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� . _ _ . _ _ . .i <br /> : .. <br /> _-.�...^ � -- - "' - <br /> --�r--_— - -: - -- . � . — . _._ ._ -- - - - � - --- - <br /> ,' ' t . �4. . . ' , .� • t�: . ' . <br /> .:� � . <. • . ..� . d �..� s -. � .- . � � �- < '• _. . .,.,__ _._ -- ' ` '`�. <br /> , _ . . . -. .. ..� .� .. , .. �` <br /> � z <br /> . .. _. �, -• __....,.�� —,. . .����-'�-G+.=-'—`r-�-�t. ---- -.. Z _�.�' _�T = -. <br /> �•, _- <br /> . . ` TOfiETHER 11YITM aU the rtnprovements now or hereaft� erected on the properry. and ail easem�ts.appurtenances.and � •t �.'� <br /> " . . �� naw or hereafter a part of the properiY.All rePlacements and addiUons shaU atso be covered by this Secud►Y InsUument. '�`Y <br /> � � ` A9 ot the toregotng ts reterred to in this Security lnstrumenl as the'Property' �-<-c `- <br /> - ` � - = ��-= BORROY{tEFI COVENANTS t� 8ormwer is law(uliy selzed ot the estate hereby canveyed and has tAe right!o grant and . , . <br /> ---- - - . convey the Properly and that the Properly is unencumbered. exceAt for encurtd�rancas ot record. Borrower warrants and w�71 ---- . .--�-<� ._��: <br /> .ti.. - detend generally tlte tifte to the Properry a9airts�a�ciaEms and demands.subjed to any encumbrances ot record. ^,. <br /> 7HIS SECURITY IN'TRl1N�ENT comb�nes unitorm cov�ants tor national use and norwndortn cove�artts with limited� ` , . <br /> , varfations by jurfsd�eUon to constitute a unKonn searity instrument cove�tng real proF�Y• _ <br /> ' • UNIFORM COVENANTS• Bortower and Lender covenar�t end agree as to�ows: g P ��P y � . <br /> . � ���. �' eM of PrEncfpa! and Interes� Prepaytnent and Late Char es.eorrower shau ra a wrten � � . . � <br /> 1.Paym ,` �'>''` <br /> �.� due the ptndpal of and interest on the debt evidenced by the Note and any prepaymeM and 4ate charges�e under the Note. � � ; ,r . <br />_ ,�� 2. Funds tor Taxes and Insurance.Sublect to applieable Iaw or to a written waiver by Leoder.Bortower shaU pay �,. ` <br /> to Lender on the day monthry payments are d�e��d��Note.urttil the IVote �s paid m tu�.a sum ('Funds'1 for. (a)yearty � �; , �{..`_.. <br /> leasehotd <br /> - ;;.,�i`� t a x e s a n d a ssessments which may attain prlority over this Security I�strument as a lien on the Property;a) ¶�ir►surance , . ' `,`Y�� <br /> � � `- ,. ,�. . payments or ground rerrts on the ProPertY• if any: (c) IRarh►hazard or propeRy insurance p r e m i u m s: (�Y e ►�Y , <br /> � _ ,_ Premi�ms,H any,(a) ysarty maRgage insurance premiums,i1 any:end(fl enY sums payabte by Borrowe►to Lender in accordance i�► _ - `- <br /> _ with the provfsions o t paragraph 8. in lieu of the payment oi mortgaga insurassce pre�ni�ms. These items are calied 'Esaow L <br /> � , '� ftems• Lender may�at any time, Copect and hold Funds in en amount not to exceed the maximum emount a len der tor a ` y� <br /> � - ' federalhl related mongage loan may require far Bortowers escrow accouM under the tederai Real Estate S�li o the funds � ' <br /> ' Qct oi 1974 as amended from time to time.t2 U.S.C.�280t et seq. ('RESPA'). unless another law that app , <br /> , , � sets a lesser amou� H so. Lender arry time. coUecl and hold Fuads in an amount not to exceed endRures otnNture '. , •,;'�` <br /> • Lend�may e.stMete the amourrt a1 Funds due on the 6asis of cuRent data and reasonable esUmates of o� ��: <br /> Escrow ttems or othe�wise 1n accordance with aPPGcabte Iaw. or enUty 6nduding -- -- <br /> The Funds shaU 6e held in an instilution whose deposRs are insured bya teQeral agency.mswe Fe�'tafl�Y•�P�the Escrow `c".,-.�- --Y-_ <br /> � � �, Lender, ff Lender is such an instih�tton)or In any Fedecal Flome Loan Bank Lender shall ap �e�aow account. a►veritying �-- <br /> � � �tQms.Lender may not charge Borrower for hatdmg and appMng the Funds,ennuaUy anelydn9 <br /> '' mg Iicable iaw ermits Lend�r !o make such a t <br /> the Escraw Items, uniess lender pays Bortower interest on the Funds and app P ;' �.` � <br /> - .:•�� cherge. tiowever. L�der may requUe Bartower to pay a one�time charge tor an independent real estate tex reporting service .`� �_ <br /> � used by Lender irt cannectlon with this toan, uNess applicabte law Provides otherwise. Untess an a�eement ts made or <br /> .,, •,� app�cabie law requ3res interest to be paId, Lender shali not be requfred to pay 8orrower any fnterest or eam(ngs on the Funds. <br /> � " - , Horrower end Lender may a�ee in vrtitin9� howaver. thal interest shaQ be paid on tbe Funds. Lender shall gtve to Bortower. <br /> without charge.en ennua{accoursting ot the Funds, showing Wedds and debits to the Funds and the purpose for which each i ' _ <br /> _ . . :.� .�':"=�; debft to the Funds was mada The Funds are pledged as a d d'A lon a l se c u r i t y t o r a lI sums secured by the Secairity InsLrument - -,�y:�� <br /> H the Funds held by LenQer exceed the amounts pc�mitted to be hetd by appGcable law,lender sha0 account to Bortawer <br /> • >J'.-, ��',..';�,_� <br /> ,...� _ tor the excess funds in accordance with the requirements ot appGcable Iaw.If tAe amourrt ot the Funds hetd by Lendw at any ___ � <br /> Ume Is not sutficlent to pay the Esaow kems when due. Lender may so notity Borrower in writing,and,N saeh case Bortawer '���.�_- <br />�r.�' • � � shaU pay to I.ender the amount necessa+y to make up the defidency. Bortower sha0 make up the defidency in no more than {� �-1.::;a"�.; <br /> •� ' tweNe manthty Dayma► Lender's sote discreUon. �:-'=`=-- <br /> - - -� .- �pon payment!n tuU ot aD sums secured by this Security InsWmen�Lender shaB pro�tly refund to Bortower any Funds � - <br /> �� h e l d b y Lender. H.under para9raPh 21•LendeT ghail acquke or sell the Properiy.Lender•Drior to the acquisition o►sale of the + <br /> � . �,:: PropeRy,shaD appty anY Funds held by Lender at the Ume of acquisiUon or s a le as a c r e d d a g a i n s t t h e s u ms secured b y this �.` , F���_ <br /> . . .-: 3ewriry tnstrument ents receYe� b Lender under +y'��°`_ <br /> `� ` ' $. AppUcatian O� PSynlBnts. Unless apPlicable Iaw Provldes otherwise. all PaYm y le urtder ,r.�=- <br /> _ � � paragraphs 1 and 2 shatl be applied: any prepayment charges due under tfie Note: secand,to amu,mts Payab _—_ <br /> aasagsapk 2;third,M interest pdndpal due;and any late charges due under the Note. � <br /> . � . �. Ch2t�ges: Uen9. Bortower shall pay all taxes. assessments, charges. fines and (mposl�an� atUibufahte te the �, �,; <br /> ;� � propeRy whicfi may attain pr(orily over tMs Security InsCUment,and leasehold paymerrts ar graund rents.if any. Bormvru shall ��.'�'�, <br /> , ._�;F� pay these obQgatians tn the manner provided in para�aDh 2. or il not paid in that manner. Barrowe►shaU pay them on ttme <br /> .;.;�._, <br /> _ direcHy to the person owed paymerrt. Borrower shall prompUY fumish to I-ender a���ces�ot�der receipts evidend�9 thie �'�` ."' *�� <br /> �.-- = - � para�aph. if Bartower makes these payments direclly. 8ortower shall promptly -�� <br /> � ellts. . �'•rr.; <br /> • �.I� P Botrower ahatl promptly ds�harge any Iien which has pdorily over thia Security Instrument untess Borrower. (a)a�ees in : �. ,�,� <br /> � ' � wridng to the paymertt o1 the obfigation secured by the lien in a manner accepteble to Lender, (b) contesLs in qood taith the �. �i,:," <br /> • � � . lien by, or detends against entorcement of the 6en in.Iegal proceed'mgs which in the Lende r's op i nlon operate to preveM the .,-��T;:. <br /> ' enfotcemerrt of the Ilen; ar(c)sec�res irom the holder ot the Iien an agreement saUs(actory to Lender suhardinaUng tfie fien to ;;..,_- <br /> ' this Security instrumerrt.H Lender determines that eny part o1 the Property is subJ�ct to a Ilen whicn may attain pdority over this ��_?;�,f; <br /> � � � Seairity Instrument,Lender may give 8ortower a notice identityfig the Uen.Barrower shall satisty the tien or take one or rr.xe of �� <br /> i'��acUons set foAh ebove wtthin 10 days of the giving of notice. •• ��►�.'_ <br /> � y, flazard or Property tnsurance.Borrower sh�fl keep tfie improvemerrts now exisUng or hereafter erected on the _ . __— <br /> prpperty Insured against Ioss by Rre, hamrds Included w(thin the term 'ea�ended cove�age' and any other hazards.inetuding , <br /> � IIoods or tlooding,tor whtch Lender requires insurance. This insurance sha:3�e maintained in the amounts and tor the periada . <br /> t!�st Lender requites. The insuranee cartler providing the i:t,:,:ance shall be chosen by Bortower subject to Lender's approvel ' _ <br /> � w!�.isfi ahall not be unreasonaby wtthheld It Borrower�_:s to malntain coverage desaibed above.Lender may, at Lender's , _ <br /> • • ar on.obtain coverage to protect Lender's�igAts In the Property in accordance witl►para�.^-�..?h 7• <br /> All insurance poncies and renevrals shail 6e acceptabte to Lender and shall include a standardemo�nQer all ece`ts o1 • <br /> shall have the rigM to hold the poiicles end renewals. If Lender requires.Borrower shafl promptly giv F , . <br /> . .. .. . , pald premiums a�d renewal notices. In the event of loss. Bortower shall give prompt noUce to the insumnce cartler and Lender. : <br /> .;.; . , . Lender may make proot of loss ii not mada promptly by Bortower. . , <br /> � Untess lender and Bortower othervulse agree in wriUng, insurance proceeds shatl 4e appited to restoratton or repaU oi the <br /> �,�� , � r'roperty damaged.N the restoration or repair is economicaly feasibte and Lender's securiry is not tessened. N the restcc�3on or . , <br /> repair is not economtcally feas(ble or Lender's security would be fessened,the insurance proceeds shall be applied to the sums . <br /> • • . secured by ck's Seeudty Instrument, wfiether or not then due. with any excess paid to Bortower. fl Borrower abancons the . <br /> Property. or Cces not answer within 30 days a notice irom Lender that the insurance carrler has ottered to setlle a Gaim, then <br /> : . ' .. �I Lender may coitect the insurance proceeds. Lender may use the proceeds to repair or restore the Ptaperty or to pay sums : <br /> seeured by lhis Securtty Inswment.whether or not then due. The 30•day period wiil be�when the noUce Is glven• <br /> • I Unless Lender and Borrower otherwise agree In wr::r.g. any application cl prcceeQs to pdndpal shall no1 extend or <br /> �. i postpone t�he due date ot ihe monihry payments reterred to m paragraphs 1 and 2 or change the amount ot ihe payments. I1 • <br /> -.,.. � . <br /> under p2ragraph 21 the Property is acquired by Lender. 8ortower's right to any insurance policles and proceeds resulUng hom <br /> � ' damage to the Property prlor to the acquisiUon shail pass to Lender to the extent ot the sums t�this Securiry Instrumenl <br /> immediately pdor to the acqulsiUon. . <br /> 6. Occupancy. Preservation, Maintenance and Pratection o! the Property; 8orrower's Loan <br /> • I Application; Leaseholds. Bonower shail ocoupy, establish. and use the Property as Borrower's principal resid�ce wAhin , <br /> sixty days after the �cecuUon ot tfiis Seeurity InsWmenl and shali continue to occupy the Properry as Borrowers princlpal <br /> - • � residenr.e tor at least one year after the date o1 occupancy,unless Lender otherwise agrees in writing,which consent shall not • <br /> T~ � � • � be unreasonabty wfthheld,or unless extenuatirtg circumst�nces exist which are beyoud Bortowei s conlrol. Bonower shall not . <br /> destroy. damage or impair the Property. ailow the Property to deteriorate,or commN waste on ihe Propertyr. Bortower shall be in <br /> ; delauil ii any toAeftute action or proceeding, whether civil or criminal. is begun ihat in Lender's good faith judgment could result <br />,4_ � <br /> in torfeiture ot the Property or othen+ise mateAalry impair tfie lien created Dy this Security instrume�t or Lender's securAy interest. <br /> •, S v.i�^1 �r 5 � �p I.. . � <br /> " � :1116.L�E:(1.9)t /� �V <br /> � � ' <br /> _.. ... � i . _ <br />-_ [: <br /> ___ : _ . :_ . _. ,,.,: � . <br /> �, F _._ _ <br /> :�r�� . . . .,�:a,--�-�:. -...•-.:r.:.�-�,�.�;�.,�,,,... <br /> � -.„ „ . .":•:. .`.. � �,. " � � ' . ' '�� � '' � .` ' <br /> �e�p,� ��y —� y- .y f`. r . -1� .4-_ 1V .q { <br /> —Y:Si.'yliit\1�i�."1.r�.:"--�&_iT ��.. �..L1�._:.L�a:.(._� ,i.YL..:..:A`�..�S:.a��...._ri..._��+:.�..�...�_._.... 3 •I ...,.,�1• ..\-... .i'. ..� .�. . • 1.- .��.�'n{,'LF.i. 0.'h�ll. -.SL.^. •. <br />