i�rterest in,aJ present,tuture and ��� .. � _�
<br /> ';-I� after ari�^ing rents,issues and pmfi�sof tho�ropaRy;pravided that T�ustor shall,un�f the occurren�e of an EvQnt of Qefa�ilt,hareunder. • � :.
<br /> :i3,• have the r(gM to oolieci and�etatn six:h�tssues and prafits as th�y ksoome due and payabie.Upon the oa:uRence ot an E�t af _ � .:`��,;.*�
<br /> Detault,Lendet may,either in pe�..on or by agent,with or without b�is*�jrs¢arry action ar proceeding,ar by a receivar appoirited by a �� ���' '-: _�-->
<br /> � court and wtthout re�rd to tfie adequasy o1 its sscurity,en2rr upon en��po�sessc.�+of the Property.or arry paR thereol.In its own .y� `�.;�'�";'F�'
<br /> -=;. name ot tn the name of tl�e Tnis�ee,and do arry ac�s�:�h it deems�ssacY cr dc�irabte to pceserve the�,marketabiliiyi or • -: `. ,:. :
<br /> - y�__;.., :�.
<br /> .:.
<br /> � ter�biltty of tb9 P�tpe4}l.or any Rartltiereof or Iriterest�srein.or to irsczease the ir�anra theretrom or prote�t the s�uriiy hereot and. •_'""'�'�`,::..�,=.,°-
<br /> witb or wiihout tatdng possesston ot the Property,sue tor or otherwtse ca:ecc the rents,issuas and psof'rts thereof,i.^.�3ud'ing ffi�se past ""r;=� - '�``�`
<br /> • due and unPa'•d.bl►noUtS►�ng tenar�is to make paymerrts to Lender.Lee��r maY 8PPN rents.Issues and profits.tess oosls and e�ens- __'�-----.-,
<br /> �''�`. es of operaUon and ooila�ien tns�ad(ng attomeys fees,to any indebts�ness secured hereby,all in euch order as LerFder may�ter- �' ���
<br /> ...;:. .=
<br /> :a.�� �Jne�.The er►tering upon and talung�SSession of the PropeRy.the oollect�an of such rents.issues and profits.2nd tAe e��8on : ;<,.�..,,
<br /> thereof as eforesatd sha0 not aira or w21va any detault or rtoUce ot deTauit hereundar or imralidsie any act duru�ia�sponse to such �F: ��""'`�
<br />• detauft or pu�suant to such noUce of defauit and,natwithstar�ding the conUnuanoe in possessinn of the pm�9r the oollectlon. �.�.� `�•'��
<br /> ..:�}u, �ceipt and applicatlan o!rs,Yta,issues or prafits,Trwtee and Lender shall be entitled to exercise eLary ttght proL�ed far In am,�od the . _ _ . �.'�:<.,
<br /> Loan Insuiu�enLg ar by taw upon oxurrera�ot arry Event of Qetauit,irtdud'ing wifhout limitatton ttae right to exercrcaisse the potrer o7 sate. �" �� ���.' r�K- � �
<br /> I�ridefs ri�hts and wmedies under th;s paragsaph shall tia cumutative with.ansi in no way a limtffitIon on Leade�'s d�Ts end F , �.r�-
<br /> Fwtt�er, •'�`•'�`:
<br /> . c�rt�edfas under any asslgnmeni o}leases aed rents reoorded against the Properly.L�ader.Trustee and the receiver shall be liable to :�! •. .v'}��_.
<br /> : � m;.nount onfy for Uiase�ents ectualry recehred. ,.,�" . ,.�.*�
<br /> 11.Evsnb of Dettu�i The following shali wnsHtute an Event of 0efauit under W s Deed o1 TrusC ' ,.��r_�,,.:-•� ., '- •
<br /> (a)Fa(tura to pay any inslalUnent of prkicipal or irterest a1 any oUter sum secured hereby when due: Y. _-
<br /> ' (p)p pread►c!or detauR under arry provisbn oor�tained In the Note,this Deed ot Tnist,any o!the Laan inswments,or aml � �I�� ' ' �;
<br /> other Uen or encumbrance upors the Property: �'��. `
<br /> ' (c)A wrft o}execuUon or attachment or any slmitar process shall be entered against Trustor which sr�A Oecort�e a ilen on �° �.,.:.
<br /> ' � the property or arry portlon tl�,reot or tnterest therein; -- -y ---
<br /> .-:.;sr'' (d1 T��shal!be fited Dy or against TNStor or Borrower an actlon under any present ortuture federa{,5�or other statute. �: �` '�_---
<br /> r��,,,� taw or regutaUon reiattng to banlwptcy.insoivency or other�elie!tor debiora;or tharo shall be sypointed arsy�ustee,reoetver or i ..��..�ti�-
<br /> . f:, IIQUIdBtOT 0�TNSidf 0�BOROM�BP Of C1811 OT 8fij/�dlt O�1I18 Pf0�8RS/.or th.e re�,i�ues or profits thereof.or Tnutw or Borrower ��. ::•_-;..::°�=-
<br /> � � sha�make arry ges�erat as5lgnmont tor the beneflt ot credita� ,^ ,J,,.'�:.;�., � �.;, :
<br /> : �:�'s (e)The sate,trans(er. lease�essi�ment,conveYanoe or further enaim�nce o}ell or er�y/part of cc Ery inierest in the _.`. ��1,�:
<br /> Properly.efther votu�rity or irnduntardy.without the exp�ess wrltten car��st:ai'r Lender,provlded that Tn�sha11 be pertntt - --�-.�i;�;;�,,•
<br /> t8'd fA AX9C1R9 8(8aS9 ot�18 PLODB(�/1113t dD@S t10t 00�11din 811 Q{j(16t1 I17.�IC�sF�@ 8l1d fh9 teR11 O}WQ11CP1 d06S llOt 07m86V OT�B '�"' . �t ri•,�__•
<br /> , y� . �l�1la�'�.��"�
<br /> . : (f�ADandotment of tt�e Propedy:or � �'`��.
<br /> ,.:,:,�.,.:��,:_r�`.;.
<br /> . � (g)It Tnistor is aot an iMtvidual.ihe isssiance.sale.Uansfar.essignment,conveyanee or enqimbranoa ef more triar+(N a °� �n:��_n-,'
<br /> " corporailan)e Wla1 of percent o!its Issued and outstending siock.or pi a partnership)a ta�:dr per- . . : . ,.�,���"};.
<br /> cerrt of partnership interosb,or pt a limitsd IiabiiRyr oompanY)a total of peroent o1 the G�rniUed liabiGty oompa- - ,'`�'
<br /> . ny tnterests or vo4ing r{gMs Qudng the pedod this Deed o1 Trust remalns a Ilen on the property. ; .'�::�',•'_—
<br /> � 12.R�rtfadi�;Aecsterarion ttpon Dsfauit in the event of any Event of Oetauit Lender may.wfthout norice except as ro��ired ,f�r'� �=_-:=._-�-,_,
<br /> ..;:.,.,,
<br /> � by iaw,dedare a11(ndebtednes�secucbd hereby to be due and payabte and ttte same shaU theroupon beoome due and DaYa3�+a with- �t�t ::.._... :a„''.,: .
<br /> � � aut any Qresenbnent,demand.Protest or notfce of a klnd.TP�ereafter Lender m �,~. t'-: , ��`°�`:
<br /> rry � ,�3�.�..�:;• __. ..
<br /> • (a)�emar�d tfist Trustee exercise the POWER OF SALE granted herein.end Trustee shall thereafteT.�usa Tn�stw's inter- ';,.,, . �;`�
<br />