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<br /> princlpal emount of the Inde6todnoss sacured by this Qeed of Truot,no1 Inctuding sum9 edvanced to protoct lho secudty o1 thl�Qoed oi _
<br /> ` � Trusl,oxcend Ihe orlpinaf p�nclpal amount stated herein,or 3�_!!11>@�..Al�.--,wh!chever Is greator. -
<br /> �, t8.Mleca9lanaoua Provl�lon�.
<br /> .. (fl)BOYfQW��NQI R�I@ilaBd.E�ctonalon o4 tho Qlmo br paynicnt or rr�o6111cation ot emo�Izntion ol tho suma accui::d by th!❑
<br /> --- - Dee�M Trust�ranted by l.ender to any s��r,cA�.snr In Int�rest ol6orrowor ohnll nol operate to reteasa,In uny menner,the Ilabfll- �
<br /> � ty p9 Ihe otipinal Borr4wer and Borrower's succossors In Interest. Lender shall nat be raqulred to commence procoedlnas �
<br /> s. agalnat such successor or retueo to extend tirne for paymont ar otherwise modity amarllzatlon of the eums socured by thls �
<br /> " Deed o1 Truat by raason o1 any demanda made by the orlglnal Sorrowor and Borrowore succassors In intnrest. �'�
<br /> . `..� (b)L�nci�►'s paw�rr.Without eHecting the Ilabfliry of any olher person Ilabia lor the payment o}ony obllgatlon herein men- �-
<br /> - tloned,en�without aKecting the Ilon or charge of this Deed o1 Trust upon sny poMlon of the Property not then or theretofore
<br /> � ,a�� released a3 security ior iho full emount oi all unpeid obligations,Lenolar may,�rom tfrne to time and.vithout notlra(q re!�r:a �
<br /> n*'�'?�;7�r any person so Ilable„!t)extend tf�e maturfty or alter eny of the terms of any euch pbllgations,(III)prant ottier indulqencee,(iv) _
<br /> �-�� . release or convey.or cause to be released or reconveyed at any time at Lender's optlon uny parael, portion or ail ol the —
<br />_ ��. Pro�erty,(v)take or release any ather or addltlonal secudry or reconveyRd�t any time at l.enders option any parcel,portlon or �
<br /> ---= ail of the Property, (u�take or release any other or edditional secu�ity for any abligatlon hereln mentloned,or(vii)make campa
<br />- � sftions of ot�er ar►angernents w(th dobtors fn relatton thereto.
<br /> �� (c)Forbsannce by Lendsr f�Dot e Welv�r.Any torbearance by Lender in exercising any right or rem�dy hereunder,ar oih- —
<br /> erwlso afforded by appticablo lav�,chail nat be a vla(ver of or preclude the exerclst�ot any such�ight or remedy.The procure- �
<br /> � � ment oi(nsurance orthe payment of texes or other Ilens ar charges by L�nder shall not be a wa(ver or Lendefs right to acceler-
<br /> ate th�matur�ty of tho indebtedness secured by thia Deed of Trust =
<br /> (d)Succeuors�nd Aeslyns Bound;doint and Sewnl LIebOlty;�aption�.The covenants end egreeme��rts hereln con- --.
<br /> � tained shatl bind, and the rights hereunder shall inure ta,the respective successor�and assigns of Lender and Trustor. All
<br /> covenants and agreements of Trustor shall be Jofnt and seve►al.The captions and headings of the paragraphs of this Deed of
<br /> �, � •� �=� ' Trust are for convenlence onty and aro not to be used to Interpret or deftne the provislons hereof. -
<br />.'`�.;_,�„,.�" (e)Request tor Notices.The parties hereby request that a copy of any notice o!defauit horeunder and a copy of any notice
<br /> af sal,�hE�eunder t a mallcd to nnch ptarty to this Qesd oi Trust at the addrHSa set torth abcwa in the manner presc�ibed by �
<br /> �, ",Y,; ' applica6le iaw.ExceNt for any�th.•r notfcE �equlred under applicable law to be given in another manner,any noUce provided for
<br />-:•�V._�_, in this Deed oiTrustshall be given by mailing cuch notice by certifled mail addressed to the other parties.et the address set
<br /> � toRh above.Any r-�tice provlded for(n 4his Oead ot Trust shall be eftective upon meiling In the manner designated hereln. If
<br />�� : ' Truslor is mcre than one person,notice sent to tha address sai forth above shall be notice to all such persons.
<br />'�'�.� (fl inspectlon. Lender may make or causa to be made reasonabte ontrieq upon anc3lnspectlons oi the Property,provlded
<br /> '''`` that Lender shail giue Trustor notico pricr to�ny such Inspectlon spaclfying reasonable cause therefor�elated to Lencbr's inter-
<br /> ky' . t
<br />�++E,�'` est i�the Property.
<br />=._;r� (g)fi�conveyance. Upon payment oi all sums secured by this Deed oi Trust,Lender shaU requesY Trustee to reoonvey the
<br /> j-;��;�~ Propery and shati surrender lHis Dee�3 0l Trust and all rtotes svidancing indsbtednasa secured by this Deed oi Trust to _
<br /> �--°�f�t : Trustee.7rustee s7�ell reoonvay 7he Praperty,without warrenty and without charge to the person legally entiUed thereto.Trustor
<br />__.;'r�; :,
<br /> r,:,, . shall pay ail casts arrecordFt4ion,ft any.
<br />-"`'���,..� (h)Penanal Propwriy; Security Agreement. As addiqonal securiry tor the payment of the Note,Trustor hereby grante
<br /> ^a�':'���.� Lender under the Nebraska Uniform Commercial Code a secur(ty interest In all iixturea,equipment,and other personal property
<br /> --;��,�' used in connection with the real estate or(mprovements located thereon,and not otherwlse declaretl or daemea to be a part ot
<br /> ����- �° tha real estste secured here6y.This instrument shail be construed as e Securfty Agreement under said Code,and the Lender
<br />:_:;.i'J';.;.,,
<br /> �,, shaU have all the dghts and ramedies of a secured party under eald Code in addition 4o the►ights and remedles undAr tt�is
<br /> -�-�__
<br />