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Trust�r shell, Immediately upon <br /> -�^�"'� demand therefor by L.ender,pay to Londer all cosls snd expensog incuried and suma expandad by Lcndar In corsnec���n wlth the axer- <br /> �' �` clse by Lo�dar ol the toregolnp rlphts,togelh�srwlth Intorest thereon et the default rate provldad In ths Nota,wh�h shall be added to <br /> the Indebtodness secured hereby.Lender ehall not incur any Ilablllty�becxu�Iance w hl alt lam�lcabterlawa�tardlnatlnces andr requtstbns <br /> 9. Huardouc IIMit�rlats.7rustor shall keep the Property D PP . . <br /> relatfng to Industdal hyglene or environmental potectlon(callsctivoly rotorrcd to heroln as'Environmental Laws").1'rustor shall keep <br /> tha Property free Irom all substances deemed ta ba hezardous or toxlo under a�y Envlmnmental Lawe(collectivaly reterred to hereln �R_ <br /> as"Hacardous Mate�tats'�.Trustor hereby v�a�ranta snd represente to Lendar that thera are no tiazardous Matorl��s on or under the __- <br /> Propedy.Tmator ho�eby egrees to Indemnity and hotd harmless Lender,Its dlrectore,oHicera,empbyees end agenta,and any succes- �;��•�,Y:, <br /> sors to Lande�s Intarest,irom and apalnst arsyend ell clAlms,damapos,losses end ifabllltles arisl��g in connectlon wlth the presence. =:T�° <br /> �'�.� <br /> use, dlsposel or transport of eny Hazardouo Materials on,under,irom or a6out the Property.THE FOREC301Nt3 WARNANTIES AND �-� <br /> •. � REPFESENTATIONS,AND TRU�TOR'S OBLICiATIONS PURSUANT TO THE FOREQOINC3 INDENlNITY, SHALL SURVIVE ___ <br /> � REQaNVEY,4INGE OF THIS p�EO OF TRUST. =��-- <br /> �� 10.AsstynmeM�o!Rsnt�.Trustor heraby assigns to Lender,and grants Lendar a secudty fnteres4 In,all present.future and �.=;:_ <br /> � after adsing rente,Issues and proflts of the Property;provlded that Trustor shall,unUl the occurrence of an Event of Default,hereunder, �== <br /> " hnve the rlght to collect and retafn such rents. Issues and protits es they become due end payeble.Upon the occurrersce of an Evant of -- <br /> Detaull,Lender may,efther In person or by agant. wfth or wlthout bringing any ec�lon or procoeding, or by a recelver eppolnted by e �i.���:. <br /> .� caurt and wllhout regard to tha adequacy o1 Its secudry,enter upon end take possesslon ot the Property,or eny part thereof,In Its own <br /> name or in the name of the Trustee,und do any acis whlch it deems nocessary or destrabla to preserve the value,marketablllry or __ <br /> `�; rentabn(ty of the Property,or any paR thereof s�rhterest therein,or to Increase the Income thersirom or protect the secudty hereof end, — <br /> „ � wfth or without taking possesslon of the PropaM/,sue tor or otherwlse colleot the rents,Issues nnd profits thereoi,Including those past � <br /> due and�unpald,by notftying tenantrf to make peyments to Lender.Lender may appty rents,issues and pro8ia,less casts and oxpsns- <br /> � es of operatlon end collectlan Including attomoys tees, to any Indebtedness secured hereby,all In such onier es Lender may deter- <br /> mtne.The entedng upon end taking possess;an�f the Property,the collectlon of such rAnts,Issues end prottts,and the appllcaUon <br /> thereof as ab�esald shall nat cure or walve an�default or notice of detault hereunder or Invalldate any act done In response to such <br /> detault or pursunnt to such notice ot defauit anci. notw�iilst8noing inb ixii�iiiUBiwo ir �cssao�an a!!!ss �so�si; �•ihs e^!!!+!��"^• <br /> receipt and appl�ation of rents,Issues or protils,TNStee and Lender shatl be entlued to oxerclse every dght provlded tor I.n any o1 tho <br /> Loan Instrume�ts or by law upon occurronce�f eny Event of Detault,including wlthout Ilmttatlon the right to exerclse the power of eale. <br /> Further,Lender'e dghts and remedfea under tt�b psragraph shall be cumulative with,and In no way a Ilmltatlon on,Lenders dghts and <br /> ' remedles under any asslgnment of leases end rents recorded agalnst the Properfy.Lendor,Trustee and the racelver shell be liabte to <br /> ' �• acc�unt only forthose rents actually received_ <br />' �'�' ��` 11.Evsntt ot Dthul�The toI'pwing�t�all constitute an Event of Default under thls Deed of Tnast: <br />_-•�°-� ••�- • (a)Fallu�e tc pay any Installment of qlnclpal or Interest of any other sum socured hereby when due; <br />: '�"' � (b)A breach of or default under snypro�ISbn conttcifned In the Note,thts Deed of Trust,any of the Loan instruments,or any _ <br /> • •• other Ifen or encumbrance upon the Pnoperty; <br /> ',�. :�� .: (c)A writ of execuUon or attacfimeNOr eny slmttar process shell be entered agalnst Trustor whlch shall become a Ilen on _ <br />- : the Praperty or any portlon thereof or intarestthereln; <br />__;��� (d)There shall be filed by or agalnslTrustor or Borrower an action under any present or tuture federel,state or oiher statute, <br /> T`''''""""-` law or regulatton relating to bankruptcy,Nsotvency or other rellef for debtora;or there shall be appolnted any trustee,recefver or <br />..:-. ,��,.RY� <br />_,:�..,,�.___- Ilquldator of Trustor or Borrower or af stlor sny paR of the Property,or the rents,tssues or proflts thereof,or Trustor or Borrower ry <br /> .",;�� <br /> shall rrtake any general assl9nment for tlie benetit ot credito►s; <br /> ';:��:.,;� (e) 1he sale,tranater,lease, assignment,conveyance or further encumbrance of all or any pan ot or any Interest In the <br /> - •• � Property,either voluntadty or Invaluntady, wlthout the express written consent of Lendor,provlded that 7NStor shall be perrriit• � <br /> ��"�`�'"'��� � ted to execute a lease of the Property that does not contain an opUon to purchase and the term ot wh�h does not exceed one <br /> :.a:.... <br /> .•�,:.' -- <br /> c:we�;:Kr...., y@8f; —- <br /> --4,;a�,,r.:w (�Apandonment of the Property;or _ <br />-='-++���1"�-4 (g) If Tn,�stor Is not an indlvidual, tha Issuance,sale,trensier,asstgnment,canveyance or encumbrance of more than pi a __. <br /> _''""�"`°'� corporrailon) a totel oi_ percent of Its Issued and outetanding stock,or(If a partnershfp)e total of {'�r- <br /> '�;�zK y; " oent of partnershfp Interests,or(If a IimNed IlebUfty company)a total ot percent of tho tlmtted IlaWlfty compa- — <br /> --`4;�,:�.''� ny Interests or voUng rlghte dudng the pedod Ihls Deed of Trust remalns a Ilen on 1he property. _ <br />���s�?���� •G��- 12.RerrMdles;Acc�lor�tlo�Upon DahuQt In the event of any Event ot Qofauft 1_ender may,wyhout notice except as requlrod <br /> :.• �• :� <br />_' �� � � by law,declae+a all ind�btcd�oss secured hereby�o be due and pagable and the eame shaU thereupon become due and payeble wtth- o <br /> _ out any presentment,demand,protest or no2ia of any klnd.Thereafter Lender mey: ___— <br /> (a) Demand that Trustoe exerclse the POWER OF SALE grctnted hereln,end Trustee ehall thereafter cauao Trustor's Inter- __ <br /> � est In the Property to be sold and the poceeds to be dlst�ibuted,all ln the manncr pr�vlded In�he Nebraska Trust Daeds Act; _-'— <br /> , (b) Exerclse any and all rlghts provldod for In any of the Laan Instruments or by Iaw upon occurrence ot eny Event of <br /> � Defauli;end '��� <br /> T,:-- <br /> , (c)CommenCO an actlon to torecl�se thls Deed of Trust as a mortgage,appolnt a recelver,or speclfically enforce any of the �,..__ <br /> � i covenaMs heroo}. �`:L--_. <br /> � No remedy herefn contorrod upan or reserverdlo'Trustee or Lender Is intended to be exclusive of any other remedy hereln,In the Loan "`;;J i:_ <br /> Instruments or by Iaw provlded or permltted. but each shall be cumulative,shall be(n addltlon to every other remedy glven herounder, <br /> . � In tfie Loan Instn�ments or now or hereafter ezbtinp at law or In equlry or by statute,and may be exerclsed concurrently,IndepE►ndenUy <br /> _, . . ,. <br /> . or suoceslvely. ,,.. . ' <br /> t3.Trustae.The Trusteo may reslgn el any tlmo wlthout cause,end Lender may at any t(me and wlthout cause appolnt e auc- `��'� <br /> cessor or substitute Trustee.Trustee shall noi be Ilable to any parry,ItlClutling wliTtout limitatron i�nder,ootr�iwtii,i ivbi'vi vi a�iy�riii- --• <br /> chaser of the Property,tor any loss or damage untoss due to reckless or wlllful misconduct,and shatl not be requlred to take any acdon � <br /> In connectlon with the enforcement of this Detd�f Trust unless Indemnified,fn writing,for ull costs, compansaUon or expenses which <br /> may be ascoclated thorewlth.In nddltlon,Truslea may become a purchaser at any snle ot the Proporty Qudlctal or under tho power af : <br /> sale grc�nted hereln);post�ono the sale of all or any poRlon of the Property,as provlded by law;or soll tho Properiy as a whole,or In <br /> � '� separate parcels or lots at Trustee's discretfon <br /> 14.Fee��nd Expensee.ln the ovenlTrustoe sells the Property by exorclse of power of oale,Trustee shall bo entiU�d to app�y <br /> any salo proceeds fir�t to payment of all costsend expenses of exerclsfng power ot salo,Including alI TNSteo's feos,and L�snder's and . <br /> Trustee's attomoy's fees, actually Incurred toextent portnitted by sRpllcabte taw.In the evont Borrower or Trustor exerclses any right , <br /> provlded by law to cure an Evant oi Default, lencler shall be entitled Sa recover irom Trustor all costs end oxponr.os actualty Incurrod as <br /> � a result af Trustor's detnult,Including without Mmltatlon all Trustoe's and attomey's fees,to the extent permitted by eppl�atsle lavr. <br /> 16.Futurs Advances.Upon requestof Borrower. Lander may,at Its opttQn, make eddttional and tuture advances Rnd read- ,,. <br /> > vances to Bonawer.Such advancos end readrances,with interest thareon,shall bo sRCUred by thls Deed o1 Trust.At no time�hall tho <br /> 1 <br />