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<br />. �� ` �
<br /> . � .�,.,.� 92— io73i� _
<br /> eppNcabla Iww mwy specify far r�einstttement)before role oP 1he Property pursu�nt to nny power of s�{e contained jn this
<br /> Security Insttumertt;or(b)entry oP a judgment enfa�cin�this Sxurity Instrument. Thoce conditions arc that Botrower. (a)
<br /> •— pays Lender�ll Rums which �hen wauld be due under this Security Instrument wid the Nae as if nu occrlerution hud
<br /> occumed;(bj cures any defiult oP any othe�wverwus ur agreements;(c)paye all eapensea incwred in enforcing this Securfty
<br /> Instrument, including,but not limited to,rc.asonable attas�eys'fees; and(d)takas such ac�i�n ws l.ender may reiuonably
<br /> -- -°- - roquUe w as�ure that tha lirn of this S�x:urity I�t�unent,l.cender�righta in the Properly und BuRUwcrS oblig�►tiun w pay the -
<br /> � cums secumd by tlils Secwity Ituwtnent shall continue unchanqed. Upon rcinstatement b�• Bon�ower, this Securlty
<br /> lnst�ument artd the obligations cecured hercby shall rcmain i'ully effective a.s if no accekrrpon haJ accurrcd. However,this
<br /> right to reinsuto sball not�ppiy in Ihe case of aoceleration under paragraph 17.
<br /> 19. Ssk of Noh= C1an�e ot l.oso Servicer. 7Ue Note or a partla! interest in the Note(together wilh this Secur�ty
<br />- inswment)may be sold one or rnore t�mes without pdw notice to Borrower. A sale may result in a change in�he entity -
<br /> (inwwn os the"l�n Servicer")th�t collecls monthly payments due under the Note and this Secur�ty Inswmen[. There also
<br />- '� rtwy be one or more changes of the Loan Servicer wu+elated to a sale of the Note. if there is a change of the Lwut Servi��er, _
<br /> Borrawer will ba given wtitten naice oi�he change in accordance with parz►grnph 14 above end applicnble law. The notice
<br /> will state the name and address of the new Loan Servicrr and the address to which payments should be n�de. The nwice wilt
<br /> �Iso contain any other infarmadon rcquire�by applicable law.
<br /> 1p. Hnswrdous 3u6�m�es. Bormwer shal)not cause or pem�it the presence,use.disposal.storoge,or releasc of any
<br /> Hazardaus Substwxes on or in the Property. Barower shall not do.nor aliow anyone else to do,nnything affecting 1he
<br /> Propetty that is in viotation of�ny Enviraimental lsw. Tha prcceding two sentences shall not apply ro the presencc,use,or
<br /> — storage an the Prope�ty of am�ll qiwntitie.c af Hazardous Substances tMat are generally necognized to be appmpriate to namal _
<br /> _---- residential uses and to maintenence of the Property.
<br /> Borrower shall promptly give Lender written notice of any investigation,claim,demand,lawsuil or other uction by any
<br /> -_ =':;� govemmental or regulutory agency or pdvate party involving the Property and any Hazardous Substance or Envlronmental
<br />" ----- Law ot which Borrower has octual knowledge. If Borrower learns, or is aotified by uny govemmental or regulatory
<br /> -------- authurity,that any removal or other remediatinn of ony Hsizarrdous Substance affecting the Property is necessary,Borrower
<br /> =;�;,,��1;, shall promptly teke�11 necessary remedial actions in accordance with Environmental Law.
<br /> —_—�� As used in this paragraph 20."Hazardous Substances"are chose substances defined as toxic ar hazardous substances by
<br /> ��—�'°'""� Environmental Law end the foAowing substa�ces: gasoline,�erosene,other flammable ar toxic petroleum praducts.toxic
<br /> ,�; _,,,-�,.,;;,�� pesticides and herbicides.voletile solvents,materials containing asbegtoc or formnldehyde,and rndioactive mate�ials. As
<br /> =:�t� � used in this parugroph 20."Environmentul Luw"means federal law�and laws of the jurisdiction whe�e the Propeny is lacated
<br /> that relate w health:eafety or env ironmentai protection.
<br />-��°_"-`"-�°—�°� NON-UNIFORM COVENANTS. Horrower end Lender further covenant and agree us follows:
<br /> � _— 2!. Acceles�itws: Rc:sscd�a. LCii�ti'3J�II$EYC RO�GC t0 BQ!lO4YC!=!!3f!! �4 RCi'!�!!'Btls!!!�4II4WI9�, B!!!l414'!!'S
<br /> ��;,,�;��. ��`,�� brexcd of s�ay covennnt or agreement ia tb(s Securily Inslrument lbut not prior to acceleration uader para��ph 17
<br /> �,��.�� uul��ppiia�ble I�w pruvida uUrerwlse). The notice shsll specify: (a)tde default;(b)the actbn requireif to cure Wc -
<br /> — �n r: V defqulh(c)a date,aot less than 30 days trom We date the notice is giveo to Borrower,by whkh the default must be
<br /> .,,w.�l�iai'
<br /> ---.�T.c�:�.'�`°.._
<br /> � �����:;a�" cured;nnd(d)that iAilun to cure the deiuult on ur before the dAte specifled ia the notice may result in ac�eleration of
<br /> �.,,�...��o the aun►9 secured by thia Security inslrument and s�le ot Ihe Property. The notke shall iLrther iatorm Borrower ot
<br />-� -� _����-� We right lo reinstate after acceleratbn and the right to bring a rnurt uctbn to assert tbe non-existence of s�default or
<br /> —,�;;irti;w,rr,�i;;�.� any othe�defense of Barrnwer to acceleratbn and sale. If the defAUlt is not cured on or before the date specified in
<br /> � the notice,Lender at its option nwy require immediate payment in iull of WI sums secured by this Security InsMument
<br /> ' '"�`�:" '�"'"�"�' without iuMher demond and rnv fnvoke the wer of sale and nn other remedies rmitted b a Ikable law
<br />'� ' Y Po Y Pe Y PP
<br />_a.1�'i�'.°. Lender stwli be ent(Ned to rnllect all expenses incurred in pursuiag the remedtes provWed In this ps��ap�apA 21. _
<br /> _,.,.,.�
<br /> ,k�ui�w,��r� includieg.but not limited to,reasonable attorneys'fees And costs ottitle evidence.
<br /> _� It ihe power of sale is invoked.7Must�e sMall record a notice oi default in eaeh county in which any pan of the
<br />��: ���= . , Prnperty is located and slu�ll maY copies of such noNce in Ihe manner prescribed by applicable law to Bor�ower and ta
<br /> �,� ...��: ,.,.;�r: the other persons prescribed by applicable law Aher the time requirea by appltcAbM law.7lrustee shall Qive public
<br /> ,,�,,,,. notice ot s�le to the persons and in the manner presc�ibed by r�pplicable IAw 'I�ustec,without demand on Borrower,
<br /> ��.`, ehall sell the Property At public auctlon to the 6lghest bidder at the time ond place and under the terms designated in _
<br /> ?���- " the notke ot sWe in one or more parcels and in any order'irustee determines, 7Yustee m�y postpone sale of all or any
<br /> yi ' , parcel of the PropeMy by public announcement at Ihe time pnd place of any previously scheduled sale. i.ender or its
<br /> "�' � ' 'x - •� desl�nee rtwy purchase the Property at any sale.
<br /> ;_�.��;__ __ -._� Upon receipt ot payment of the price bid,7Yustee shall deliver to the purchaser 7Yustee's deed conveying the
<br /> -�'; Property. The recitals io the Trustee's deed shafl be primp facie evidence of ihe truth of the statements made theretn.
<br /> _��;�'""'�:' •"':�.;• 71�ustee sdall apply the pro��ceds eP the sole in the followinQ order: Ia1 to�II casts ond expease.g of ezenislnQ tlu power
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