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<br /> � ---- 92�. �o�►sss ,
<br /> ' candenuwtion or other tokin�of�ny putt of tho Propeny,or for conveyance le Ifeu of condemnation,orc hercby acsigned ond
<br /> dkll bo poid Io l.ender.
<br /> - --- !n tlte event o1 s totel �Aking of tho Property,tt�e praceeds shol! be upplied to the sums secured by this Sxurity
<br /> :� Instrurtknt.whe�her or not then due,with any extr.ss puid to Barrower. ln the event of u panial tuking of the 1'roperty in
<br /> = which tho fuir market valua of tho Property immediately hefore the tnking is eyual to or greuter thnn the amount of ihe Rums
<br /> - Recured by thfK Secudty Inswmen� immediately before the taking,unless Borrower And L.ender atherwise ugree in writing,
<br /> �� a,_�______ _ _ _�� the aumc xecured by this Security Instrumenl shul)be reduced by the amount of the proceeda multiplied by the following r
<br /> fraclion: (a)Ihe wtol entount of thc sums cecu►ed imm�dlately before Ihe�aking.divided by(b)Ihe fu��merket valuc af the
<br /> R Property Immediately 6efixe the taking. Any bnlance Ahull be paid to Boirower. In the event of a prutial [aking of Ihe
<br /> ��� Praperty in which the fair market valuc of the Propeny immediotely 6efore the taking is less than the amount of�hc suma
<br /> - - secured immediately before thc taking, unless Bortower nnd Lender ocherwise agree in writing ar unless appiic�ble law
<br /> ,_� othenvlre provides.lhe proceeds shall be applicd ta the sums secured by this Security Ins�rument whether or not the�ums are
<br /> then due.
<br />_ If�he Praperty is abundoned by Borrower.or if,uQer nMice by Lender to Barrower thut the condemaor offer:�to make _
<br /> �� un awurd o�settle a claim for damages,Borrower fails to respand to Lender wi�hin 30 days ufter the date the notice is given,
<br /> Lender is authorized to callect and apply the proceed�,at its optfon,eilhor�o rcstcxation or repair of the Property or to�he
<br /> sums r�ecured by Ihis Security Inslniment,whe�her or not ihen due.
<br /> � Unless Lender and Borrower aherwir,e ogree in wdting, any upplicalion of proceeds ta principul shall not eKtend or
<br /> posipone t6e due date of the manthly puyments referned ta in paragraphs 1 and 2 or change the umount of such paymente.
<br /> I1. Borcower Not Releasedi Forbearance By I.ender Not a Woiver. Extension of the time Por payment or
<br /> -�— modi�catian of amartization of the sums secuned by this 5ecurity Instrument granted by Lender to any successor in interest _
<br /> _= �. _�, of Borrower shall not operaic to rckase the liabiliry of the original Borrower ar Borrower!c auccessors m interesG Lender
<br /> ° � shall not be�equir+ed to commence proceedings ugain�t uny successor in interest or refuse to extend time for puyment or
<br /> � �� .,. otherwfse modify omortiu+tion of the sums secured by this Secur�ry lnstrurnent by reason of any demnnd mnde by the original _
<br /> -.:�__ Borrower or Borrower e succecsars in intercst. Any furbearnnce by L.ender in exerelsing any r�ght or remedy ahall not 6e a _
<br /> ` -- -- '+ waiver at or preclude the exercir+e af uny right or remeciy. -
<br /> - � 12. Successors And AsslQns Bound;Joint and Several LiAbflity: Co-signers. The covenants nnd agreemen�s of thia
<br /> - '' ' Security Insuumant xhAll bind and benefit the successors und assig�s of Lender and Borrower,subject to the pmvisions of
<br /> --;��'.� 4,,. paragraph 17. Bor�ower�covenants end ngreements shall 6e Joint und several. Any Borrower wha crnsigns lhis Security
<br /> - _ Instrument but does not execute the Note: (a)is ca•si�ning this Security Instrument only to mortgoge,gmnt smd convey that
<br /> `''"` Borrower's interesl in the Property under the term�of'thic Security lnstrument: (b)is not perxonully obligated to puy�he sums
<br /> ''�:;�.:}..,�.�- _
<br /> � ��'; , secured by�his Serurity Instrument;and(c)agrees that l.ender and uny other Borrower may agree ro extend,mod�fy,forbcar
<br /> •,i_ ,� or make any accummodations with regani ro the terrns of�his Security Inswment ar the Note without that Borrower5�
<br /> conxent. _
<br /> :=9��- �� 13. Loan l:horges. lf the ioun secured by thiti Securily insirwunnt i„ubject to a law which r.ets max'srnum loan
<br /> .i4NGl'.�i.:�. • �.,,.��.r:
<br /> . charges,and thut law is finally interpreted so that the interest or other loun churges coliected or to 6e collected in connectiun
<br /> . c.it:..��- .�� �• ..•. �
<br /> .,,,�,,�,,.�,.. :,. . with the lonn exceed the permitted limits,then: (u)any such loan cha�ge shnll be reduced by�he aRiount necessary W reduce
<br /> •�:c�. �.., • � the churge�o the pemtitted limir,nnd(b)nny sums ulready collected from Borrower which eaceeded permitted lim�ts will be
<br /> � ���� refunded to Bortuwer. Lander muy choose to make this refund by reducing the principal owed under Ihe Note or by making u __.
<br /> direct payment to Borrower. If u refund reduces principal, the reduction will be trealed a.c a pwtial prepayment wit�out any
<br /> -�� � • ch e unde.►the Note. . . --
<br /> prepayment urg
<br /> .:;,.�as,..�.. •...;..,;,.,; 14. Notices. A�y notice to eorrower provided for in this Security Imtniment shull be given by delivenng u or by
<br /> v:�.�r.s;r• mailing it by�rst clacti muil unless upplicuble law reyuires use of unother rnethod.The notice shall be directed to�he Propeny
<br /> � �.,,,�,,,,,�,;.��.� Address or uny other uddretis Borrower designu�eti by notice to Lender. Any notice to Lender shull be given by fir�t clncs _,
<br /> • - ,;��,=� mail to Lender's address stuted herein or uny other uddress Lender designutex by notice to Borrower. Any notice provided for _
<br /> �;.. . �,-�- in this Secur�ty Ins�rument tihull be deemed to have been given to Borrower or Lender when given ac provided in this
<br /> ; '.,'"w�±v;.::_�• •:.��3�� ' paragrAph.
<br /> �•.� ` r�.::�.:-��• � 15. Coverning Law; Scver�bility. Thi,Security Instrument shull be governed by federnl luw und the IAw of the -•.
<br /> ,,, �.
<br /> �'� • =; urisdictfon in which the Pro A iti locuted. In Ihe event that un rovixion or cluuse of this Security Inxtniment or the ote
<br /> �:.. -::" J Pe Y •� Y P
<br /> r^� � ,�,0 conflicts with nppliwble Inw,such contlict shull no�uffect other provizionx of thix Security Instrument or tha Note which cun _
<br /> ''.,:,�.�' ,..�,;::
<br /> . , be given effect withoul�he cunflicting provision. To thix end the provi,ionx of thi, Securi�y Instrument nnd the Note nre
<br /> ., �':�� ' declnred to be severable.
<br /> �st ;., . �' ' u �
<br /> ° � �, ,:�,:..,�� 16. Borrower s Copy. Borr�wer shUll he givcn one conformed copy of the Nar and of this Securiry Intitrument.
<br /> 7-r,��� ���.�'•' 17. '11�Ansfer oP tbe Property or a Beneficial lnterest in Borrower. IF all or uny purt of the Propeny or uny intcrext in _
<br /> .. x....�.
<br /> - �� �� it is sold or transferred(or if u beneficial intercsl in Borrower iz sold or trunsferrcd •rt�d Bormwer is not u nalurul person)
<br /> ,.i...w..,
<br /> '� - without Lender's prior written consent,Lendcr muy,ut i�s option,rcyuire imnxdiutc puyment in full of ull wms tiecured by
<br /> .:._.,,�a._...;�:
<br /> _ this Securily Instn�ment. Howevcr,this option shull not be cxercixed by Lender if exercise is prohibitcd by federal Inw us of
<br /> � , ,;,;;,,;;:�`' " the date of�nis Security Instrument.
<br /> . °„ • ` If Lender cxcreiscs this optinn,Lender shull give Borrower n��tice of uccelcration. The nutice.hall provide n period of
<br /> :�.*t _ - � not lesr than 30 duys t'rom the dote thr notice i,drlivercd or muiled wilhin which B�rrower must pay all xum�xecured Gy Ihix
<br /> ' • �� e • Security Ins�rument. If Borrower fuilx to puy �he,c �ums prior to the expir�lion of Ihi� period, Lender muy invoke any
<br /> • ..,i- .'s°�'��' remedies permitled by this Securiry In.rtrument withnut funher notice or derounJ un Borruwer.
<br /> ° • ` 18. Borrower's RiRht Ro Reinstate. If Born�wer n�ets cehain cnndition., B�xn�wer �hall huve the righi to huve _
<br /> .�t ,,, . • ° • enforcement of lhis Security Intitn�ment dixcontinurd at•rny�imr prior t��ihr carlier ol': (aU S day.(or wch Whcr perind•rti �.
<br /> �r -
<br /> �. Single Famfly••F'wnnk Mwe/MYeddk M1fue UNIFONM 1 N17'Rl�Nkn1'-•Unifumi C���enum. 9/90 rpurr�J��(n r,ugcc�
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