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<br /> " q�' ;..��``.•• ,6� .• evldenood tha Nde, � P� B PH�' P�nY P�P�
<br /> by Including,but nat Umitcd to re nu�Uon� aonoemin Borrower'�occu ot the Pro �a a
<br /> - .4'�:��'-.� raldenoo. Itlhi�Securlty Imtrument a on o tea�ohdd,Borro�ver slwp cunpy wlth All tha prc�vWon�of tho fea�o. IP Aorrowec�oqulra
<br /> .. ' ."''`• . ,.^;:v, [ee Utb w the Prqx�ry, tbe lea�ehold ond Iho feo dtb�II nat�nergo unlae l.cnder agroa ta the mer�er in wNting-
<br /> �Y:-:� ,� ..., 7.Prolectio�ol l.�rler�Rybb la tb�Propert'.If Aorrower faib to pedocm tl�o cove�enu and pgeemenu ooalalned ia tUb �- -_
<br /> ° �g�;t Savnty Irourument. a tbaa b w legal praooedin�tha�moy dgnifi�aintty aifec�i.cnder's dg6u ia tNe P�u�xrty(sucb ar u pruc�oating in
<br /> � 8 ., .,t b�nkruptry+ protwto. (a oandemaation or farfeiwro ar to enforce Iww�or rcgulallons),then I.ender may da and pay tor whatever is
<br /> �� .a�°°^ . neoe�aa�y,to pratect Ihe v�lua ot tho Prapeny and LendePs dghu !n tho Property. Gender's ections mwy include paS�laB a�'wau
<br /> .,. .
<br /> �, aecurod by a Ikn whic6 ha�priodty ovcr thl�Security Instnunent,appcering in ooun,PeYin6 reasonabk attcxney�'fee$and eAtexin�on
<br /> �-- - .s-- . _., .
<br /> � � . '� tho property to awke Rp�ln. Allhough Lender mey teka action unclsr thi�paragraph 7� I.ea�er ik�ea not Iwva to eo, •_--- �-
<br /> " ' Any wnounta dYbuned Oy I.ender under this ParagmPh 7 ohaU bccome addldonel dcbt ot Horraver savrod by Idis Secudty �
<br /> � Iaetrumrnt. Ualas Bocrowor end T.cnciccr agrce to ocber cerms of psymcnt, these amounta aUall bes� intereat from the dota of
<br /> ' �� . •. :��.: dWronement Ac the Nae rwa and Nwll bo peyable,wiW(nterat. upon notioe from Lender to Borraa+er rcqudling paymeA[. _-�
<br /> �-t� d . h�. &Mat�qe Irwnroe. If Lender requlred martgago inauraax es a condldon ot making It►e loaa aecured by tbls Securky
<br /> ,,� . Y� e- Iaftrumeat. Bortowcri6all pey thc premfuma requircd w maiatein tha mortgaga insuranca la effect. If,for eny rcaaon,the mortgage
<br /> - - iruuranoc caveragc requfred by Lender lepw or ceasea to be ia e�ec1,Bornnver ahall pay thc premlums required ta obtah coverage —
<br /> �.�U . ° • A sub�taaUally a�uivalent w tde matgaga fasuraaoa previouYy in atl'e�K�pt a oost aubetantially equivaleat to tde cat to Hortaver of the
<br /> rnortgaae Insurapx previou�ly in e[fect, from an atternate monsago inwrcr approved by I.ender. It�ubstanUulty equivaleat mortgago
<br /> �'1,� �"' � ' inwranoc caeraga is aot mailuWe. Borrawer�dall pay ro Lender eacd moath u sum equa� to oae-twelRd ot thc yeary mort�age
<br /> �"`� °, , ;x,� inwraaco peaaium bdag ryld by Borrower whea the iaaurnnce caveraao lapeed or cea�ed to be ia efYect. Lender wtU ecapt,u�e aad
<br />_� , ��'� • retaln U�ese prymenta u a loss raerve in Ueu o[mungnge Inaurance. Losa rcserve paymenu may no longer be rcquired,at the optioo
<br /> " -•� ot Lender, itmortgaga IrssurAaa ooverage(in the amount aAd for the pe�iod that l.eadcr requtra)prwided by an iruura approved
<br /> r):..t —-
<br /> -t�-,'.. . . e.. by I.ender apin beeomes avaUaWa ead is obtained. Borroaer shall pay tde ptemiuma required to maintain mongege insureaoe ia e8'act� _�
<br /> � � or to ptavide a las raern,uatU tl�e requirement f� martgagr insurwnce endr in accordance ait6 any wdttca agreement betwan ----
<br /> . �. , Borrawer aad Lender a appifcaWe law.
<br /> 9.Ina�ectios.Lenda or ila agent mey mel�c reasanable rnMa upon and inspectiona of tde Property.Lender adall ghe Barowcr
<br /> notice at the tirne of a prbr to an inapectbn specitytng reasonablc cause (or the inspectian. x.r„��-
<br /> � ° ., l0. Condenwtlon.'Ilie proceeda o[ aay award oe ctaim ta domagea, direct or con�equentlal, in oonaecdaa wltd aay �``---
<br /> .. . condemaaUon or att�a taklog of eny pert of the Property.ar far coqveyauce in lieu of oondemnatba,are hereby as�igned And sball he ---
<br /> . . paW to I.afdtt. ����-
<br /> . Io the event d a total taking of tde!'roperty,the procada ahall be applled to the aums securcd by lhis Secudry Instrument, �`__-
<br /> o �, whether or aot then duc, wkd eay exccss paid to Bonower. In the event ot a partial takiag of the Property In whicd the feir atarket `-°°"
<br /> value ot�he Properry Nnmediately befare the taking is equal m or grcater than lhe amoupt of the sums�ecured by U�s Secur(ty
<br /> " IaatrumeM ia�medlateJy before the teking,uNeas Horrawcr and L.ender otdenvise agree in writiag, the sums secured by i6is Security
<br /> lA' Inurumeat s6a11 be reduced by the amount of the praa�multlplied bp Ihe fallawing fractiaa:(a)the total amouat of 1ho�uma�ecured —
<br /> -- - �S' ` — tm�tc bcfote itx t�kin , dhided tr !he fair matket value of Ihe P imtncdletel M�[ore�he tekin . 6atana adall =-,- -- ----
<br /> �Y S �Y( 1 �nY Y - B A^!
<br /> • , be paid to Barawer. In [he evcnt o[a panial Wking of the Property in which the feir markct value ot the Property immeddlettely before �Y����
<br /> ^ the talriag is les9 than Ihe amount of the eums aecured immediately before the taking,unless Bonowcr and Lender othentiise agree la ---=;_�
<br /> writing or unkss epplkable lew otherwl�e provides,thc praceeds�ball be eppQed to the sums av:ured by tdis Secudty Inurumwt whether ��,���'�`
<br /> � or not�4e sums ere iden due. q -�-
<br /> •• , lt tde Property b abaadoped by Honawer,or if,after nodce by I.ender to Borrawer thet the oondemna oHers to make an award ���
<br /> � • • or ecttk a cldm for elemages,Barrower faila to respond to Gender withia 30 days aftcr the dete the naice is given,i.ender it authorized �.__—_ '�
<br /> ' to coltect and a(�ply ide praeeds,at its opdon,either to restoretion or repalr of the Property or to the suma secured by Idis Secudty �'"�"_�`-°;?
<br /> . � Inshument, ahetder ar na then due. � -
<br /> ;" ; Unlese Lender end Borrower othorw4ge agree in wrlting.any appNwtion of procecds to principal ahall not excend or postpone tUe �j�.�,•�•�•.;_° '•
<br /> duc date of tde mont6iy payrnenfs refcrred to in puragraphs I end 2 ar change Ihe amount of auch paymenla. '�`�„"fi"�-
<br /> �` ' • `�" 11. Borrower Not Nefeaseds FurbeArance Sy i.emirr Not r W�irer. Exteneiun uf thc timc for payrncnt or modlftpdott of � ;;'�-,�w�-
<br /> `� amortizotion of the sums secured by this Secudry lnstroment granted by l.cnder to any aucxessor in Interat of Borra�uu shall not > �����i=°.. .-
<br /> ..-f =
<br /> ��_ opemte to rckase the tlebility of the original Horrawer or Borcawer'a suxessors in interest. Lender shall not 6e required to oommeace ;`.,,,,�;.•
<br /> � - ' prooeedings agaimt a�ry suooessor in interest or refuse to extcnd time for payment or otherwBe modity amortization of the aums secured � : i_�
<br /> , by thia Securiry Instniment by reason of any demand mede by �he original Borrower or BorrowePa auaessora in interest. My ' .
<br /> � ' � • forbearance by Lender In acercising any right or remedy aiwll not bc a wbiver of or preclude the exerclse ot a�ry�ight or re�uedy. ����'t �-
<br /> � . 12.S�essora�nd Assigns Boandi Joint aod Several Liability;Co-signers.71�e covenenta and agcxmenta of�hfs Securky . ' `'�R`
<br /> Instrument e6a11 Wnd end benefit the sucoessors and asslgns of Lender and Borrower, subJect to the pravi.�ions of paregraph 17.
<br /> .. Borrower's oovenents and agrcementa shall be joint and aevernl. My Bonower who ao-signs this Secudry instrument but das aot � - �¢='
<br /> , execute the Note:(a)b co�igning this SecuHty Instrument only to mortaage,grant and convey that Borrower's interesl in the Property . .. —
<br /> - „ . under the terms of thl�Security Instrumenr, (b)fs not personally nbligated to pay thc sums secured try this Secu�ity Inswmenr, aad --
<br /> . (c)agaes tlut I.ender and any other Borrawer may agree tn exlend, modify,forbear or makc any accommoda[ions vrith regard ta the - �;�
<br /> � .� terms oF this 5ecudty lnstrument or the Note wfthout that Bonower's mnsent. � ►�'�
<br /> l3.Iw�n Ch�es.U the loan secured by this Sewrity Instrument LS subject to a law whlch seG4 m�udmum loan charges.and that
<br /> . law Is Maliy Interpreted so�hat the interest or aher loan charges collected or to he collectcd in connectlon with the loan exceed the i
<br /> permitled limins,Ihen(a) eny such loen charge shall be reduced by lhe amount necessary to reduce the charge to the permitted limil;
<br /> and(b)eny wms almady collecred from Aorrrnvcr which cxcceded permitted limfts will bc refundcd Io Borrower. i.cnder may choaee
<br /> � „ to make this refund Iry reducing�he pdncipal owcd undcr thc Notc or by making a direct payment to Borrawer. If a refund reduces ,
<br /> � principal,the reduct icm will be trcated a5 a pardal prepayment wit hout uny prepayment charge under the Note.
<br /> � l4. Notices. My notke to Borcower pravided for in this Secudty Instrumenc shall be given by delivedng it or by mailing it by
<br /> firat claSS mail unles.s applicable taw requirra use of another methcxi. 7Le notfce shull be directed to the Propeny Address a any other
<br /> . eddress Horrower dc�nates by noNce to I�nder. My noticc �o l.cndcr shall t+c givcn tiy flrst ctass mail to l.cndcr's�ddress statcd
<br /> hercin or arq other eddress I.ender designPtes by noticc io Borrrnvcr.My notice provideJ for in this Securiry Instrument ahall be
<br /> � . dcemed to twe been given lo Borrower ar I.ender when given us pnxided In this p�ragraph.
<br /> I5. G�verning Lww;Severabllity.7his Sccurity Instrument shdl be gwemed lry icderal law and the I�w of Ihe jur►sdiaion in �
<br /> which t6e Properry is locnted. In the event thot uny provislon or clause of thic Sccuriry Instrument or the Note conflicts with r�pplicable
<br /> � law,such con0ict shall noe affcct ahcr prcrvisfons nf this Sccuniy Inslrumcnt cx thc Notc which can bc givcn ci(ect withaut thc canflicting
<br /> -: " � provlslon. 70[na ena me provis�ons ot mis aecunry inurument anci►ec riae ere deciared�o oc xverabie.
<br /> 16. B�rrower's Copy. dorrowcr shall bc givcn cme cc�nfarrncd n�py of the Notc.md of this 5ecurity Ins�rumcnt.
<br /> 17.7tanster of the Property or a Beneticlal Interest in Itorrower. If all nr any part of thc Propcny or any intcrest in it fs
<br /> . �� sold or iranskrrcd(ex if a bcncficlal fntcrest in Horrowcr is sc�ld cr Iramsferred und Norrrnvcr is not u nawrul person)without Lendcr's
<br /> prbr written consent,Lender may, at its option, rcquirc immedla�c paymcnt in NII c�f ull sums sccurcd by thfa 5ccurfty Instrumcm.
<br /> � � I Iaa•cu:,th�cpLars�,`s!!not be cxerclsed by I.ender tt exercise ts prr.hlhlted Ny�federal law a�eF the d::!e c!t!:��ccurity Instrumen�.
<br /> It Lender exereBes IhL o�lfon,I.ender shull give Heurc�wer notice of xcelerulion. 'Ihe nolice shall provide a pericxi of ncit Iecc
<br /> ehen 30 day�from the daie the nake is delivered or mailed wl�hin whkh Bom�wer must p•ry all sums sccured by lhis 5ecuriry
<br /> �
<br /> I
<br /> iNIiBEiA4KA•Singk t�anlly-•I�IMAA'111�NC 11N11�O1tM INSIItIIM[iM' Nao 3028 9I90
<br /> ' cooT.Ne 1',�r 3 ot S
<br /> �
<br /> � `/ ,
<br /> � Honowcr'INNtl� �. ���.
<br /> � - '
<br /> �fi�, -
<br />