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<br /> (�) �omuw�r Not pNwwd.Ext�n�lon oi th�dms for p�ym�nt or modltio�don o1 amordzatlon ot ths aum�a�cur�d by thls
<br /> ` �4t''�' DMd pf TNSt pnnNd by Lend�r to�ny succsswr In Int�nst of Bonowor�h�ll not operaU to r�INN,in�ny mann�r,the Ilablllry
<br /> �.,�,.---:•.--- _ �_-
<br /> of th�nrlpin�l8or►ow�r�nd Borrowsr'��uoe�was In Int�rNf.Lsnd�r�hall not ba rpulnd W comm�nce prxesdinps�9�Irat
<br /> ''°�F�••�-�:-. -- auch eucoeeeor w rePuw ro�xteno timo ior paym�i�t ur oihwwiw muJiiy an�uriicaGw�uf ti',e:uu�s G:�.urcd tsy t!�!a!Y'�Ot Trts=! L
<br /> '�� by re�son of any d�mands made by the oripinal Borrower ond 8orrower'��ucceswro In interest
<br /> (b) L,�nd�r'�Pow�n.Wlthout�Beadnp the Ilablllty of ony other pereon Ilabls for the payment of any oblipapon h�reln
<br /> , _��N���,.:. menUoned,and wlihout aftsednp the Ilen or char�e of thla Deed of Truat upon any pnrtlon of the Propa►ly not then or therstofore �__
<br /> �:•`;L��.,_ rete�sed o�seauriq for the full amount of All unp�ld obllpatlons,Landor may,from tlme to Ume and without noUce(q�ele�se my
<br /> ,� _,, ,,.,, peraon so Iiabta,(iq extend the maturiry or alter any ol the terms of eny euah oblipedons,(III)grant other Indulpencee,(Iv)retease
<br /> ,�„�� ` or reconvey,or cause to be releated or reconveyed at eny Gma at Lender's optlon any percei,portion or ell of the PropeAy,
<br /> - , .,}�° (�teke or release eny othor or�ddlGonel eeoudty br any oblipadon herein menllonsd,a(vq nwk�eompositlons or otlwr
<br /> -;�'.�?_.-,s�:°i� �� artmpementa wlth debtora In retedon therato. -
<br /> �-�.��� (c) Forbwrano�by L�nd��Not�Wahnr.Any forbearence by Lender fn exeroisinp any rlpht a remedy hereundor,or
<br /> ---�--�-°---�--� o�herwise ailorded by appUcabie iaw,shalf not bu a weiver oi or prectude the exerclae af any such ripht or remedy.The �-
<br /> �j��._2.;�� proourement oi inaurance or the payment ot texet or otha�Ilene or chargea by Lender sha11 not be a walver of Londar'�ri�ht to
<br /> �-_��•��:;�":'r�- aculerate the meturity M the ind�btedne�aecu�ed by this Deed of T�u�t �
<br /> =�� (d) Sueeu�ors�1nd Asdpm Bound;Jolnt�nd Sw�ral WbIINy;C�pdom.The covenenta and apreements hereln con-
<br /> ....,. ;:.,___ ,. .:.___..._ teined ehell Mnd,and th�righta Mreunder shall Inuro to,the ratpacGve Auccesaora end aeaipna ot Lender and Truetor.All
<br /> ,�,{� f����'=•. .=:.,�"^'� covenanb and qpreemanb o1 Tru�tor�hall bw�oint and severel.The oaptlons and haadinps of lhe parapraphs qf thls Dwd of =_
<br /> � ;;.• ' � . . T►uet are br convenience only and are nol to be used to Interpret or dellne the provislons hereoL �-_
<br /> • t�,�., .... , . (e) Rpuat fa NoUah.The pertles hereby requeatthat a copy of any nodce of detault hereunde�and a copy o1 any noUce --
<br /> �• � ��+� of�slo hereund�r be malled to each pa►ty to thi�Qeed ot Trust at the address set forth above in the manner preacribed by
<br /> ° epplicable law.E�ceept for any other notice requked under applicable lew to be given in enother manner,any notice provided _.�.
<br /> � for In thl�Deed of Trust�hall be qiven by mellfnp euch notice by certllled mell addreeaed to the other partiee,at the addreae set ��
<br /> „ � , torth above.Any notice provided for In thie Deed of Truat aheU be ettecNve upon mallinp In the manner designated harain.If �
<br /> � TN�tor ia mare than one pereon,notice sent to the addresa eet forth ebove ahell be notice to all auch pereons.
<br /> "�� % � � ' (Q Intp�otbn.Lender may meke or cause to be mede reasoneble entrlea upon end Inspections M the PropeAy,provided ___
<br /> . , � thet I.ender ehall ylve T�uatw notice prlw to any auch Inspection opeoltyinq rwaooneble ceuae therolor relatad to Lender's
<br /> ,, • inWrest In the Property.
<br /> � •- (�) 8�aonv�yane�.Upon peyment of all eume secured by thla Deed ol Truet,Lender shell�equesiTruatee to reconvey the —
<br /> • • o�`-*:t^ '•�" ':: � Prope►ty and ohell aurrender this Oeed ot Trust end all notea evldenclnp indebtedness secu�ed by thls Deed ol Trust to Trustee. •
<br /> ,: , ' .,�.:,;:•:_. . � �` TN�tee�hall reconvey the Propery wlthout wenenry and wNhout oha�ye to the person or panon�le�ally entltlod 4wrWo. s`�'
<br /> ..._..� _x_rs,.�_,._ :��ia�.�� Ttuator ahell¢ey ell r-�efR nl rwt�.ordaUon,II eny. ___
<br /> � (h) P�rsoml Prop�ry►;S�audt�►A�r„m�nt As additlonel eecurity lor the peyment of tbe Note,Truetor he►eby pranb
<br /> � Lender under the Nebraeke Uniform Commercial Code a security Interest In all fixtures,equlpment,and other peraonal properly
<br />'" . ' used in conneotion with the real estete or Improvementa loceted thereon,end not otherwise declared a deemed to be a part of
<br /> the real estate eecured hereby.Thfs instrument ahall be construed ae a Security Apreement under sald Code,and the Lender
<br /> ' � shall heve a0 the rlphta end remedles of a eecured perty under said Code in addidon b the riphts end remediea created under
<br /> � ., a. end aCCaded the Lender pureuant to this Deed ol Truat,provided that Lender's rights end remediea under thla pereyraph ahall
<br /> be cumulitive with,and In no way a Iimifello�on,Lender's rlphts and remediea under any other tacuriry ayreemant sipned by
<br /> � � • • �°' Bonower or Trustor.
<br /> ��y' �� (i) U�ns�nd Encumbranc�t.Trustor hereby warrants and repreaents that there is no de(ault under the provialone ol any _
<br /> • , �1S�K!�J�Y.':fi�• mortgeye,deed ot truat,leaae or purchase coMract desc�iWng all or any peh o(the Prope►ty,or other contrect,inetrument or __a
<br /> '� • '"�`�`�•� epreement coneNtutlny e Ilen or encumbrence apeinet all or any part ot the Properly(collecpvely,"Uons"),exittlnp as of the �:y°
<br /> j o,, a."h. . .. a.r..
<br /> f. ' dete of this Deed o(Truet,antl thet any and all exietinp Liena remein unmodllled except aa disclosed to Lender In Trustor's _
<br /> wrltten dlecloaure oi Ilens and encumbrances provided fa herein.Truetor shall tlmely perform all of Trustor's obllgeUons,
<br /> �� � covenanb,representetlons and warrantfea under any and all exisltinp and luture Liens,ehell promptly lorwa►d to Lsnder copfes
<br /> ;•� ,°- , � of all nodcea of default aent In connectlon with any and all exfating or luture Llans,and ehell not without Lender's prior written �=-�
<br /> -.:,�.,,.. ° con�ent In any menner modiy the provlslons of or ellow any luture edvances under any existinp or luture Liene.
<br /> iI .. :_- ' ; Q) Applieadon of P�ym�nb.Unless otherwise requlred by law,aums paid to Lender hereunder,InGudfng without Ilmitaqon
<br /> , � d,,,,;;,,.,,; ,. -,,,, • paymente of prinaipal and interest,Insurence proceeds, condemnetlon proceeds and rents and p�ollts,aholl ba appNed by
<br /> Lender to the amounts due end nwing trom Trustor end Borrower In such order es lender In;ts sole discretion deems desireble. �
<br /> � (k) Sw�r�bllltp. 11 eny provision of this �eed o1 Trust contllcts with appllcabte law or le declered invalid or othervvise
<br /> � �• � " ,. uneniorceable,such conflict o►Invelldity shell not aHect the other provisons of this Deed o�Truat or the Note which can be � A
<br /> k• - . . �Iven eNeCt without the con111ctfny provislon,and to thfa end the provi�lons of thla Deed of Trust and the Note are declared to be
<br /> . � �� "- severable. �^
<br /> ' �Q_�,:.:,, ,� p) T�rm�.The term�"Trustoi"and"Borrower"ehall Include both singular and plural,and when the Trustor end Borrowor �
<br /> ,•A�;,,F are the reme person(a),those terms as used In this Deed ol Truat ahall be interchangeable. --
<br /> . (m) Qov�minp Law.This Deed of Trust shell be governed by the law4 0l the Stete o1 Nebraoka. �
<br /> • � •• ' TroatOr hae executed th18 Deed o1 Truet ae of the date written above. =--=
<br /> �•. _ �.� JCi� � :;.
<br /> . ' �Y ' a , ustor
<br /> � � � � 1
<br /> ' Trustor _
<br /> . � ," . .��
<br /> �_
<br /> _ - - . �
<br /> • �
<br /> '.. •
<br /> .. i '
<br /> -- --- � �
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