<br />Loan No: 9pQ9 (Continued} Page 7
<br />the same shall thereupon becorne due and payabte withouL a�y prssentment, demand, protest or notice of any
<br />kind. Thereafter, Lender may:
<br />{a? Either "tn person or by agent, with or without bringirtg any actiort or praceeding, or by a receiver
<br />appointed by a court and without regard to the adequacy af its secu�ity, enter upon and take possession
<br />of the Proparty, or any part thereof, in i4s own name or in the name Of Trustee, and do ahy aCts whiCh it
<br />deems necessary or desirable to preserve the value, marketability or rentability oi the Properiy, or part oi
<br />the Propeny or interest in the Ptaperty; increase the income from tha Property or prptect the security of
<br />2ha Property; end, with or v✓ithoat taking passession of the Property, sue for pr otherwise coilect the
<br />rents, issues and profits af the Property, inoluding those past due and unpaid, and apply the same, tess
<br />Costs an8 expenses of operation end coflection aitorn$ys' fees, tq any indebiedness secured by this Deed
<br />of Trust, aIl in such order as Lender may determina. The entaring upan and taking possession of the
<br />Property, the cv(lection of such renis, issues and profits, and the app(ication thereof shalf not cure or
<br />waive any defaulT or notioe of default undar this Deed of 'trust ar invalidate any act done in response to
<br />such default ar pursuant to such notice af default; and, notwithstanding the continuaslco in possession of
<br />the Property or ihe coltecifon, receipt and appltcatiort af rents, lssues ar protits. Trustea or Lender shall
<br />be entitied to exercise every rigfit provided fo� in the Note or the Related Documenis or by law upon the
<br />occurrence oi any event of defauft, including the right to exercise the power of saie;
<br />(b) Commence an action ta forecfose this Qeed of Trust es a martgaga, appoini a reeeiver or specifically
<br />enfarce any of the covenants hereof; and
<br />{c) peliver to 7rustee a written declaration of defauit and demand for sale and a written notice oi default
<br />and efection ta cause Trustor's interest in the Propeny to be soid. which notice Trustee sha#1 cause to ba
<br />duly fiied for record in the appropriate otfices af the County in whicA the Property is located; and
<br />(d) With raspect to ali or any part of the persanal Property, Lender shall have all the rights and remedies
<br />of a secured pariy under ihe Nebrastca Uniform Commercial Code.
<br />Foreclosure by Power of Sale. If Lender eleota to foreclose by exercise of the Power o# Sale herein contained.
<br />tender shalt notify Tnastee and shall deposit with Trustee this Deed of Trust and the Note and such receipts
<br />and evidence of expenditures made and secured by this Deed of Trust as Trustee may raquire.
<br />{a) Upon rece'rgt ot such notice from Lertder, 7rustae sha11 cause to be recorded, published and delivered
<br />to Trustor such Notice of Defauit and Notice of Sale as thsn required by law and by this Deed of Trust.
<br />Trustea shatl, without demend on 7'rustor, after such time as may then be required by lew and atter
<br />recardation of such Notice oi De(ault and after Notfae oi Sale having been given as required by Iaw, sell
<br />ihe Properiy at the time and place of sale fixed by it in suCh Notice of Safe, either as a whoEe, or in
<br />separate loYS or parcels or items as Trustee shat[ deem expedient, and in such order as it may determine.
<br />at pubtic auction to the hi9hest bidder for cash in lawfut money of tfie United Staies payable at the time
<br />of sele. Trustea shatl deliver to such purahaser or purchasers tharaof iis good and suificient deed or
<br />deed5 cOnveying the property so sold, but without eny cqvenent or warranty, express or impiied. The
<br />recitals in such c3eed of any matters or fscts shalf be conciusive prooi of the truthfulness thereot. Any
<br />person, including withoui ifmitati4n Trustor. Trustea. or Lender, may purchase at sucti saie.
<br />{b� As may be permitted by iaw, aYter deducting atE costs, fees and expenses of Trustee and oi this
<br />Trust, ineluding eosts of evidence of tifte ia connection with sate. Trustee shait apply tne proceeds of sale
<br />to payment of (i} all sums expended under the terms of this Deed of 7rust or under the terms oi the Note
<br />not then repaid, including but not timited to accrued interest and late charges, (ii► eft other suma then
<br />secured heraby, and (iii} the remainder, if any, to the person or persons legally eatitled thereto.
<br />(c) Trustea may in the manner provided by law postpone sale of a31 or any portion of the Property.
<br />Aetnedies Not Excfusive. 7rustee and Lender, and each of them, shall ba entitled ta aniorce payment and
<br />performance of any indebtedness ar obligations secured by this Deed ot 7rust and to exercise ali rights and powers
<br />under this �esd of 7rust, under the Note, under any of the Related pocuments, or under any ather agreement or
<br />any laws now or hereafter in fores; notwithstanding, some or all ai such indebted�ess and obligations secured by
<br />this Dced of 7rvst may now Or hereafter ba otherwise secw8d, whether by mortgage, deed of trust, pledge, lien,
<br />assignment or otherwise. Neither ihe acceptanoe of this Deed of Trust nor its enforcement, whether by oourt
<br />action or pursuant to the power oi sate or other powers contained in this peed ot Trust, shal! prejudice or in any
<br />manner afiect Trustee's ar Lender's right to reatize upon or enforce any other security now ar hereafter heid by
<br />7rustse or Lender, it bei�g agreed that 7rustee and Lender, end each o( them, shati 6e antitted to enfOrce this Deed
<br />of Trust and any olher securlty now or hereafter hei8 by Lender or Trustae in such order and manner as they or
<br />either of them may in their absalute discretion determine. No remedy confarrad upon or teservad to Trustee or
<br />Lendsr, is intended ta be exclusive of any other remedy in this Deed of Trust or by €aw provi8ed or permitted. bUt
<br />each shali be cumulative and shall be in addition to every other remedy piven in this Deed of Trust or now or
<br />hereafter existing at iaw or in equity or by statute. Every power or remedy given by the Alote or any of the Related
<br />Documents to Trustee or Lender or to which either of them may be otherwise entitied, may be exercised,
<br />concurrently or independently, from tims to time and as often as may be deemed expedient by Trusiee o� Lender,
<br />and eiiher of them may pursue incansistent remedies. NothinQ in this Deed of Trust shall be construed as
<br />prohibiting Lender irom seekinq a deficfency judgment against the Trustor to the extent such action is permitted by
<br />