' ..[� ,._�t E._.�.."'y '•.,..�: .C�_ �tia:; aii_�Lk.c...Se_
<br /> �.+..: ... .. . .
<br /> • . �. .
<br /> ._ .__.�.. _.. . . : '. . _ . "
<br /> ' :
<br /> _�.�._L .. .�. ......'.,'. __ ____ _ __. _ ....._ _." _"— _ _ __ _
<br /> ��.c._ �`__,. ._.:`.-•�. :,�c�s � � � _�. . � ,.= - _.�.�.- - .�.. .t .. t�_ ��. ..,.��.�_�c"-,-f:.r . _` L ` .
<br /> . _ �,.. ^s �—�`-�� .__....__..__�—._._�_.-.-rs==�_.�..._... __._.__. �._,_ -�- • - - .1 z�.T� .4.F,
<br /> '1.. .E` _;i,'`. - .
<br /> �,..�_:r .�. .. _, •'���.'` ,
<br /> � ` �Bortower rtury eure such a defauR and retnstate.as provided in P�3�Ph 18. by causing the adion or proceeding to 6e �,:,. '3 `•` ` + �'.
<br /> -�c•,`.;='`-`q,�
<br /> • • . dismissed wfth a ruling tha�in Lender's good taith detemilnatlon,predudes forteiWre of the Boirower`s interest fn the PropeRy or _ •`;'�, . , F•.r •;
<br /> "' other matertal tmpa3rmEnt ot the iien createU by ffiis Securtry Instrumerrt or L�der s securiry interest. Borrower sfiall alsa be in - •
<br /> � defauS if Bartonrer.duting the loan app6cation process.gave mate�ialiyi false or inat�rate Infomiation or statements to Lender(or `•�, .�•`
<br /> _ . � ;. .. ..: ' .
<br /> - .: —--= - ...._
<br /> ` faited to provtde Lender with eny rttalerial fitom�atlon) in connection witt� the loan evideneed by the Note. induding. bert �ot t--.',=;-,=;;--�
<br /> . � •. ' Ufnfred W, mpresertaUons concemi�g BoROwers aa�pancy of the Property es a pr:ncipal residence. tf this Security � . ,�:r,;�.-i�
<br /> Inst[umen! is on a leasehold, Borrower sfiall comply with sU the provisions of the lease. If Bortower acquires fee tiUe to the � i�� �'�� , .
<br /> � , proPerty.the leasehold and the tee titfe shail not merge untess Lender agrees to the aeerger in writing. ! (;�+r`�.,
<br /> 7.ProlBCNot1 of Lend�r'S Rlg4fts in tlte Property.if 8orruwer taits to pertortn the covenanis end agreements °`' , e " ••,�
<br /> '�i`�- � .. -..:k��•
<br /> ' contatned in th}s Seeurity Instrumen� or there is e tegai proceeding that may significantly aitect Lendeis nghts m the Propert� • '��., ,,
<br /> � (such as a proceeding in henlaupt�7►.Drobate,for eondemnaUcn or toReiNre or to entnrce isws or regulatim�►s).then Lender may` � . •y����.•�s,
<br /> . do and pay for whatever is necessary to protect the va4�e of the Property and Lender s rights in the PropeRy. Lender s setion� " , ;�'.
<br /> • _:��; may indude paying any sums secured 6y a Gen whicA hes prioriry over th�s Seci,rity instrument, appearing in court payin � =
<br /> . . reasonahle attomeys' tees and entering on the Properry to make repaas.Although Lender may take aetion under this paragrapt� , ; �. '
<br /> r � 7,Lertde►does not have to do so. ` `
<br /> --- - Ar►y amounts disbursed by L�d�under paragraph 7 shaA tsecome adddionat d$bt of Borrowar seared by this Securit� __ _
<br /> � tnstrument tfiless Bortower and Lender agree to other telrrts of payment, these amourrts sha0 bear interest from the date of ` �
<br /> ` ' disburseme.nt at the Note rate end she0 be payabte,wfth tnteresl.upon notiee irom Lender to Bortower requesting Raymen� � ', �'` �' ,? ;:..
<br /> � . ... G:a;- •.,.
<br /> � , 8. l4RORg8ge InsureACe. If Lender required mortgage insurance as a condUon ot making the toan secured by this s�� ;,.,�:
<br /> SecuriEy InsUument.Bortower shaQ pay the premiums required to maintah►the mortgage inaurance in etted lt.for any reason.the ,.,, _•--+�
<br /> '� :�.. moRgage insuranee eavetage required by tender lapses ar ceases tn be in efFect. Borrower shali pay the premiums required to ; �!::: - -._�_,
<br /> obtetn coverage substantiaRy equivatent to the mortgaga tnsar�ce previously in eftecK. at a cost subsKaritlatty equivalent to the .. ---
<br /> � cost to Borrower of the mort�ge tnsurance prevlousiy in efted. trom an ait�nate mortgage msurer approved by Lender. It y
<br /> . , substantiatty equivalent moRgage insmance coverage is not ava0abie. Borrower shall pay to Lender�ach month a sum equa!to _ __
<br /> onetweifth o!the yeady mortgage insurance premlum befng paid hy Bartawer when the msurance coverage Iapsed or oeased to
<br /> . � be in eftect. Lender w01 accep� use end retain these paymertts as a �ess reserve in fieu of mortgage insurance. Loss reserve ,: :�.�� :
<br /> � paymeois may oa longer be required.at the opUon o4 Lender. if martgage insurance eoverage(in the amount and tar the period . ,�s„—�
<br />'�` ,' that LpFder requGes)provided by an Insurer approved by Lender again becomes ava�labte and fs obTained. Borrower shall pay � ; ��_
<br /> � the premiums required to maUrtain mortgage insurance in effecR oa to provide a loss reserve,untl the requirement tor mortgage ,.,
<br /> insurance ends tn accordance with any written agreement tretween Borrower and Lende►or appfic�bte taw. :�_`�;��;
<br /> . 9.It13�08CtlOn.Lender or fts age�t may make reasonabte entries upon and inspections ot the Pmperty. Lende►shall give •
<br />- � •� Bortower aotice at the funs ai ar Rrior to an(nspecdon specitying reasanabte cause tor the inspectlon. =_=- _ --
<br />• : ..- - 10. Condemoatton.The proceeds of any awsrd or claim for damages.d'ued or consequential,in connectlon with any ';�,, „�_�
<br /> • condemna4lon or other taldng of any part of the Properry, or for conveyance in Geu oi condemnatlon, are here6y assigned and �;,..,:'.:; _-..,��
<br /> ` ' shaU be patd to Lender. .�:,�:--+-�-�_.
<br /> .. �V .YL'M�;___
<br /> � • � In the evertt of a totel taidng of the Property, the proceeds shaU be appUed to the sums secured by this Securiry .; t �:W�
<br /> " Inshumettt,whether or not the[� due,with any excess paid to Borrower. In the event ot a partlal teking o1 the Property in which , ,_
<br /> the fair maAcet vatue of the Property fi�mz�teiy before the taldng is equal to or greater than the amount ot the sums secured � . -- ___ -
<br /> ' ' by tfils Securfty Inshumerrt Mmediatdy before the tatm�g. uniess Bortower and Lender otherwise agree in writing. the sums ,-�s
<br /> •� •1 seatred by this Security tnsbument sha11 be reduced by the amount of the proceeds muwptied by ihe tollowing fraction: (a)the • ,;:.�.�.
<br /> �} ` totai amowri of the sums secured immedately 6dore the taking, dnlded by (b)the tair market vatue of the Rroperhj(mmedtateiyr " ;s��`,._
<br /> . :, � _�
<br /> before the�1dng.My batence sfiali be paid to Borrower. In the event ot a paNal taking ot the Property in which the fair madcet : _—_
<br /> ---�----. vaiue oS the Prope�ty(RSmed�tely behue the taktng is less than the amouM o1 the sums seared imme�atery before the taking, _. _ —
<br /> . . , � unless Bartower and Lender otherwlse agrea in wriGng or unless appl(cable taw otherwfse provides. the proceeds shail be
<br /> �• };:':��..
<br /> � . applied to tha sums secured by this 8ecurity instrument whether or not the sums ere Lheo due. �`;�;;' ' � ::��`
<br /> - If the Property is abandoned by Bocrower.or if, after noUee hy Lender to Borrower that the candemnor ofters ta make an "'<t�,.`;� � .-,—_
<br /> • � � award or setde a ctatm tor damages. Bortower fails ta respond to Lender within SO Qays after the date the no8ce is given. }`'ir`' ..:-""�;=
<br /> -� - - �- Lender ia suthorized to coiled and appty the proceeds,at its opUon, either to restoration or repalr ot the Property or to the • '`_'�
<br /> � ' , sums secured by this Securily tnstrument,whether or not then due. � : L,�'��`
<br /> � � Unless Lender and Bortower othennrise a�ee in w�itfng, any appticatlon ot proceeds to prtncipal shall not extend or �---
<br /> � postpone the due date o1 the monthy payments�eferted to in paragraphs 1 and 2 or chenge ihe amount of such payments. �. ' '��°-�-
<br /> � 11. Borrower No4 RetOased; Forbear8nce By Lendet Not a WBiver.Extension ot ihe Ume tar payment or -. �,`Y�".'��'_"
<br /> . � - mod'fication of amoRizatian ot the sums secured by this Secur(ty instrument granted by Lender to any successor in interest of • � "_:�_
<br /> ' Borrower shall not operate to release the fiabiliry of the odginal Borrower or Borrower's successars in interest. Leeder shaU not . ''±�:
<br /> � �• be requUed to commence proceedings ac_3ms1 any successor in intetest or retuse to extend time for payment or otherwlse � ��'�n�
<br /> � moddyr amoRimUon of the sum9 secured by this Seeurily Instrument by reason ot any demand made by the odginal 8onower or .'. �• ___
<br /> ' ' . 8orrowePa successors in interest. My torbearance by l.ender in exercising any rig`!t or remedy ahall not be a waiver of or '�.':i.:�r�; . � _
<br /> _� ' �'•'�, preGude the exercise of any dght or remedy. � "
<br /> . �,� '" �� � 12. Successors artd Assigns Bound; Joint and Several Uabili4y; Co-signers. The covenartts and . . ,. .
<br /> • .����5 agreements ci this Security Instrument sha0 b(nd and benefit the successors and assigns ot Lender and Borrower.5ubjecl to the . � , •', .q
<br /> . • : provlsions d paragraph 17. Bonower's covenanta and agreements shail be Jolnt and severai. My Bortower who co-signs thls .
<br /> • 3ecurily IasWment but does not execute the IYote: (a)is co-slgning this 3ecurity InstrumeM onty to mortgage,grant and convey
<br /> • • that Bonower's interest in the Property under the tertns of this Securiry InsUument: (b) is not personelty obfigated to pay the � •
<br /> � •� �t sums secured by this Securfty tnshument: and (c) agrees that Lender end any other Bortower may egree to extend, modity. � . � •
<br /> . ' ' •� fo�bear or make any accommodallons wfh regard to the tertns ot this Security lnstrument or the Note without that 8orrowers ' • .
<br /> .� consent . �
<br /> "` 13. Lo8t1 Chstg99. If the toa� secured by this Security Insttument is subJect to a!aw which sets maximum laan � _ _ �'.:�•
<br /> ' charges. and that law is iinally interpreted so that the interest or other loan charges collected cr:� be coltected in connection
<br /> • . : + with the loan exceed the pertnitted Gmtts, then: (a)any such loan charge shail be reduced by the amount �ecessary to reduce
<br /> � the charge to the permttted limit: and (b)any sums already coi!e�ed from Bortov+er whlch exceeded permitted limits wiil be
<br /> ' . refunded to Bonower. Lender may choose to make this retund Cy reQudng the pAncipal owed under ihe Note or by making a
<br /> _. : '. �� direct payr^ent to Bortower, M a rehand reduces prfncipal. the red:,ction will be treated as a paRial prepayment without any , "
<br /> prepayment charge under the Note.
<br /> S 14. (VOYiCes.Any nodce to Borrower provided tor In this Securlty InsVument shell be given by deiivering it or by mailing it �
<br /> . . � by titst ciass mail untess appticab�e law requites use of another method. The noUce shatl be d'uected to the Property Address �
<br /> . . or any other address Bortower designates by notice to Lender. Any rtotice to Lender shail be given by flrst ciass mail to
<br /> . � . 'i Lender's address steted herein or eny other eddress Lender designates by noUce to Bonower. Any notice provlded tor in this �
<br /> - Secur�ty instrument shall be deemed to have been glven to 8ortower or Lender when given as provlded in this paragraph. �
<br /> - 15. Gaverning Law; Severebility. This Security Insirument shall be goYemed by federal law and the law o} the , .
<br /> Judsdiction in which the Property is bcated. In the event ihat any provlsion or clause o1 ihis Securityr instrument or the Note . .
<br /> i conflicts with appiicable law.such Conflict shall not attect other provisions of this Secutity Instrument or the Note which can be . •
<br /> ,. � i given ettect without the contlicting provision.To this end ihe provlsions of this Secunty Instrument and the Note are dedared to
<br /> � be severable.
<br />. � 16. 80�IOWAP8 COpy. Bonower shall be given one contormed copy ol the Note and of this Securit+�Instrument. � . � •
<br /> .'. I
<br /> . . � � ,�2 .
<br /> i��� . ' La�' J :f S i"- ' .• - .
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