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<br /> Bomowcr Abwlutely pnd uncondidonally accigns and transfere to Lcnder all the rcNs ond revenue�("Rents")of
<br /> ----
<br /> -a ------� 1he Property. reQardles�oi to wiwm �I�e Renw of the Propcny +u� p•ryablc. Bar�ower uutho us Len er or --
<br /> - Lender's agents w collect Ihe Renu,and agree8 flwt wch tenant uP Ihe Property shall pay thc Rents to Lender ar
<br /> Lender'e agenta.However,Borrower shall rxeive the Rente until (i)l.ender has given Borrower natice of default
<br /> pu�su�nt to par��raph 21 of t1�Saurity Insuument and(ii)Lender has given notice to thc tenont(s)tiwt the Renta
<br /> aro to be pafd to[.cnder or L.a�der'r agent.Thi4 a�signment of Rents censt�tutes an absolute�iQnnknt and not
<br /> _-- an Aesignment fot additional security only.
<br /> ----- ----- If I.ender gives noNce of brcach to Borrower: (i)all Rents reccived by Bomower shell be held by Borrower
<br /> os trustee for the benef�t of i.ender only,to be applied to the sums secured by the Socudry Instrument;(ii)Lender
<br /> ahall bo entitlai w collect and rccelve all of the Renta of the Property; (iii)Borrower agrees that each tenant of the
<br /> Property ahap pay all Rents due and unpaid to l.ander or l.ender's agents upon i.ender's written derna�d to thc
<br /> unont; (iv)unless applic�ble IQw provides otherwise, all Rents collected by l.ender or I.ender's agents shall be
<br /> - eppliad first to thc costs of td�ing control of and managing thc Property and coflecting the Rents, including,but
<br /> ,� _� -_ - -- ---
<br /> not limited to. attorney's fees, rcceiver's foes, premlums on receiver's bonds. repair and maintenence costs,
<br /> - insurance pnmlums,taxes, assessments and other charges on the Property. and then to the aums secured y e -
<br /> °� Sacudty Instmmcmt:(v)Lencfer. Lender's agents or any judicially appointed raeiver sliell be lisble to accoum for
<br />_ only Ihose Rents actually received; and (vi) Lender shall be entitle� to have e receiver apiwinted to tnke
<br /> �' possession of and manage the Property and callect the Rents and pro8ts derivod from the Prope�ty withoul�y
<br /> - showing as to the inedcx�uacy of the Property as security.
<br /> -- If the Rents of the Property ere nat sufficient to cover the oosts of teking contral of and menaging the
<br /> _- — Property and of collerting the Rents any funds expended by l.ender for such purposes shall become indebtedncsa
<br />- — of Borrower to Lender secured by the Sxurfty Instrument pursuent to Uniform Covanant 7.
<br /> Borrower rcpresents and warrants thet Bomower has not eaecuwd any prior assignment of the Rents xnd has
<br /> ��� not end will not perform eny act that would prevent l.endcr from exercising its dghts under this paragreph.
<br /> - ---�---=--� Lender, ar I.ender's ugents or a judiciully appointed receiver. shull �wt be required w enter upon. take
<br /> _-���¢��! cuntrot ot or maintem the t�roperry before or atter giving notice of defaui[ ro Homawer. Howavzr. i.er�der, or
<br /> - ,��,��,,,,� Lencier's agents or A judicialty Appointed receiver, may do so at siny time when u default occurs. Any applica�ion _
<br /> n
<br /> —�r` ,.,� `. '" of Rents shall not cure or waive uny defsult or iiivalidute any other right or remecly of Lender.This assignment of
<br /> - �}�'�` ' Itents of the Pro shall terminete when ell the sums secured b 1he Serurit lastn�ment are aid in full.
<br /> _`=� :� u.=��;,. .,,;�;,,;; Pe1'�Y Y Y p
<br /> -,�' I.CROSS-DEFAULT PROVI.SION. Borrower's default o�breach under any note or ugreement in which
<br /> � . � • l.ender has an interest shall be a breach under the Sacu�ity Insuument and L.ender mwy invoke any of the rert�edies
<br /> /t��..f...�_a.
<br /> 1�. ,,,,�,,,,,,.,.�,, pe�mitted by the Security lnstrument.
<br /> °�'� . � �'�°~ "�' B Y S l(3 N I N a B E L O W, B o rc o w e r e c ce p t s a n d a g r e e s t o t h e t e r m s a n d p ro v i s i o n s c o n t e i n e d i n t h i s 1-4
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