r:,"'.`'"s.`'� , � . . " - ----- - - -- `_� - -� .- �� — � "_o'c �.rti'�-..:
<br /> .! � . ' . . . . 4' . ' ` .. _l. t� �L� TC� .
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<br /> ,.. <.� ;`" SF. rv.: . .
<br /> . ' ` , . k < . . . `
<br /> � �� <, .. .
<br /> ��,• L, . • Bomower may«,re sucn e aeraun and retnstate, as provfded in pazg�aph t8. by causing the ectlon or proceed'usg to 6e • � � _ ` �',-�
<br /> .' q T.•.•. ' .'
<br /> ` , � , �smissed wilh a ruGng that,tn Lender's gaod faith determination, predudes fo�feiture of the Bortower s interes!in the Propetty or : '�,_.:' %.�
<br /> -_--- _ other mateiie!impalrtnent of the Ilen aeated by thts Securiry Instreiment or Lend2r's securiry interest. Borrower shail atso be in � _ __
<br /> � • dafa�ilt U Borrower.durtng tAe loan applt�tlon process.gave mateda�y felse w inaccurate infomnalion or statemertts to tender(or � ..
<br /> � .` ` tafied to provlQe 4ender wfth any material Urtortnation) tn cannedlon with the loan avide�ced by the Note. Induding, but not � ;' � ,
<br /> �,. � Itmfted to. �tesertlatIons concemir.g Bortower's occupan�y of the Property as a principal residence. it this Security ' ' ,.-" 4` �•_`%�.'_
<br /> • � . InstrrJment is on e leasehoTd Borrower sht�ll campty witi�eU the provJsions oi the leuse. It 8arrower acquUes tee 11Ue to the �
<br /> • . Roperty.the leasehold and the fee tille shail not merge untess Lender a�ees W the merger In wriWg. �- ���:' .'' ` ,� :� ,
<br /> � ` 7.Pra�tectton of Lendes's Rights in the Property.M Borrower ta;ts to pe�fortn the covertants and agreemerts ,'�� -� ` �'•�
<br /> ��
<br /> • ' contained in this Seeuriry tnstrument,or there is a legal proceed'irtg that may signiflcentty aftect Lenders dghb in tfie PropeRy
<br /> (such as e proeeeding in banlwptay,prubate,tor conQemnaUon or tortelwre or to en}orce laws or regutadans),then Lender may ���•-� - � • .
<br /> �. • do and pay tor whaterer is neeessary to protect the vatue ot the Properly and Lr�+der's dghts in the Praperty. lenders acdons ' ` `• < <•` .
<br /> ��''`;.r �
<br /> • ., may indude paying eny sums secured by a Uen which has.prtoriry over this Secueity Instrument, appearfng in coun. paying � � ,� . ,�. ,
<br /> . �-•` reasanaDie attomeys'fees and entedng on the Properry to make repairs.Afthaugh Lender may take acUon urtder this paragraph �,i .• �
<br /> _ '� '�� 7.Lender does not have to do so. _ _ -
<br /> � � Any amourtts disbursed by Lender under paragraph 7 shall become addittonal debt of Bortower secured by ffiis Security -
<br /> � ., � ` ` � Instrument Uniess Bortower and Lender agree to other tertns ai paymen� these amounts sfiail bear�teresl trom the date ot . . ..� ',
<br /> � � �s6urs�neM at the Nate rate and sfiaU be payable,witt�int�s4 upon noUce irom Lender to Bortower requesting payment �.' � - ;a =
<br /> `� • ' 8. Mortgage tnauranee. If Lender requtred mortgage tnsurence as a eondction o1 maktng the toan secured by this - ; ;S
<br /> , .'. ` � Seeun"!yt tnstrumen�Borrower sha�pay the prerNums requked to matntain the mortgage insurance in efled.(i,for arry reasan.the : :"�. -� �' _
<br /> � mortgage insurance coverage requfred by Lend�bpses or ceases to be m effect. 8omower shall pay the premiums requlred to t ;..` •. �.:- �: ••
<br /> � � • � abtafi coverage substanUaRy equivaient to the mort�ge insurance previousty in eHect, at a cost sul�stantfaftyt equivate+rt to the �•<.;, ; '�% 4 u�--�
<br /> , ' « . cost to Borrower ot the mortgage insurance prevtousy in effect. bom an aitemate mortgage 6uurer approved by Lender. tf "_3 r
<br /> substantialty equivalent muKgage insurance coveraye(s not available. 8ortower shall pay to Lender each morth a sum equai to . _._-, -� _
<br /> one-twetfth of the yeacty mortgage insurance premium being paid by Borrower when the insurance coverage lapsed or ceased to `�_�_��.`__'
<br />� � ' � bs in eftect Lender wN aocepx use and reTain these payments as a toss res�v¢in Geu of moRgaga insurance- Loss reserve �:,` . ------- _
<br /> r �' .r::.k payrnerts may no ionger be required,at the optton o1 Lender,it moRgage insurence coverage(m the arnount and tor the period �..,.•
<br /> . . ` `x that Lender requtres)provided by an fnsurer appmved by Lender again becomes ava7abte and is obteined. Borrowe► shaD pay `. 4,,��. -_
<br />- . • the premiums requUed to malntaln moRgage insurance in eftect. or to provide a loss�eserve, unL1 the requ�nent for mortgage ,..��.`_—
<br />, ` . insurance ends in accordanee wtth arry written agreemert 6etween Bortower end Lender or applicabte law. • _ �
<br /> ' 9.Inspectlon.Ler.d�or its agent may make reasonabie enVies upon and inspections of the Properly. Lende►shaIl give ' ��'�
<br /> • , Bortawer notice at the tlme of or pMor to en Inspectton sper�fyGtg reasonable cause tor the fispecdon. '� -�--�� ''_�
<br /> � 10. Condemnation.The proceeds ot any award or claim for damages,dired or consequential,in connection with any �. ' . __
<br /> � .. condemnaUon or other taMng of any part ot the PropeRy. w for conveyrance in Ileu ot oondemnaUon,are hereby assf�ed and - •�- ``�'—
<br />. : .`:{: shall be pafd to Lend� , ' 2'��.'�`;�—
<br /> � � '� fn the event of a total tatdng of ffie Property, the proceeds sha0 be appAed to the sums serured by this Security � � %`-'�=
<br /> � � • � �• Instrumenf,whether or not then due,witt►any excess paid to Boaowef. In the event of a partiel taldnp of the Properry in which _, _i����.±
<br /> :_ � � - the talr marlcet value ot the Property immediatety betore the taWng is equal to or geater than the amouM oi the sums secured ___.:,_�e;��=
<br /> . by this Secur(ty tnstrument 6�nmediately before the taWng, uniess Borrower and Lender otherwlse a�ee in wrifing, the sums -----
<br /> - secured by this 3ecurlty Instrument shali be reduced by She amount ot the praceeds muitlplied by the foilowing fractlon: (a)tha i,; .%�'.-�-�:
<br />' . � totai emouni of the sums seatred immediatey befare the taldng, divlded by (b�the fah marfcet vaiue of the Property Immediately .;��
<br /> - , _ before ihe taldng.My batance shall be paid to BoROwer. In the event of a partlal tatdng of the Property in whfch the fab market =_ ___
<br /> .,'� velue of the PropeAy immediately before the iskhig is less than the amaunt of the sums secured immecfiatety betore the takmg, � - _:
<br /> unless Barrower end Lender othervrise agree In wrfUng or untess applicable law othervutse provides, the proceeds shaU �
<br /> • � • a p p t i e d t o t h e s u m s s e c u r e d b y thts Secu r i t y Inshvment whether or nat the sums are then due. . �•�—f''-
<br /> d •-�.-��_.
<br /> • .:� !f the Property is atrandoned hy Bortower,or H,after noqee by Lender to Boaower that the condemnar ofters to emke an _ __
<br /> � award or settte a cJaim tor damages, Borrawer fai(s to respond to Le�der within 30 days after the date lhe noUce is giv�n. . �
<br /> � � � ' "�'• Lender is euthorized to collect and appty the proceeds. et its optlon, eRher to restomtion or repa�s ot the Properly or to Lhe , —
<br /> ' �,. �ti sums secured by thb Securfly Instrument,whether or not then due. , .lF�" �"��J
<br /> ..,���i:=
<br /> � Unless Lender and Borrower otherwise agree in wridng. any applicaUon of proceeds to princ(pa! sha0 not extertd or , ,� r.,.
<br /> postpone the due date ot the monthy payments retecred to in paracgaphs 1 and 2 er change the amourrt at such paymersts. n.. , •�":�F�,=;
<br /> ' 11. Borrower Na4 Reteased; Forbearance By Lender Not a 1Naiver.Extenston ot the time tcr payment or _ __
<br /> � ;, , ..�; modiflceUon oi amorttraUon of the sums secured by this Security Instrument�anted by Lender to any successor in tnterest o! � . __=_
<br /> . : . _. . .
<br /> " Borrawer sha0 not operate to retease the liabifiiy o}the odginal Bortower or Bortdwers successors in hiterest. Lender shaU not �
<br /> , � • .i:�„�-_:
<br /> . " be ►equtred to commence proceedings against any successor tn Interest or refuse to extend tlrtte for payment or othervvlse . +��,��.- .
<br /> � � . ,' mod'dy amoAt�ation of the sums secured by thta Securfty Instrument by reason of arry demand mado by the orlginal Bortower or —
<br /> . `°�r-=--
<br /> •` Borrower's successors in interes� My forbearance by Lender in exercising any right or remedy shail not be a waiver of or . . --
<br /> � � prectuCe the exercise o1 any flght or remedy. .. ••: • '._?"
<br /> '�-: � . ., . 12. Successors and Asslgns Bound; Joint and Several Uabliity; Co-signers. The covenacrts and _ . . .:�'-
<br /> . • agreements o}thts Securiry Instrument shail bind and benefd the successors and assigns of lender end Borrower,subject to the � �-,,�.
<br /> . ' provisions ot para�aph 17. Bortower's covenants and agreements shall be jofit and severaL My BoROwer who co-sl�s this , .' � —
<br /> � � � , 3ecudry Ins�rument but does not execute the Note: (a�is co-sigring thls Securriy Instrument onty to maRgage,grant and convey ' '". `.t,`
<br /> � that Bortower's interest in the Property under the tertna o1 this Security Insbumen� (b) is not pe►sonally obligated to pay the
<br /> � ` sums secured by this Security tnsWment; and (c)agrees that Lender and any mher Bortower may agree to extena,modity, �
<br /> • � � forbear a make any accommodations wfth regard to the tertns ot this Securiry Instrument or the lVote wfthout that 8ortower's �
<br /> .� . .
<br /> • � '� consen� "
<br /> _ � ; .j 13. Loan Ch8fgo9. H the ban secured by this Securiry Instrument is subject to a law which sets maximum loan . : ,
<br /> charges, end that law is finalhr interpreted so that the lnterest or other loan cherges wllected or to be collected in connection
<br /> . wfth the loan exceed the pertnitted limrts,then: (a)any such loan chergs shail be reduced by the amount necessary to re�uce .. . •
<br /> '. . the charge to the permitted limi� and (b) any sums already coilected from Bo:rcwer which exceeded permitted Iimits will be .. •
<br /> � • refunded to 8ortower. Lender may c"aase to make this refund by reducing !he prindpal owed under the Note or by making a
<br /> , dreel payment to Bortower II a retund reduces principal. lhe reduction wdl be treated as a partlal prepayment without a-.�r � • . •
<br /> prepayment charge under the Note. . '
<br /> �� 14. NOlIC08.My nollce to Borrower provided tor in this Security Instrument shall be ghren by delive�ing it or by mailing it _ . �
<br /> _ by first ctass mafl untess apptleabie law requires use of another method. The not�ce shall be direcied to the Propeny Address
<br /> _ . or any other address BoROwer designates by notice to Lendec Any noUce to Lender shall be giuen by first ciass mail to .� �
<br /> Lender s address steted hereln or any other adMess Lender designates by notice to 8onower. Any noUce provided tor in this , ,
<br /> ' . Security inatrument shall be deemed to have been given to Bonower or Lender when glven as provided in this paragraph.
<br /> . 15. Qioverning Law; Severabllity. This Security Instrument shall be govemed by federal law and the law ot the
<br /> � judsdicUon in which the Property is located. In the event that any provision or clause ot this Securityr Instrument or the Note •
<br /> ° � conflicts vlith appiicabla law, sueh eontlicl shail not atfect other provisions of this Security InsWment or the Note which can be
<br /> given eftect without the conflicting provision. To this end the provisions ot this Security Instrument and the Note are declared to
<br /> �� • . � be severable.
<br /> � �
<br /> .� 16. 80�fOW8�'8 COpy. Borrower shali be given one contormed copy ot ihe Note and ot ihis Security Instrument.
<br /> �
<br /> ' �. , � . rt315L!AG �t�;7� :�A•� i ��', � � � . •
<br /> ;f. .
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