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<br /> - �-_ - - - 17.Traacter ot t6e PropertZ or�BeneAcl�l Inter+cct In Borrower.If ull or any part of the P�apeRy or any lnterest in it -
<br /> - Is sold ar trmsferrod(or if a beneflcial interext in Bortower is eold or transferred und 8orrower is not a nuwrul person)wlthout
<br /> Le�der's prior wdnen consent, l.ender may, at its option, �q uire inunediate payment in full of �II sums �ecured by thie
<br /> _ . Security Instrument.However.thjs option shall not be exercisod by Lender if exercice i�prohfbited by ie�eral law r+s of d�e date
<br /> -- of this Sacutity instrument.
<br /> IP Ixnder exercisea this option, I.ender shall give Barrower notice af accele�ation.TBe notice shall Pravide a periad of not
<br /> - , less than 30 daya from the date the naice is deliverod or mailod within which Borrowcr must pay all aums securecl by thia
<br /> _�, _.
<br /> -_' _�---_�_--._-_-___� Security Instn�ment. If Borrower fails to pay tt�cse sums prior to the cxpiration of this perlod,Lender mey invoke any re es
<br /> -=- — permitted by thia Security Instrument without further notice or demsind on Borrower. `
<br /> �;+., 18. Horrower's Right to Relnsl�te. If Borrower meets certain conditians, eortawer shall huve the right to have
<br /> enforcement of this Secu�ity lnstrument discontinued at eny dme p�ior to the carlier of, (a)S deys (a� such other period es
<br /> -- - applicable law may specify for reinstatement) beforb sAlb of the Property pursuant �o eny power of sale contained in this
<br /> — Secur�ty[nsl�ument;or(b)entry of a judginent�nforcing this.Security inatrument.Those conditionc are that Borrower:(a)pays
<br /> Lender ull sums which then would be due dnder t�is Security Instrument and the Note as if no ucceleration had accurred;(b)
<br /> __� __�_-.-��.y_n�..�..a cures any default of any other covenanta ar agreements: (c)pays all expenses incurred in enforcing �his Secu�ity lnstrument,
<br /> �- � — including, but not limited to. rea�nable attomeys' fees; and(d)talces such action as Lender muy reASanably require to a,sure
<br /> �-°— thut the lien of this Secu�fry Insuvment,L.ender's rightx in the Property and Borrower's obligation to pay the sums secured by
<br /> _-- this 5ecurity Instrun�ent shall cantinue unchanged. Upon reinstatement by Borrower, this Securiry Instrument and the
<br /> �-- - obligations secured hereby shall remain fully effective as if no ecceleration had accurred.However, this rlght to reinstate shall
<br /> �• not apply in the cese of acceleration under paragrnph 17.
<br /> 19. SWe of Nate; Ch�age oi l.00n 3erv(cer. Thc Note or a partial interest in �he N�te(together with this Security
<br /> ���s Instrument)may be sold one ar mare times without pdor natice to&►rcower. A sale may result in a chenge in the entity(known
<br /> - as the"Loan Servicer")thst collects monihly payments due under the Note and this Securiry Tnstrument.There also may be one _
<br /> - ���t•.�y�� or more chunges of the Loan Servicer unrelated to u sale of the Nate.If there is a change of the Loan Servicer, BoROwar will be
<br /> � ��;_� _ given written notice of the change in accotdance with paragmph 14 above and applicable law.The notice will state the name and
<br /> _.���- uddress af the new Loan Servicer And the address to which payments ehould be made. The no[ice will also cantain any other
<br /> :��'• "."•�' �-.� . information required by appliceble law.
<br /> 20. Hazardous Subatances. Borrower shall not cuuse or permit the presence. use, disposal, storage, or relcase of any
<br /> --- _tiv�:�ir t�� Huwrdous Subslances on or in the Propeny. Borrower shall not da, nor allow anyone else to do, anything affecting the
<br /> _�=�,.�,:,��, �;� Property that is in violatfon of any Emironmentnl Law. The preceding two sentences shall not apply to the presence, use, ar
<br /> � �''"°` storuge on the Property of small quunti�ies of Hazardous Substunces tfiat are generally recognizetl to be appropriate to normsl
<br /> -� - ..•,�'� residential uses and to muintenance of the Property.
<br /> � ,, '� Borrower shall prompdy give l.ender written notice of uny investigation,claim,demand, luwsuit or other action by any
<br /> �": y�, , �,;,;�;w�;, governmental or regulutory agency or pdvs�te puriy involving the Property and any Ha�rdous Su6sUtnce or Environmental Law
<br /> —_ �t�' -:,:.•. of which Borrower hes actual knowledge. If Burrower leurns. or is notified by uny govemmental or regulatory authority, that
<br /> ,.;,,;,�,����;:.,,-- any rtmoL�!ar ather rc�ec3iadon af any Hnzarda�s Suhsta�u'P nffe.cting the Property is necessery.Borrower sh�ll pramptly take
<br /> ••.� :�._...�::M,_. •' all necessury remedial uctions in accordance with Environments�l Luw.
<br /> _��,�'! �.se�a.µ•.:�»a-: � As used in Ihis p:in+gruph 20, "Hazurdous 5ubstanccs" are thosc substances defined as toxic or hazardous substances by
<br /> - ° ' Em�ironmental I.aw unJ the following substances: gusoline, kerosene, ather flnmrnable or toxic petraleum praducts. toxic
<br /> ��" •`�"�;;;;,:"'•"•' ' •2 pesticides and herbicides,volutile solvents, materiuls containing u+t�estos or fortnaWehyde,und radiouctive materials. As used in
<br />"`-= �a:'��`� this pur�gruph 20, "Envlronmcntul I.uw" means federal luws and laws of the jurixiiction where the Properry is located that
<br /> .� '}="'i� ��a relate ta health,sufety or environmentul protection.
<br /> - �" " ! � '° ��f� NON-UNIFORM COVENANTS.Borrower und Lender furthercovenunt arul agrce ns foU�iws:
<br /> � ?��'•�' `�° � 21. Acceleration; Remedi�. Lender shall give notice to&►rrower prior to aceeleradon following Borrower's breach
<br /> �iv::;��� �• � oi any covenant or agreement in thls Security Instrument lbut nat prlor to acceleralion under pa�graph 17 unl�s
<br /> � �'�='�' � ' p licable Ipw rovides otherwise). The nMice shAll specify: (a)the defeult;(b) the action reyuired tu cure the default;
<br /> - ,�� �.ay.. . , :..�+e.:• PP P .
<br /> ,. •q;II;tt F • , . .� -: (c)a date,not less then 3U duys fmm the date the notice IR given to Borrower,by which the default must be cured;and
<br />� - ,��: . ,• (d) thut fallure to cure the defoult on or before the date specified in the notice may result In aceelerution of the sums
<br /> �y � ?�.��...•. •- secured by this Securlty Instrument and sale of tlx Properly. The nodce sball fnrther Infurm Borrower af the right to
<br /> - �'�`''"'•'}' : '�' relnstnte after Accelerutlon and the riaht ta bring u court action ta a+scrt the non�existence oP a default or any other
<br /> "�=� '�!Y":""`.°"""`` '"� detetue of Bormwer M accelerution und sale. IP the dciuult is nnt cured on or before the date speciiied In the aolice.
<br />__r'_:
<br /> --- - ; '• y %.i'�`' l.ender. ut its option, may mqulre immedis�te puyment in full of all sums secured by Ihis Securlty Instrument w t out
<br /> ' �'.�~ � � • further demund And moy invoke the power oi'�le and any other remcdies permitted by applicable law.l.ender sholl be
<br />-" � � entitled to collect all expens�s incucred in pursuinR the remedies provlded in this purs�raph 2l. including,but not limited
<br /> - �.. � ,��� J to�reasonable attorneys'feec ond co�is oP title evidencr.
<br /> "�� *�'�--���� IP the wer of sule i4lnvnked,Trustee shal! record a notice of defuult in es�ch county in w61ch any part oP the
<br /> � .�'G..r„ ... , , �o �u
<br /> ;;;;��'N^ - . Property is I�cated und shull meil copi�w of such notice in the munner presc�fbed by applicable Ipw to Borrower and to
<br /> xV r-" � ' the othcr persons prescribed by applicuble law.After thc timc rcyuired by applicvble IuN,Trustec shall give publlc notice
<br />;��': •�`'�"'' '` oP salc to the persons s�nd in thc manner pr��urilx�d hy appllcuble IAR'.Trustee, xithoW demend on Borrower,shall sell
<br /> • °"�� " tde Propc�ty at public uuction to the high��st bldder ut the timc and place and undcr the Icrms d�ip�nut��d in the notke of
<br />_ ��,�<.• .
<br /> x , sale in one or mure parcels and in any urder Trustce dMcrmin��. Trustee niuy potitpune sule of all or any parcel of the
<br /> .. ,3.K,,,.•,� Pruperty by public annuuncement ut the timc and plucc uf vny prevlously scheduled tink. Lender or i44 designee may
<br /> . .. „ . purchase the Properly et eny sulc.
<br /> ...,;.
<br /> • . �
<br />� Form 3028 81�0
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