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<br /> � ' �A �, � , 1�JNIFQRM COVENAN'I�J. Borrower pnd ixa�der oavenant and agra es foUows:
<br /> ' '�r""w""'"<-'�`� 1.Payu�eat o�Prinelp!aed Irternti Pnp�yofeat aiW 1.�te C6�r�e�,Borrower�Mall Inomptly PaY wheo duo tbo P�P�
<br /> = of w�d Wtuest an t6a dabt evideaoed by tbe Nate aad Aay(xeps�yment and I�ta cllarga due undu tha Nnte.
<br /> - _ �.,.�.,. .; �.e�s ivr'�a�os.�t f.sa�w..�. :�uGj�ci i3 appis:abt:.l�.:or ta a wrlttc�watv�r.y Lcndcr,Barravru ahaU paY ta t.c::der �-----„ ___
<br /> .. (• . ... ..-;,��� oa tho d�y maatdty paymenta oro duo uader ldc Notc, unW Ido Notc i� paid in full, a wm ("FuadF") for: (a)Year4 taioa �nd
<br /> • . � �ewnenu whfch may attala priarity over tbis Secudty Inurument a�s Iku on the Propeny; (b)yearly leasehotd paymenu cx ground
<br /> , • ,�, .�,. , , .� ' renu an tho PropenY,U aay;(o)Yearly hazud or property U�wranco prcmiums;(d)Yescly fload iruuranve premium�,(f anY (a)Y�N
<br /> ,� monpge insuraace premluma.it aoy;aa�l(�a�Y aums payabics by Horrow�r to l.ender,in aaordancc with tha pra�vta':.,�o[p��8, �
<br /> ,,�j a•..� .d ^,�,�.�wai in Ueu of tho p3yment of mortgpga inawanca premlums. Theae itCm6 eIO CeUed"P.iCtow lleRlf."I.elldef 111ey�et ptry t11pe�ColleCt iM9 �1"'.""`°--
<br /> '_ �k��;* '' hold Fi�ndt in an amoupt nat w eaoeed Ihc maximum amount a kader for a fedcraUy rclated mortgage loon may�equfre for Borraw�CP� �-
<br /> _ � �,fi t .. •:_.�,�� acrow acrouat under tbo foderal Rcal Fstate Settlement Proexdura�Act o[1974 as amended from time ta qme, 12 U.S.C. ;?bOl et
<br /> � .,:-. xq, ('RESPA'),uet�s+s ancuher lew tlwt appUei w tUe F1�ads sctn a leaser amounG It so,I.ender may,at aay tlma,cdlect wid hold
<br /> - ��/� �y" ,�n Y F�nds ip aa amouat not to euccad the bsser amount. l.eader may eadmetc tde amaunt of FLnds duc on tde baift o[curtCat dato and
<br /> --='=n.-``� .�° . - nssonobla ettlmaces of a�pendiwrcs ot future F.scraw Itca�s or otherwiae in ecaordanx with applkablo law.
<br /> _- ' '"` �" Tde Flindb s4all be deld in aa InsdtuHon whose depnsita aro iaaured by a federal agenry, inswmeatality,or eadty (iadudlug _ _
<br /> T^_ � � , Lender,if Lender ia sucb an iastlwtian)or in e�ry Federal Haau Loon Haak. Lender ehall apply the Fl�ada to pay tda F�crow Iteme. -.'�'
<br /> .-._ ' '� Lender may aot charge Borcower for dolding aad applyiag the Fl�ads,annuaUy aaaiyrJng the escrow ac�ount,ur veritying tho Ascraw
<br />,�,,`�:.�: i Item�,unleas I.endct paya Borraw�er laurest oq tpe Flmds and appflcable Iaw permita Leader to matc auch�charge. Hawever,Leader
<br /> -- . .. �� aiay require Borrawer to pay a oae-tlox charge for an indepcadent rcal estate uuc reportlag service uaed by Lendcr ia coaaectbn witd
<br />-,�....� : : .°" tdis loan,uNess appQcable law provtda otpeta�ise. Unlw aa agteement is made or appUcable law requirea iatereat to bo paid,l.enda
<br /> � �-� � � � �Y;•.. ihall not be t�equired to pay Borrawer auy NNerest or earninga oq tde Fuuda. Borcawer and Txpder may agrce in artitinng,ho�ve.wer,thet
<br /> �... ° Interat ahall bo pald op tde Fund�. I.ender adaU g i v�ta Borroa�er,without charge.en awual acoountin g of the FLnds,edawiag aedlu —
<br /> and dcbits to the Funda and the purpae for wtdch eacb debit W tde Fuads was mwde. 'IUe Funde ere pledgcd as additioiwl teeuNry .�..,.:- _ .
<br /> � . ' _ . , _�-, , , � for all sum4 cecured by thls Security IrotrumenG
<br /> • - •• �----� !f tda F1mds deld by I.ender excoed the amouars perrnitted to be held by appilceble taw,L.ender shal)account ta Borroaer for
<br /> • � � tde e�coesa Funda ia accordenoe wpd tde requirementa of appllcable law. If the�mount of lhe Fl�nds held by Lender at any Wno is aot �.��-
<br /> . ° ,,� su�clept w pay tde Fsaaw Itea4a whea due,Leader may so nod[y Borrawer la writing,aad,in such case Borrawer edaU pay to Lender -�
<br /> • ,_ �he amouat necessary to make up the defidenry. Horrower shall malce up the de8ciency in ao more tdaa twelve moatbly payroeats.et
<br /> . .tt+. l.euder'a aoto dtseretloa. -"
<br /> ° ' , Upon paymeat in fuU of AU sums secured by this SecuHty Instrument,i.eader shaU promptly refuad to Borrawer any�ads held
<br /> ' by L.ender.IP,under paragraph 21, Leader�II acquira or seU the Propeny,I.ender,pAor to the acquWdop ar�ak of tbe Propcsrty,
<br /> � . �baU apply am F1�ada deid by Leader al the time oP acquialtion or aak as a credit agaiaet tho sums secuted by tdla Secuflty It�trumenG
<br /> 3.AppUcation ot P�yaneols. Unless appikabta law provides othe�w[se,all paymenta recefved by i.eader uader paragraptu I and --�-
<br /> ,` 2 sdell be applkd: tirat, to aay prepaymcat cherges du6 under thc Notc; second, to amaunta payable under paragrapd 2; tdkd.w �r �''�
<br />�,. . ���- - �—� •=- lnterat due; tourils,to pdnclga!due;end Imss,to�ny latt�charges due undtf the Note.
<br /> ..f�' � 4.C6��es�Ueos.Borroarer adall pay aA taxes,asse.ssmeata,charges,8nes and imposidous attributable to the Propertywhich __
<br /> � p�ay attain priority wee this Secudty laalrument,end Maaehold paymenta or ground renta,if aay. Borrower ahall pey theae obiigatioas ��
<br /> n y
<br /> ,, in t6e manuer pravlded ia paragraph 2,or If nac paid in the[ manncr,Horrower ahall pay�hem on dme directly to tde persa�owed
<br /> , • payment. Hormwer shell prompery furdsh to Lender all noUcea of amounts to be poid under this paragrapd. If Borrowcr make�thae "'���`'
<br /> �� ` , , paymeata directly,Borrower sdall prompciy furnt�h to Lender reccipta evidencing the paymenta. =
<br /> •• Horrawer ahall promptly diacharae any lien which I�aa prlodcy wer this Securiry Inatrument ualeas Horrorover.(a)agrees in wricing
<br /> • to the paymeat of the obligeUon secured by the Ilen in a manner acceptable to I.ender,(b)rnntests ia good faith�he Ifen by,or detends �_�==-
<br /> �� •• egainst enforcement of the lien ia, legel praceedinga which in the l.ender'a opinion operate Io prevent the enforoement of tbe lien; �r''F=''�`--
<br /> °' (c)secures from the hatder of�he Iien an ageement aatisfactory to Lender subordinating the lien to this Security Instrument. If Lender �:;�;i:�;,_,�,
<br /> � ,,,.,a�,.'• deteroilnea that any pert ot the Ptoperty ia aubject to a lien which may attaln priodty wer this Security Instrument, Leader moy give
<br /> �, - , - - Horraver a au�i�x iJ�uU[ying the Yu�. Do�rowcr shall aatfsfy the ffen or take one or mae M�he ectMn��et fixth elxnr.within tn�l� �-=��y�'_�_`�
<br /> � of tha giving o[noticc. ��=-�'°°;?�,'
<br /> )• �� S. Husrd or Properly losurauce.Barrower ahall kecp tha fmprovements now exL�ting or hercafter erected op the Property , �' ��,;;;;:
<br /> • • lasurul against loas by tire,ha�erds induded wfthin the term "extended coverage"and any other hazarda,iacludlag flooda or flaodiog, -.�-�
<br /> " •� for which l.ender requires loauranoe. 7llis insuraxe ahall be main�ained in the amoun�s and far[he peHods thet Lender requirea 'IUe
<br /> �. � iasurance carrier pravidMg the insuranoe ahall be chosen by Borrower subject to Lender'a approval which shall aot be unreasonably
<br /> ° � withheid. If Borrower fail�to mahtain covcrage describcd above, [.cnder may,at I.cnder's aption,abtain cwerage to protect LeadeP�
<br /> dghta in t6e Property in acoordance wi�h paragraph 7. Y '
<br /> " All insuranoe poNcies and nnewels sdall be acceptable to i.ender and shall Include a standarcl mongage clausc. Lender sqaU have �•..' ,�'�' �
<br /> the dght to hdd the po8cles and renewals. If Lendcr requfres,Borrower shall promptiy give to i.ender all receipta of pald premiums � ''� •
<br /> , � � and renewal noticea In the event of bss,Borrawcr shall give prompt no[ioe m the insurance carrier and[.ender.Lender may meke �
<br /> . proof of loss if not made prompty by Borrower. . •- --
<br /> - Unless Lender and Borroacr ahenvise agrce in writing, insurancc pracecds shnll be app�iea to rcstoradon or repalr of the , �y�;,
<br /> � Property demeged,If the rcatoredon ar repair is evonomically feesiblc and i.cnder's security ic not Icssened. If thc restoration or repalr �
<br /> � , . Is not economically feaslble�r I.ender'a security would be Icsgened,the insurance prcxeeds shall bc apptied to the surtu secured by thls �
<br /> Secudty Instrument,whether or not then due,with nny excess paid to Borrower.If Borrawer abandons the Property,or does not enswer �
<br /> � withln 30 daya a notice from l.ender�hat the insu�ance cs�rrier ht�s offered to settle a clalm, then Lender may cdlect the insurance �
<br /> , proceeds. l.ender may use the proceeds to repafr or restore the Praperry or to pay sum.e secured hy this Security Instrument,whetl�er j
<br /> .�• or not then due. 'Ihc 30-day pedod wfll begin whco thc notice is gfven.
<br /> Unless Lender and Borrc�er atherwise agrcc in writfng,any applkution of proceeds to principal shall not extend or postpone the
<br /> . due dute of the monthty paymenls refcrced to in puragr:�phs 1 and 2 or chungc thc amount of thc payments. If under paragraph 21
<br /> . the Property is acquired by Lender, Hortower's righ[to any insurance policics and pnxeeds rcsulting Gom damagc to the Properry prior � .
<br /> to the acquisidon shali pas.c to Lender to the extent ot the sums securcd ty this 5ecurity Instrument immediatety prior to the acqul+itian.
<br /> 6. Oc�wpaury, Preservatlon,Maintenance ond NrotecNoa ot the Property; Borrower's Loan Applicotion; I.easehotds.
<br /> � Borrower shall accupy,establish,and usc thc Propert�� us liorn�wcr:s principat rcaidencc wfthin s(xty days aficr the execution of this
<br /> � 5ecudty Instrument and shell condnue to occupy the Property us Rorcrnver's principal rcsidence for at least one yeur ake�the date oF .
<br /> occupancy, unless Lcnder otherwise ugrecs in w�iting, which conscnt shall not bc unreasonably withhcld, or unless cutenuaqng
<br /> �_ . Y.__.._ . .. ����._���������1���..Lt�4..� L��.�.J n....._.....��.�........� u..��..---�_..--''-"--.. .,..�'-- -_��__._.�'n-'--�. _.._...�-°---�.
<br /> - . • -' .. � .� wwuuw�ww�nwa A/�M1I�PIY u..�.w...w�a.,......,.....u.,�. w��un.�..uau u�n�wuvJ�vama�c an auNau tuc rw�n:�ty�a�nn�u�c a�v�a.nr
<br /> to deleriorate,or commit wa.5te an thc Praperry. Borrcra•cr shull he in detault ft nny rortenurc acuon or proccedmg,wheiher civii ur
<br /> . criminal,Is begun that In l.cnder's gaad faf�h judgmcnt cauld resul�in fcxfciturc uf the Property or othcrwise matcrfally Impair thc lien •
<br /> created by this 5ecuriry Instrumcnt or I�cndcr's security mterest. Rnrrrnvcr may cure such a default and reinstatc, as providcd in
<br /> paragraph 18,by causing Ihe aclion or prcxeedfng to Ne Jlsmissed with u rulina thut,In Lender's good faith determfnatiun, precludes
<br /> _ tnrfeiwrc of thc Aorrrnver's interest m the Propeny or othcr mutcnal im�rirmcnt of thc licn crcated by thfs 5ccu�iry Inst�umcnt ur
<br /> � ' Lender's secudty intcrest. Bortower shall ulso bc in dctault if Hc�rrrnwcr,dunng thc loun applicatlon prcxcss,guvc matcrially fulsc or
<br /> � Inaccurate fnkxmation or statements to I�ender(or failed tn providc I.cnder with any muterlul infomtatlon)im m�necUon wfth thc Iwn
<br /> INIiBRASKA••SIeQk Hamfly-•hNMA1N7W�/C UNIN�OItM WSIRUMIi1V7' I�orm 3iQ8 9/90
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