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. � �,. ;I . . . . _. <br /> _ ,.�:., <br /> � ��� <br /> . o� . _. <br /> _ <br /> .`____r--_.—.r—__ _R. <br /> � mL •....n. �v�._._.� • . ,_ <br /> �"1,• � i.. y.Ta�' • - <br /> " ��� .� •,'ftnm�eiw�.o,�R1l,L �}':`T ri .�t�.�.TY:.� u __ <br /> ,�' l�TS�I1�fY11 �'� e4, _M::'E� <br /> r��� <br /> !�� "P� . �'w D. . . . .a__ ..��T�'���._. <br /> '��� _ <br /> —— 92.._ i0'73i� <br /> a � pedads that Lcnder�equircs. Thc insu►ance carrier provfding the insurance shpll bc chose�by Borrower subJec:ta Lender's - <br /> approv�l which shall not be unmasonably withheld. If Bcxrower fails to muintain covernge describal above,Lender may,xt <br /> _ L.ender§option.obtaln coverage to protect Lender?�righl�In the PropeRy in accardance with paragraph 7. <br /> _ • AU insw�e.hce policies ond renewAle almll be acceptable to Lender and shull include a standard mongage cluuse. Lender <br /> ..'., <br /> sh�ll hnvc the�ight to hold the policles and renewuls. If L.ender rcquires,Borrower shall promptly give to Lender all rcceipts <br /> __ __.,- --- -- __ <br /> _ of paid premiums and renewal notices. In the event of loss,Borrawer shaU Qive prompt nwice to tha in�wance r er ° <br /> ' l.endec L.ender may make proof of loss if not mude prompUy by Borrower. <br /> Unless Lcnder end Borrower otherwisc agtee in wriling,insurnnce proceeds shal!be appiied to testoration or rcpeir of <br /> � -- the Property damaged. if tho restoration or repafr is economicelly feasible and l.ender's security is nat kssened. If�he <br /> - - restoration or repair is not economically feasible or Lenderk securfty wo�ld be lessened.Ihe Insurance proeeedis shell be <br /> �"'�°"�'�''' �' � o I�ed to the sums securcd b this Secu�i lnstrument.whether or nut then due,with any excess paid to Brnrowar. If <br /> �:�,���!�� PP� Y �Y <br /> --_-_=-•_�=_�o::L-�;� Borrowcr nbandons 1he Prope�ty. or docs not Answer wlthin 30 days a notice from Lender thnt the insurance cartier hea � <br /> —,�,� '� offer�d to settle o claim,lhen Lender may collect the insurance proceeds. Lender mny use the proceeds to:epair or restore <br /> ,�'��i� the Property or to pay sums secured by this Securiry Instrument.whether or not then due. Tlu 3MIay period will begin when . <br /> ��: .�- �� the nodce ix given. <br /> ���='= -� �� Unless l.ender and Bortower otherwise agree in writing, nny application of proceeds to principal Rhalt not extend or <br /> .:�::,�� <br /> '� '�� -- �- postponc the due date of ihe monthly payments refemed co in pnragraphs 1 and 2 or change ihe amount of 1he payments. If <br /> — �i y under paragraph 21 ihe Property is acquired by Lender. Borrower's�ght to any insurance policies �nd proceeds resulting <br /> — . from damnge to the Propeny prior to the acquisidon shall pass to Lender to the extent of the sums secured by ihls Secudry <br /> -_- —*"=�°-�--�°'�::}�'=-' Instrument immediately prlar to the acquisition. _ <br /> _- �'�,'',.`",�.: 6. Occu nc Pe Y PP i <br /> ° �,.;,, , pa y, PreaervAtion, Malntenance and Protection ot the Pro rt ; Burrawer's Lonn A Ilcadon <br /> �'.<fL tw•- _'• -� I.easelalda Borrower ahall occupy,esteblish.and use the Property ps Borrower's principal residence wlthin sixry days after <br /> ' ,.`�'°N�%��� •'' the executiun of this Securlty Insttument and shall con�inue ro occupy th� Property as Borrower's principal residence for at <br /> :j��,��.;.•• ��_,. . least one year�pfter the date of occupuncy. unless Le�der othenvi�se ngrees in writing, wbich wosent shall not be <br /> unreasonably w116hojd,or unless extenuating cireumstancea exist which are bayond Borrower's cantrol. Borrower shalt not <br /> � � ;.�;���}� destroy,damage oR impuir the Property,allow the Property to deteriaratc,or commit waste on the Property. Bomower sball _ <br />' �. ' •���'` be in default if any forfeiture action or proceeding.whether civil or crlminal,is begun that in Lenderk goad fei�h judgment <br /> ° .�, could result in fafeituro of 1he Propeny or otherwise materially impair the lien creuted by this Security Instrument or <br /> �� � ' Lenderk security interest. Bortower may cute such u defAUlt and reinatate,as provided in paragraph 18,by causing the actian <br /> ��'� or proceeding to be dismissed with a ruUng�hut,in Lender's good fuith determination,precludes forfeiture of the Borrower's <br /> • �" `� ' • int�rest in the Property or other material impairment of the lien created by this Secudry Insuvment or Lender's secudty , <br /> ����x,� �� �- interest. Bomnwer shall also be in default if Borrower, during the lostn applicntion process, gave meterially false or . <br /> _ - - 3.-.� iu�'a:u�atc i��fo���i�ation or sisiereenis io Lender(ar Faltcd to pravide Lsnder�:lth any materis!fnfosmation)':n cormtzdon v+�itl� <br /> ` .r.,......;__ J <br /> �� the loan evidenced by the Note, including, but na limited to, reprcsentations conceming Borrower's occupuncy of the <br /> �• Propeny as a principal.esidence. lf this Security Instrument is on a leusehold,Borrower shall camply with all the provisions <br /> ' • " of the lease. If Borcower ecquires fee title to the P�+operty,�he leaschold and the f�e title shall not merge unless L.cnder agrees <br /> •����� to the merser in writing. <br /> � 7. Proteclbn of l.ender's Rigbts in the Property. If Borrower fuils ta perform the covenants and agreements <br /> � � � contnined in this Sewrity Instrument,or thene is a legal procecding that may significanQy affect Lender's rights in the _. <br /> ;.. �r. Property(such as a proceeding in bunkniptcy,probate,for condemnation or forfeiture or to enforce laws or regulations).then � <br /> Lender muy do and pay for whaiever ix nece+gury ia protect the value of the Property and Lender's rights in the Propeny. <br /> � ' Lender�actfons may include puying any:ium�secured by a lien which has priority over this Security Instrument, appearing =- <br /> " : in coud,paying reusonublc attorneys'fees and entcring on the Property to malce repairs.Al�hough Lender muy tuke action - <br /> ' � �:• •-�^� under this parn�raph 7,Lender dces no�huve to do so. --_ <br /> �„Y '• ., • � My amounts disbursed by Lender under this psua�rnph 7 shall become additional debt of Borrower secured by this �� <br /> ci�=a Security Instrument. Unless Borcower And Lender agree to other tertns of puyment,these nmountx shall beur intercst from the <br /> �.,,:.� . ,' date of disbursement ut the Note rute and shall be payabk,with interest,upon notice from Lender to Borrowcr requesting � <br /> �"'.;�,..., payment. = <br /> f ^ � 8. Mortgage InsurAnce. If Lender required mortguge insu:unce�.,u condition of msaking the loan xecured by this � <br /> r. ,-.�., n ,� a, <br /> � .: Security Incuument,Borrower shul! pay the premiums reyuired tu muintuin the mortgage Insurance in effect. If,for any � <br /> � reason,the mongaga insurnnce coverage required by Lender lup.ey or ceuscr to be in effect, Borrower shall pay the <br /> ' , �-`-�'.� � premiums required to obtuin coverage substc�ntiully equivulent to the mort�age insuruncc previously in effec�, at a cost _ <br /> � substantiaUy eyuivulent to the coxt to 8orrower of the mongage insurunce previously in effec�,from an altemute mortgnge — <br /> � � insucer upproved by Lender. If sub�tuntially eyuivulent mortgage insurancc coverage is not uvoiluble,Borrower shall pay to <br /> �' . "" ' Lender each momh a sum equvl to one-iwclfth of thc ycurly mortguge insurance premium being paid by Borrower when the <br /> . '';,�"�` ,�'- 't insurnnce covcr�ge lapsed or ceuseJ to be in effect. Lender will urcept,use and retuin these paymentc us u los.r•reserve in lieu _ <br /> � �i of mongage intiurance. Loss retierve puyn�ents muy no longer Ne required,nt [he option of Lender, if mortgoge insurance = <br /> ""��` ° " coverage(in the umount und fur the period�hut Lender rryuires)provided by an insurer•rppruvcd by Lender ugain becomes _ <br /> � `°:�•'�"'� • 4 „ uvAiluble und is abtuined.Borrower shull puy the premiums reyuireJ li►muintuim m�rtguge imurance in eFfect,or to provide u � <br /> ' ' loss reserve,until the reyuirement for mortgugc in�urunce endx in urcordance with uny wriaen agreement be�ween Borrower <br /> ' ' ""' nnd Lender or upplicuble luw. - <br />., = . �:'�t,.:�+::•-,:: q. Inxpectinn. I.ender or it.i�f!�•nt m��y m:�kc rea�nnnhle entriec u�n;md in.�xction. of thc Pmperty. I.rnder�hnll -- <br /> a,�� • • give Borrower nutice ut the timc of or prior to un inspecliun xperifying rcaxonuhlr cuuu liir�he im�ctian. �: <br /> ��....:...._.-•• <br /> •;�"''' • lY. (:oademnatfon. The pnrceed.ul'�ny awurd ar cluim titt JmnuEc.,Jirecl or run.eyuential. in runneclion with any _ <br /> � � ., �,:- �, <br /> . ! Smplc F:unfly--Fonnle ModMnddk Iqac I�NIFIIRM INtiTRI�I►1F.NT--Unitbrm C��vcnani. 9/90 qr.�xi'•;��1��P�+x��� <br /> -. ..... , . . i t�at latro Buelnw Foar.Inr■ <br /> Tulkdirl:ru 1�8006."i603�f O/�VIBI&7Bt•117) �� <br /> . �arvkir-.� � <br /> ., ' ` I <br /> .� ,� i - . � ..�.. ... � . . . , . ry <br /> ' __._..._,--____ —__—__ _ _ .... � ._.� ... >.... , a�.. <br /> . .� :. w • : ... rr --n..._ ..:✓111�'.' '-Yr � �il <br /> ._' __ ML4L..1_LL___.__`.__"_--.. ___ . :.�. <br /> S' . <br /> � • <br /> '?` �' <br /> r " <br /> ���� � ..��. ' . . . <br /> t' ' • .� � � . • . . <br /> . ( <br /> � , � � . <br /> 1 � � <br /> 1 � 1 <br /> r, ° � � <br /> �� <br />