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<br /> Ia the event of a rotal taking of the Property, ttlC pIOCCC(18 BIIIIA I� applieA o the sums saured by this Sesurity �
<br /> i Cnsuument,whether or not then due,with any excess paid to Borrower. ln the event of a partlal takiag of che Propecty in which ��
<br /> � the fafr market value of the Property imrnediately before the teking is equul to or gnuter than the amount of ttie sum9 sccured by •
<br /> _.� this Secudry Instrument immediately before the talcing.unless Borrower and Lender othenvise agree In wddng.the sums secureci by -
<br /> �� ••? this Securlry Instrument shall ire reduad by the itmount of ttce proaeds multiplied by the following fraction: (a) thc total '
<br /> �a ac�ouat of the sums secured immedlately before the teldc�g,divideci by(b)the fair rnazket value of the IDroperty Imm�iately '
<br /> befon the taktng. Any bal�nce shall bc paid to Bonawer. In the event of a partial taking of thc Property in whicb tae fair
<br /> market value of the Property lmmedIately bcfore thc taking!s les�than the umuunt of the sums secured imur,diately before t6e , - °
<br /> • taking,unless Borrower and I.ander otherwise agra in writing or unlcss applicable law oth�rwise provides.the proceeds sdall be , � ..
<br /> applled to the sums secured by this Secutity fnsmunent whether or not the aums arc then due. � ' � `-'.'�����. '_
<br /> `' If the Property is abandoned by Borrower,or if,after notice by I.ender to Borrower t�ax the coademmor offecs to make an , '�'�+��:�"�=�-�
<br /> � advqrA or settle a claim for damagcs, Borrower fails to respond to Lender within 30 days after the du� the nodsc is givea, ' .. .`q�OF-
<br /> 3 Lender is suthori��rd ro collect and apply th�proceeds,at its option,either to restoratioa or npair of the Propecty or to the sum9 • •'i���=�r'�'�'"=
<br /> � M9 : .,',�..��.�.,--�
<br /> secured by this Szcurlty Instrument,whether or not then due. ' " '""
<br /> . . ,,.
<br /> Ualess L,ender and Brlrower othenvise a$ree in writi�g, a�y a�plication o�prncceds to princfpal shall not extend or � '�'' ;
<br /> .,,,. . . _- --
<br />_•.-:'��::�. ,� pastpone the due date of the mantlily payments refcmed to in paragraphs 1 and 2 or change che amAUat of such payments. M"' �
<br /> c:;".i. 11. Borrower Not �irlea4ed; Forbearaase By Lender Not a Wviver. Bxunsion of thc tlme for payment or � _`--
<br /> �adiftcation of amortization of the sums szcur�d by tUis Securiry Insuument granted by I..eudeF to any successor in interest of ___
<br /> Boirow�r ahall not operate to nlease the liabiliry of the odginal Bormwer or Borrower's successors in intenst. Lender shaU aot be �,;�F;;-�
<br /> �� �ulred to commence�roceedings agaiflst nny successor ia interest or refuse to extend time for paymeat or othenvise modify �:� �•?���•
<br /> jV arnortizadon of the sums secured by this Security Instrument by reason of any de�und wade by ttte original Borrower or ,';' �'
<br /> � Barro�ver's successors In tnterest. Any forbeazance by Lr,nder in exercising any ri�,�t or nmedy shell not be a waiver of or ;,;,c,��
<br /> �' preclude the exercise of any right or remedy. � �' �
<br /> � 12. Successors end Assigns Bound�Jolnt and Several LlabUity;Co-signera. 'Thc covenanta and agroements of this � �
<br /> � Secudty Insunimtnt shall biad and benefit the successors aad assigns of Lendet and Borrower, subjxt to the provisions of
<br /> !, naraaranh 17. Surrower's cx�vPnantS ^vd a¢reements ahall be ioint and sevea•al. Anv Bormwer who co-siAns thia Securitv
<br /> '±�� Insmim�at but does not exocutz the Nou: (a) is co-si�ng thia Securiry Insa�ume.�az only to mortgage,grant and r,onvey that , -_
<br /> Bnrrower's interest in the Property under t�t terms of th3s Secutity Iastniment; (b) is not personelly obligated to pay the sums '" ��'{�0 �-
<br /> secured by this Secutlty Instrument;and(a)agrees that T.znder and any othcr Borrower may agree to eatend,modify.forbtar or �• �
<br /> ��. make any accommodations with regard to the terms of this Securiry Instmment or the Note without that Borrower'a wnstnt.
<br /> 13. Loan Charges. If the loaa secured by this S�cudty Insaument is subjxt to a law which aets maximum loan '-
<br /> ' c�arges. and that law is tinally Inte�pnted so that the interest or other loan chazges coUected or to be collected in connection :,;
<br /> with the loan cxceed the permittod limita.then: (a)any such loan ch�ga shall be roducal by the amount nec�esary to reduce the -
<br /> - charge to the ptrmittal limit; and(b)any sums alxeady collected from Borrower which excadui permitted liaaits will be -
<br /> .� rtfunded to Bonower. Lendcr may choose to make tlils refund by rcducing the prtncipal owed under the Note or by m�lcing u
<br /> - direct payment to Boaower. If a refund roduces princlpal,the reductlon wUl be treated as a parrtial prepaya�ent without any "
<br /> a
<br /> _ . pnpaymeat charge under t�:Note. �'�"'�
<br /> ' � 14. Notices. Any not�a to Horrower provicled for in this Socurlty Imstn�ent shrJl be given by delivering it or by �__
<br /> 1' • mailing it by first class mail unless applicable law requt�es use of another method. Tt�e notice shall be dirccted to the Property �_�_. —
<br /> ,. �� Address or any other address Borrower designates by nodce to Lender. Any notia to Lender shall be given by first class mail to �:,;.
<br />-- Ltnder's address stated herein or any other adclress I.ender dcsignates by nodce to jBotrower. Any nodce provided for in thls `
<br />_�� Security insuument shall�e dxmn�to have bcen givea to Borrower or Lender when given a�provIded ln this pazagraph. ��`-Y—
<br /> __ 15. Govcrning Iaw; 3everabtltty. Thfs Sccurlry Insuument shall be govemed by federal law and the law of the �-`� ''--- ._
<br />�° ' � ��' � urisdictlon ia wh9ch the Pro is located. In the event that an
<br />-,. j perty y proviston or clause of this Security Instnunent or We Note � '~` �
<br /> � conflicts with applicable law,such conflict ahall not affect other provisions of this Secudty instrumsnt or the Note which can be F�,
<br />°:�•^����: '� givea cffect without the cunAicting pra�vision.To this end the provisiona of this Security Instrument and the Ndte are declarod to be ``�
<br /> � severeble. �` ' — _
<br /> - �s=<�'�:��-�
<br /> � � 16. Bormwer's Copy. Boaower ehall be given one conformed copy of th�Note and of this Securlry Instrument. _ —_ _
<br /> 17. 'lhaster of the Property or a&neflclal Interest!n Borrower. If all or any part of the Pcoperty or any intcrest in it is -_ _ =-
<br /> sold or uansfernd(or if a beneficlal interest in Bonrower is sold or transferrod and Borcower is not a nateual person)wittaan ��F��6°-�
<br /> ���ri:���g_•.,
<br />� LeAder's prior written consent,I,ender may,at its option,zequire im�aliate payment in full of all sums sxural by this Security "��°" �ws�f��:_
<br /> Instcumcat. However.this opiion shall not be exercised by Lender if eaerrise is probibited by federal law as of t�e date of this �t�� °�`
<br /> Security Insuvment. ��•�:���°
<br /> � ..��,,.,���,
<br /> Fornl 30Z8 9/40 (page d o�a pagrr) •'°,':.;i;y�x�
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