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. �`` . .. ,�� . . r ' ` P . ,�- . " '. ' . `•i� . ' . �_ � . -y.. . `f �` v .. <br /> ��� `'4 � ` � . � ' � .. < _.—., ,_�� _�.J:..:.._._._._����' ' r $�< . <br /> '�` L. ,a �0����•'' �� -�`` — <br /> G. ' s,. <br />. ,r a„ �,:.':#�� <br /> TOGETHER�'VTfH all thc improvements now or hePCafter erected on the propecty. and atl easements.appuctenances,and ; , <br /> flaturew now or hereafter a part of the praperty. AU replacements and additions shalf also be covered by this 5ecuriry > ' , ,., ` <br /> Enstrument.All of the foregning is refernod to in this Security instrumznt a+the"Property-' _ _' <br /> � SORROWER COVENANTS that �onow�er is{awfully seisc�i of the estate hereby conveyed and bas the right to grant and • �.4;; <br /> eonvey the Property and dzat the Peoperty is unencumbered, excepE for encumbrances of cecord. Horrower �varrants and wil! < <br /> defend generally the title to tlie Property ail claims�nd demand�.:ubjecc to any encumbrances of record. r�=:,. _.; ._�;:_,�_' <br /> THIS SECURITY INSTRUDIENT combines unifortn covenants for national use and non-unifarm covenan[s with limitea , <br /> variations by jurisdiction to rnnstitute a unifarm serurity instrument covering real property• ..' , . ��' <br /> UNIFORM COVENP,NTS.Borruw�er and Lender covenant and agree as follo�vs: <br /> 1. PAymeni of Prlacipal+uid Lnierest: Prepayrueat and Late Charges. Borrower shall prompily pay when due che _• - - �.• .- <br /> u ' _ . �_�. , �. <br /> prinripal of and interest on tiae debt evidenced by the Nate and any prepayment and late charges due under the Note. <br />' 2. Funds for Taxes and lnsurance. Subject to applicabte law or to a written waiver by L.ender, Borrower shall pay to � �:._' <br /> �_'''���`�.---- <br /> � Lender on the day monthly payments are due under the Note,until the Note is paid in full,a sum("Funds")for.fa)yearly taxes -�_.�:,.__�T.,'-^ <br /> and assessments w1►ich may attain priority over this Seeurity Inswment as a lien on the Pcoperty:(b)yearly leasehold paytnents � �. <br /> or gzound rents on the Property,if anp:(c)yeacly hazard or property insurance premiums:(d)yearty flood insurance preutiwns. "°� �`_ <br /> if an • (e)Yearly mo e insurance remiums. if an • and (�an sums able b Borrower to Lender. ;n a�cordance with '^`�o Y� . .'' <br /> y. �S P Y• Y PaY Y -.�.�,�_ <br /> the provisions of Paragraph 8. in lieu of the payment of mortgage insurance premiums.These items are called"Escrow Items." ��r_i-,�`�,rL- <br /> Lender may, at an}r dme, collect and hold Funds in an amount not to exceed the mauimum amount a lender for a federally '�'pf;,rl;,_ ____ <br /> ��-_:._;. <br />� related mortgage 1Qaa may require for Borrower's escrow account under the federal Real Estate Sevlement Procedwres Act of ,, <br /> � 1974 as amended from ame to ame. 12 U.S.C.Section 2601 et seg. ("RFSPA"), unl�s another law that applies to ti�e Fands . ":`<:•: <br />.�,,�. '•'i^i(bf���C�-.:r.>r. <br /> f' sets a les�er amawa. If so. I.ender may, at any time, collecc and hold Funds in a�z �u • not to •xeeed [�e 1,•sser am�unt. .,, c.-;�;,fy�,`,,4.;. <br /> ��•n;;; "�r,�*P;i�amount of Funds due on the hasis of current data a�•d:�:��,:�.''i:es�mates of expenditures of Y�.:ue �:j.e; <br /> ����`�?�i' <br /> ,�.' Fscr���t:r.v e�c*P*�r,:�e in accordance with z�rsli��le law. ___.._. <br />.f�; <br /> . 's'�s ru:,::s �r_:..._'� �e hel@ in an institut;c_s wuase de�asirs ase inss:.�:d h�s a i.Y�.°r� �encY• ins.�-..:..�;.�ialiry. er envty r.�;�..:..------ <br />= l � ,�,a... wi -,.c _- ��.'�''.�;, <br />:,r. f;W;,r�i:�:�a�Vr.i``I.en2:r is au��-:insdte�o�)or i�any�esleral Ha;r,r�a�3-=.�. !�...�°z...»5�13..3k�-} ,.�-��GIIt�S C31reS 4''.s �,�,,._,�, <br />;'�;f� Es�s 3�v. s...�:�mzy rtc,:;aarge 3crow�r f�r bolding a.-�appl}�ing��ra�.=,�-:�a1;�r�.7alyzing the escro�v zooas�.ar <br />�'�' vecifying the Esc�ec�=��ms.¢c'rss'E.e�+:er�ys�orrower interest on the i=u�;is and�,.^p::r,�,=e iaw pemriu I.ender to rmke sueh �'�'� <br /> �`,, ,�� <br />, a charge. Hawever, �1rr zr.a}�::�aira BorruR•er to pay a one-time charge for an independent real estate tax reparting service �..._`___�;.==! <br /> used by Lender in coru►ectiun r�-ith this ioan, unless applicable law provides otherwise. Unless an agreement is made oT �,�.;;,� <br /> ,. applicable Iaw sequires interest to[ie paid.Lender shall not be required to pay Borrower any interest or eamings on the Funds. ����_=n.-� <br /> Borrower and Lender may agree in writing.however, that interest shall be paid on the Funds. Lender shali give to Borrower, �. <br /> � without eharge, an annual accountin$ of the Funds, showing credits and debi[s to the Funds and ihe pucpose for which each �°'c—��' <br /> ' debit to the Funds was made.The Funds are pledged as additional security for all sums secured by th9s Security Instrumsnt. �.-�= '�l!� <br /> If the Funds held by Lender exceed the a�mounts permitted to be held by applicable law. Lender shall account to Snrrower � <br /> for the excess Funds in accordance with the requicements of applicable law.If the amount of the Funds held b l.ender at an --",'-�--- <br /> Y Y �--.�.�._.,:.. <br /> ..—.,F <br /> time is not sufficient to pay the Escrow[tems when due.Lender rt►�y so notify Borrower in such case Borrower - _ - � <br /> � shall pay to Lender the amount necessary to maice up the deficiency. Borrower shaii make up the deficiency in no more than ---�-t�•� <br /> r� E twelve manthly paymen� L.ender's sole discretion. � <br /> , G L1pon payment in fuU of all sums secured by this Securiry Ynstrument. Lender shali praarptly refund to Botrower auy __ <br /> ' c` Futtds held by Lender.If,under paragraph 21,Lender shall acquire or sell the Property.Lender,prior to t he acquisition or sale <br /> •.;• � of the Property,shall apply any Funds held by Lender at the time of acquisirion or sale as a credit against the sums scxured by ��_: <br /> ` this Security Insunment. � <br /> � - 3.Appliq4ton o!Payments.Unless appli�le law provides othenvise.all paymea�u received by d.ender under paragrapt�s __ <br /> ' �; 1 and 2 shail 6e apa�:�l: first,to any prepa}m;er�t charges due under the Note:second. to amaunts���ab.'.e under paragrnph 2; :� <br /> � : third,to inierest d�s:7�;:as2�.co�r�cipal due:and any!�e charges d�s under th:Note. — <br /> ;� 4.Gharges;II.fsts.8oaower shall pay all�ents.c6arges, fines and imr�ositions s:�3utable w tIrw t?roPetty _ _ --_ <br /> ,r... <br /> - which m�y attain Fr_�riry aver this Security Inswment.and teasehold payments or gr�u-��:: renis.if any. �orrowe��.3a11 pay ____ _ <br /> �, these obligations i�c�v,manner provided in par�..�ph 2.or if not paid in di�t manner,Bo:mwer skall�;.y them on time directiy ��= <br /> � �� to the person owed�,�.yment.Borrower shali pr::�tly fumish to Lender a►l rotices of an:ounts to be�_�under this paragaph. �����•_���• <br /> = If Bonower makes tilese paymeae�directty.Borrower shall promptly fumish to Lender rec.:ipts evi��r..�i�g the payments. � �°' <br /> � Bonower shall promptly df��.:,�e any lien which ha5 priority over this Security[rrsww-nent unless Borrower:(a)agrees in �- ��•',=���� <br /> � � wtitln�to the payment of the obli�ztion secured by the lien in a marmer acceptable to Len�er;(b)contests in good faith the lien ��}`4�'• <br /> ,, �°'�`•.'' '. <br /> by. or defends against enforcement af the liem in. tegal proceedings which in the Lender's opinian operate to prevent ths �,.,.;f,-- ,,,. <br /> enforcement of the lien;ar(c)secures from the holder of the lien an a�reement satisfactory to I.ender subordinating the lien to <br /> � this Security insteument. If Lender detemvnes that any part of the Property is subject to a lien which may attain pr.ority over <br /> � this Security Insuument,l.ender may give Borrower a notice identifying the lien. Borrower shall satisfy the lien or cake one or -�--- <br />