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�;� • - -e�^ ....._ � _ c_ .�-' _ _`;�..s..._— -- <br /> Y _..Q �.m— . . ��. '_. �. . � ..._"T'�"�_"' _ —_ _ _... __ ._ -� l � __ — -,-C� � <br /> ..�.�..i. ��..� ' .. .. '.... � :� � � � � . ` .. v L SY C J 1 f.i,� . <br /> i. . , .,c - , _ ' . � , (V �`Ul," ' . <br /> � . — -- -�-- � --- :� _ `�.a U tv' .. <br /> . . - .c �- �-� -� -y�." �' S <br /> - - � <'�` ,.F,. •`r <br /> � , � • ' TOt3ETHEft VYfTH eD the impeovements naw or hereafter-erected on the propert�t. and aD easements. aDPurtenanees.and , �...'`c. <br /> , � •-• �.• � � ftxhaes now or hereafter a part of the pro�eity.AI!replacements and adddions sha0 also be co�ered by Mis Securiry Instrument � <br /> ` c`�r �� <br /> .. _-- A{t of the toregotng is reierted to in thts Securit�r instrumeni as the'Property.' �_ <br /> BORROWER COVENANTS that Borrower(s tawiutry seaed of the estate hereby conveyed and has ihe dgM to grant and �• <br /> - � eonvey the Proyerty and that the Propecry is unencumbered. except tor enaminances of record. Borrower wartants end vr;U . ;°�"��' <br /> . , ( <br /> � �' • detend genew�yl the title to the Ptaperty a�inst alf datms end demands.SubJect to any enwmbrances af re�ard. � ,��.,`..`:: .,.k ,.'. <br /> . � TFFIS SECURITY iN5YRUMENf combines unftortn covenanb for nffitonat use and rtorwnitortn covenants with tirnRed� �, y, < <br /> �� var7atlona by Jurtsmdion to constihite a unifo►m security insirumertt eovedng real property►. ' . :± ° <br /> - UNlFORM COVENIWTS. Borrower and Ixnder covenant and agee as toeows: <br /> . << <br /> �� � � . 1. Payment af P,rincipa! and Intere� Prepayonen t an d L a te C hargea earrower s n a n pro m p u y p a y w h e n� . � _ <br /> d�te the prir�cipa!of and 6�t�est on the debt evidenced 6y the Note end any prepayment and tate charges due under the Note_ � ; �, �;� • <br /> . 2. FundB fOr T�ces 8itd InSUfi�tiC@.Subject to apPQ��s taw or to a wriften waiver hy Lender.Bortower shall pay� �;,_.-• <br /> . � . to lender on the day moMhiy paymeMs are d�+e und�the Note.uirtil the Note is paid in tull,a sum{'Funds')tor. (a) yeady� s� . � <br /> ` � • taxes and assessments whieh may at�in pdoriiy over this Security Insdum e n l as a 6en on t he P r a A e r ry: (b) Y e a r ry l e a s e h old� � �. . . <br /> . ' _:.-,•, flood insurance ° <br /> r,,,A,�..:.� payments or�ound rents on the PropeAy. H any. (a) Y�arh hatard or property insurance premiums: (d) Y�Y � . . <br /> --- _-�- say.(e)Y�Y�9���P� any,and(�any sums payable by 8orrower to Lender tn accnrdance ._•.' � <br /> ' " vn'th the provisions o!paragrapfi 9.,tn Geu o1 the paymeart of martgage insurance premiums. These Rems ere calted 'Escrow .-� `._.' <br /> , Items.' Lender may, st any Ume, collect and hotd Funds in an amourit not to exceed the ma�dmum amoarrt a lender tor a <br /> ' tederaUy refated mortgage tosn may require for Barrower's escrow accourtt under the tederai Rea! Estate Settlement Procedures � � � �-•� <br /> Act of 19T4 as amended from time to time.12 U.S.C.�2601 et seq. ('RESPAy. unless another Iaw that appties to the Funds � . "'``�` �:..'. <br /> .�• • ' , seis a lesser emount ft so.Lender arry tUne. cepect and hotd Funds ia an amount not to Pxceed the Iesser amourtt . ---�n�.- ;_ <br /> _ Lender may esUmate the amount o1 Funds due on the basis of current data end reasonabte estlmates ot expendrtures o!tuture , :�.•.,., <br /> ` Esaow ftems or otherwise in accordance ww�thh appGcabie law. .;,` °'- <br /> • The Funds shall be held(n an instiWtion whose deposits are insured by a federal agency,insUumentality.or entity(including , -�4����._.,,,�., <br /> Lender, it Lender is such an ins6Wtion) or in any Federal Home Loan Bank. Lender shall apply the Funds to pay ihe Escrow � •�� <br /> °: ;=,� Rems. Lender may not charge Borrower for hofding and applying the Funds,annualty analyiing the escrow accoun�or verirying <<- ��^�� <br /> -';-� the Escrow Items. unless Lender pays Bortower Nterest on the Funds and applicabte law permits Lender to matce such a .:'r,�. . :. <br /> � ct�arge. Hawever Lender may requice Borrower to pay a onefime charge for an indep�dent real nstate tex rePoAfig service 1; <br />