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<br /> TRUBTOR REAO TH18 BEFORH SIONiNO: 92,� 1Q��r �
<br /> 7ru�tor undent�nds that th�documant th�t T�ustor It about to�x�cuts i�a D�sd of Tron and aot a moRp���u�d th�t th�pow�r
<br /> - - of al�provid�d for In the ONd of Trwt provldei�ubiqndaNy dllfermt riphq and obllp�tlona W Truttor than�mort�aps In tha�vent
<br /> of�dN�ult or brqoh of oblip�don uod�r ths D�l of Tru�t,lnoludinp,but not Ilmlted to,ths Lend�r's ripht to haw ths P�op�rty wld
<br /> - -�— -----� by th�TruatN without�ny�udioid proca�dinp.Trwtor repre�snts�nd waranq tFwt thl�aaknowNdpsment wu�x�aubd by
<br /> - -�_-----_,_� _-�
<br /> -- - Trustor b�for�th��x�aution ot tlt�OMd M Tru�t. �y � '
<br /> _.-- - �7�.�.�_v F_ �T�v
<br /> .Y
<br /> D e E. e w i s Tru�tor
<br /> �
<br /> e /
<br /> _.�.�'""�.° Tru�tor
<br /> —�--- Betty J. Lewis
<br /> THIS DELD OF TRUST,Is mado oa ot the�._day ol August ,1g 92 by�nd amonp
<br /> theTrwtor, Owavne E Lewis � 6etty J. Lewis, Husband and Wife
<br /> �
<br /> -=--_--==� whosamallMpaddnasis�808 N. Lafavette, Grend IS18nd, NB�hereln"Truator;'whWhoronaormore),
<br /> �.�'�._� 68803
<br /> -�_�;;,�:�;��,� moTru�toe, First State Bank --,
<br />_;�-� .._.M
<br /> -°����"�"y""�'� whowmalllnaaddressla P.O. Box 518, Shelton� Nebr. 68876 �hereln"Tru�tee'y,end -
<br /> ���.�.�u'�-°' First State Bank
<br /> :�:..�;y;�,t:.�, ,.. tha Beneilciery, �
<br /> �"' �'�tx �'�� P.O. Box 518 Shelton Nebr. 68876 .
<br />_,��+� .�'�-�� who�a maillnp address Is � � lhareln"Lender 7.
<br /> -��'='A.:�js n:�._,x,•
<br /> Owa ne E. Lewis dc
<br /> -��4�:�,�• FOR VALUABLE CONSIDERATION,inoludlnp Lender's extenalon of cradit Idendtied hereln to Y
<br /> M t`��'�^���'• B e t t y J. L ew i s hereln"Borrower",whether one or more)and the Gust hereln created,
<br /> ������ l
<br /> :�:;„u:f-._„-, the recelp!ot arhlch!s hereby aaknowled9e�l.TrunMr hyreby irravocably granta,tranafera.cnnveys end asaigns to Trustee. IN
<br /> " �, `�' TRU8T,WITH POWER OF SALE,for the bene0t end security oi Lender,under and eubjeot to the terms and condltlona he�elnaltar set
<br /> -"— ���•�--�-••:�.n�-� forth,the real property,deacribed as followa:
<br /> '� '�" � Lot 4, R d� B 2nd Subdivision, Hall County, Nebraska
<br /> ��sa=.���...,.• . �
<br /> —°�i�+'.�'�. .�,,.
<br /> _= ;�.,,�i ,_,. .�',�
<br /> • Tapether with all buildlnps,improvamenfs,fixturea,atreets,alleys,pesaeyeways,easements,riphts,privilepes end appurte-
<br />-'"'�•��-=. • �� nences lor.ated thereon or in anywise perteininy thereto,end the rents,leaues and profits,reverslons and remelnders thereol,end
<br /> ti �,,,�Tr��; r euch personel property thet Ia attached to the Improvemonts so as to constitute a flxture,fncludfn�,but not II mited to,heatinp end
<br /> -.� ���t, coolinp equipmen�and together with the homestead or marltel Intereats,if eny,which Interesta are hereby reteeaed end welved;all
<br /> `` ` ' ' - of which,Includinp replacementa and additlons thereto,Is hereby declared to be a pa�t of the real e�fete eeaured by the Iien of thi�
<br /> `�'�`'fd�`M'^� • Da�d of Truot end all of the forepoinp befnp referred ro herefn as the"Properry".
<br /> � .,�;.:�a . . ".,,.
<br /> ,�w_ �- , •t �. S
<br /> ,�:�,-�; . ._,.:;,, Thia Oe�of Truat ahell secu�e(a)the payment of the principal sum and Intereat evidenced by e promfeeory note�or credlt
<br /> � , :°�.- '�� ' :��'�.; 8-12-92 10-28-92
<br /> _s .y.�s,.,... � epreement 6ated ,haviny e meturlly dete of .
<br /> r
<br /> �,� ��� ` �+ In the original principat amount of S���Ll-:�n ,and any and all modificatlons,extenelons end renewels
<br /> •:�:�; ' '�''" thereol or thereto and any and all future advances and readvances to 8orrower(or any of them if more than one) heraunder
<br /> .- ' �.� �'�� � pursuent to one or more promiesory notes or credR agreements(herein called"Note");(b)the payment ot other eurns edvenced by
<br /> .� �� Lender to protect the security o1 the Note;(c)the pe�lormance ot all covenants and egreements of Truslor set foAh hereln;end(d)all
<br /> _-=�� � ° • present and future Indebtedneas end obligetions of Borrower(or any ol them it more than one)to Lender whether direct,Indlrect,
<br /> -- ebsolute or contingent and whether ariaing by note,guerenty,overdreR or otherwise.The Note,this Deed of Trust and any end all
<br /> � _�=� ' ^ � other dxuenta thet eecure the Note or otherwlse executed In connection therewith,including without limftatfon guaranteas,security =
<br /> * ,� . epreements end aeelgnmente oi leases and rents,shall be reterred to herein as the"Loan Inatrumenta".
<br /> ;� •� Truator covenante end agrees with Lender as follows:
<br /> 1. P1�ynanl ol Ind�badn�u.All Indebtednesa secured hereby shall be pald when due.
<br /> •�� � � , 2. Titl�.Trustor Is the owner of the Property,has the right and authority to convey the Prope►ty,and werranffi thet the Ifen
<br />-�• � � • ' , created hereby Is a Ifrst and prlor Ilen on the Property, except for Ilens and encumbrancea set lorth by Trustor In writing and
<br /> � ., delivered to Lender before execution of thls Deed ol Trust,and the executlon and delivery of this Deed of Trust does not violete any
<br /> •� . contracf or other obtigetlon to which Trustor is sub�ect.
<br /> , � 1 3. Taxn,Muum�nb.To pay before delinquency all taxes,speclal asseaemeMS and all other charyes aqainat the Property
<br /> -; ' " now or hereafter Ievied.
<br /> _ ='='-'_`�-"� � ' 4. Inrur�nc�.Tu Aat�p lf�a P�uNn�ly i�iau�dd a�ainst damage liy fi�n,hdcuiJs ir�i.luJeJ wlthlit iha tatm"ext6nded Coverago",and
<br /> t " � ' s auch other hezards as Lender may requlre,in emounts and with companles accepteble to Lender,nnming Lendar as a�additlonal
<br /> � , named Inaured,wlth loss payable to the Lender.In case ot loss under such pollcfes,the Lender la authorized to ed�ust,collect and
<br /> . ., � compromise,ell clalms thereunder and shall have the optlon o(applying all or part of the insurance proceeda(i)taany Indebtodness
<br /> ; t °d „ • secured hereby and fn such order ao Lender may determfne,(II)to the Trustor to be used 1or the repafr or restoratlon olthe Property
<br /> or(NI)tor any other purpose or obJect satlslactory to Lender wfihout aNecting the Ilen of thls Deed of Trust for the full amount secured
<br /> - ��i,i4::.-uc-�..___• herebv be}ore such navment ever took otaae.Anv aoollcallon of oroceeds to fndebtedness shell not extend or poetDOn@ the duB
<br /> ,.� ,,;; ••- •� dete ot any payments under the Note,or cure any detault thereunder or hereunder.
<br /> - " 6. E�crow.Upon wrltten demand by Lender.Trustor shall pay to Lender,in such manner as Lender mey designete,suHlclent
<br /> ' suma to enable Lender to pay as they become due one or more of the following:(I)all taxes,essessments and other cherges agalnst
<br /> �_ the Property,(If)fhe premluma on the property insurance required hereuntler,gnd(IIf)the premlums on any mortgepe Insurance �
<br /> • requlred by Lender.
<br /> � 8. Malnt�n�nc�, R�paln�nd CompQanca wlfh low�.Trustor shall keep the Property In good condltfon and repafr;shall
<br /> '• a� promptly repalr, or replace any Improvement whlch may be damaged or destroyed; shall not commlt or permit any waste or
<br /> � ° , deterloretlon of the Property;shall not remove,demollah or substentlally alter any ol the Improvements on the Property;shall not �
<br /> �� comr ilf,auMer or permlt any act to be done In or upon the Property In viulatlon of any law,ordlnance,or regulation;and ahall pay end
<br /> a„ � promptly dlscharge at Truator'a cost and ezpense all Ilens,encumbrences end charflea levled,imposed�r aseossed apefnst the
<br /> , � ` Property or eny pert thereof. ,
<br /> " ` ° 7. Emin�nt Dan�ln.Lender Ia hereby aselpned ell compensat�on,awarda,damapes end other payments or rellet(herefneRer
<br /> , r � ?k"� "Proceeds")In connection wlth condemnatlon or other tekiny ol the Property or part thereof,or lor conveyence In ueu ol condemna-
<br /> � ,.'�;�, 11on.Lender shall be entltled at Its optlon to Commence,appear In and prosecute�n Its own name any actlon or proceedinga,end
<br /> � • ehall pleo bp enfNled to mpke eny compromise or 9ettlemenf In connectlqn wlth such taking or damage In thc�event nny po►tloR ol
<br /> � � INC 34671NooprKUllun�Dwdl�w 10iB6
<br /> � . O 1/q NNwml Hnk M Comm�rc�i�u�t�nd S�nrp�Aqac��uon_lmcoln N�br��►�
<br /> t1
<br />