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<br /> -r�-" THI$ 1-4 FAMILY R1DER i8lriodC 111ie ],8tS�1 day of Auguat . ZJ,9'2
<br /> ond i4 incorporated inW and shell be damed to unend and suppl�ment the Mortga�o, Deod of Trust or Securiry
<br /> Doed (the •'Security Instrument") of the same dwe given by the undersignod (the "Borrowu") to securc
<br /> �_. �,,,,,,,�„_�,,,,,F.,„�� Borrower'sNoteto The Equitable Buildinq and Loan Aseoeiation of arand
<br /> _---_-__ __ __ island, Nebraska, A Federai Savinga Bank
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<br /> �—=��''-�::�-• of tbe same datc and wver�ng the Property descdbed in the Securiry Inurument end located et: Z�13 arid 2715
<br /> �-.'.:�-r--
<br />- �,�� Weat Koenig, Grand Island, Nebraska 68803
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<br /> — — I�nS'Addrcu]
<br /> �° � ��'' ' 'f��`r'�• 1-4 FAMII�Y COVENA(VTS.In additlon w the covenants and agreements made in the Socurlry Instrument,
<br />. , h'r . . '. ., .,
<br /> . �.,.. „ . Bortower and Lender further covenant and agree es follows: _
<br /> -; ��`',g.�:.�,� ' A. ADDTf[ONAL PROPERTY 3UBJECT TO T!� SECURITY INSTRUMI:NT. In addition to the
<br /> '�' � Property described in the Security Instrumenl.the following items�re addod to the Property descripdon,azul shall
<br /> r- 8
<br /> ,?':•.v';,:�-,: '; :'�+r also constitute tlu Property wvered by the Security Instrument:building materials.appliances and gooda of every
<br />��`• � �:,-�� :,_�fw�,`�' netwe wtiatsoever now or hereafter lacated in, on, or used, or intended to be used in wnnection with the
<br /> ��'� Praperty, including, but not limited to, those for the purposes of supplying or distributing headng. cooling,
<br /> �q��ve4;'':'•'.::.• :. `, ,
<br /> *���••�• .s:;��-• '�. elecWciry, ges. water. air and light, fire prevention and extinguishing apparatus, secudty and access cantroi
<br /> - '��'r`'';.' .' '�" apparatus. plumbing, bath tubs. wnter heaters. water closets. sinks. ranges. stoves. refdgeretors,diehweshers,
<br />`-;' ''_ � �tr�rs..��l'_ dispocals. washers.dryers. awninga. storm windows, storm doors. screens,blinds. shades. curtains and curtain
<br /> _ --- _— --__ �
<br />' ''' ' �' rods,attuhed mirrors.cabinets,paneliing and attached floor coverings nuw or hereafter ettached to the PropeRy,
<br /> �� , all of whlch. including �plucements und additions thereto, shell be doemed to be and remei�a part af the
<br /> ' • � Property covered by the Secudty Instrument. Ali of the foregoing together with the Property described in tt�e
<br /> . ' Security Inawment(or�he leasehold estate if the Securfty Instrument is on a leasehold)are referred to in this 1-4
<br /> Family Rider and the Securfty Instrument as the"Property."
<br /> �� �. ` B.USE OF PROPERTY; CUMPLiANCE WITH LAW. Borrower shall not seek. agree to or make a
<br /> ..�., .
<br /> � " �� ° ��. change in the use of the Property or its zoning classification, unless Lender has agreed in wridng w the change.
<br /> a�. � ' Borrower shell comply with all laws, ordinances, regulations and requirements of ony governrr�ntal body
<br /> . ,.'"°"';«-.. " 'i"• ' opplicable to the Property.
<br /> ;�;• a.� •�''�• `�" " C.SUBORDINATE L�NS.Except uc permined by federal law,Borrower sh�il not allow any lien inferior
<br /> ��, ^'``_� , �r to the Securlty Instniment to be perfected against the Property without Lender's prior written permission. _
<br /> x�•w. � ° D.RENT[ASS[NSURAIYCE. Borrower shall maintain insurance against rent loss in Addition W Ihe dher
<br /> 1�»• � ' �"""'""'"•���""•� iwzords for whtch insurence is required by Uniform Covenent 5.
<br />`,�� . i'!'� - E."BORROVYER'S WGHT TO ItE1NSTATE"DELETED.Uniform Covenant 18 is deleted.
<br />• • �'�... � . F. BORROVYER'S OCCUPANCY. Unless Lender and Borrower otherwise agree in writing, the first
<br /> , ' ... . sentence in Uniform Covenant 6 concerning Horrower's accupancy of the Properry is deleted. All remaining
<br /> _ ,;;�. covenants and agreements set fonh in Uniform Covenant 6 shall remain i n effect.
<br /> `. G.ASSIGNMENT OF LEASES.Upon I.cnder's request,Borrower shull assign to Iender all le.ases of the
<br /> ' ., Property end all security deposits made in connection with leases�f the Propeny. Upon the assignment, Lender _
<br /> �� o .�_. ' shaU have the right to mudify,extend or terminatc the existing leases and to execute new leases, in Lender's sole
<br /> � ` •` ' discretion. As used in Uiie paragraph G,the word"lease"shell mean"sublease" if the Security Instn�ment i�on
<br /> .. y .,• me
<br /> ' ' a leasehold.
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<br /> „ . MULTISTATE 1•4 fAMILY RIDlR•Fonnl�M�dF��ddl�M�o Uniform Imhum�nt Form 3170 8190 =
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