. .. .. .; ..„�. ....__�____, �_ . . __
<br /> . , ... . _ _
<br /> . ..
<br /> � ------ ---�
<br /> Js.� �/'�����6! COVEt�ANTS � , - ,-
<br /> E A =
<br /> L pa�msrtts. Sar►ower agreas to make a0 gaymenta on tt+e satured debt ��an Que. Unte,a Borrower and Lende� ag�ea otherwise, any � • �d .
<br /> ' � pgymetqg Lpfqar roeeives from 6orcowor or for Bartower'a Dettefit►vill Ce applied first to arc� amounts 8ortower cwas on the secured debt
<br /> ' exelusive of�Merest or prinayal,eetort0 to i�rest,end then to pr+napai.It QarUat prepeyment of tha sacwed Ceht ocaue!or any reason,it wlli ;::'�
<br /> � not roduce or elcu�su any achCduiad Oaymont eantil�he sscured de4t is paid ir►tuil. . �
<br /> I 2,qatms Qganst TiBo.Borrower wili pay all Taxes,asaessments,end othe►charges arttriCutaDte to tRe roparty v�hen duo snd wiU dofend tiUe � ." . . �'
<br /> •j t
<br /> to tha propo, against any Ciaima whieh woutd im�alr tne Gen ot tRis deed ot trust.Letxter may�eQuire�crrowar to assign any righia,clalm3 0� �''
<br /> :- j defensea wh�Bottower may have aga3nst Darties vrho supply►abot or matarials to improve or rseaintain the propepty. c-
<br /> , ' ra e insured under terma acceptable to lender at Hartcwe►'s ezponso and for Lender's bsoefit. AII � ---
<br /> • 8.Uuuwu�. BoROwer witl keep the p D nY , ,
<br /> �- ; insurenee polida+sAalt inetude a stendard mortgage dauso in favor o!Lender.Lender wi110e named as loss payea or as the insured on any euch �
<br /> i msurance policy.Any insuranee procaeds may 6o appliad,witliin Lender's disaetion,to either t�o reateraUOn or repa'n ot the 6amaged property ; �" �
<br /> or to the cecured debt.If Lendar requircciss mattgage insuraneo.Barrower agreCS to maimain&ueh inserance tor as tong as Lendar requires. •
<br /> ` 4.Rroy�rty.Bono�aer witl kaeD the proparN 1n good condition and maka all repairs reasonab�y necessary. f - � .
<br /> 6.Exger�a�a.Borcower agrees m pay aU Lender'e eucponsas,induding reasonable attomeys'fees,if Bonowar broaks any covenaMS+n this deed i ` ' ..
<br /> ' • � of trust or in any obligation secured by tfiis dead of trust.Borrower vnl�pay theso emoums to Lender as providsd in Covenarrt 9 at thi�Esad of i;-- -- -:-. -.- ---
<br /> 1 trust. f 'v' .' , , �
<br /> . j 8.Prfa S�aatty h�Urssts.Untess Borrovver first ohmins Lender's writtan consen4 Borrowor vwill not make or permit any chartges to arry prior k , ,.
<br /> • seewity inteteste• Borrower will perform aIl of Borrower's obligations under any prior mortgage,dead ot trust et other security agreemen2, t , , , _
<br /> including 8onower's covenarr[s to make paYments when due. ., . � ,
<br /> .N�_�:,, r - . _,. _�..��:r-
<br /> 7.Aast of Rerria artsi PtoHm•Bo►ra�vet asst8ns to Lender the rertts and profits of the pr�perty.Untess Bortower and Lendar have agresd . • ..
<br /> ' otherw se in writing, 6orrower may cotlect er�d ratain tha rentc 9s long as Bortower is nut in defauR.I!Borrower d�fault3, Lender, Lender'e _ . .-
<br /> ageM,or a court appoirtted coceiver may take possession attd manage tha property and eallect the rents.Any renta tender colleet�shull te , -..�
<br /> nec��essary related expanses.Th re emafning amount of ont3 vn�lt then a P��aDayments on,Uie sewre debt as p ovided ingCa�onant Sarty other , _
<br /> ' 8,�dds.Co�Wort�ir�iurt�s;�amed t3dt QsvYo�r�.Bartov�er agrees to camply with the provisions ot any(easa if thls deed of trust is an . .�..;r.,�:'
<br /> a leasehald. If this daed of trust is on a unit in a canQominium or a planned unit developmeM, Borrower will perfortn atl af Barrower's dutlas �.. s��+
<br /> � under the covonarrts,by-(aws,or regulations of the condomin'um or planned unit devefopmenL �
<br /> , .«.... .
<br /> �' ! 8.Avtha�o�Land�r to Pwfarm tu*Bortuwr.If BOROWAf f81I8 t0�perform any of Bortower's duCes anQer this dned of trust, Lender may •
<br /> ws,•.���•�1
<br /> �tf;....
<br /> ' ' perform the duUes ar eause them to Ee perEoamed.Lender may si8n Borcov�ers nama or pay airy amaum N neoessary far pertorrreance.If arry • ' , ��;?�,+,� �
<br /> � constructton on thspraDerty is dissorninuad or not carried an in a raasonabfe manner,Lendet may Qo wt�ataver is necassery to Drotect Lenders ��?=-�•�>z�±�-'"
<br /> � secircity iMerest in the property.Th(s may inctude cempteting the eonsuuctian. , :'`'i�%�'-�.r;
<br /> ' ...1 . . :f�,"�'_.. .
<br /> , :I Lereders taiture to perform�nll nat preelude Lender t�om exerclsing any of its other rights under tfie law or this deed of trust • Y '�°'
<br /> ��:���
<br /> Any amounts pai�by zender to protact lenders security irtterest will be secured by this deed oi Vust.Such amounts�viN be 6ue on demand - ,: -;y-�T'��r'�
<br /> � - and wiU bear intarest from the date of the payment urrtil peid in full at the irrterest rate in effect on the secured Qeb� ,_".-;•--�. -
<br /> �p, Q�{��d pccdrraUan. I} Borrower faits to meke any paymerrt when due or 6roalcs any covenants under this deed of bvst or anV '. ''� .�
<br /> ' ' obligattan securat!by this deed of trust or arry Drior morcgage or deed of vust,Lsndar may acce!arate the maturity of tha saCUred debt and :
<br />• � , demand immeAiato Dayment and may iovoke the Fawar of sale and any other remedies Cermitted by applicable law. • . " <-, : �:����
<br /> � . � !7.R�qu�s!far Notles of D�fadt It ia hereby roquestad that wpias of tt�e notices of dafeult and eats be sent to each De�rson who is a party .,-'�- • �
<br /> Is2reto,at tfie adQress of each such person,as set torth herein. =� •
<br /> . : . ..?. --q�' .
<br /> � � � 12.PowK af Sat�.M tho Lende�invokes the power of sale,Me Tructee shall first reeorA In the o�ce of ffie register of daeds of each county �•''��' •' �r �
<br /> ' .i• v�herein the trust property or some part a pareel ihereof ia situato6 a notice of defauft coMa(flinp the informaUon required by Iaw.The Trustes ' ` �' �'�i -
<br /> shatl also mail wpies o!the notice of detauti to the Boaower,to each person who is a party hereto,and to otl�er persons as prescribed by ��,"��;�" ;.:4,;_'
<br /> � � applicable law.IVot toss tfian ane morrth after Uie Trustee reeords the notiae of dafautt o� two manths M the vust property ec noi in any ��j.�.t�4:, , _.
<br /> incorporated ctty or villaga and is used in ferming operations carried on by tAe trustor.the f�ustae sfiatl ghre public notice of eale to the persons .v�.• ._ :.
<br /> � sn�in the manner preserib2c!b1r appplicable law.Trustee.�ithout domand on Borrow�.�naft sell tl�e property at pu�t¢auation to the highast b�° �' � „i °v.
<br /> �i�3er.If requved by tha Fam Hamestead Protec2ian Acc.Yr;�tee shall oHer the preg�;n tvio separate sales as�a,�ir•ed 6y appficabte Iaw. ..�-w � � r. ,_
<br /> � i'ivstee may postpone sa:e of•ail or erry Darce�of tha prcutx?e by public announceme:rt a":.he time and ptace of arry Ctza�4�usl�ac1�e�:uled sale. "�`' �. �':; ,`::�-
<br /> Lender or its designes may Qurchase the property at em+sgte ' ��
<br /> i•�F..; "�i .i.
<br /> � ' Upon roeefpt of Daym ent of the prtce b(d,Tn�stee shall deliv�tc�sha pn c�aaor Trustee's deed conveying ths property.The raaitiats cant�fied In •��__•�-� �.•'3�°�, _
<br /> � Trustea's deed shall be pricns faG1e evidIance of the Vuth o!t"�s[utemanta contai�ad thetein.Trwtee sheU apply t#te prccseds of the sala in tho - ;,�-�.� �� •,,
<br /> fotlowiny ordet: (al to atl axper�ses o9 the sale, inctuding, Lut not fim:ied to, reasonabte Yrustee's tees, reasonabte attomeys teea and �''^'•
<br /> relnata2emant tees;(b}to all sums aecured by tNa deed of trust,and(c)tha Oatance,if any,to�he parsons Iegally eMitted to recafire it ..�•���e,,;;.;;_%�=L�,_
<br /> ' 79.For�elaa��.At Lender's optian,thts deed of wst may be torectosed in the manner provide by applicabta law for torectosure of inertgagea ''-�"-�� •��r -
<br /> . �:._
<br /> �1�`' �
<br /> • on real property _
<br /> • 7q, Lender may erter tha pro�-Ty to i�spe�t it i!Lende�gtves BaROwer noUce beforehsind.The notice must stam tho reesonabfa < s�"�1°1Q"
<br /> h
<br /> causs r Lender's inspection.
<br /> °�.'��,
<br /> 16,CwiQ�rrwattion.Boaower asslgns to Lender tAe proeeada of any awarA or clafm tor damages eonnected with a wndemnaUon or other taking w�Sa s•;�- ,,;.. ,;_.
<br /> � of all or any part of 4ho vrc�.Such prooeeda will bo a�,Ned as provlded In Covenam 1.This asstgnmem is subJect W t�a term9 0}eny prb► ���3.Si�,�,�.•� --
<br /> ._,.,z.-.-
<br /> aecurity agreement. ►-�r•er,l•`
<br /> �`;_
<br /> r� � 78.Waivu.Bf►exereisin any remadv available to Lender,Lsnder doas r.at pivo uA any rfghta to leter use anY other comedy.By not exerclsing .: �_. ----- -
<br /> . `��� any remedy uC[n Bcrrower'e Qefault,LenQer does not waive any dgitt ta tttra+consiQor the avertt a delauft if it happena ageln. ,, �~`.� �� �:
<br /> 17, Jotet�d'3averd U��, Caatpne�a; Suceoasors ena Aaat�a�. All QuUes under this Cead oi trust are jolnt and severat. Any ���� .
<br /> f•�owrr wSw co-aign3 thts deed oT trust but doea not co-sign the u�derlvtng Qebt insttument(s) does so only to grorrt end convey that .�;���-°°
<br /> 1�-rawePe iMerest in tho property to the Trustee unQer the tarms of thls deed of uust.In additlon,such a Bonower agtees that the Lender and =
<br /> � an�r other Bortower under this deed of truat maY extend,modifv or make any other chanpes in tha terma ot this doed of trust or the secured _.-�""°;"'�:.�,-�`
<br /> � CeDt wlthaut ffiat Borrowers consent and without reteasing tt►at�onower fram tAe terma o!this 6eed of trust. • � •� +-:
<br /> '' ��. The dutles�s0 benefite of thls deed oi Vust ahall btnd and 6onefk the successora and asslgna of Lander�.�C Borcowor. "'�' • �"'
<br /> , M����s .".�`
<br />...,;`�}�,V; . •LT�.£'.d7���y��i..
<br />' 18.Notleo.lt.^:esa ottrorwlae requUed by law,any notice to Borrower shail be given by detivering h or my meifing it by certif'�ed mafl addressed to ��'�`=-'?�?*+`�ea`-'.
<br /> � Borrowa►at tho properlV address or eny�other eddress that Bonower has 9iven to Ler�t►.Bono�ver will give arty rto±�ce to Lender by cerHfleB .:.�;� ' �-
<br /> � mail to Lendar's aQdresu�n Qage 1 of UU�deed of trust,or to any other addross whlc`+La�9or h�a destpnated.Arry�+ur notice to LenQer ahall • • .• ^ e...
<br /> b0 seni to Lende�s ad�r:�a�stated on page 1 oi thls deed o!trust. ' �'•��•r'�����_-'.
<br /> Any notice�t�:!Ltie Qeemsd to have been qiven to Bottoti��o�Lende�when phren In tha manner statod above. �`����-�-
<br /> °.aar,:z.s.�.a:.,::
<br /> 19.Transfsr c9 th�P�rop�rty a a B�ns�3dY f�nst tn ttN Boaoww.It�3?or any part of the propertv or any intereot in It is sotd nr�ansferte� ��-y���v��
<br /> withput Lr]t�Gar's piior written conteat,Londor may�emzr.d imma�a.^.�payment of tM seeurod debt. Lendar may atso demand immediate
<br /> , � demand paymertt in the above situatlor�is f itp isaprohi ited Gy federal Iaw�f tfie datero1 hls deed�o}trust nsfortod. Howover, Lender may not �• � '. `
<br /> � 20.R�e�»yane�.WAen the obligetion securod by this Cead of trust has boen paid,and Lendar has no furthsr o4?ietrtion to make advances � .
<br /> under tho(nstruments or egreemeMS sewred by thls dsed o}trust,tAe Trustee sha0,upon wrltton roquast by the Ir�nder, reconvey the uust ,�±� ���; �
<br /> • property.The Londor a�a0 deliver to tha Bonowar,or to BonoweYa sutcessor in intetost,the trust deed and the note or other evldence of the '_
<br /> obllgation so saUsfled.Borrowar ahall pay any reeordation eosts. .
<br /> 21. Suee�saor Ttustb. Lender, at Lender's o iion, may remove T►uatoe and appolnt a suecessor trustoe by fhot, mailing a copy of the .
<br /> � � substituUon of uuetee as required by apy��eabte Paw,end then,by fiting the substitudon ot uusiee for record In the office of the rogistor of daeds • . —
<br /> � of each eounty in which the trust property, or some part thereof,is situatod.Tha succossor bustoe,without eonvoyance of the property,shall .
<br /> sueeeed to aIl tho pov�er,Quties,authoritY and titte ot the Trustee namad in the deed of trost ond o!any suceessor Uustoe. : • � .
<br /> � . . �
<br /> . - � • � , .
<br /> . lDeye 2 0l 21 i _ '
<br /> oar�mssrshMS.�«c..sT aow.nnr�eeao����soaae�t3ancasu�ocv�eTC�e+�ena�s� ---- -- - f
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