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20110�195 <br />Anp amoimts disbursed by Lender under this paragraph shall bacome an addidonal debt of Borrow$r and be <br />secnrad. by t�uis S�u�rity Inst�ument. The.9e amounts shali 6ear interest from tha date trf disbur�c, at the <br />Note rats, and at the option of �rnd�, s4a11 ba i�rm�diately due and payable. <br />Borrower shall P�P�Y ��5� �}' lie� which has griarity over this Sc�urity Instnimemt unless Borrower <br />(a) agre�s in wriring to the payment of the obligatian secared by ihe flen in a manoner acceptable ta Lend�r; <br />tb) oontests in goad faith the lien by, ar defends again�st e�nforoement of the lian in, l�gal proceed'mgs rvhich <br />in the Isnder's opin�a operate to prevent the �fam�eat of the liea; or {c) sea.�utes from the I�older of the <br />lien � agree�nt satisfactory bo Lender sub�rdinating ttr�e lien ta this Sec�rity InsUn�ut. If I.e�de�r <br />d�erniines that �y part of the Property is subject to a lien which may attain priority aver this �acurity <br />Insm�nt, Lsnder ma� �e Barrovv�r a notics idendfying the�lien. B�rrower shall satisfj+ the lien or taks <br />one or more of the actions set forth abvve withiu 10 days qf the giving� pf norice. <br />8. Fse�. Lender may cx�lleGt fee5 aa� charge,s autt�orized by the Secc�etary. <br />9. Grounds for Ac�celer�tlon af Debt. <br />(a} D�fault. I.e�der �p, except as limited by regulatioas issued by the Secretuy, in the case of payment <br />dafaults, re4ni�'e imtnaiiate PaYm�t in full of all su� sacurad by this Securit3► �ustramant if• <br />{i) Borrower def�ults bp failing #a pay in ful� any m�omtl'ily paymemt reqnired by this Security <br />In�t prior ta or an the duo date of the �st mont�ly gaya�ent, ur <br />{ii} Borrower defaults by failing, for a period af th�ty days, to perform any other ohligations <br />r.ontained ia this Security Inst�wnent. <br />tb) Sele Without Crsdit Approval. I,ender shell, if Pe�mit� bY apAlic�ble �aw (inclnding Se�tirrn <br />341(d) of the Garn-S� C�ermain Depasitory Fnstitutia� Act o# 1982� 12 U.S.C.1701j-3(d)) and with <br />the prios approval of the S�'etarY, r�l�'a �� i�+Y� ia full of all s�s secured by this <br />Security Inshvment if <br />�i) All or part of tha �'roperiy, ar a beneficial 'mterest in a trust owaing all �r gart of tl�e PraP�MY+ � <br />soId or otherwise t�nsfeaed (ather th�t by devise or descent). atul <br />(ii) T&e Propeny is mot occapied bp�the purchaser or grantee as his or hes principal reszdeuce, or the <br />purchase� or $rantea does so oocapy the Property but his or her cradit has nat besa approved in <br />ac�rdan+�a w� the requu�s of the S�retary. <br />lc} No Waiver. If circumsta�es occur t'�at wontd peamit Lendsr ta re�uire .immgdiate paym� in full, but <br />I.ender daes not require such payments, Lensier da� not waive its rights with respeet �ta subsequent <br />events. <br />(�I Regulatlans o# HUD Secr�tary. In many ciscumstaaces tEgulatians issued by the See�etary will. limit <br />I.eader's rights, in tiae case of pay�nt default�, w reqaire 3mtn�iate payrnent in full and Por�lv� if <br />nvt paid. This S�urlty Instrt�ment does nc� autt►or3ze a�Ierat�oa or foreclos�are if aiot pe�mittai by <br />regutat�oas of the Secretary. <br />Ie} Mortgage Not Insured. Boirower agr�.s thaR if thi� Security Instrument and th� Note are at�t <br />deterimin� w be eligble for insuramce under the Natioffi1 Honsing Act within 60 days fcxsm the date <br />he,neof. Lender may. at its option, require immediate payment in full o# all s�uns sec�ed bp this <br />Sec�uity Iastzumur�. A wiitten si�ment of any auth�rized agent of the Secretary dated subsequent tfl <br />60 days fitym the date h�� d�lining to insiu�e this Security I�ument �i the i�Tote, shall be <br />deea�ed conclnsive pmof of such ineli�ibility. Notwithstanding the foregaing, �is option may nat be. <br />FNA of Ttu6t-NE <br />VMP� YMP4p�tJE} {710181.t� <br />WWtao IDUwer Rltmnaiaf 9ervioes Page B a110 <br />