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<br /> . � �wymenta may no lon�er bc roquirod, at thc aplian aP[.ender, iF inartqu�c inFUrancc cover�c(in the amounl and Por the periad �
<br /> that l.ender requircs)pmvidod by an i�urcr approvod by Lender pg�in b0comea avaflable und is obti►ined. Bonower cf�ll pry �
<br /> _ _ the pr�emiums required to maint�in mortQuge iasurnnce in effect,or to providc u loas reserve.umil the roquirente�u for aart�a�e • �
<br /> �� in�uruue enda in ucrnrdar�ce with any w�itten agreement between eorrower and l.ender or applicable luw. -
<br /> g, �qapectiop.l.endcr ar ita agent may makc rwsnnuble entrfes upcm und inspcctianc uf the Property.Lender chall Qive �
<br /> - - Borrowe�ratice at thr timo of or prlor to an inspectton specifyln�res�sanwble cause fbr tho inspection. �•
<br /> =� ____ .____.___ 10. Condemnadon. The procoeds af$ny uward or cluim far dwnaRes, direct or consequential, in connection with any
<br /> � -- _
<br /> �;r rnndemnation or other twkin� oi any put af the Propeny.or for convayanix in lieu uf condemnation.ue hereby acsi�ned ond
<br /> - altall be paid to l.tndcr.
<br /> in the event of a total tuking of the Prapetty,the prceeods shall be upplieci to the aums secured by this Secu�lty Instrument,
<br /> whether ar not then due, with s�t►y excess paid to Borrawer. In the event af a partial tnking of the Propeny in which the falr
<br /> `�`�""'—a='-'�� ma�ket value of the Property immediately before the taking ia equal to ur greater than the amount of the sums secured by this
<br /> - �.-v- -_�-`— Security lnstrument immediately before ihe taking,unlcss Borrower and Lendcr othcrwise agree in writfng. thc sums secural by
<br /> "'r"a'="'""��-� this Secu�ity [nstn�ment shall be reduced by the umount of the proceeds muUiplied by the follawing frnction: (u) the total
<br /> nmount of the sums secured immediately bcfore the taking, divided by(b) the fuir market value of the Property imme�liately
<br /> ��,�,,a�� before tha taking. Any balance shull be paid�o Borrowcr. In the event of u panial taking of the Property in which the falr
<br /> — --- market vnlue of the Property immedintely before the taking is less than the umount of the sums secured immediately befot�e the
<br /> —"�"�°�-�� taking. unless Borrawer and[.ender othenvise agree in writing or unless applicablc law atherwise provides,the praaede shall
<br /> �±�..� bc applied to thc sums secured by this Secudh�Insttument whether or not the sums are then due.
<br /> - � '�"�"�''r`�' If tix�Property is abAndona!by Borrawer,or if,after notice by Lender to l3orrower thet the condemnor offers to malce an _
<br /> y..r..
<br /> -- award or setdc a cluim for dumages. Borrawcr fails to respond ta Lender within 30 duys after the date the notice is given,
<br /> �'-� :!� • I.,ender is authorized to collect end apply the procced�,ut its option,either to restoratian or repair af the Property or to the sums
<br /> , ', °' `' �" ,.,j�� secured by this Security Instrument,whether or not then due.
<br /> �• �.,. : Unless Lender and Horrawer otherwise agree in wrfting, any Application of proceeds to principal shWl not extend or
<br /> :-,�: .- �. postpone the due date of the monthly payments referred to in pamgrnphs 1 und 2��r chunge�he umount of such payments.
<br />_ � 6�:.' 11.Borrower Not Reles�sed;Forbea�nce By l.ender Not A Waiver.Extension of Ihe time for payment or modification
<br />- . � : ,,; .,. �;�,. of�unoriization of the sums secureti by this Security Instrument grunted by Lender to any successor in interest of Borrower shall
<br />-�' ->:,'.•� - ' � " not opernte to release the liabilfty of the origiaul Borrower or 8orrower's succe.r•sors in interest. Lender shall not be required to
<br />' `� Q' '�'�'''°,,;�� commence proceedings against any successor in interest ur refuse tu extend time for puyment or otherwise modify amonization
<br /> � "'� of the sums secured by this Secudty Instrument by reason of any demund made by the original Borrower or Borrower's
<br /> �`�':v�. .:;i�8�r.,,•�
<br />. ----_- - - ---, succcssar� ia iateresl. Any fatrbessanct t�y L:ndts in extnfsiag any r�ght �r reme!1y �hall not he a w�iver of or preclude the
<br /> :u'.�.';,.,''.s-''• exercise of any right or remedy.
<br /> '` '"""' 12. Successo�s and Asst�ns Bound; Jo�nt pnd Several UabiUly; Ca-signers. The covenanls+uid agreements of this -
<br /> .� . . � �4 Jw�.
<br /> �,t
<br /> � Security Instrument shull bind and lxnefit the successon und assigns of L.ender und Borrower. subject to the provisions of
<br /> , �,- . . , paragruph 17. Borruwer's covenants und ugreements shall be joim und several. Any Borrawer who co-signs thiF Securiry
<br /> ''�' '��` Instrument but Joes not execute ti�e Note:(u)is cu-signing this Security Instrument only to monguge, grnnt nnd convey that
<br /> �.�'�t . ' •:; •
<br /> � Borrower's interest in the Property under�he�ern�s of thi�Security Ins�rument;(b1 is not personally obliguteci to pay the sums
<br /> � '`� �'�~ R'� '' secured by thi,Security Inswmenr,and(r)agrees that l.rnder und uny other&�rrower may ugrce to extend,modif,y,forbeu or
<br /> � �x""���" '�' make�ny acwmmodutiuns with regurd to the ternis of this Security Instrument or the Note without thut Bonower's wnsent.
<br /> w ' �,.:..�.:-.,,... .,,li,�,.
<br /> ,� • � � la.I.oan Clwrges. If the loan secured by this Security Instrument is subject tu u lu�v which sets muximum loan charges,
<br /> �.��^� ` �•� and that Inw is finully interpreted so thut�hc interrst or uthcr loan churges coUected or to be rollected in connection with the
<br /> � `r��•�+�., . loan exceed the permitted limits, thcn:(u)uny such luan rhurge shall be rcdured by�hc umount necessury to reduce thc chprge
<br /> r`�*�" � ' ' � ro the permitted limit; and(b)uny+ums Alrcady collected frum Bonowrr whirh exce�.•ded perniitted limits will be refunded ta
<br /> 1'' ' � ' � Borrower. Lender mny choose to make this refund by reducing th� princip•rl aw�til uncler the Nute or by making a direct
<br /> l� � '� payment to Barrower. If u rcfund rodu�rs princip•rl, the reduction will he trea�eci us u partial prepaymenl wi�hout su�y
<br /> � �'�� ' , .,'"r��' ''� � prepayment charge under the Note.
<br /> � ; � „� _.^ A 14.Notices. Any notice to Borrowcr provided for in�hi�Sccuriry Instrument shall lk given by delivering it or by mailing
<br /> �' � • it by�rst class mnil unless upplicublc luw reyuires usc ui'unuth�r methnd. The n�►ticc .hull Ix direct�d to the Propeny Address
<br /> or any other adJress Borrower dcsignutes by notirc to Ixrxlcr. Any naticr t�� Lendcr shull be gi�en by tirst cluss mail to
<br />�±�,,;. ';'�_. • . .. Lender's addresti stat��i hercin��r ony ather siddresti LcnJcr Jesignalcti by noticc to&irrowcr. Any n��tice provided for in this
<br /> �- • �- � ,�. S�xurity In�trument shull be decm��d t��huve t+een given t��&�rrowcr or l.endcr whrn given a�providecl in this paragrnph.
<br /> .�" '�' ' • , t5.Govcrning I.nw; Sevenbillty. This Sccurity Insirument ,hall t�c govemt�i by 1'edcrul luw und the law of the
<br /> .;��, jurisdiction in whicli the Propeny is lurut�Y1. In the cvent�hu� uny pruvisiun or cluuxe uf thi.Security Ins�rument or the Note
<br /> conflicts with upplirublc luw. sunc�unQic�snall nut u(1'crt athcr pruvi�iun.of this S��urity Imtrumcnt or the Notc which ran be
<br /> �� � •' given effect withaut thc contlicting pmvi,ion.Tn this enJ the pmvisi�m of thi.��urity Instrument und the Nnte�re dcclared -
<br /> . s t . . ,. to be�verublc.
<br /> ,. 16.Borrower's Copy. Burruw�r,hull lx given une ranli,nncJ copy uf thc Notc:+nd uf thi. Sccurity In�tcument.
<br /> , � .; „�� ` _
<br /> � Fam 3028 8180
<br /> �i.,� . P�ye 4 0l 8
<br /> w'�:,
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