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<br /> •_: - tlw PrBporty►h so bken or danicped,Lender ehell hav�th�optlon.In Ita sol�and�bsoluM dl�oaUon,to apptY�II cuch Proowdb
<br /> ` afMr d�duoHnp th�rN�om all cat��nd expsnwa Ucurnd by It M oonn�otlon wlth wah Proos�d�.upon�ny ind�bt�dn�a s�nund -_
<br /> _ h�rt�y wnd i+i ius:i���+3� .0 L:;r�3r ma-;�-�t:rrnlrr�.ar tn�en�e,c�h prnnw�..ne.weh d�duouom.to th�r�storatlon of th� __
<br /> � propsAy upon wch condltlons�s Lender may detsrmins.My eppllcaibn of ProcMds W Ind�bbdn�sfwll not�xhnd or po�tpon�
<br /> ' ths du�d�a ot�ny paym�nts und�r th�Not�,or cur�any d�faWt th�nund�r or h�nundar.Any un�ppll�d lund��11 b�Wld to -
<br /> _ ��„�,,, T�M�rm�nc�o�i..n�;�,,UF,u,i L`,a oc�ui;oaca at un Et�t o!L►!tee�t�rwundn.ar if nnp act is Wc�n or IpN procNdlnp -
<br /> ...�..,.�+r nc� �
<br /> ��� commencad whlch matniatly a8�ab L�ndK'�Interqt In ih�Properiy,Lendor mqy In its own di�creiton,but wfthout obllpatlon ro do _
<br /> ,,, w,and wUhout nodco W ord�m�nd upon T►wtor�nd without nlaa�lnp Trwtor Irom any oblip�don,do any act which TrusWr hu
<br /> apnwd but talt4 ta do and may also do any othsr eat It deems��css�ry to protent th�seauriry h�rwf.Tru�tor�hall,Imm�dl�tNy G
<br /> �� .-�e� upon dam�nd therefor by Under,pay to Lendor all co�b and expen�Incurred and sums expended by Lend�r In connoation with
<br /> � ,a the exatcl�e by Lender of 1h�foreaoinp riphte,toqethar with Interast thereon at the dsfsult nte providad In th�Nota,whfah sh�ll b�
<br /> =�"�°=�"�`Y� added to the ind�btedn�a�cured henby.Leader�h�ll not incur any Ileblllty becaua of�nythlny It may do or omR w do
<br /> _��_.z=.,-�
<br /> �.z•-�:.-:�...;..:_„= Mnundet _
<br /> � �- — _"",�%� 9. HwMow Maurla�. TNator ehail keep 1he Property in compl�ance wlth all appliceble lawe,ordinences and repuladoni �
<br /> � nletlnp to Indust�l hypiene or environm�nfal protaadon(colleoiively relerred to hereln ad"Envlronmentd Lews'�•Tru�tor�h�ll _
<br /> - - �d:x.w�: Keep the t�operty free trom�eii uub�ta���ub d8emed ta be hazardous or toxle un!IAr eny�nvlronmenW L.aws(colleeUvely referred W
<br /> _�_���•' <°t'� hereln ae"Hazardous Me�teriele"►.True�tor hereby warrants and represenis to Lender that there aro no Hezardoue Materlale on or
<br /> .m�-:T�,�,�� unda�the Property.Trwtor hereby ayree�to IndemnNy and hold hermlesa Lender,It�directors,oHicera,employeea and apents,and —
<br /> __—_.. ,.�,r any aucceesors to Lende�'1 f�teresR Irom and ayaln�t any t+nd all aleims,damapa�,losaes end Ilabllltles arisinp In connecdan wifh __
<br /> the pre�wne�.w,us�,disp��l or trantport of any Mszardou�Materlale on,under,Irom or ebout ihe Properly.tHE FOREQOINQ
<br /> s�..ar�s+Y,mrr=npre�.
<br /> -=��;�,�;�., 10. Aalpnm�nt ol R�nb.Trustor hereby asalpns to Lender the rents,leauea and prolits oi the Proparly;provi�ed that Truitor
<br /> ��,,,��r-� �� • • • ahell,untll ths occurrence of an Event of Default hereunder,have the ripht to collect and�etaln ach rents,Issues and protlts at they
<br /> r,•�,°T '.. `., •.: :-.
<br /> becomo dua and payeWe.Upon the oGaurrence of an Event of Default,Lender may,either in peroon or by epenf,with ar without r_
<br /> ,�,� ; .,,. , `�" brin�inp any ectlon or pracaeding,or by a receiver appointed by e court end without repard to the adequecy of ita securily,enler _
<br /> - _ .� de�emanecessary�deeafrebletoprese elhe lue m�arketebiliryor entabllityofitheP operly,o,a�ypeAthe►eotoeinter�tttherefnt
<br /> °-.�. .... . , .. _..r,.
<br /> ;�• �',�Y•1�'•i�;'���'�. Increase the Income the�etrom or proteot the securUy horeoi and,with or without taklnp po�eea�lon of the Property,eue for a __
<br /> -���` ��'�'`•'�"�'�''"�� otherwiae colleot t�e rente,fseuee end proflls thereot,includinp thoae paet due and unpaid,end apply the same,less co�te and
<br /> '��'� .�: .. ��.'.`""�`��'�' expensea of oparaUon endcollectioo includinp attorneya'(ees,upon eny Indebtednesa aecured hereby,all in auch order as Lender
<br /> .:����� �� may determina.The enterinp upon end takinp poa�esaio�ol the Property,the col�ecGon of such rents,Isaues and prolits and the
<br /> -:°�:�. Y� � U .. applicetion thereot ae afaaseld,shall not cure or waive eny default or notice o1 default hereunder or invalldete any aot done In
<br /> _ �"�"�-""• ' "� reaponse to auch default apurouent to such notice ot defeult and,notwithetendlnq the contlnuance In posseeaion of the Properry or
<br /> —:mc:��r+,�,..:�-.u�-.� ��p���q�,��r,y}p�pnd appllcaUon of renta.itauos or profite,end Truatee and Lender ehefl be entltled to exerclee every Hqht
<br /> -- '}�'� '�� . � provided tor in eny o1 the Loan Instruments or by lew upon occurrence ot any Event oi Oefeui4 inciudin�without Snitailan iha ttpht
<br /> to exercfae the power ol wle.Further,Lender's ri�hts and remedles under thls pare�raph ahall be cumulative wlth,and In no way a _
<br /> -w • IlmiteGon on,Lende�'s dghts and remedfes under any asslqnment oi leases and renta recorded�pein�t the PropeAy.Lender,TrusWs
<br /> '"T �°`�- �" • A and the receiver ahall be Ilable to account only Iw those rents actually recelved,
<br /> '"" b`,. � � ' 11. Ev�b ol DN�uli.The tollowln�shell consdtute an Event of Default under thla Deed ot Trust
<br /> �F_�� F •" � �� (a) Failure to pay a�y Inatallment of prfncipel or interest of eny other sum aecured hereby when due; ___
<br />_,; �' .. (b) A braach of ar deleult under eny provision contalnod In the Note,thls Deed of Trus4 o�Y of tha Loan U�truments,or ony
<br /> - „ . ,; ,�,,_ othor Ilon or encumbronce upon the Property;
<br /> a (c) A writ oi ezecution or altechment or any similar process shall be entered eyainat Trustor which�hall become e Ilen on
<br />_ . ,r, „ , the Property or eny portion th�reof gr Intereat therein; resent a luture lederal,atete or other
<br /> � ' • „a (d) There ahell be tfted b or a ainst Truator or Borrower an ectlon under any p
<br /> :��'�,`�s'� atetute,lew or reyulatlon relatinp to benkruptcy,insolvency or other relief tor debtors;or there ehal!be appointed eny trustee,
<br />�`•� -. . -- ----.t..- rect►ivpr or liquidetor of Trustor or Borrower or of ell or any pert ol the Properiy,or the rento,issue4 or protits thereof,or Tru�tor
<br /> ='`� '� � . ° � or Borrower ehall make any�eneral aealgnment tor the benellt of creditora; `__
<br /> .�;. �'_'-� (e) The eale,traneier,leaee,aseignment,conveyence or lurther encumbrance of all or any part of or eny Interest In the �
<br /> _ ' �• � ' Property,eithe�volunterlly or Involuntarlly,without the express wrUten conaent ot Lender;provlded that Trustor ahall be r
<br /> . ! .
<br />-•"." a"'T� �" ;,, permilted to eKecute Y IeacY ol the Properly that does not contein an option to purchaee and the term of which does not oxceod
<br /> -- .. ' one year, _
<br /> (Q Abandonmentot the Property;or �_.
<br /> � � • (p) If Truetor le nM en Indlvldual,the leauance,sale,tranafer,asslynment,conveyance or encumbrance of more ihan a total �
<br /> � .�:=.:.
<br /> ol percentof(II e corporation)fta Issued gnd outstanding atock or(if e pshnerehipj e totul ol percent of _.
<br /> -'"�.., .:�.���: o; partnershlp fnteresta durlrp the perlod this Deed of Trust remalns e Ilen or�ihe Property :.:-
<br /> - ° 12. R�m�dla;AcaN�aUOn Upon DNauN.In the event of any Event of DefauU Lender may,wfthout notice except ea requlred by �..-�
<br /> � � y lew,declere all Indebtednesa secured hereby to be due and payable and the same shall thereupon become due and payeblo
<br /> ' ��pr,��„ , wlGhout eny presentment,demend,protest or notice of any kfnd.ThereaRer Lender may: `
<br /> � r�.,;,,_, (a) Demend IhelTruolee exercise the POWER OF SALE granted hereln, and Trustee shall fhereaRer cause Trustor'a
<br /> a ' d'�`"'�"'"'""%, Interest In the Propery to be sold and the proceeds to be distrlbuted,all In the manner provided in the Nebraska Trust Doeda
<br /> .. , � . Ac� �y
<br /> '`� � :u (b) Exercise eny and all rlphta provlded tor In any ol the Loan Instruments or by law upon occurrence of any Event ol _-
<br /> "' �° Defeulh end �,i
<br /> '��� s " (c) Commence on ectbn to torectose thls Deed ol Trust as a mortqaye,appolnt a recelver,or specifically entorce any of the _
<br /> �i� covenanta hereof.
<br /> r�
<br /> ° No remedy hereln conferred upon or reaerved to Trustee or Lender Ia fntended to be excluaive of eny other remedy herein,in the
<br /> loan Inatrumente or by lew provided or permitted.but each shall be cumulatfve,shall be fn edditlon to every other remedy given
<br /> - • a hereunder,in the Loen I natrumenta or now or hereafter existiny et law or fn eqwty or by statute,end may be exerclsed concurrently. _ _=_
<br /> t.r�
<br /> ; ' ° Independently or succes�Ively.
<br /> ;'i 13. Tru�tN.The Truatee may resfqn at eny time wllhout cause,and Lender may at any time and wilhout cause appoint e
<br /> aucceasor or subetitute 'nustee.Truetee shall not be Hable to any party,lncluding wfthout Ilmltetlon Lender,8o►rower,7rustor or any
<br /> • purchaser of ihe Property,f�r any loss or damage unless due to reckless or willlul misconduct,and ahall not be required to teke any
<br /> _ _,. �,•��,,,,:.�:_,,._•�•_ :: ectfon In con�ection wuh the enforcemert of thls Deed of Trust unlesa Indemnilled, in wrlting,for all costs,compensellon ar �
<br /> T—---- -- .....-- �-�•-•----
<br /> ..�.....,.............r.e.o.n�anv aalx o}the P�ooertV lfudlCl91 Or
<br /> 6Xp811895 WhICh 1118y belS30Ciateu inerewiin.in auuiu���.���o�oo���o��o....�....«r....-..___.-'- 88 fOVld�3d by 18W;0I Y911 thA
<br /> � under the power of eele granted herefn); poatpone the sale ot all or any portfon of the Property, p
<br /> • • Property ea a whole,or In separate parcels or lots at Truatee's discretfon. �
<br /> . 14. FN��nd Exp�nt�s.In the event Trustee sells the Property by exercfse of power of sale,Trustee shall be entltled to epply f
<br /> any aale praceeds tlret to payment of al1 coats and expenaes o!exercising powar ot sale,Includlnq all Trustee's lees.and Lender's 6
<br /> end Trualee's ettor�ey's lees,actually incurred to extent permitted by appl�cable lew.In the event 8orrower or Trustor exerclaes any �
<br /> � ' rlqht provfded by law to cu�e an Event of Deteult,lender ahall be entitled to recover from Trustor all coats and expenses actually I'
<br /> Mcurred as a reault of Trueta's delaulL includiny wlthout Ilmltatlun all Trustee's and adomey's lees.to the extent permltted by
<br /> • • eppllcable lew.
<br /> • � 15. Fulur�Adv�nc„. Upon request of Borrower, Lender may,at Its option, make addltlonal and future advances and re-
<br /> ° advencee to Borrower.SuCh advences and readvances,wlth Intere9t thereon,shall be secured by thls Oeed o(Ttusf.At no tlme ahall .
<br /> ' • the princlpal amount oi the fndebtednees secured by th�s Deed of Trust,r���jr�ums advanced to protect the securfty ol thls
<br /> �r , j"��"�'v. � Oeed ot True�exceed the orlpfnal princlpal emount ateted hereln,or a --whlchever fs�reater. �
<br /> - � ii �'
<br /> ,. `
<br /> a � , , +. �
<br /> .
<br /> � . , ` ,
<br /> .
<br /> . .� . . _., -.'� ,
<br />