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<br /> ,�,aa DEED OF TRIIST �� 1�vi� Q 4� : �, � � .��--.=..-
<br /> �. .�=T} .=:
<br /> , hereinafter referzed to as tlne "Truator", to �' '�^���^���
<br /> secure a Note bearing evea date hereaith for the priacipal amount of �L� THOIISAND 4 , - :�` �''�°
<br /> 12 63 . �� --
<br /> SIX Hi1NDRED THIRTY EIGHT AAID 50/100-- Dallars ($ � ) paqable . �,�"=�r'�•
<br /> to the order of GRAtID ISLAND INVESTI�NT COt�ANY, herei�nafter referred to as the , =--� ___ ���
<br />:�.x "Beneficiary", providing for pa}rment of th� entire priaci,pal balance, together ` � -�
<br /> with interest at the rate of SIXTLEN ���t ( 16.0(�� pQ= ��, : '�°�
<br /> ; fiHREE RED � 80/100---- � " --�'�=-
<br /> :, � monthlq installmeata of
<br /> F.<�� Bollars $ 306.8Q ) esrh until JAN 3 , 2002 �, at ��:�
<br /> which time all priaci.pal aad intereat psovided for by this Note sha11 have been paid, • � � �
<br /> '� do herebq grant and convey until AREND R. BAACK, Attorneq at Law, the "Trustee", __ .��.-�i �
<br /> nwSd � -�_ -
<br /> ,f9 the foll��ng-desesibed pxoperty: •�--�-
<br /> �� �
<br /> All of Lot One Hundred Twenty Seven ( IZ7) and the North Twentq Four f24) feet of Lot �..'' � ,� z �••�
<br /> Qne Hundsed Twenty Eight C�28) of Hawthorne Place, an Additioa ta the City of Grand Lsland, .,�___. .. �-
<br /> ., ,e� ,,.�r�
<br /> ;scf' fiall Covn�, Nebraska � .� '' f`
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<br />�'`_= TO HAVE ANL '� HOI.D the sama, together witb all appurteaancea, ia trust !'��,;. � ��'• �.
<br /> nevertheless, and in case of default ia the peyment of said Note or any parti �'+��� '• � �� •� �'
<br /> thereof or intereat thereoa or in the performance of aaq coveaant hereinafter �" '' ":%�°
<br /> set forth, then the Trustee ahall have the pawer to sell the above-described � �:��^
<br /> � property, aad upon requeat of the Beneficiary, the Truatee shall file for secord . ��. �,;�';��
<br /> � in the Register of Deeds• Office of Hall County, Nebraeka, a Notice of - �i_:
<br /> s Default, setting Yvzth that a breach of an obligst�on, for wt�ich the esid �raperty _ _ _ . . 1��=��
<br /> was conveyed as security, hae oceurred, a�nd sattiag fortb the nature of sucL .-:y��'� _��
<br /> ';� .. breach a.u� the Truatee's eJe�tion to se11 the psoper�y to eatiefy �Iie obligation; �t�;�� _-
<br /> and afti� the lapse of not Il�se than oae (1) �c��h, ths Trustee e1s�s�11 give •� �-,..�;� •, ;
<br /> �` ���. .•'.--
<br /> �� writtea notice of the time and place of� eale wal.ch may be between 9:00 a.m. aad ��r��`�"c"�,�'°)�-
<br /> . , , � ,�.,:;
<br /> 5:00 p.m. at the premisea, or at th� Hall Couaty Courthouae, aad part�cularly � �;�::'','���' -- _
<br /> descr�bing the property to be aold; ��'d Notice to be publfehed �ia a aewsg��es of °•?`�,
<br /> a Beaera3 cireulation in Eail Couafy, Nebraeka, once a ���.'� for fi�e (5) `_�' ;,`ry�i,'„y � �.::
<br /> ceasec�.��3ve weeks, the las2 publieation to be et least ten (10) 'c.��� but not _...,�r�'c��?;�;� _r ,_
<br /> ' more than thirty i30) days prior to ehe sale; and the ��tee shall then se� said F,�. �` �. � �
<br /> � ' property at the r��.a asd place deaigaated ia the Notice, fa the manaer pro�z�3 "'� �� • � .. �,-��
<br /> � by law in effect at the time of filiag eaid Notice, and public auction to the r
<br /> ' highest bidder for cash aad ahall deliver to auch purchasea a deed to the propertq �.��'�-
<br /> • ."s sold, consieteat witb the law in effect at that ti,me. Additionally, Truatee ahall �_ " �
<br /> ' . .Z��::
<br />� mail Trustor a copq of any Notice of Default and Notice of sale hereunder fi~ �°r,�
<br /> upon default addsesoed to them at 1204 W Atma U3, Gr�ci IsLaad,t� 68801 . Out o� the '� ���,." �
<br /> ' proceeda of eaid eale, the Truatee ehsll retain and paq firat ull fees, charges .,'
<br /> � i and costa of sale aad all moaiea advanced in the eaezcise of the pawer of sale, �' `':_:`'�''�
<br /> � �r including the payment of tha Truatee•a feea actuellq incuned, a�d pay aecond � �.'E'r�,��P•'�'�.�
<br /> the obligations secured by this Deed of Trust; and the balance, if any, shall be : ,,' �� � � �'-
<br /> paid to the person or persona legally entitled thereto. Anq peraon, iacluding the �� �- '�� -
<br /> : Beneficiary, maq purchase said property at such sale. • � � .
<br /> The truator coveaanta that at the time of delivesy Af these presents, , �
<br /> they are seized of said property in fee simple, and tbat eaid propertq is fFee � . • �
<br /> of encumbrances, except eac�brancea, easementa, rights-of�way, restrictions and � . ---
<br /> � reaervatioas of record, and they will properly maintaia the property, kesp all .•; �• �
<br /> bui.ldinge insnred for fire and exteaded coverage ia an amount equal to the '. .
<br /> . unpaid balance of the aforesaid Note, witb loso payable to the Beneficiary, and �.
<br /> � • will pay all taxes aad asseaementa against said property and amounta due on prior , .
<br /> encumbrances, and if they ahall fail to paq lasurance p�remiums or taxes on • � �; �
<br /> -° �-� amounts due on prior enc�brancea, t�ne Beneficiary may puq �he same aad aI3 ' "-�� - '
<br /> amounts so puid ahall become additional indebtedttese due hereunder; and in case � .
<br /> � � of foreclosure, Trustor will pay any reasonable attosaey feea incurred by �` . � �:1
<br /> � Beneficiary or Truatee in auch fozeclosuze psoceedinga. •
<br /> . �� . . . ,
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