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20�10�195 <br />egercis�d by I.�nder when the unavailability of insurance is solelg due bo Le�nder's failure to remit a <br />YyI61tg8g8 iD911t8IICC �}rr±mnim tD �C �3Iy. <br />7 0. Reirtstatement. Bortower has a right ta be reinstaterl if I�ender has required immediate payment in fu�I <br />becan�se af Borrower's fa�ure to pay mn amoua� due m�der tha Note ar this Se�urity Inst�ment. TWs right <br />applies e^ven at�er foreclasure prace�ia,gs are imstitv�l. To re�nstat� the Se�urity Instrument, Barrower <br />sha11 teader in a lump sum all ainounts �equired to briag Borrower's account c�urent including, to the <br />ext�nt they aze obligatio�ts of Barrower �ouader this Security �nstrument, fox�eclos�tre oosts and reasanable and <br />ta�stomary attorneys' fees aati eaper�s groperly assaciated with the foreclosure prcx�eeding. Upon <br />rair�statament by Borrowar, this Security In�u�� and the obligatiams tbat it se.ct�res sbal� rematn in eff�t <br />as if Lender had not required immediate payment in fall. However, L,ender is �t cequired to pem�t <br />reinstatement if: (i) Lender l�as accepted �insratement after ihe commencemem of foreclosare proc�clings <br />witl�in two yeazs immediately pr�ng the oomane�n� of a current for�losure proceeding, <br />(u) neinstatement will precinde #ore�losare aa different grounds in tt�e fatuce. ar (iu'} reinstat�nt will. <br />adversely affect the priority of the lieB created by #�is 5�rity Instcumcnt. <br />11. Borrawer Mat Released; For6sarance By Lender Not a Waiver. Ext+�sion of the time of payment or <br />m+odification of amorti�atian of the s� securad by tbis S�nrity Instru�me,nt grnntsd by I�ender to a�xq <br />�or in inxaest of Boirower shall �t operate to release tba liability of tice ariginat Boxzowar or <br />Bon�ower's aucc�sor in int�est. L.endar shall not be required to commenoe pr�ings against aay <br />su�svr in �t ar refuse w extead tama for payiuent ar vtherwise modify amortiastion of the smms <br />sacured by this Secuuty Instntment bp �son. of any d� made by the original Borrower or Borrower's <br />s�ois in intereat. Anq forb�rance by L�dar in exe+xcising any sight or �dy shall �t be a waiver of <br />or pre�1� the exe,rci� af a�y right or remsdy. <br />i2. Successora end A�ssign� Bound; Ja��t and Several Liabiliity; Co-3igners. The covenants aad <br />agreemends flf this Security Insizument sh$II binsl and benefit the succes.gors �nd. a�signs of Lender a� <br />Borrawer, subject tfl the pmviaions of paragragh 9@). Bormwer's co�enants anei agna�s shall be joint <br />aad several. Any Barrower wha co-signs this Security Instrumen[ but do� not ege�ate the Note: (a} is <br />rp-�8ning this Seauity Instrument onty to martgage, grant and convey tl�at Borrowear's 9nterest in the <br />Property under ttce terms of this Security �.��*n� {b) is aot personally obIigated to pay ihe sums s�cured <br />by this Ser.nrity �nstr�R±te*,c; and (c) agrees thst I.emder �d auy other Borrower may agxea to extead. n�dafY� <br />forbear or malre auay aa;om�dations with regard to the terma of this Security Instrwment or the Note <br />without thai Borrower's cnnsent. <br />13. Nottce�. Any no#ice tv Borc�ower provided for in thds S�arit�r I�tntme�at sl�all be given by deHvering it or <br />by ma�7ing it by fust class mail imlless apglicable law nequ�res use of anoth� �d. The no13+c� �hali be <br />dir�cte@ to the PmperEy Address or aap othe�r addre�s �oxnvwer d�ignates by notice to Y.ender. �►ay natice <br />to Lender shall be given by first class mail to I�ender's �ddr� stated herein or any address Lsnder <br />de.signates bp natic� tn Borrawer. Anp n�ariCe pmvided for in this Se�urity I�t shall be d�med t� <br />have been given ta Baaower or L ender when gxvven. as pzovidsd °m� tbds gatiagrmph. <br />14. God�ming Law; So�erabiliiy. This Security Instr�m�ent s6all be govemed by Federat law and the Iaw of <br />the jurisdiction in whieh. the Froperi.y is lo�ated. In the eveat that any provision ar cdause of this Security <br />Instrume� or the 1�1ote conflicts with applicable law, such canflict shall nat af�Ct atlier provisians of this <br />Sec�rity Instrument or the Nete which caa'be given effect withQUt the contlicti� pror►isioa. To thi� emd the <br />provisians of this Security Instr�nt and the Idate at� declared to be severable. <br />7 b. Borrower`s Copy. Borroruer sha11 be given csne coufarmed copy of the Nobe. and of thas Seaurity <br />Instnuoneat. <br />�u�a �tr.�e vnn�aRa+�s n�o� ao <br />watm�s I�uwer Fi�emdel sen�,� Paoe s of ro <br />