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20110647� <br />DEED OF TRUST <br />Lo�n R[o: 8U09 (Continuedj Page 6 <br />Property, whether now owned or hereafter acquired by 7rustor. Unless prohibited by }aw or Lender agrees to the <br />confrary in writing, Trustor shafl reimburse Lender for all cosis and expenses incurred In connection with the <br />matters referred to ir this paragraph. <br />Attorney-in-Fact. If Trustar fails to do any oi the things referred io in the preceding parag�aph, Lender may do so <br />for and in the name af Trustor and af Tru3tor's expense. For such purposes, 7rusior hereby irrevocably appoints <br />Lender as Truator's aEtorney-in•fact for the purposa o# making, executing. delivering, filing, raoording, and doing all <br />other things as may be necessary or desirable, in Lender's sofe apinion, to aecomplish the metters referred to in <br />the preceding paragraph. <br />PULL PERFORMANCE, if T�ustor pays ail the indebtedness, including without lim'station ail iuture advances, when due. <br />and otherwise performs ail the obligatio�s imposed upon Trustar under this Deed of 7rust, Lender shall execute and <br />d8liver to Trusiee a repuast for tuli reconveyance and shall execute and deliver to Trustor suitable statemsnts of <br />termination of any tinancing statement an file evidencing Lender's security interest in the Rents and the Personat <br />Property. Any reoonveyance fee required by !aw shall be paid hy Trustor, if permitted by applicabte law. <br />EYENT5 flF DEFAULT, Fach of the following, at lender's option, shall constitute en Event of Oe#autt under this Deed <br />o€ Trust: <br />Payment Default. Trustor faiis to maka eny payment when due under the indebtedness, <br />Othes Qefauiis. 7rustor fails to comply with or to pe�farm any other term, obligatiart, covanani or candition <br />contained in Yhis Oeed of Trust or in any o4 the Related Docurnents or to comply w'tth or ta pertorm any term. <br />a8ligation, covenani ar condition contained in any other agreement between Lender and Trustor. <br />Compliance Default, FailurE to comply with any other term, obligation. oovenanL or condktion contained in ihis <br />Deed of 7rust, the Note or in any oi the R�lated Documents. <br />Defeult on Othar Payments. Faiiure of Trusior within tha time required by this Deed of Trust to make any payment <br />for texes or insurance, or any other payment necessary to prevent fiEtng ot or ta ef(ect discherge of any tien. <br />Defautt in Pavor of 7hird Parties. Should Grantor defau�t under any foan, extension of credit, security agreement. <br />purchase or sales ac�reemenf, or any other ac�reement, in favar of any other creditor or person that mny materially <br />affect any af Grantor's propsrty or Grantor's ability to repay the Indebtedness or Grantar`s ebitity to perform <br />Granior's obligations under this Deed oi Trust or any of the Rolated Documents. <br />False Statements, Any warranty, representat+on or statsmeni made or furnished to Lendar by Trustar or on <br />7rustor's bahslf under this Qeed of Trust or the Related Documents is fafse or misieading in any material respact. <br />eifher now or at the time made or furnished or becomes false or mislsading ai aay time thereafter. <br />Defective Collateralization. This Deod of Trust or any oi the Related Documents ceases to be in full torce and <br />effect (including failure ot any collateral document to create a valid and perfecYed security interest or tien) at any <br />time and for any reason. <br />tnsoEvency. The dissoluiion or tarmination of Trustor's existence as a going bus"sness, the insolvency of Trustor, <br />the appointment of a receiver for any part of 7TUStor's properfy, any assi�nment for tlae benefit ot cred+tors, any <br />typs of creditor workoui, or ihe commencement of any proceedinq under any bankruptcy or fnsolvency Iaws by or <br />against Trustor. <br />Creditor ar For#eltura Proceedings. Commencement oi foreclosure or farfeiture proceedings, whether by judicial <br />proceeding, self-help, repossession or any other metiiod, by any oreditor oi 7rustor or by any governmantal agency <br />against any properiy securing ihe Indebtedness. This includes a garnishment ot a�y of 7rustor's accounts, <br />including cleposit accounts, wt#h Lender. Hawever, this Event of Detault shalt not apply it there is a good feith <br />dispute by 7rustor as to the vaiidity ar reasonebleness of the ciaim which is the basis of the creditor ot for#eiture <br />proceeding end if Trustor gives Lendar writters natice of the creditar or forfeiture procesdinc� and deAasits with <br />Lender monies or a sure4y bond for the creditor or forfeiture prOCeeding, in an amount determined by Lender, in its <br />sole discretion, aS being an adequate reserve or bond for the dispute. <br />Breach of Other Agreement. Any breach by Trustor under the terms of any other egreement betwean 7rustor and <br />Lender that is not remedied within any grece period provided therein, including withoui limita2ion any agreement <br />concerning any indebtedness or other obliqation of Trustor to Lender, whether existing aiow or iater. <br />Events Affecting t3uarantor. Any of the preceding events oacurs with respect ta erty Guarantor of any of the <br />Indebtedness or eny Guarantor dies or becomes incompetent. or revokes or disputes ihe velidity of, ar Iiability <br />under, 8ny Gusranty of the Indabtedness. <br />Adverse Change. A material advarse change oCCUrs in Trustor's financiat condition, or Lender betieves tha <br />prospect of payment or performanca ot the Indebtedness is imp�i�ed. <br />fnsecurity. Lander in good faith believes itsel# insacure. <br />RIGHTS AND REMEDI�S OtV DEFAULT. !f an Event oT Default occurs under this Deed of Trust, st any time thereafter. <br />7rustee or �ender may exercise any one ar more ai the foliow'rng rigl3ts a�d remedies: <br />Acae(arat'ran Upon patault; Additional Remedies. Jf any Event of Detautt occurs as per the terms o1 tfie Note <br />secured hereby, Lendor may declare all Indebiadness secured by this Deed ot Trust to be due and payable and <br />