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<br /> perlods�hat L.ender requircs. Tho insuranco carrler providing the insuran�r ehell 6c chosen by Borrower�ubJect to Lenderk
<br /> appmv�l which�haU not 6e unrcusonebly wllhheld. if Bomow�r fAlis w mainiwin cover�gc decc�ibed above.Lendor m�y,u
<br /> — -- • L,cndcr�s option,abwin coverage to protect Lenderk righte in tho PnN+eny in eccordonce with p�regraph 7.
<br /> All inaurance policies w�d renewals siwll be�ccepwble a Lender u�d�hull include a Ktundard moAguge cluu,�e. Lender
<br /> "' ehell have the right to h�ld thc policiea pnd renewnls. If Lender rcquin�.Bortower shnll prumptly givo to Lendcr oll receiMs
<br /> • of p�id pnmiums and rcnewal notices. In tho eveot af loss.Borrower shdl�ive prompt twtice to tl�e inrur�;e carria�w�d _
<br /> "'` Lender. l.ender may meke pmof of loss if nM made promptly by Borrower.
<br /> _,•.—
<br /> _. � _- -- - ---�
<br /> Unless L.ender and 8orrower dhenviise agnx in wnting,�nsurance proceeda ehull be upplie�l tu rc.rtur�tion ur rep�r u
<br /> - �hopr�rty clamaged, if the rcstoration or rcpeir ia economieally feasible and Lenderk securlty is not lesxencd. IP tho
<br /> restoration or rcpair is not economicWly feacible or L.ender's securlty would be lessened, the insurance pmceeds ahall be
<br /> opplied to�he sums securcd by thia Security Ina�rument,whcther or not then dua, with any cxcesa paid to Dornower. !f
<br /> Borrower abandona the Property. or das nut annwer wlthjn 30 dnys n notice from L.ender�hut the inaurunce canicr has
<br /> offered to senle a claim,then Lender muy collect the insurnnce proceeds. Lender muy ure�he pracceds ta re�uir or reato�+e
<br />___.��____.___-_,___w the Prope�ty or to pay cum�cecured by this Secu�iry lnstrument,whether or nd then due. The 30-day perlod will be�in when
<br /> -- - the notice is gi�en.
<br /> _____— Unless Lender and Borrower atherwise agrce in writing,any Application of proceeds to pdncipal shull not extend ar
<br /> — postpone the due datc of the monthly payments roferted to in puragraphs I and 2 or change thc amaunt of the paymenis. If
<br /> ��� under pamgraph 21 the Property is acquired by Lender,Borrower'x dght to any insurance policies nnd proccedx resulNng
<br /> —���� from demage to the Property prior to the acquisition s6a11 pats to I.ender to the extent of the sums securcd by this Secudty
<br /> _—__ Inatrument immedietely prior to the acquiRition.
<br /> �-- —_ 6. Occupqncy, Preservation� Mpiatenance and Protectbn ot the Property; Borrower's Loen Appllcation;
<br /> —� ���,�� L,easeholde. 8omower ahall cecupy,establish,and use the Properry As Borr�wer'.v principal residence withln sixty days attcr
<br /> the execution of this Security Insttument and shall continue to accupy the F'toperty as BorrowerL prfncipal reaidence for at
<br /> _--';�rl.��a��� least one yeu atter the dute of accupuncy, unless l.ender otherwise agrees in wridng, which consent shall not be
<br /> •�� unreasonably withheld,or unless extenueting circumstunces eaist which are beyo��d Borrower�s cantrol. Borrower shall not
<br /> � destroy,damage or impair the Property,allow tite Propeny to deteriorete,or commit waste on the Property. Borrower shali
<br /> rL
<br /> �'• be in default if any forfeiturc action or proceeding, whether civil or cdminal,is begun thet in Lender's goad faith Judgment
<br /> '°.�,: ��:TkiY-u could rcsult in forfeiture of the Property or otherwise materlally irnpair the lien creuted by this Secudty Instrument or
<br /> ��,, s..��,�, Lender's aecurity interest. Borrower may cure such a default and�einstete,as provided in paragraph 18,by causing the action
<br /> :�� '��*�f• or proceeding to be dismissed wlth a ruling that.in Lender's gaod faith determination,precludes forfeiture of the Borrawer's
<br /> � ��• �T,'`_h _
<br /> ----� - �ti interest in Ihe Property or other material impairment of the lien created by this Secu�lty Instrument or Lender's secudty
<br /> uf°F'L"�`�'`�'�r interest. Borrower shall also be in default if Borrower. du�ing the loan application praccss, gave materially false or
<br /> —�`"^'`'"r`�`'�'°' ' inaccurate infomiatton or statements to I.ender(or failed to provide Lender wi�h Any material information)in connection wlth
<br /> „;�,,,,.,.,.,...� .
<br /> -= the loan evidenced by the Note. includin�, but not limited to. repreceatations conceming Borrower's accupuncy of the
<br /> _ s�-'—� Property as a principai resi�fencc. ii ti�i�SCa:urity i�iaGUiixnt I+an a ieasehaid,i3arrawcr shalf campfy with a!!ihc provisians
<br /> . � of the lease. If Borrower acquires fee title to the Property,tho leasehold and tBe fee tide shall not merge unless Lender agrees
<br /> � ��� �� � to the merger in writing.
<br /> � • 7. Protectton ot I.ender's Rights in the Property. If Borrower fails to pe�tonn the �ovenants and agreements
<br /> "'�' � contained in this Securiry Instrument,or there is a legal proceeding th�t may signi�cently uffect Lender's rigbts in U�e
<br /> .;�,,,, Property(such as u proceeding in bankruptcy,prabate,for candemnatian or forfeiwre or to enforce Inws or regulations),then
<br /> ��' '.�,�' ."• `,• I..ender ma do and a for whatever is�ecess to rotec�the vAlue of the Pra rt and Lender's ri h�s in the Pra
<br /> ,�u• r:•�.�. Y p Y �Y P Pe Y � PenY•
<br /> ��'��''��° � ' Lender's actions ma include u in an sums secu�ed b a lien which has riorit over this Securit lnstrument,a arin
<br /> ��,:;_; ;. •,, ..,,,, : Y P Y � Y� Y P Y Y PP� B
<br /> ' _ .�_ . in court, paying reasonnble uttomeys'fees nnd entering on the Propeny to make repairs.Although L.ender may teke action
<br /> � ��,,,: , ' ;.;,., under this parngraph 7,Lender does not have to do so.
<br /> : ,..,� Any amounts disbursed by Lender under Ihis puragruph 7 shall become additional debt of Borrower secured by this
<br /> u
<br /> ' `'��`''•'•� -• Security Instrument. Unless Borrower and Lender ugree to other tcrtns of puyment,these umounts shall bear interest from the
<br /> +.r '�'e''h'�•:• • b'w-�, dute of disbursement ut the Note rate and shall be payable,with interest,upon notice from Lender to Borrower requesting
<br /> - .wx-��,..:,..... ., .a..
<br /> - �x���..,,,�.�...•���a.. payment.
<br />__ ;,�x�:�,.�,...4 S. Mortgage lnsurancr. If Lender required mongr�ge inwrnnce as a condition of making the loun secured by this
<br /> -_= �:# �• Security Instrument, Bortower shall pay the premiums rcyuired to maimuin the mortgnge insurnnce in effect. If,for ony
<br /> `�i �r''�z` reason, the mon o e insurunce covero e re uired b I.ender lo �es or ceases to be in effect, Borrower shsll a the
<br /> :.���,,.:.,s •:- B 8 8 9 Y P•' P Y
<br /> �, premiums required to obtain covernge substantiully equi�.•�knt to the mohguge insurnnce previously in effect, ut a cost
<br /> ..�1— • substrmtially eyuivulent to the cost ta Borrower of the mortgage insurence previau�ly in effect.from un altemnte mortgage
<br /> .: ,, . insurer npproved by Lender. If subs[antially eyuivulent monguge intiurunce covernge is not uvoilable,Borrower shull pay to
<br /> ��--��'= e � Lender each month u sum equal ta one-twelflh of the ye�rly mortgo�e insurance premium being pnid by Borrower when the
<br />-" ^" •-:-�• �� � insurunce covernge IApsed or ceased to be in effec�. Lender wfll urcept,u�e and retuin these payments us a loss reserve in lieu
<br /> ��'` � ' }+ of morl a e insurnnce. Loss reserve a ments mu no lon er be r �rcd,at the o tion of Lender,if mort a e insurance
<br /> i �.�.• .
<br /> i'� � ��� '�' � coverage(�'�n the nmount and for the pedoYd thnt Lender reqwres)prov ded by un insurer approved by Lender again becomes
<br />-'='�; :'t" . �+°'" • available and is obtained.Borrower shnll pny the premiums required to maintain nx►rtgage insurance in effect,or to provide a
<br /> �,K�x•.
<br />.;,.; 5��,�`.,•-� loss reserve,until the requimment for monguge insurunce ends in occardunce with any written agreement between Borrower
<br /> � . �,,,, and Lender or applicable law.
<br /> 0.'� '�-'" 9. InspecNon. Lender or its ugent may make reusonablc entries upon und inspections of the['ropeny. Lender shall
<br /> - '- ` give Borrower notice nt the time of or prior to un inspectian specifying rc:usonahle cuuse for the inspection.
<br />.. ' ' „ 1Q. Condemnotion. The proceeds of uny aw�rJ or rlaim tiir J;�mage�.Jirect�ir conseyuen�iul,in connection with nny
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