^---*• • pk,'r , � .
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<br /> - _ � -�� , 92-- 10�6
<br /> th�Prop�rty Is�o fakm a d�nuip�d�L�nd�r�hsll hav�th�opdon,ln Ib wl��nd eb�otute dlsontlon,to�pply atl wah Proe»d�,
<br /> - �ftrt dKluaGn�th�r�irom�II oo�b�nd�xp�nsu Inournd by It In conn�adon with wah Procasd�,upon my Indabtednqr s�oured
<br /> �- h�nhy snd In�uoh ordsr a�I.�ndor may d�termin�,or to�pply�II�uch Proceed�,�Rsr�uoh dsduotton�,to the nstor�Uon af th�
<br /> Prop�Ay upon wnh condidon�u Und�r m�y dete►min�.Any applloetlon of Procesd�to Indsbtedneu�hall not axtand or postpon�
<br /> th�d W d�h of�ny puym�nb unda th�Not�,or aur��ny d�t�ult th�r�unda or haound�r.Any umppll�d tund�sh�ll b��Id W
<br /> __ Tnntor,
<br /> -�,—.--�--�-_—,--�5,
<br /> 8.P�rlomn�na�by L�nd�r.Upon ths ocaur�encs of�n Evmt of Delsult hereundsr,or II any aat i�tekan o�legel proc np �
<br /> •��, commenaed whloh nuterlslly aBeoq Lender's Interett In ihs Propsrty,Lend�r m�y In Ib own dl�crotion,but without oblfp�Uon to do
<br /> °';s% w,�nd wllhout notic�to or demsnd upon Tru�tor end without rale�Nnp Trustar irom pny oblipadon,do any act whlah Tru�tor hu
<br /> , ��r�ed but falls lo do�nd mey also do any other act it deem�n�ceuery to proteat the ieauriry hereof.Trunor�hdl,immedl�tsly
<br /> upon dsmand theretor by Lender,pey to Lender all cosu and expernss incurred end sum�expended by Lendor in conneotion wlth
<br /> ths ax�roiee by Lender of the forapolnp riphti,topether with Intereat thereon at the default rate provided In ths Note,whioh�hall bi+
<br /> addad to tha Ind�bUdnau aeaurad her�by. Lender �hall not inour any Iiablllry bocau�e of anylhing It moy do or omit to do
<br /> - t�u�under. �
<br /> 9.H��rdou�11Ael�d�u.Trustor shall keep the Property In compllance wlth ell app1lcable lawe,ardlnences and repuladons
<br /> reletlnp to Indu�trlel hypiene or onvlronmentel proteaUon(collectivety referrAC!to herein ae"Envfronmental Lawa").Truetor ehell
<br /> keep the Properly iree Irom all subetances deemed to be hezardoua or toxic under any Environmentel Laws(colleadvely refe►►ed to
<br /> hereln as Hazardow Meteriele'7.Truator hereby werrants and represents to Lender thet there are no Hezardoue Materlals on or
<br /> .�
<br /> unde�the Properly.Trustor hereby aprees to Indemnify end hold ha►mleas Lender,its dl►eatora,ot�cera,employeet and apenfs,end
<br /> eny succeators tn Lcinder'e IntereaR�►om and eqalnet any end aN clelmt,dameges,losees and Ilebllitiea arisinp in conneoGon with
<br /> the pre�ence.uee, dlepoesl o�tranepon o1 any Hezerdous Materials on, under,(rom or ebout the Property. THE FORE(i01NO
<br /> �i"���`°-'�"`�'; SURVNE RECONVEYANCE OF THI8 DEED OF TRU3T.
<br /> _ , � !�-- 10. Awipnm��t ol R�nb.Trustor hereby assipns to Lender the rente,Iseues end qrofite oi�he Property;prqvided that Trustor
<br /> r� m
<br /> �^:;;w� `�.�° ;; shell,untN the occurrence ot en Event of Default hereunder,have the right to collect and retain euch renta,fasues and prufits ae they
<br /> ;' become due end payable.Upon the occ�rre�ce o1 an Event of Default,Lander mey,either In person or by epeM,wlth or without
<br /> ; a�. ,,,, brin�inp eny acdon or p►oceeding,or by e�ecelver appointed by a couA end wfthout repard to the adequecy ot Its aecurity,enter
<br /> ���'��-_,�• � ; - ;��' upon end fake poaseasion of the Prope►ry,or any part thereof,In Its own neme a in the name o}the Truetea,and do any acte which it -
<br />-�- ��; ` deerne necossery or desirable to pre�erve the value,merketabllUy or rentebility of the Proparly,or eny peh Ihereof or Inleroat therefn,
<br /> '� lncreate the income therelrom or protect the security hareof a�d,with or�rithout taking poseeaslon ol the Property,sue(or or -
<br /> °' � �. �:s''' � otherwlse collect the rents,feeues and prolits thereof,Includinp thoae pest due and unpaid,and apply the eame,less coste and -
<br /> _ �,-..
<br /> •.*;i;,,: eMpenaes oi operation and colleation Including attorneys'1eea,upon eny Indebtedneas aeaured hereby,ell In auch arder as Lender -
<br /> ' • "`�+� mey dete�mine.The enterinp upon end tekinp poasnaelon of the PropeAy,the collection of such rents,iaeuea and profita end the
<br /> ' appliceGon thereot ao etoresaid,sheH not cure or waive eny detault or notice of de(ault hereunder or invalidste any ect done in
<br />�,�:-°'i ;;�,,•t.:. re�p�nse io svch dstault ar pursuant to s�ch not4�e of delault enQ,notwlthetending the condnuence In poaae�bn of the Properry or
<br /> -•-�-• �A the coNecUon,recefpt and appllcation of rente,Isaues or prolite, and Trustee and Lender ahall be entitle�d to exercl�e every ripht
<br /> '�"�; • -•� provided for In eny of the Loan Instrumente or by lew upon occurrence of eny Event ot Delaulf,Includinp wHhout Ilmifetion the r�pht
<br />_ `"'�`�'• • to exorclse the power oi sele.Fu►ther,Lender's rights and remedlea under thla peraflraph shell be cumulaflve with,end in no way e _
<br /> � ^''Y�;;� ' �.. a Ilmitetlon on,Lender'e rigMs end remedles undar any aeaiflnment of leasea and renta�ecaded a�ainst tha Properry.Lender,Trustea
<br /> r, and 1he receiver ahall be Ileble to account only(or thase rents actually recelved.
<br /> ' �� � � 11. Ev�nb d OMauIL The followlnp ehell constltute an Event of Oeteult under thls Deed ot Truet -
<br /> :� � ,�,s_+�'r'::.L"
<br /> (a) Fallure to pay any instnllment ot principal or interest of any other sum secured hereby when due;
<br /> . "`:���'.-�':'°""'`;;� (b) A breach of or delault under eoy pravlslon contelned in the Note,this Deed of frust,any af the Loan Instruments,or eny
<br /> tl ��"''�'�, othar Ilan w encumbrence upon the Praperly;
<br /> ��. � a•..:- ,���.� ���•^, (c) A wrlt ol executlon or attechment or eny similar process shell be entered epalnst Truator whlch sha II become e Ilen on
<br /> .�i.� :,`; ;,; � ;,�,�+ the Property or any portion thereof or interest lherefn;
<br /> _� {4�, ., �•�,,-_;,,y,4.;+� (d) There shall be Nled by or agalnst Trustor or Borrower an actfon under any present or future tederal,stete or other _
<br /> � �y=. � . �t::. statute,law or repuletlon relatinp to bankruptcy,ineolvency or other reliet(or debtors;or there ehall be appdnted any truatee,
<br /> � ���,,b�,4w,�� receiver or Ilquldetor of Trustor or Borrower or ot all or any pert of the Property,or the renta,Issues or profits thereol,or Trustor
<br /> �!� � �_,�=.-•.•; �• a 8orrower sheq make any general assignment lor the beneilt oi creditors; -
<br /> �9 � . .swf�,fw,+�°•�,.� , (e) The sele,tranafer,lease,asalynmen6 conveyance or lurther encumbrance ot elt or any part of or any Intereat fn the _
<br />�,�A t �., " "';,.;;� Property, elther voluntarily or Involunlarily, without the eKpreas written consent of lender; provided thet Trustor shell be �
<br /> a , • �� ,� a, permitted to execute e lease ol the Property the►does not contaln an optlon to purchase end the term of which doea not exceed
<br />�� ..�:a�,���:�'�.;�., one year, _
<br /> '�'4' .':,. ,�` �� (� Abandonmentof the Property;or
<br /> . p
<br /> . f,;�,:=,•-.., .,.. n;. , (9) It Trustor is not an Indlvidual,the iasuence,sale,trensfer,eealpnment,conveyance or encumbrance ol more then a totel
<br /> `�= �
<br />�°`: � ^�''��V� . ���"� 01 perCent of pf e corporation)Its lesued and outstandfng stock or pi a partnership)a total of percent ol -
<br /> ��?• �` , . Y pertnerahip Interests du�ing the period this Oeed of Trust remalns a Iien on the Properry.
<br /> r �• . yy_ • �� 12. Rrm�dNs;AccN�ratlon Upon DN�ult In the event of any Event of Deteult Lender may,without notfce except as requlred b� _
<br /> ��• , law, declare elt Indebtedness secured hereby to be due and payeble and the aeme ahall thereupon become due and payeble
<br /> • ��:��y: wlthout any preaentment,demand,proteat or notice ol any kind. Thereafter Lender may:
<br /> • (a) Oemand that Trustee exerclae the POWER OF SALE granted herein,and Trustee shell thereafter cause Trustor's
<br /> o � ����. ��., � intereat in the Prope�ly to be sold and the proceeds to be distrlbuted,all In the manner pruvlded In the Netxaske Truet Deeda
<br /> ,.i. „ ., Ack
<br /> • • (b) Exercfae any and a:l riphts provided for In any of the Loan Instruments or by lew upon xcurrence of eny Event of _
<br /> Defauih,and °
<br />. •, ���� �� • (c) Commence an actlon to loreclose ihls Deed of Truet as a mo�tgaqe,appoint a recefver,or specillcally enforce any ot the
<br /> �;�;,.. ._ . .� covenenta hereof. -
<br /> • _ - - �° '�� Nu rem9dy hereln conferred upon or ro�orvad to Trustee or Lcnder Is Intended to be exclusfve ot any ether remedy herRin,fn the '
<br /> •V�-f: .... �..
<br /> , . Loan Instrumenta or by lew provlded or permltted,but each ahall be cumulative,shall be fn additlon to every other remedy given =
<br /> � ,,,-. � hereunder,In the Loan Inatruments or now or hereafter exlatinp at law or In equlry or by atetute,and may be exercised concurrently, -
<br /> � Indepe�dently or succ9sslvety. -
<br /> � �, ' 13. TrustN.The Truetee may resign at any time without cauae, end Lander may at any tlme and without cau3e appolnt a �,.
<br /> auccessor or substitute Trustee.Trustee ahall not be liable to any party.Including wlthout limitatlon Lender,Borrowar,Trustor or any -�
<br />�y- - ��y��=�-�t , ..��..h..e.,,r��o.�,np.�v fnr anv losa or dameae unlesa duo lo reckless or wllllul misconduct,and shall not be required to take any
<br /> -- ._ ----- . . _ ._�_ .,.
<br /> --- - r"�'___._..._ .
<br /> ��„ � adfon In co��ection wifh the enlorcement of this Deed of Trust unleas Indemnified,fn wridng,for all coats,compensanon or _
<br /> - ,. ' expenses wt.�c�may be assocfated therewlth.ln eddfNon.Truatee may become a purchaser at any sale of tha Property Qudiclal or r
<br /> •,� ;. � under the power o1 sele granfed herefn);poatpone the sele ol all or anY portlon o}the Property,as provfded by law;or aell the -
<br /> Property as a whoie,o►in separate parcels or lots at Trustee's dlscretlon. _
<br /> � 14. FN�and Eap�mts.In the event Trustee sells the Property by exerclse of pawer of sale,Trustee shall be enlflled to epply _
<br /> � � ., eny sele proceeds tlrst to payment of all costs and expenaes of exercfsing power of sale,including a11 Truate3 a leea,and Lender s _
<br /> e .� end Trustee's ettorney's teea,actually Incurred to extent permfrted by applicable lew.In the event Borrower or Trustorexerclses eny �
<br /> • • „ . ripht provided by law to cure an Event of Detault,Lender shall be entHlod to recover Irom Trustor all costs end expenses actually
<br /> „ Incurred aa a reault of Trustor's delault, includlny without Ilmltatlon all Trustee's and attorney's fees,to the extent permltted by E
<br /> , ,,. %;. eppl�able law. _
<br /> .�. " �,.,; . 15. Futun Adv�nc��. Upon requeat of Borrower, Lender mey, at Its option, make additfonal end tuture edvances and re- `
<br /> �� n � advancea to Borrower.Such advances end readvancea,with fntereat thereon,ehall be secured by thle Oeed of Trust.At no time shall f
<br /> ���� the princlpal amount of ihe Indebtednesa secured by thfs Deed of Trust not including surr,s advanced to protectthe aecurity of thia t
<br /> �� ► �� �'��� Deed ot Truab exceed the orlyinal prfncipal amount ateted herein,or$�_y n n n_�� whichever i8 greater.
<br /> :�.- ..,•. �
<br /> � „ . � �
<br /> � - � 1
<br /> I
<br />