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<br /> y»prop�ti���p Wc�n pr dtm�d,��ntNr sh�ll hav�1M oWon.In Ib�ol��nd aawluM di�crWon,eo�ppy�II wch Proc«ds,
<br /> �ha d�ductln�M�nhan�11 cwet and���Inaurnd by It In onnn�ctlon wlth such Proc«d�,upon any Ind�bpdr�q s�cw�d
<br /> ---- henby�nd In such ord�r a�L�nd�r msy dNKmin�,or to�pplY alt wch ProcNda,aMr wch d�duatlons,to tM rNloraYon ol tM
<br /> Pro�ry upon such conditlons as IancN►maq d�t�'min�.My�pplic�tlon of ProcNda to f nd�bt�dMU�hall not�xt�rid a posfpon�
<br /> _ - -= fh�dw dat!ot anY Paym�nb undir th�Noq.o►cun�ny dNault fM►�und�►or hewnd�r. Any�n�ppll�d tunds�hall b�pab b
<br /> _-�:
<br /> Trut�.
<br /> =-u --• - - � - 8.P�+�Wraw��bp 4�d�►.Upon tha occurrence ot en Event at Defaulthereunder,a If any act Is teken a lepal procNdlnq
<br /> �:�= canm�nc�d which m�arl�lly afNcb L�nda'�Int�nst In th�Prop�rt�r,L�r m�y In Itt own dl�cntion,but withoul obll�tlon to do
<br /> so,and without notk�to o►d�mand upon Trustor�nd without ntqsln�Trustor trom�ny obti�tlo�,do any act wh�h TrusWr has
<br /> ,,, �prNd but lalls lo do and may�ISO do�ny oth�r�ct it d«m�n�cw�ary to prot�ct th��curly horrof.Trustor�hall,imm�dlatNy
<br /> upp�d�m��d th�r�tor by L�nd�r,pay to Lend�r sll cwtf and�xp�ntK IncurrM and�ums�xprnded by L�nd�r In conrwctlon with
<br /> - the sxWCis�by L�rtd�►cf th�forpolnp�i�hb,to��ther with int�nst th�rwn at th�cNt�ult r�t�provid�d in th�Nob,�which shall b�
<br /> ----:�µ:��=�ia�:��+ adcNd to 1M fnd�bt�dnas aaund h��by. L�ndor�hall not fncur any Ifabllity b�c�u� of�nythinq It rtwy do o� umit to do
<br /> - -- - - hMN1�bAr.
<br /> �,Hsr�dpw MMNVM.Trusta�hall k�ep Ltia Prop�rry in compliance with all appUCabl�layvs,ordlnancas and rpulaticx�s
<br /> -Tt-�t-� rNatinp to indwhtal hy�iene or ernirpnman+al protectlon(collectivNy rofYrrod to Mnin n "Environm�ntal Laws'�.Trustor shalt
<br /> Y'� keap fM Prope�ly hN f�om all�ub�fanc�s de�med to be hazardous or toxic under any Environm�ntal Laws(collocdvay nfarrod to
<br /> --—`--.,Y.y�,_ .
<br /> — 91�,4�.'•:'.�'�;'.��,a'� herein�s"Nasardout M�torial�'�.Trustor ho►eby wa►►ants and rapreaents to Landw that thera aro no Maiordow Matarlals on a
<br /> undsr tho Property.Trustor hereby a�r!�h,iru�.nntti,.nd��,w.n�iwa.�wn�..��.�u...�w�..nx�wM wmn�ywww nrkf aa.�+� ,me�
<br /> — �'�'�' � any tuccastors to Lenck►'s fntores�(rom and apainst any end all claims,damapea,loasea�nd liebll�tles arislnp In connectlon wlth
<br /> �`-^�+� ths pntvnc�, use,dispotal or hanapon of�ny Hazardous Matarfals on,under, from or obout thc�Property.THE FQRE�OINCi
<br /> - .l:.i.-..r�.
<br /> � �• 10.AsapnnNnt al R�M.Trustor he►eby a�slpns to Lander the ronb,Issuos ond p�ofits ot tho Proporty;providacl that Trustor
<br /> 7�:��°�z,�^��� aAdl,untll th�occurranco of an Event of Dotault h�nunder,have the riyht to colloct and repin wch r�nts,issuas and proAts a�th�y
<br /> ,��,.••,;. .,�j,.,,
<br /> - � -� � bocortre dua and payeble.Upon tha occurrence of an Event of Defauit,Lend�r may,eithar in peraon or by apent,With or without
<br /> �n.r3�;;�:'�,',,.•::f,i' b►Inpinp any actlon a prxeadinp,or by�racelver appoUted by a court and without reyard to the adequacy of ita aecurity,entw
<br /> �..,7J a_^;.• . upon end Take po�sesslon of the P►operty.or ony part thoreof,In ils own name a in the name of the Trustee,end do any ecfs which It
<br /> " deans n�c�ssary or deairaWe to p►eierve the value,markotability or rentabflity of the Properly,or any part tfiereof or Interaat therein,
<br /> � � '� InCrsaas ths inaome therefrom or protact the securiry horeof and,with or without takinq posseasion of the Property,tuo for or
<br /> - , otMrwl�s collect the rents,is�uea and proNts tl�eraof,includlnp those past due and unpald,and apply the aame,less costs and
<br /> -;, • .,� ; � . expenses of op�raxon and collection includin�attorneys'foes,upon any fndebtedness secured horeby,all In auch order as Londir
<br />_ `' "�"• • �� ;� may d�ermir».The enterin9 upon and takinp pos�easlon of the PropeAy,the collectlon of such renb,lasuea and protib and Me
<br /> ,� n• y,rt�:r�_'.��,�twi:•,�• • appliCOUon thereof as eloreaald,ahall not cure or waire any default or notice of detault hereundor or inva8data any Act dono In
<br /> �-.�,,,�. �s���.�;�, r�apome to such default or purauant io such notice ot dYtault ond,notwlthstandin�the contlnuance in possessbn of tha Prop�rty or
<br /> - - ihe caiiocfion.receipt u�ni W�pNca�ilan ot renis,lssu�s ar prafi�,and Tru�a arad Land�r;.lialt tro tustltkx!!c cxssrcl;ss e�rory rl�h!
<br /> _ -. . _._ �
<br /> -� „ providod for In pny ol tho Loan Instrumonts or by law upon occurrence of any Event ot Default,inCl udinfl without limltation tha rlpht
<br /> � - �� to ezerciae the power ot aale.Further,Lender'a rf ghb and remedies under this parayraph ahall bi cumulativo with,and in no way a
<br /> � Ilmitatlon on,Lende►'a riyhb and remedlea under any assf�nment of leases and renb racordod apainst tho Property.LwW�r.Trwtw
<br /> and the recelver ahall be Ifabta to account only for those rents actually received.
<br /> � ���' . 11. Ev�nfs d Wfaull.The followiny shall constituta an Event of Default under Mls Deed of Trust
<br /> a�. , (a) Fallure to pay any insfatlment of princfpal or Interest of any other sum secured hereby when due;
<br /> (b) A brqach of or default under eny provl�ion contain�d in tho NoW.this Daed of Trust any of tho Loan Instrumants,or any
<br /> � otlwr Itan or encumbrance upon the Proporty;
<br /> ' (c)A wrlt of sx�cudon or ettaChmant or any slmllar procoss thall bo antarad�yainst Trustor whlch stwll bocortw a IWn on
<br /> �•��� :•b ,,�A� tlN Prope►ty or any portlon thervot or interest theroin;
<br /> ��• --- - -
<br /> -��- �•- ;'^-� (ci) T�ere ahell be fded by or agaln�t TrusWr or Barrower an actlon under any pr�„ont or(uture federal,atate or other
<br /> � • f:'�•ya � � avtute,law or reyuladan relaUnp to bankruptcy,insolvency or other relietfor debtora;or there ahall be appointed any Vuatee.
<br /> � ��^ �,_.,. receiver or Ilquldator ot Trustor or Borrower or of alI or any part of the Property,or the rents,Issuea or prollb tharso},or Trustor
<br /> ��..:. . or Borrower ahall make any general aasiynrnont for the benefit of croditors;
<br /> ,�1s. (e) The salo,aana�er,loaae,asslynment conveyance or further encumbrance of atl or any part of or any interost in the
<br /> ' � .•_..,.,... . '�_. p�pp�hy, �ither voluntarlly or involuntarity, without the exp►ess written consent of Lender; provided that Trustor shall be
<br />• :'`� - permilted W axacuto a lease ot the Proparty that does not Contaln an opbon to purchase and the twm of which davs rat oxcNd
<br /> ' s, on�yeir,
<br /> " � ..'� (�Abendonment of the Proporty;or
<br /> ' � u� . � (�If TrusWr Is not en fndividual,tho issuancs,selo,transfor,essiqnment,conveyance or encumbrance of moro than a total �
<br />"`�� �� � pl percent of(if a co►poration)Its issued and outstandmy stock or pf a parinershlp)a tofal of perc�nt of
<br /> -.�tII'"° , putnership intere3ts during the period this Deed Of Trust remalns a Ilen on the Property.
<br /> . ' • � t2. R�dNr,AeeNKatlon Upon DNauil.In the event of any Event of Default Lender may,without notice exceptas required by
<br /> .-� ' law, declere all indebtedness aecured hereby to be due and payable and tAe same shall thereupon becoma dua and payabl�
<br /> -. s�'�� ° � ' whhuut any preaentment demand,proteat or notice of any klnd.Thereaker Lender may:
<br /> ...,�:.. •
<br /> . (a) Demand tt�at Trustee exercise Me POWER OF SALE yrantYd hereln,and Trustee shell thereatter ceuse Trustor's
<br /> �� ^ " intere�t in tho Proporty to be sold and the proceeds to be distributed.all in the manner provided In tlw Nebraska Trust D�eds
<br /> . . ACt
<br /> ' i . (b) Exerclse any and al� rfyhts prowded for m eny of the Loan Instrumenq or by law upon occurrence of any Event of
<br /> � � - � Dolault and '
<br /> (c) Commence an action to fareclose this Deed of Trust as a mortyaye,appomt a recewer.or apecl}ICally antorco a�y of tho
<br /> cavenanb hereof.
<br /> ,�. No romody�e►�in conterred upon or rosorved tn Trustve or Lende►is intended to ba exclusfve of any other remody h�nin,in fM
<br /> - � Laan Instrumsnts or by Iaw pwvlded or pormlttcd.b�t ca�h S!9!�Dn rilmi�lapy�a chau ha�n addition to every other remedy given
<br /> ". � hereunder,In the Loan Instruments or now or hereafter existfng at law or in eqwry or by statute,and may be exercised Concurrently.
<br /> .. `� � . IndvEwndently or succesaively.
<br /> ' � 13. TrustN.The Trustee may resign at any time wlth�ut cause. and lender may at any time and without cause appoint a
<br /> euCCes�or Or substftute Trustee.T►ustee ahell not be lieble to any parly,inCluding without limita6on Lender,Borrower.TrustOr or any
<br /> •• purCh�aer of the Property.for any loss or demaye unless due to reckless or w�llful misconduct,and shall not be reqwred to taka any
<br /> ---.. �c•-- -�- --- •--- - acnon in connection w�th the entorcement of thls Deed of Trust unless indemndied, In wrdlnfl. 1or alf costs, compensation or
<br /> � • �xpanses which may be assoclated the►ewith.In add�t�on.Trustee may become a purchaser at any sale of the Property�udicfal or
<br /> `� undertAe wer of sale ranted he►efn):post one the aele of ell or en
<br /> ;� ' pp g p y pOrlion of the Property,es prOVided by law;or sell the
<br /> Properly es a who�e,or�n separate parcels or lots at Trustee's discret�on.
<br /> 14. F�M and Exp�nsM.ln the event Trustee sells t�e PrOperty by exerClse of power of sate,Trustee shall be BntiUed to apply
<br /> � �ny s�le proceeds first to payment of all costs and expenses of exerclsing power of sale.�ncludmg&II Trustee's fees,and Lender's
<br /> , � snd Trustee's aftorney'a fees,ectuelly InCUrred to extent permitted by applicable taw.In the event Borrower or Trustor exercises eny
<br /> ., riyht providod by law to cure an Event ot Default,Lender aha�l be ent�tled to recover from Trustor all costs and expenses actually
<br /> Incu�rQd ps a rosult of Trustor's default InNudinq wdhout limltat�on a11 Trustee'a 8nd attorney's fees,to the extent permltted by
<br /> " eppliceble law.
<br /> . 1S. Futur�AdvaneM. Upon reGuest of Borrower,Lender may,at�ts opaon.make addi6onal and future advances and re-
<br /> � � advances to Borrower.SuCh advanCes and readvances,wlth intereet fhereon,shall be secured by thls Deed of Trust.At no ti me shall
<br /> �,, ,L;;;f the,prinCippl amount of the Irt�ebtedness aecured by this Deed of 1 rust,not mcludmg�sums advanced to protect the securit�r of this
<br /> " � ' . � DNd of T►us�oxc�d tAe orfpinal princlpal amount stated herem,or$ 10.OOO.QO whichever is yreater.
<br /> .� ,h,
<br /> � � !t. " ��
<br /> .�� . • •
<br /> I i
<br />