., _
<br /> � „ ^� l �ya. •.rr.1�`�.^J'
<br /> �-� ...'- -- �- :� — --- - . - -- 4 - -
<br /> ----._._... . ,---�--=�--� ., , 92�10'�'166
<br /> NON-UNIPqitM COV8IVANTB. SaROwcr�nd L.ond�r furUpr am'uunt�rw!�o as followr:
<br /> 17. Fondowr�H'oc�durt� lt I.bn�bsrequin�immea�te�ymen�t in iL0 under y�ph 9.L.ender nuy Invoke the
<br /> _ � �er M a,�a�t!any ader�r r�m�!dle++�ar�nitted by+�+lic�hte law. l.ende�a1Wl be c tted to rnllect pli oapen�eo incurrod _
<br /> in punwin�tlw RmocJk�provfdod in is Mra�raph 17.ineludle�.but nd limital a.raeo�ubb wWmey,�'foe�w�d cat�ot
<br /> UUo avidencs.
<br /> i/UYepowrr df d� w(nvok�d,7U'W�Wt�II re�.'���olke ot def�ull la e�cY ca�oty W w61ch uy p�rt ot Ibe
<br /> �ri'b7oc�led NNd slWl nall oople�ot wcb nolke In t6e manner p�cribed by�pplkeble I�w to Norrawer a�d
<br /> ��-�- -�, W t ullacr pceta�t�presa�lbed by ap Ucu6ic law Mer the tlme requkM Ay�npXeabk l�w, 7�aUee ehall gtve
<br /> pnWlc Notloe of�als W t!w pee�om�i4 the nNnaer pracribed�by��pplka6le V�v. 71�wfae.wlthout demsad oa
<br /> - --- Borrower.�M�N�eil tM Property d publk auctbu to t0�e��bidder+d t6e tlme�ad pl�ce�nd unde�Ihe term�
<br /> . dal�ded tn tbe aotloe of afe la oue or more�p�roeb�ad G�ny order'fYustco detennioa. 7Murtee maypo�o ae
<br /> ab d dl or sei parod of!6e Propert7 bY Pnblic•naouncement�t Ibe U�oe aad place d�ny provtowly i�cdukd
<br /> ��M. l,eader or7ts dal�oee msy rch�ae t6e Property�t aa eak.
<br /> c
<br /> �lpoa i+ecetpt�ofp�yment�tbe�rlce bld 7buctee eha deliver W the purc6�ser'ltiruetee'e deed convoqiaQ the
<br /> Property. The�ecitnlr fn the'Itustee s deed rbwfl be prlaw facb evideace ot I�aW of Ihe atattmentr made thereta.
<br /> 7lrurtee�Iwll apply tbe proceeda+►f the cale in the tollowia�order: (a) to dl coeW apd �peroes of aerclsiat the
<br /> po�ver of r�le,sad the wle,lncludinQ the payauat ot We 7Fustee's tees aclually incnrred,not Qo exceed 3.0 96
<br /> of the pr�incipal�nount at the noie ol the time of the declaraibn o�detoult.ond rersonaWe attoraeys' tees as
<br /> �rmit�M by _I,�a��b)tu a11 wms�ecured by tl�b&curlly Ia�trurneat;aad(e)s�oy euea to the penon or per�ono
<br /> yeotitkd
<br /> 18. Reconveywnte. Upon paymeM of all aums seeourod by this Security Insuumenti[.ender shall reques�7tustee to
<br /> reconvey the P�operty�nd ehall surrender this Security Insuument and�ll notes evldencing debt secu�ed by thls Security
<br /> Insuument w'Ihu4tee. 7tustee shall reconvey the Property without wamnty wid wf thout char�e to the person or per�ona
<br /> - ---..�- --.-- ... .-- leeally entifled to it. Such pe�son or persons shall pny any recordetion coats. _
<br /> 19. SubstHute 7Fustee. L.endcr,at its option,may from time to timc remove'Itusta and appoint a euccessor Irustee
<br /> w any 7tusteo appointed heteunder by an instrument recorded in the caunry in which lhis Security Instrument is recorded.
<br /> _-- — Without conveyance of ihe Rvperty.the 9uecessor wetee ehall rucceex{w sll Q�title. power and duUes confeRed upon
<br /> - 7Fu�teo henin and by appliceble law.
<br /> - _ Z0. 1te�uest for Notices. 13orrower requcats �hat copies oi� �icxs oi deiwuit iud raie be reni w Bum►wc�'s
<br />_..,�:
<br /> addresa which ie the Propetty Address.
<br /> ;�,. Rlder�to Ihis Securily Inetrumen� If one or more dders are executed by Borrower and recorded together with thia
<br /> :;,� Securiry Instrument, the covenantx of each such rider shall be incorporated into and shell emend ar�d supplement the
<br /> - — covenunts and ag�meulsti of thls Secudty Inswment as if the rider(s)wero in a part of lhfa Securfty Insuument.
<br /> � -• [�kapplicAble box(es)j.
<br /> ...
<br /> _ _ �c:ondominimn Rider �Graciwdeii Puymeni Ri�r �Crawin�Equ3ty Rider
<br /> - I
<br /> �Planned Unil Develapment Rider �Other(5pecify� ACKNOWLEDGf�ENT
<br /> L•
<br />- � BY Sl(3NING BELOW, Borrower accepts and agrees to the terms contained in pages 1 through 4 of this Security
<br /> Inawment w�d in any rider(s)executed by Bornower and necorded with it.
<br /> V Wimes�ec: ��
<br /> Ll w"� (Seaq
<br /> '�• CLAR C 0. BROWN
<br /> eoeovrer
<br /> � 5' .
<br /> .,� .
<br /> ($C8�)
<br /> .,ti;, CHERYL . BROWN B°r`°"�`r
<br />--� (Seaq
<br /> -- - Bom�wer
<br /> .�
<br /> .v,•
<br /> - (SCA�) _.
<br />_` .1.'r _��• Fiarowet
<br /> �.�y .-^yRS..
<br /> °�~ Count sv
<br />, STATE OF NEBItASKA. HALL �' ��
<br />, �:i;� f, as-.u..ar�, .'
<br /> �?''-�"`� �� �` � On this �qm day of AUGUST, 1992 • ����re mc,�hc undersigned,a Notary
<br /> __..,.+ .
<br /> -�• • Public duly commissioncd ond yualificd for said county,personully cume CLARK D. BROWN AND GHERYI R.
<br /> � � BROWN� HUS8A1� AND WIFE
<br /> . , to me known to be the
<br /> , „ _ •� • � • identical person(s)wNosc nome(s)are sub�cribed to the f'orcgoing instrument und ucknowledged thc exccution thereof to be
<br /> ��'��'' � ' THEIR volumary uct and dccd.
<br /> .'4:... . .
<br /> " Witness mY hund and notarial�cal ut GRAND ISLAND. NEBRASI(A in �uid �rounty, the
<br /> �' �'� �� date aYoresaid.
<br /> .�,(4 f�. :1 � /
<br /> _.. ��ICIm..�. . L�'�/7 /l�r C��._�L���'�������_ —
<br /> — �r --T=-=o °— [t.� i c�� � ♦ --�' NotAry Publk
<br /> ■ ��
<br /> .d. . ��i��w
<br /> ,'"=.° �u� REQU�S'1'FUR RkiCONV�YANC�
<br /> „ , TO TRUSTCF.: _
<br /> ;� A , The undcrsigned is the huldcr o(Ihc notc or ni�tex,ecured by ihis lkrd of 7i�utii. SuiJ nutc or n�nes,t�igethcr with ull -
<br /> °. other indebtcdncss sewred by this Deed of 7ivst,huvr bren p•rid in 1'ull. Vou •rrc her�by diRrteJ w cunrcl �uid notc��r
<br /> ° �'i. � ' � notes und this Dced of 7tusL which urc dclivcred hcrrby,und to nrunvey.without w,inarny, ull thr�.tute naw hcld by you `
<br /> � , �� �' under Uiia Deed of 71-uu to the per�on or personc legully cntilled thercto. �
<br /> �. �.o_ .. .--�- -
<br /> .,;�.
<br /> � .:T'• Date: - —--
<br /> -- _ — �:�',.., -
<br /> � � . ;� ���x��.r�qo�,+x���� _
<br /> .. • ' t.• ,, �
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