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.,���'.�'3'��.�.. � _ ,.� — - <br /> — -- - �..�.;�-_r.=__—__-----_—_-- - <br /> �:: T :.-,_ <br /> . �. .._ <br /> .... "�� . +;: �- _ - _-�- <br /> ,� � .. . _ -=_-- <br /> ...�. . . 92-- 10731� <br /> candemnatian or�wher takin�of Any piut of tho!'ropony,or for conveya�ue in lieu of condemnatian,ue F�ereby aYSiQned�nd <br /> = ehAll bc ppid ro Lender. <br /> �= ln the event of a taal laking ot'�he Property, �hc praceeds shull be upplied to the �umg securcd by thi� Security <br /> °�' Instrumc�t,wheshcr or not thcn due,wilh uny excess paid ta Borrower. In thc evem of u puninl taking af�he Property in <br /> — which thc fuir m�rket vulue of the Properry immcdiatcly before the taking is equal to ar greAter thun thc amaunt of the sums <br /> = secured by this Security Instrument Immediutely before the tuking,unles,Borrower und Lender atherwisc agree in writing. <br /> - — the sums se�umd by this Sea;udty Insuument shall be reduced by the amaunl of the pmceeds multip�ied by the following <br /> m <br /> �.;_•� fraction: (u)tf�e tatal umaunt of the sums secured immediutely befam the tAlcing,divided by Ib)Ihe fair market value uf the <br /> Properey immediately before �he taking. Any bulance rhall be paid to Borrower. In ihe event af u purliul taking of ihc <br /> � Propeny in which tho fuir market vulue of lhe Propeny immediut�ly before the tuking is less than the umount uf the sums • <br /> secured immediutely befure the ts�king, unless Borrower and Lender othenvise ugrec in wri�ing or unless applicuble law <br /> atherwise provides,the proceeds shall be applied to the sums secured by this Security Inatrument whether or not Ihe sumx are <br /> -_ -- Ihen due. <br /> —'"�""'�"�"`� If ihe Pmpeny is Abandoned by BoROwer,ur if,ufter notice by Lender ta Borcower thnt the condemnor offers to make <br /> �, — an awprd or senle u cluim for dumages.Barrower fuils to respond tn�eader within 30 duys af[er the dule the notice is given. <br /> _ Lender i�►aalhorized to collect and apply the praceeds,ut it� option,either to restorution or rep�ir of the Propeny or to Ihe <br /> ---m-s� sums secured by ihis Security In�trument,whether or not then due. <br /> �;,.�,�s Unlexc Lender And 8orrower athenvise agree in wri�inb,uny npplicution of proceed,to p�incipul �hnli not extend or <br /> postpone the due dute of tfnc monthly payments refemed to in puragmphti 1 ond 2 or change the umount of such paymcnts. <br /> ---�Y.�_��.=��;�y;� 11. 8o�ower Not Rekaced= Forbearance By Lender Not A Walver. Extension of the �ime for payment or <br /> _:����,.�.:_�� modi�catio��of nmanixation of the sums secured by this SecurIty lnswment grnnted by Lender to uny succeswr in interest <br /> � ��.rr��.�,,:,. � � of Borrower shall not operute to releuse the linbiliry of the ariginnl BoROwer or Borrower�s succrssors in interest. Lender <br /> _°•*- � • �''`'''Jr% ahnll not be re uircd ta comrnence praceedings agAinst nny succe�.sor In interest or refuse to extend time for payment or <br /> eq <br /> ' othenvise madify umonization of�secured by this Security Instrument by reution of nny demand mude by the originul <br /> '` �.:�;�.;...� ' Borrower or Borrawerb successon in interest. Any forbeararue hy Lender in exen:ising uny right or remedy shull not be u <br /> ,� .��a:. �k�.�. �.. <br /> _ � .. • . . wuiver of or preclude the exercise af any right or remedy. <br /> , � �'� a 12. Successors und AssiQns Bound;Jolnt and Severnl l.iabillty:Cas(gners. The cove�unts und ugreements of this <br /> _.,_, Q' • ,,�,;��''".;i Security In.vtrument shull bind and brneFit �he successon and acxignx of Lender und Borrower,subject to the provisions of <br />. . ,,�,,,,y,ti purugrnph l7. Horrower's covenunts a►nd ugreements shull t+e joint und severul. Any Borrower who co-sigos[his Security <br /> ' � �� � ,_.,.._..� Instrument but doex not execute the Note: (a1 is ca-tiigning thi�Security Inslrument only to manguge,gmnt und convey that <br /> ;� w'���'.�s,� ` '�'�' Borrower's interest in the Property under thc tertns of thix Securi�y Instn�ment; (b)is not penonally obliguted ta puy the sums <br /> .. -..a�rora.,...,�:..a,. .. <br /> :;,,.,�;;.,., ^_,. .,: secured by thix 5ecuriry Instrumenr,und(c)ugnees�hut Lender and any other Rorrower muy ugree to ex�end,modify,forbeur <br />- _,b; �����;����" or muke uny uccommada�ions with regurd to the terms of thiti Security Instrument or the �we without that Borrowert <br /> :.o,�'..;" -:_:;.. .:,:•.•:•.;�4�r, conscnt. <br /> :�t tr-���-� `'° 13. Loan ChAry�es. If the loun secured by this Security Instn�ment is subject ta u luw which se�x muximum lonn <br /> `� „ "`���"� ''— churges,t►nd Ihut luw is finaUy interpretc�i so Il�ut thc intcrest or othcr loan charge.�ollec�rd or to bc collected in cannection <br /> - , �� with the Iwm exceed the permitted limits,then: lu1 uny such loun churge shull be reduced by the Amount necessary to reduce <br /> �: � '� � the churge to the permitted limi�;and(b)any sums ulready collec�ed from Bunower which exceedeJ pertnitled limits will b�: <br /> • � refunded to Borrower. Lender muy choose to muke this rt:fund by reJucing the prinripal oweJ under the Note�r by muking u <br /> ' ,�„` ,; �-• direct payment ro Borrower. If u rcfuod neduces principal,the rcduction will be treuted us a purtial prepayment without any <br />-,, .. ;': . , ..�,, s:: prep;tyment chargc under Ihe Note. <br />• _ ,��' • "- " • • 14. Notices. Any notice to Burrower provided for in thiz Security Imtn�ment shull be given by delivering it or by <br /> _,,,�,,, .,,� mailing it by fint cluss muil unle�s upplicable law reyuires use ol'another methal.The naice shall be dir�ted to the I�ro�x;ny <br /> �.;J� g,,.,.� Address ar any other uddrcss Borcowr�dc�ignutcs by notice co Lender. Any notice tu Lender shall be given by fir�t clns� <br /> " •� ;.' muil ta Lender's uddre�x staled hercin or any other uddresx Lender designares by notice to Barrower. Any notice provided for <br /> ��; -�<�..�• •� � � •• in this Security Inatrument +hull be dcemed to huvc been giveo to Barrower or Lender when given as provided in this <br /> -.;t,,;. �""! purogruph. <br /> '� .�� _ IS. Gove�nb�LAw; Severs�bility. This Srcuriry Inxtrumcnt tihall bc govrrn�:d by feder.�l ILw und thc law of�he <br /> � • ..,,�,,,�,�..a':� jurisdiction in which�hc t'roperty is la:u�rd. In Ihe event thut uny provi�ion or cluuse of this Security Inxtrument or the Nae <br /> � � � - conflicts with upplicublc law,such wntlict shull nat uflcrt othcr pmvisium of this Scrurity Instrumcnt ur thc Nate which cun <br /> �!'.�- �•�• :. �� � be given effect without the contlirtinF provi.ion. 7b Ihis end the pmvisions of thix Security In.trument vnd the Note ure <br /> $ - °w�• declored to be srvrruble. <br /> � a.vio <br /> ' J° � 16. Borrower's Cupy. Borrowcr xhull lx givrn unr ranfomirJ r��py af thr Notc and of thi,Security Instrument. <br /> „ 17. 'IY�Ansfer of the Property ur a Beneficlal Interest in Borruwer. If ull ur uny p;vt ot'thc Pivpeny or uny inlerest in <br /> ' � � it is sold or trunsferred(ur it'u b.:neticial inten�st in Bam�wer i,s��ld or Irun,fernJ and Burrowcr is not u nuturul personl <br /> �+, " � � •• I without Lender'x prior wriaen runscnt,LenJer muy,vt ilti uptitxt,rcyuire immrJiute payment in full of ull.umx securrd by <br />'� ;";• • � this Securiry Instrument. However,lhix optian shall nat tx:exercised by l.endrr if exereise is pmhibited by federul luw us ot' <br /> =•�� t+• the date of thix Srcurity hiurument. <br /> -� '�'.� o If LenJer excrcises this option,Lendrr xhall�ivr Biirruwcr nutice uf uccrlrrvtion. Thr notice�hall provide u period ot' <br /> _ , I not lesx thun 30 duys from thc dutr�hc noticr i.dclivrrcd or muilyd��•ithin which Borruwrr must pay all�ums ucured by Ihis <br /> � .''�' LL � � Security Inswmeut. If Dorruwer pay thr,e xum.prior �u thr rxpiration��f thi. periud. l.rndei•muy invake uny <br /> ' •• • remedics pertniucd by thi�Scrurity Inxtnimcnt without funhcr n��ticc or JcmcinJ dn Borrowcr. <br /> 18. Borrowcr's RiRbt tu Rcinstutc. If Bi►rrowcr mrct+ ccrtain ronditiun.. I3urruwcr ,hull har� �lir right tu havc <br /> _ �.. ., _ ' ..�}�'� enforcement uf this Security Instrumcm di.runtinurd at any limr priur to thc rarlirr ui: �a)S day.tur.urh othrr pericd us <br /> ,'� a <br /> � . Sfngk Family•-Fqnnk NuNtYeddle�1wc UNIFOR1f INti'I'R1�17EN'1'..Unifarm C.rocnam. 9/90 I�w.�e�1��jepug�sl <br /> � J <br /> f �^, . - <br /> ` �n <br /> .� 1 <br /> i <br /> .. .. � .F�*^'v�":�aa�a:�::..._.-... '- <br /> ,t_'.'-c �LYfaR.�1.-� !-x.f•r.t_= '- v • . " ' v�._.> -�nti�., .. ,. .. .,- .a.. .y. .i . . __— <br /> , .� 4.. "'il"P,�.'.L'::, <br /> . <br /> � :.� . . <br /> __- .._ . .. _._. '_-_ '.. . �� ".._..— "_ _'__- ' ""' " _" _ ' -" �`'—.�L�.___'__-"__._. <br />. - _____.- ..___ _.___ <br /> .____-_ ._r___-__ ___-_:— ..-_. .__.__.- -._' _ . .___.__. .. . .� . .. . . .. ._"_ .. _..."" "� __ .__...__._.� _��_ �___ <br /> � � <br /> �. .. , <br /> ' y .. , . _ . .. <br /> �* �, u .. ' <br /> .. •' � �_,�, �.�. . ' . .. ' . <br /> �V . � •.��•y , ' . I , <br /> ..l^, ..:�!� `1�. - . . .. <br /> .,.�. ' � .. .`�� .. . • <br /> .1 <br /> .� � <br /> ` <br /> • .. �- <br />