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<br /> x.. condemnatian or other talcing of any part of ihe Proparty,or for convcyunco in 4eu of condemnAtion.aro hereby uaaigned ar�d
<br /> " shall he paid to l.ondcr.
<br /> ���,� In the event of u total tnking of the Property, the praceeds shnll be upplied to ihe sums hecured by thic Security
<br /> .^S- - Insuvment,whether ar nat then due.wlth any excess paid to Borrower. In�he evant of a purtial tnking of Ihe Propeny In
<br /> �„�,.,„ . _ which the fuir market value of thc Praperly imrnediately before ihc�aking is cquul to or greater than the ttmaunt of the sums
<br /> xecured by thie�Security lnstrumcnt immcdiutcly tx:fore the taking,unless Borruwer and Lcndcr othcru•fse ugrce fn wdting. � �
<br /> ,n. the sums secured by this Secu�lty lns�n�ment shall be reduced by the umount oF�he praceeds multiplied by the following
<br /> �' froction: (u)the totul umount of tiie sums secured immediately befare the taking,divfded by(b)the iair market value of the
<br /> ..,,� Prapeny immedinlcly before Ihe taking. Any 6ulance shall be paid to Borrowcr. In the evenl af a purtial tuking of the
<br /> _ Propeny in which the fair mnrket value of the Property immediutely before the taking is less tBnn thc amaunt of the sums
<br /> =--_-;� �, - secured immediutely before the taking, unless Bortawer und Lender otherwise ngree in writing or unless upplicablc law
<br /> ,���
<br /> ---G =-�=�-"w"°'�`�.."`�'� otherwise providcs,the procecds shall be upplied to the sums secured by�hiw Security!ns[rument whe�her or not the sums are --_
<br /> then due.
<br /> �.��.' If�he Property iH ubandoned by Borrower,ar if,ufter�otice by Lender to l3orrower that the candemnar offers to make
<br /> �-=•���'�� an nward or sen�a cluim far damuges,Borcower fails to respond to Lender within 30 day�uRer�he dote the naticc in given,
<br /> ���_.;�}�.-.,-�•� - l.ender is uuthorirxd to coliect and upply the proceeds,at its option.either to res�omtian or repuir of the Propeny or to the
<br />���,��'.-s.��.r`!�."� sums secured by this Securiry Insirument,whether or not then due.
<br /> 4 ,.,,, Unless Lender und Borrower otherwise agree in writing,uny upplicution oP proceeds to principnl shall not extend or
<br /> ��a°'�'b at ne the due dnte of the mon�hl A mentx referted ta in aru m hs i and 2 ar chun e the umount of such n ments.
<br /> po po Y P Y p b P � P Y
<br /> -��-�'_:��'��� '" 11. Borrower Not Released: Forbearancc By Le�der Not a Waiver. Extension of ihe time For payment or
<br /> ---_ �,,.;,,:. _::_'.`:,�. —
<br /> _ � ., madification of amartization of the sums secured by thix Secu�ity Inxirumenl granted by Lender to aoy tiucces�or fn interest
<br /> _ � '•;�;;{;,�,;,,, �� of Bairower shull not opern�e ta releaxe the liability oi'the original Borcower or Borrower?s succeswrs in interest.Lender
<br /> •,��:--• . ' shall na be required to commence proceedings Aguinst nr�y succes�ar in interext or refusc to extend time r'or payment or
<br /> • � otherw ise modify umonizntion of the sumx xecured by this Sccurit3�Instrumen�by reason of uny demHnd mude by the ariginal
<br /> �� ° ;•"' ' � Borrower or Bormwer's successor�in intenetit. Any forbeun►nce by Lender in exercising any right or remedy shull not be n
<br /> � � � R_.,{. �,''.,r'
<br /> °•"��A�:'>:+*i�!: waiver of or preclude the excrcise of any riRht or remedy.
<br /> ' ��`"°" 12. Successors and Assigns Bound;Joint And Seveml l.iabNity;Castgners. The covenunts and ugreements of this
<br /> " . `''•:,�:: �� Security Instrument shall bind und benefi�thc rucceKxors and ussigns of Lender wxl Borrower,subJect ta the provisions of
<br /> • . _ purngmph 17. Borcower�covenuntr nnd ugreements shnll be joint und severul. Any Borrower who co-xigns this Secu�fty
<br /> _;.. . . Instrument but dces not execute the Note: (u►is co•signing this Security Instrument only to mor�guge,grnnt and wnvey thut
<br />.- � � Borrower's intere�t in Ihe Property under�he term,of this Security In�trument; (b)is not pe�sanally obliguted to pny the sums _
<br /> ' ' ' Secured by this Security Instrument;un�i(c)ngree��hnt Lender nnd uny other Borrower mny agrce to extend,modify,forbenr
<br /> �!��'�}',�?�-_� or make nny eccommaiattens wlth �rgurd to (II!'IPFI}1A (1`Ih{C Seon�i�y Inwrt�ment nr the Nae without thnt Borrowers
<br />.- , u -"",yz _'_
<br /> � consent.
<br /> � " , , lJ. I.os�n Charges. If the loun serured by�hi+Securiry Imtrument is subject to u luw which sets maximum loan
<br /> • charges,And thnt law is finally interpreted so thal the interesl or athr,r loan chnr�es collected or to be collected in connection
<br /> . with the lonn exceed Ihe permiued limits,then: (a1 any xuch loan charge shall be reduced by Ihe amount necessury to reduce
<br /> ' ' ° d�e chnrge to the pem�itted limir,and(b)any sums alrendy collected from Bormwer which exceeded permitted limits will be
<br /> '• • refunded to[3orrower. Lender muy ch�wtie to makc thiti refunJ b��reducing the principul owed under tl� Note or by making u
<br /> .� �`�'' , � ' direct payment to Borrawer. If u refund reducec principul,�he reduction will t►e trcuted as u puhial prepuyment without eny —
<br /> " •• prepayment churge under the Note.
<br /> . 14. Natices. Any notic�to Borrower provided for in Ihis Security Instrument shull be given by delivering i�or by
<br /> ''" �� muiling it by first clas�muil unlexs upplicablc luw reyuires use of cmo�her metMxi.The notice shull be directed to the Property
<br /> Z° ,�: .: �'.','� Address or uny other uddrexs Borrower designules by notice to l.ender. Any notice to Lender xhall be given by fnt clas, __
<br /> i�J ° :- mail to Lender's uddrctis stuled hercin or uny othcr addres,Lender dexignute+by notice to Borrower. Any notice provided for
<br /> � in this Security Intitrumem shull be ckemed to huve been �iven tn Borrowcr or Lender when given a� provided in this ��'
<br /> .; � .nw.-;;' � „ _.
<br /> -� . .. Paragruph. —
<br /> ,. �� IS. Governing l.aw; Severnbility. This Sc�urity In.trument shull bc govemed by federal law and thc law of the �_
<br /> 1 � jurisdiction in which the Propcny i.locuted. In�he event thut uny provi,ion or ciau.c uf thi.Security In.trument or the Note _,
<br /> ! ;w �•�,�'�• ° conf]icts with applicable luw,ruch conflict shull not uffert o�h�r provi+iom of this Sccuriry Instrument or the Note which cun
<br /> j,.' ;. , be given effect wi�hout the confliciing provisian. To thi,enci the provitiions of this Securi�y Imtrument und the Nae ure —
<br /> . declared to Ix:scvcrAble.
<br /> . � , .. 16. Borrower's Copy. Borrowcr shull lx givcn unr ronlimncd rupy ul'Ilic No�c und uf thi,Scrurity Ins�niment. r�..-
<br /> 17. 7Fansfer oi the Property or a Beneflciol Interest in Borrnwer. If nll or any part of thc Property or any intcrest in -�
<br /> ,� • � it is sold or transPrned(or if u lxnrficiul intercxt in Bormwrr is rold or tran�fermJ und Borrowcr is not u nuturul person) ---
<br /> � ? � �,,�r�- , without Lendrrz prior wriucn consem,Lendrr muy.u�it�option,rcyuim immrdiutr payment in fall M'ull tiumz�ecured by
<br /> �, this Security In�tnsment. Howcver,thi.r•option shall noi hc excrci.cd by Lenckr if exerci.e is prohihited by federul law us of -_
<br /> � . r A+,.'•• _ —_
<br /> ., � the dute of thiti Security Instrument. �s�
<br /> . _.�,Y� _ If Lender excrcixes thiti upliun.Lcndcr tihull Fivr Borrowcr noticr of:►ccel�rnlion, Thr nrnice.h:►II providc a periixl of —
<br /> � not Ics.thun 30 days from thr datc�hc notirr i.JclivcrcJ or m�ilcd within which Rarc.iwrr mu.t pay ull surn+srcun:J by Ihiti °-'
<br /> , _ " . Securiry Instrumcnt. If Borrowcr fuil. ��i pay Ihc,c aumti prior lu Ihr expiration uf thiti �riod, Lender muy invake uny —
<br /> - remedies pemiiurd by Ihis Srcurily In�innncnt withnut I'unFxrr n��tirr ur dcmunJ�m Bi�rr�►wrr.
<br /> ' °' 18. Burruwcr's RiRht to Rcinstutc. If Burrowcr nmrt. rrnain runJi�ionti, Borriiwcr ,h;�ll huvc Ihc right �o havc � ••
<br /> ��.� enforcemem eif this Serurity Inxtrunum di.run�inucd a�any timc prior lo thr earlirr ot`. (al S day.lor .urli uther periocl u, �y�
<br /> :A �!"
<br /> • " , � ' .� , Sin�h Frmil}�•-Punnlc lfuciFrcddk Muc UNIFURM INti7'NONF.N7'-•I�nilomi('a�cnud, 9/911 fpu.�rJ n�A��grt1
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