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<br />�� Should the Beueficiary hereunder b� made a party to aaq action affecgiag , � , � " �
<br /> thie Deed of Trust. or Che title to safd gragerty, the Trustor a�rees that all • �_ �aar_
<br /> • court costs and a reasoaab2e attorney fee paid by the Beneficinry shall , `_ Q �' " ':=��-•`''�--
<br /> - hecome addit�onal ind�btedness due hereunder, aad the 27ustor hereby releasea • - � ;��
<br /> and waives all claims to eaid propertq as a homeatead exemption or other ' �.;
<br /> �._ j esemptian now of hereafter grovided bp law. `. ; . . � .
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<br /> It is agreed that in csse of default in payment af said principal or iaterest
<br /> or a hreach of any of the covenants herein, or upon anq sale or t�canafe� of the • '� `.
<br /> property by the Trustor, then said principal ssm secured and iutereat thereon may, .- ..
<br /> at the option of the Beneficiary, become due and paqable at oace. AnyChing `' � ' _ .
<br /> � , in said Idote to the contrary notwtthstanding aad possessioa of said propesctq t`�� ' � .';�'�';:�..•
<br /> will thereupan be delivered to the Beneficiary, aad on failure to deliver such ��-� �_�_ `�'
<br /> , � possesafon, the Beneficiary ehall be entitled to a receiver for esid property A ,�,=��----,:T.
<br /> F that may be appointed bq any court of compeient jurisd3ctioa. '+,' �; �:�. � .
<br /> All the covenants herein sha]1 be bindiag upon the respective heira, - �, '-��. ,ti '
<br /> ��:. peraoaal representativea, successors aad asaigae of the pasties hereto. �'e'�;�_
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<br /> . • Hxecuted oa this 3rd day of January � 19 97 . • ..-..�..�.�a���•
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<br />- ' . ��`'� ,�.,,� RosaJ.ene J. uffman ,,,�,:��'�`•`°L'
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<br /> Before me. a Notary Publf� 4ualified in eaid �c�kiq, persana].7;'c�e : �� ?��':�
<br /> " Rosaleae J. Huffman, a sin�L� person , kaowa to �e to - '1��,:�}:,�,,
<br /> - be the iden�ical perso�fs) whose name(s) is �re affixed to •theforegoing Deed �`�'��'�'-•=�-
<br /> of Trust, and ackaowledged the executioa thereof to he her voluntary `-- f��` e -
<br /> . act and deed� •��'��s,.;` •x•
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