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��.� t --� - _ -'_: '.,....._'.:�_,. ::�.:_.LY�i�".=s.ic,. <br /> 'r.:"`�-.TT:'�3:.�c....: <br /> . -- _u.. ... <br /> __."_ _- "_" <br /> �.-.: �.��T__ .' _-__. .- —__-.. <br /> ..i�� .� I-...�.��.�.�.��.�.�����.�. __.. <br /> — . �•G � II�fS(i�M. .--':-- • �-.�-r� . ,.�-_+,._ _ - _. -- <br /> �1� ' y_�p��i e.. 'C��� . . =-- � <br /> ___. . .�i� ..�. <br />_. -� ' ' _ ' __ _.. . ._ �� - - ".- _ _- . <br /> - -- -- • � 92-1o�71ss <br /> — paymontr.which a�+e referrcd to in Paragtaph 2,or change the amount of such payments. My excesa procoeds over an <br /> � � `_ .�. _-� nnouncrequired a pAy ali ouiuAndin�indebcednca�under tix Nute,uul Qiia�Security In�trument�h�ll ba paid to the enNry <br /> ;r k�ally entidod theroto. <br /> - - S. Fea. Lender may collect fas and char�ea authoriud by the Secrctsuy. <br /> . 9. (iroued�for AcakraUon o/Debt. <br /> `-°�-__-__�-----� (�)Defi�ult. l.ender mey,except�a limited hy rcguleti�mx is4ued by the Secrctary in the cwRe of pwyment dafoults, - <br /> -- rcqulne immedlate payment in full of oll eum�cecwed by thie Sccurity Insuument if: <br /> - (i)Borrower defAUlw by failing to p�y ln full any monthly pryment requircd by this Sccurity Inatrument prior <br /> to or on the due date of tt►a next monthly payment,or <br /> - - (ii)Borrower defaullr by failin�,for a period of thirty daye,W pe�form�ny aher obligations contai�ed in thi� <br /> ��- Security Insuument. <br /> • �._.� � (b)Sale W(Wout Crsdit Approval. Lender ahall,if permitted by appNcable Isw und with the prlor approval of Ihe <br /> a-.,.-.�,�,.,n.�, Secretary,roquiro immediwte payment in full of all the s�ums secured by this Secu�ity Instrument if: <br /> - --Y.�..�:�.,.-.,.� (i)All or pa�t of the Property.or a benet�cial lnte�est in a uust owning all or part of the Property,is sold or <br /> otherwise transferred(other�han by devise or descent)by the Borrowe�,and <br />���:�, or��e ta dces i so occu upiede P e purc�t rh a�her credit rhas not cbeen�a id roveil in ac ordance <br /> �����,''`',�� wi I�he roquircments of the Secnetary.�� pp <br /> (c)No Wwiver. If circumstancea occur Ihat would permit Lxnder to rcquire immediata payment in full,but Lender <br /> �.n� does not rcquire suchpayments.Lender does not waive i4g rights wfth respect to subsequ�nt events. <br /> -•—.....n., •Q� (d)ReQu4tdous ot HUD Seeretary. In many ciaumstances reguistions issued by the Secrctary will limit Lender's <br /> _ �-__- <br /> -_� rights. in the case of payment defaults, to require immediate payment in full and foreclose if notpaid. This - <br /> -?�- �i�e: �e�„�.; Security Inswment dces not sulhorize acceleration or for+eclosure if nat permitted by regulations of the Secr+etery. <br /> ''�'` ��' •���'���' (e)Murtgwge Not insured. Borrower agrexs that should this Securiry Inspument and the note secw+ed thereby not <br /> -= - - _ �;:.,. ,,. - tti �Iiglblc.f�t itfoW�ISCCUii�CT �SC:'l.'tZlOiifil HOifSfag:civrithin �� <br /> ���`��''�""'��'�`' ;� date hereof.Lender ita optton and notwithstanding enything in Paragruph 9.require immediate payment in <br /> .�„ <br /> '�w`a's�'��', full of all sums secured b this Securi Inauutnent. A wrltten statement of an authorized a ent of the Secre <br /> -: �,�`'��'.�'�:""•`;'. Y �Y Y 8 �Y <br /> - �::�.�, dated subsequent to from the date hereof,declining to insure this Security <br /> -� '� �� '`` �' ^�Y"�'� Inswment and the note secured thereby,shell be deemed eonclusive proof of such inelfgibility. Notwithstanding <br /> _ •�. ,•;�;� the fo�+egoing,this option may not be exercised by Lendcr when thc unovailebility of inaurance is solely due to - <br />-- •..�;:.•:, r`�..y�" Lender�s failure to remit a mortgage insurence premium to the Secretary. <br /> ����jr,._��, 10. Reinehtemen� Borrower has a dght to be reinstated if Lender has required immedfate payment in full because <br /> - of 9otrowcr's feilur? to�+ny en mm�unt due uader thc•Note or this SPcurlty In4tn�mcnt, Thia�ght a�lies even after _ <br /> m <br />- ; ' '�"''�"" r, foreclosure praceedings are instituted. 7b reinstate the Securiry Instmment, Borrower shall tender in a lump sum all <br />� ° . '. amounte required to bring Borrower's account current including,to ihe extent they ure obligaGons of Borrower under this <br />. � � Security lnatrument,foreclosure costs and ressonable nnd customary anomeys'fees and expenses prope�ly associated with <br />: „ f ��j •. the foreclosure proceeding. Upon reinstatement by Borrower.�his Security Instrument and the obligations ihat it secures <br />• � ,�. ' shell remaln in effect as if l.ender had not rec#uired immediute payment In full. However,Lender is not required to Permit <br /> ,: �&,::� <br /> reinstatement iE (i)Lender has accepted remstatement after the commencement of foreclosure proceedings withm two <br /> • �� � ° yeara immediately preceding the commencement of a current foreclosure prc�ceeding, (ii) reinstatement w i l l prec lu de _ <br /> . ' foreclosure on difFerent grounds in the fuwre,or(iii)reinstatement will adve�sely affect the prioriry of the lien cneated by - <br /> ihls Security Inswment. <br /> � �. , . ,,.,,, , 11. Borrower Not Released; Forbearance bx I.e�der Not A Wairer. Extension of the dme of payment or <br /> �:: �.. •�+•��-• madification of amortization of t:•�e sums xecured by th�s Securiry Instrument granted by Lender to ony successor in mterest <br /> 7+;��t`�". '._:�t- �: of Bortower shall not operate to release the liubility of the originul Borrower or Borrower's successor in interest. Lender <br /> ��•: � .��,,;� •�`'"` ° shall not he required to commence proceedings aguinst any successor in interest or refuse to extend time far payment or <br /> � '" """ 'r o t h e r w i s e m o d i f y a m o rt i z n t i o n o f t h e s u m s s e c u re d b y t h i s S e c u ri t y I n s t r u m e n t b y r e a s o n o f a n y d e m a n d m A d e b y t h e � <br /> 'N�p}toJ .::.;,.. <br /> ori inal Borrower ar BoROwera�successors in interest. An forbearnnce b Lender in ex.crcisin an ri ht or remed shall '` <br /> �r.'•• �,+;._. .... B Y Y S Y � Y• <br /> '� �,`k�a.;�,.. ,,:,;::. .. not b e a w u iver o f or prec lu dc t hc exercise o f nny rig ht or reme dy. <br /> 12. Successors and Assigna Bound;Joint and Several Liability;Co•Signers. The covenants und ngreements of <br /> I � • � this Security Insuument shall bind nnd lxnefit the succesxor.e and ucsigns of Lender sind Borrower,subject to the provisions <br /> +� ` of Para ra h 9.b. Borrower'.s covenants cind u reements tihall be oint nnd�everul. An Borrower who co-si ns this <br /> �1���� �� � Security Instrument but dces not execute the Nn e: lu)ix co-signin�this Sccurity Instrument only to mongage,grgnnt und <br /> : " � � convey that Borrower§interest in the Property under the termti of this S��curity Inztrumenk(b1 is not personally obligated to <br />,,� ,..w��•° puy the sums secund by this Securiry Intitrument;und(c)agrees thut Lender und uny other Borrower may agree to extend, _: <br /> L. �,�,.c.�• modify,forbear or make any eccommodutiom with regurd to the lertns of this Security In+trument or the Note wilhout thet <br /> . Borrower's consent. <br /> � ' �. �• ^ 13. Nodces. Any notiee to Borruwer proviJeJ for in thix Security Instrumrnt shall be given by delivering it or by <br /> y�,.� • mniling it by first class mail unless applicable law reyuircs use of:uiother method. Tlx� natice shull be directed to the _ <br /> � �+r ^ Property Address or any other uddress Borrowcr detiiFnutes by noticc tu Lendcr. Any notice to Lender shall be given by :' <br /> _ first class mail to Lender� udJress xluted herein or any udJrexs Lrndcr drsignaies by notice tu Qorcower. Any notice � <br /> .. ' �rovided for in Ihis Securily Instrument.hull be deemed to hnvc hcen givcn to Borrower nr Lender when given us provided _ <br /> , ; • m this purngrnph. <br /> k..�, 14. Coverning Law: 5eve�ability. Thi�Securiry Instrument tihull tk�;ovemed hy Fcderul law und the law ot'thc - <br /> ., � � jurixdiction in which the Prupeny iti kxated. In Ihr evenl thut uny provi.iun or rluuxe of Ihi. Srcuriry Inswment or the � <br /> ., Note conflicts with uppliruhle law, wnc�untlict ,hull not uffecl othcr provi�ionx of thi�Security Instrument��r the Note R <br /> . •• .. which citn be given effeet witlxiut thc contlirting provision. Tii this end Ihe provi,ion�ol thi,Securiry Inxtrument und the '- <br /> �, .. <br /> ' • � Nore are dccl�reJ to be severublr. F� <br /> ' j 15. Borrowe�'s Copy. Borrawcr.hall t+c�.ivcn unc contiimicd cupy iif dii,Srcuriry In.irununl. F� <br /> � c 16. AssiRnment of Rents. Hurtower unronJi�i�mally as�ign,anJ Iramtcr�tu Lrndrr ull Ihr n ntx unJ rcvcnucs of Ihc � <br /> a : Property. Borrowcr authorizc�Lcndrr ur rullrct Ihr rcn1, and nvcnur,unJ hrrcby directx cuch tcwnt of � <br /> ' f. the Rnpeny to pay thc rents to Lrnder ur Lrndrr i uE rniti. Nuwrvrr,priar to Lri Jcr�nutice tu f3urruwer oF Borrower's <br /> sr bmarh of any rovrnant or agrccmrnt in thc Srrurity In.trumcnl.Burc����rr.hull r��Ucrt unJ rrccivc ull rcnts and revrnucs��f <br /> --++- ' �*=��=+ tlu•Prntx•rlv t�e In1�IPi�f�nr Ihi•Fxmrlil nl'1��nd�•r uml N��rniw.,r '1'hia��c.i��m».m�.il'�rnn.lih�tr.un s�h��ilulo:�ceiunntrnt <br /> _,.. <br /> .. --.s.-:".`— _.... ... ....... � <br />. . - . . � y " }"- -.... __.. .... _ .�......... .- - -...... ._._ . � t <br /> - - �n � und nat un u�si nmcnt ti�r,►dditi�mal.ccuri�•onl•. <br /> , . • �, If Lend�r�ivcs notice uf brrach w H��rn�wrr: la)ull rrnt�rcrcivcJ h�• Norru��rr�hall ix hcld by Horrou•cr:�ti tru�t�c f <br /> •} ,� , Cor bcnefit�if Lcnder unly. to Fk arplicJ �o thr�um, �rrurcJ hy Ihr ticcurity In�trununl: Ihl Lendcr�h:ill Ix emiUrJ tu <br /> rollert und rcccive ull uf thr rent.ul �hc Nru�kny::�nJ Ir1 r:ah�rniint ��f Ihr I'ru�xrty.hull pay all rent�due und unpaid to <br /> „ ' Lender ur Lrnderti ugent on Lrnder;wrilten drmcuid tu thr�enan�. ' <br /> � Born�wrr hati not execwrd �my prinr a..i�nmrnt uf�hr rrnt�and h:�n nut anJ aill nat prrti,nn any arl thut w�iulJ <br /> ''� prevcnl Lender I'n�m ezerci�ing ilti rightti undrr�hi.I'ara�riph Ib. <br /> • ., LenJer�hull nnl Ix tryuircd tu entcr upun.takc runtrul ut'ar m:�intain ihc I'ruprrty txli,rr ur uf�rr�i��in� nuurr ul' <br /> . , brcach�o Borruwcr. Huwcvcr. Lrndcr or u juJiriully appuin�c.l rerriver mar do.o at any limr Ihrrr i.a hre:►rh. An�. <br /> upplica�ion of nmti+hull not rurr ur wvivr any drtciult ur invuliJa��uny�dhrr ri�Ni ur remcdr��f Lcndrr. �fhi+u��ignnxnt <br /> .. �. , of rents of the Ruperty shall temiinutc when the deht securcJ by Ihr Scrurity In.trumrnl i+puiJ in(ull. , <br /> . �}r`M& <br /> ; ... <br />' ' � rl�,�er?����J��„�,,� , <br /> a • <br /> '� . <br /> r/ e <br /> [ <br /> �t 1 <br />