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<br /> - DEED OP TF�UST �, •.•v � o —_
<br /> � � c�3 -
<br /> . � pqp��•This Oaed oi Trust is mad3 on ,among the Grantor, BIICHNB L M�T�� „ , _
<br /> AND LETHA J. (YICINTOSH� H 1•Barrower•1,
<br /> � �asrmm � 8naerr, n,�rPOR*� — — � ' . ,_�'-•
<br /> vrfiose residence adQress is �.:x �9nT_,^-�^a *���^a a��� County,fQe6raska 1'Tnistae'1,and tt�e Beneficiary. 0 . .
<br /> ,a corporation organized \
<br /> _,.�i:.a�:�
<br /> � and extstln9 under the lawa of r7&atzasua whose address is �71 SntfsR � aT STIZRRT� �•Lender'1• , . ---- -•-
<br /> fy.�`Y�..
<br /> � Cpl�/yEyqNC@:Fnr value received.Bortower inevocably grants snd conveys to Trustee,in tru.'t,v+ith power of sate,the real property,of which ��l � _����
<br /> ' Bortowar is lawfuly seized, desuibed 6etow an0 ail br�itdings,fixtures, and existing and future improvemeM6���� i��Oh1��f-way, --_ �
<br /> � easemems, �ems, issuas, profits. irtcome, tonemenis, hereditame�ts. PrimRleBes e�d any appurtenances thereurtto Cetonging (a!1 calted the T �„�--,,;:��
<br /> '' Netiraske ,�-�'"f,°' '
<br /> PROFERTY1 Afi3DRESS: sn c a ��mtr e� , �•nnw�r+ Tcr.LNi) . 6flaf17 � . :�.
<br /> saa�n tcuri ma c°°" � ._�y '' _ _ ._ .
<br /> LEQAL D�CAIPTION: - '�
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<br /> . tocated in �,'�'�rD Ta nxn, ttAi.T. COUlIttV.NeLraske. `'`�': e...
<br /> TfTLE:Bartower coren��:d wzrea-.t3 ftie to tha�rcSaraZy,exeePt tor °� .9 �'_-_-.
<br /> , �•
<br /> � � � SECa1RED OEd'T:This deed of trust �s to Lender repaymert of the secu►ed debt and ffie pe�formartte of the eovena�and agreemertts � +
<br /> " � wrrtainod in this deed of trust and in ar�other do�vment incorporated herein.Sacured debt,as used in this deed of trus4 Inciudes any amounts ; . . � f., :t_�,
<br /> • Borrower owes to LenEer unQer this deed of Vust or under any insdument seeured by tt�is deed of trust,and ail modifieations,extensions and � �..
<br /> ' renewats thereot. '�� -'�� _
<br /> The sewred debt Ia evidonced 6y(1Jst all tnswmer�ta artd agreemerrta sewred by this deed of vust and the datos thereoi.l: __
<br /> � A PA(�11� CCO t t3ATg AT�m SF TT{t D[�RRS7MSN'P �ATRD JSV�1[IARY 9 14A7 -:. � :Y•,'-�;�—
<br /> lf1�.GUF/�� ��
<br /> �Futiw Advanas:The e6ove amourtt ia searred eve��srn:gt�at1 or part of it mayr��t yet be aQvance0.Fudue afirunces are ny:
<br /> .q�. .. .."�'°s���;°•";
<br /> � eo�emplated end wi(I he securad to the same extent an�i r-:ade on tfle dete this dee�of trust is ezecated. f>j���y � .
<br /> ❑Revoivin�line oi ued'rt a�eement dated ,w3th initlal annual intertzc¢rata o! %. `�fs���+`�,�`v;;��,F,{%�`��:
<br /> `•! �- Ail amouma owed under Uils eBreecnem av secured even though at a..r.r.:rts may not yet be advr�3.Future aQvancas under �.� ;�a�}�ff}�y�ti���y`;Y,;
<br /> .'► the agreement ere corttemplated and v�nil tr�secured to tf�e same extarn aa if made on the date this d`xed of trust is oxecuted. • 1}��1�«�:��h ;_
<br /> t< <i,
<br /> , The above obligatlan is due artd�.�.1�te on JA1�7III1�fY T�,,. 1990 if not paid eariiar. ��t�y�
<br /> � The total unpaid Ealance secure4 4J5,+tt+is deed of uust at any cro�me shall not exceed a maximum principal amount of �=�°_
<br /> -- _ e ,� �„fl�., fl�n.rv s,v nr,m Hn/�nn _Oollare(9�,Sa6 0 1.D�us intarest, ���-�._._�"'"`.
<br /> • plus any amounta dicbursed undar tl�e terms af this deed of vust to protect�n security of thia deed ot truat ov to pertorm any oi the � -*�r���•:bYr,s.��'.;,_
<br /> cavsnarrca wrttciineA inthia Eeed ct bvst,with intereat on suc7��is�ursennents. � .._� �`��''y'' �� �
<br /> �.d
<br />. rtt -�'•t:� . �.=.
<br /> C�'V��Hatr The irtterest ra�r on the obligatlon socured Cy�iina deed of vust may vary according to the terma of that abOgaUon. ,,5-:_,.�-�-•�,_�
<br /> � •� 0 A capy of the loan ag�eemant corrtaining the terms uc.da�whicA the interest rate may vary is attachad to thla deed of trust and •r.�-r-g.,•.-+.: •�.
<br />' � made a part heteoi. '�, x ^
<br /> aaerf3NP�3'P �F RT+.N'PC ❑ ''tJl':•?rt,S'..'. .—__.
<br /> RIDERS: ❑ Commerclal � r,•�, " �'
<br /> F�nsuarrt to the farm Homeator�Frotoction Act.deslpnatian at��vmestead ❑ is ettae�m�h�s deed ot trust and mcde a part Mreof � ,. ,.:,.,�M,��,;;•.�.,
<br /> ❑ has been dlsclalrrwd;tho disctaimer i�atteched to thls Qeed of uu�and made e pert hareof. -^""�. ,. .`'`�'; '
<br /> s:-, , >.�.,...:, � ..
<br /> � St�NATURES:By nlQr�rg bdow.BWtBWM i�N t0 t�:A txms�rid cov�nxR�contai►�G in tHs dwd of trutt,tnciu�nD thas�an Pa�2.�nd G+ . �. . ,
<br /> usy dQits dneriMd�buv�aigNA by BanowN. - �--_ -_-
<br /> � .�� /��.�,�`c�/�v .'� :��
<br /> ' ' .,:
<br /> • Et7 MCitsrosa LETHA J. MCINTOSH �
<br /> ACKNOWLEDQMENT:STATE OF NCBRASKA, r:Rat�m TSi.IITTI'f� t�iD�i. ���1Y eg� `� • . �;.
<br /> --t-"'------�--
<br /> Tho foregoing instrumont was acknowtedgad betare me on this.._ �� day of Tnta[inRy., AA�_.. • . , +��
<br /> - by mrnar�u r. NeTtrrnsFt pNfl I FTHA T_ (y1CTN7CISH , HUSBAND aND WIFE __ • , �:�
<br /> • . RNO(�1 . _ - .
<br /> ' _ CprpOqte Or O} — — '- fltMi0O1 CG+DO��tian or Vm'tMtituD) - . . -
<br /> V�rtrNt�lp — .
<br /> ao�+eo�a+� � �HEA��_���M r ___ _ ____. _ _ Gehalt ot tho Co►porotion or partnorehip. � ,
<br /> MY commissi �y��el E�p NBY. 1 �Q�
<br /> � _?���f/_'� . r-Y�-
<br /> ' -• iSe iNOtmy V�:cf � ' _ ....
<br />_- __ _____ it7rS inStruh�Wd dlda i7t8{IoTHS hV_.-'A'F. ' •LA••S.^. ._— ' . _ --._.__- _ ._ _ _ .. • __-_ _.-_- - .._.
<br /> �,9as��tERSSYSTE)dS.INC..n.uoua. �ct+�o.i�s.a�saanrowuoev.wra►�eo,�e�� APPLt! 0002��34 reopo �0�2� NEBRASKA ' . . • .
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