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` � —� .. <br /> t . <br /> � � _ • � °. <br /> � ev s A1 f►!!�'� I . . s,- <br /> ��' �,�„�VN��' � <br /> i: <br /> Unlcss Lendea nnd Eiorrower othenvisc egrec in wriHng, insurunce pTOCCeds shull be applied to restoration or repAir af ... <br /> tho Property dernaged, if the cestoratlon or repair ts econo�uically feaslble and Lender's securlty is not lessened. If�he <br /> � restor�tion or tepair Is not economically feastble or L.ender's securiry would be lesseaed,the insurance proc�cds shall be npplicd to <br /> l the sums secured by this Securlty lnstrument,wl�edier or not then duc,witl�any excess paid to Borrot�er. if Borro�ver abandons -_ <br /> � the Property,or dces not nnswer a�ithin 3U days a notice from I.ender that the Insurance carrier has offered to s�ttle a claim,thea � <br /> " L.ender mny collect thc insurunce procee�ls. l.ender may use the proceeds to rep�ir or restore the Froperry or to pay sums <br /> ' secured by this Security Instrument,whether ar not then due. ThG 30-day period will begin when the notice is given. , � <br /> Ualess Lender and Borrowet othenvise agree in writing. any application of pt+oceeds to principal shall not extend or � <br /> postpone the due dace of the monthly payments refened to in paragraphs 1 and 2 or change the am�ount of the payments. If under , , <br /> paragraph 21 the Property is acquired by d..ender,Borrower's rigbt to any insurance pollcies and proceeds resulting from damage ro . � <br /> the Proptrty prior to the acquisidon shall pass to l.ender to thc excent of the sums secured by this Security Instn�ment <br /> immediately prtor to the acquisition. .�..�'' <br /> 6. (kcupAncy, PreservANon, M�intuwace and FrotecUon ot the Property; Borrower's Loan ApplicaElon; :-3•=`r�, <br /> Leasetwlds. Borrower Ahall occupy,establieh,aad use the Property as Borrower's principal nsidence within sixty days after the '' " ,�:;4, <br /> ' execudon of this Securlty Instnunent and shnll continuc to occupy the Property as Borrower's principal residence for ut least one , •,;;'�x_--�- <br /> ye2r after the date of occupancy,unless I.ender othenvise agrees in wdting,which consent shall not be unreasonably withheld,or - <br /> unlcss extenuadng circumstances exist which an beyond Bonower's control. �orrower sha1l not destroy.daraage ar impair thc _ _ _ <br /> . Property, allow the Pcoperty to deteriorate, or commit waste on the Pcoperty. f3orrower shall be ln default if any forfeiture � -.Y <br /> action or procceding, whether civil or criminal,is begun that in Lender's good faith judgmedt could result in forteiture of the �r.—.-°�- <br /> property or atherwise materially impair the lien eceated by this Securley Instrument ar I,ender's security interest. Bomower may :�> '� .- <br /> cute such a default and reinstate,as pmvidcd in paragraph causing the action or proceeding to be dlsmissed with a r�ling '�--- <br /> 1 that, in I.ender's good faith detenninadon, prxludes fodelwre of the Borrower's interest In the Properry or other mF►tedal <br /> impairment of the lien created by this Security Insuument or Lender's securiry interest. Borrower sLall also be in dcfaWt if ,� •�� - <br /> � ' Borrowcr,darIng the loan application process.gave matedally false or in�ccurate infarmation or statements to Lender(or fuiled to �.��. ,�,,.�, -�, <br /> - provide I.ender�vith any matedal inforniatioa)in connection with t�e loan evidenced by the Note.including,but not limited to, �'-,;,� <br /> .�... <br /> npreseatations conceming Borrower's occupancy of the Property as a principal residence. If this Securlty Insmunent is on a � , �� �+: � �: : <br /> . ;.� , : <br /> _____.. '._ _ leasehold, Borrower shall comply with all ttie pmvisions of che lease. If Bonower acquires fee tide ro the Property. the .f_ � i� .' <br /> leasehold and the fce title shall not merge unless L.ender agrees to tae merger in wricing. --- ;— <br /> 7. Protcction of I.cnder's Rlghtn in t6e property. If Bonowcr fails ta perform the covenants and agceementa <br /> wntained in t}ris Securiry Insm►ment.or there is a legal proceeding that may slgnificaudy affect Lender's rlghts ia the I�roperty t � <br /> ' (such as a procealing in bankzupuy,pmbate,for condemnation or forfeiture or to enforce laws or regulations),thea Lender muy do �� <br /> and gay for whatever is ezecessary to protect the value of�he Property and Lender's rlghts in the Property. Lender's actions may 3 , <br /> include paying any sums secured by a llen which has prlariry over chis Securiry Instrument, nPpearin8 in wurt, P�Y�B ,e <br /> � nasonable attorneys'fees and entering on the Propercy to make repairs. Although Lender may teke action under tlus paragraph 7, ��;?� f <br /> Lender does not have to do so. <br /> �� p,uy amounts disburaed by Lender under thie paragraph 7 shall become addldonal debt of Bonower secured by chis <br /> Securlty Instrument. Ualess Borrower and Lender agree to other terws of payment,these umounts shall bear inurest from the <br /> date of disbursement at tht Note rate and shall be payable. with interest, upon notice from Lender ro Horrower requestiag .�� <br /> ., • payment. <br />° •� • 8. Mortgage Ingurance. If Lender required mortgage insurance as a condidon of making the loan secured by this <br /> • Securlty Instrmnent.Borrower shali pay the pnmiums requ;red to maintain the mortgage insurana ia effect. If.for any reeson, ,_ ___ <br /> • � the mortgage iasurauce covarage required by Leader lapses or ceases to be in effzct,Aomower sda11 pay the pnmium3 required to <br /> obtain coverage substandally equivalent to the mortgage insurance previously in effece,at a cost aubstantially equivalent to the <br />= cost to Borrower of the mortgage insurance previously in effect. from an alternute mortgage iasurer approved by Lender. If <br /> substanti�lly equivalent mortgage insurance co�erage is not available�Borrower shall pay to Lender each month a sum equal to �------ ---- <br /> . one-twelfth of the yearly mortgage insurana pr�mium be3ng paid by Borrower when the insurance coverage lapsed or ceased to be in <br /> effect. L.ender will accept,use and retatn these Qayments as a loss reserve in lieu of mortgage insurance. Loss reserve payments -------- <br /> ' may no langer be required, at the opt[on of Lender, if mortgage insurance coverage(in the amount and for the period that <br />= • Leader requires)provldEd by an insurer appmved by Lender again becomes available and is obtained. Borrower shall pay the - <br /> � premiums requind to maintain mortgage{asurance in effect,or to provide a loss reserve, antil the requirement for mortgage � „ _, ; <br /> �� insurance ends in accordance with any written agreement between Boaower and Lcnder or applicable law. ";�_ �,.�,�_�,:,`,.; <br /> � 9, Ia9pection. Lender or its agent may make reasoaable entries upon and inspections of thc Pcoperty. Lender shall :;Ys�};�;;;�- .:• � <br /> � • g{ve Borrower notice at the time of or prior to aa inspoction specifying reasonable cause for the inspection. '��° <br /> '��`�}�,':.-6tJ.., t :; <br /> 6 <br />_ y , 10. Condemnatlon. 'The proceeds of any award or claim for damag�es,dimcc or consequential,ia connection with any .�'�,-��-,�s <br /> �.*•.�i='�'= `. � <br /> � candemnauoa or otY�er taking of any part of the�roperty, or for wnveyance in lieu of wndemnation,are hereby asslgnod and . =', <br /> • � shall be paid to Lender. '•'h- • <br /> � • , Form 30Z8 9/90 ��(pa8�3of R�osrfl � � . <br /> _ .� . . � � ��'�, •1 �-.`'t <br /> � ., <br /> .. <br /> _ , _._.� _ � <br />