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<br /> .. � ,A � ��� lll7�?'C.•i• — ' �.'_
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<br /> • . 92- 1�72�z
<br /> . Tnntor und�►sdnda Ihat IM doounwnt that Tnuro►Is�bout to�x�out�I��W W ol TruN and nol�moRp�p�and lhat th�powe
<br /> ol aN provid�d lor In th�ONd of Tru�t provldr subW nWlly ditNnM dpbb�nd obllpaGont to Yru�tor tMn�mortpp��n th��v�nt
<br /> ot�dMaufl or braich ol abll�tlon und�►tM Owd o1 Trust inoludinp,but not Ilmitsd to,th�l.�nd�r'�ri�hl to hav�tM PropKq wkf
<br /> "a' by tM Tr�W�without any �udlold proeMdl��.Trwtor rtpr�nt��nd w�rnnts that tl� aaknowNdp++nmt wu�x�ouMd by
<br /> � ; TruNor bMor�IIM�auYon W tM ONd ot Twp.
<br /> � ,
<br /> ,
<br /> - Wald Wallace sar
<br /> --- -_——���;�� Jo Ha m,amr
<br /> – ,;�_:� -
<br /> �e��...
<br /> -- ���—�=�=�
<br /> ��.��:� THIS QEEO OF TRU9T,Is mad�u of d��_day of AUaust , 10��by and amonp
<br /> �_ ----- th�Truato4 Wa�J�.� w_u�e Hwke � Jwnet �•• ke� husB�nd and wifa ,
<br /> - --.��r:-•a-- who�malllnp addms f��R �� �x 73, Palmer. NE 68664-96�3 � ���,••Tnuto�:'wh�th�r or»a mar.�,
<br /> '��l�.`.,��ry.,�pa����° ���.p'� Five Points B�nk s Neb�a�ka co/�/�oratlon
<br /> ..��p��y�"•tY'1K' " '1 ..�1t5 �T�� � 'r �
<br /> _�..•�j.-,lM y�i1111.:�YS..:�: �.:
<br /> -'��`= � P.O. Box 1507, Crand Island, NE 6880Z-1507
<br /> (hs�ain°Trusta�'�,and
<br /> .�::�: -;�.,,;.a�-.•:a�:. whos�maNlnp addras 1� -
<br /> :',�� �� '��� Flva Points Bank, a Nebraska corporatio�
<br /> �.,.a+. �... �:��• tha B�nNic�ary� ' _
<br /> `� ►,•-��.r.a•.�.°,�<,
<br /> =�:�' . �` ••"`' whps�lnallinp addrpt ii P O e�e 1 SA7�Grand Islsnd NE 688�2-1�A7 -(herelo"LNIdYr'�.
<br /> � '�1�:"•
<br /> '=_:� . • � FOR VALUABLE CONSlDERATIaN,includinp Lender'�extanWon of cndit Idandliod herofn to Weldon W�II�
<br /> ��-i r �'.
<br /> ,��,� �. ,�••.. Hake b Jar�et Jo Hake, hus�snd & wi�rein•'Bo►rower",whether one or more)and ths vuat heroin creat�d,
<br /> .�-'��-.:�::��`_--._`_= the ncNpt ot which ia h�reby acknowlad9ed,Trustor hereby irrevocably yranta,tranalers,conveya and aasiyna to Trustes,IN
<br /> y':. 'r* ���~„d_;;�c�r ' TRU3T,WITH POWER OF SALE,lor the k�enefit and tocurity of Lender,u�r and wb�ect to Irw prmtand conditiora innimi�w sN
<br /> . • brth,the real propary,d�ccribwi as tollowa:
<br /> _ -•W �•-� .. � ' Lot Two (2), Carden Second Subdiv3sion, an Addition to the Clty of Cra�d
<br /> �,�� • • : Isl�nd. Hal� County, Nebrasks
<br /> - � Topether with all bulldinas,improvementa,liztures.streats,alleys,paaseyeways,easernents,riyhb, prlvilepes and appurte-
<br /> _ ..s ,.�,...¢r.r
<br /> ___ „ g , >� �.p nances located thereon a In enywise pertaiMnp thereto,and the renta,issues and proffts,reveraione and remaindera thereof,and
<br /> � � _, ,�,Y auCh pe�sonel property lhat is attached to tha improvements so as to constltute a fixture,Includiny,but not limlted to,heatinp and
<br /> _ „,,,,,,.„y_ caolinp equipmenx and topelher with the homestead or marital interesla,{f any,which Interests are hsreby�aleaaed and waiv�d;all
<br /> _ - -- -�.��_:.�i ot whfch,inctudiny replecements end additfons theretu,is hareby dw:lared to lw�part ol U►e r�l�ta:�aaecured by tlw Ilan of this
<br /> � ° ''`��`' Doad ot Trost and all of thQ forepolnp beinp reterrad to herefn e4 the"Property".
<br /> ��� oNYw
<br /> �� - � �� . ` This DNd of Trust stwll aocura(a)the peyment ot the princlpel sum and interest wldenced by a promissory noh a endlt
<br /> � }.-""`"• �prewnont datad Jlugi•e* �Z. 1992 .havfn�a maturity date o1 Aug+usi».. �497 ,
<br /> �..��;;.
<br /> -�- _.��- In the oripinal principal amount o1 S1Q.000.00 ,and any and all medificationa,oxtonsians and renawals
<br /> ° •' the►eo}or thereto and eny and all future edvances and readvances to Barrowe►(or any of them it more than one)hereunder
<br /> < purauant to one or more promiasory notea or credit a9reements(hereln called"Note"):(b)the payment al othar sums advanced by
<br /> •• Lender to protect the aeeurity ol the Note:(c)the performence of all covenants end ayreementa of Trustvr aat forth herefn;and(d)all
<br />�, 6 `', preaent and future indebtedness and obliqatfons of Borrower(or any ol them il more than one)to Lender whether dlrect indiract
<br /> :';w-: abaolute or contlnpent and whether arlsinp by note,puaranry,overd�ak or otherwise.The Note,thla Deed ol Trusl and any and all
<br /> '�` � ��� other dxuents that aecure the Note or otherwlse executed In connection therewlth,lnclud+np wimout umlt�tion pua►antaes,�cu�iry
<br /> ��' �� apreementa and aaslynrnenia of leases and rents,shall be referrad to hereln aa the"Loan Inatrumants"•
<br /> .z� �
<br /> • �.,._ ;.= T�uator covananta and agreea wlth Lender as follows:
<br /> , . 1. Paym�nt ol lnd�6t�dn�u.All Indebtedness secured hereby shall be pa�d when due_
<br /> ° 2. TIW.Truator Ia the owner of the Property,hag the nght and authonty to convey the Property,and warrants that the Uen
<br />� � created hereby Is e tfrat and prlor lien on the Property, except lor liens end encumbrances set lorth by Trustor In writlny and
<br /> ';�, dellvered to(.ender befcre executlon of thia Deed ol Trust,and the executlon and dellvery ol th�s Dead o1 Trust does�ot vlolato any
<br /> contraCt or other obllgaUon to whlch Trustor is subJec�
<br /> �. � 3.Ta�cN.Ais�am�nts.To pay before dellnquency all faxes.apeclal assessments and all other char�es apalnst the Property
<br /> now or hereafter levled.
<br /> 4. In�wanc�.To keep the Properry Insured against damaae bv ff re,hazards Included wlthin the term"extended Cove►age",and
<br /> �� " � such other hazards as Lender may require,in amounts and wrth compames acceptable to Lender,nammQ Lender es en eddiLOnel
<br /> , " named insured,wilh loss payeble to the Lender.ln Cese uf toss under such pohcies.the Le�der is authonZed to ed�us�ColleCt end
<br /> " � Compromise,ell clalms thereunder and shall have the option of applying all or part of the�nsurance proceeds p)to any indebtedness
<br /> ; � ' • seCUred hereby end In Such order es Lender may determf ne.(��)to the Trustor to be used for the repelr or restoraUOn of the Property
<br /> , ' or(fi{)for eny othe►purpose or ob�ect sa6sfactory to Lender without aHectmg the Ilen of thfs Deed of Trust lor the lutl amount secured
<br /> ,,� , �. , ___ _,. hereby betore euCh payment ever took place.Any appl�catlon of proceeds to mdebtedness shall not extend or postpone the due
<br />- - -- - .---- - Oate oi eny pa�ments urqer tne ivoie,or cure any ueiauii i�nrvunua�or i��nduini8i.
<br /> � S. Escrow.Upon w rltten demand by Lender,Trustor shall pay to Lender,in such manner as Lender may desiynate.sutticient
<br /> � sums to eneble Lender to pay es they beCOme due one or more ol the following:(I)al I taxes.assessments and other charyes aya�nst
<br /> ' � the Properiy.(il)the premlums on the property Insurance required hereunder,and(�fll the premluma on any mortyaye fnsurAnCe
<br /> . ' . requirad by Lender.
<br /> � �� 8. MaI11tMMC�,R�paln�nd Compll�nc�wlth L�w�.Trustor ahell keep tha Propercy in flood wnditlon and repa�r,shal�
<br /> � promptly repair,or replace any Improvement wh�ch may be demaged or deslroyed: ahall not commit or permd any waste or
<br /> . . deterloratlon o1 the Property:ahall not remove,demollsh or substantlally alter any of Ihe�mp►ovaments on the Prope�ty:ahall not
<br /> ; commlt,suMer or permft any act to be done In or upon the Property in violation of any law,ordlnance,or regulation;and shall pay and
<br /> . promptly dlscharqe et Truator'a cost and expense all Ilens,encumbrances end charyes Iev�ed.�mposed or asseaaed ayainat the
<br /> ° Property or any part lhereoi.
<br /> � , ." . 7. Emin�nt Dan�h.Lender la hereby aaslyned all compensat�on.awerds,damapes and other payments or relief(here�naker
<br /> • "Proceeda'�In connecUon wlth Condomnatfon or other takfny of the Prope►ty or part thereol,or for conveyance�n 11eu of condem�a-
<br /> i r�.. �', Uon.Lender shall be entltled et Hs optfon fo CommenCe,eppear In and prosecute m�ts own neme eny eCt�on or proCeedfnys,and
<br />; � shall also be entltled to rnake any compromise or setllament�n connection with such takinq vr damaqe.In the event any portion of
<br /> � ' N�C�4611Aa�prnvnurN W�a�ww t O N �
<br /> t O1/MW1�pM��Mro�CM'�WHT.uNMWSI��.p��4woNw�l��coi�N�s��«� ' -
<br /> /
<br /> 1 . '_'—"_"_ "' _' ..... . ._
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