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<br /> NON-UMFORM COVENANTS. Bonowa w�d Lender tLither wven�nt uid�ree ps followr.
<br /> __ — R?, ��e!N�P�e!«+�nr. 7f 1.xuler���immedlue psyment in full under pora�raph 9.Lender ms►y invake tiw
<br /> — power of a�le�nd�ny W�v���petmlUeded by applicnbl�lag. Letwer ansUl bo emiiiai w�v�icc�oy oxpcmtx imu�m:
<br /> �npurauin Ihe rcrnealw tlii pm�nph 17.includin ,but not Ifmited to,reasonablo�ltorne �'fecs ond cosu of
<br /> titk evidetKx.
<br /> It ti�o�owcr ot ak M isvoiced.11ru�tee�MaN record�aWWe ot defauit la each couoty ie w61c6 any put of Ihe
<br /> �--_ � _ y a7ocated�nd ahall mall cople9otsuch nodce In the a�aae�pretcribed by A p�IcAbk Ww to Boirower aod
<br /> - -- — t�o oN�et�penan�pracrfbal by rp We Ww Af'ter /de tirtMS requtred by �pp�(ca61e Iaw,'t�ustee sda11�ivc
<br /> pn klti qotke ot sale to the persons�a In the awoaer pres�ribed�by Applia�ble 4►w 7�uetee,wllhout dem�nd on
<br /> -- Barrower,�ball teq the P�ertx�t publk auctba to the hi�beat bWder nt the time aud plpce and uadu the tern�v
<br /> deel�o�ted in t6e notke os sAle in one or more��nnd in any order 7tustee deter�. 7Yustee mAy port ne
<br /> .� aAfe of p0 oe aay parcel of tdc ProP�y SY Publtc�ouacemeni�t the time and plooe at any prevlowdy�uled
<br /> sak. l,ender or tts dat�e awy urcbase We Pro�rty�t an�ysale.
<br /> — Upoa rwelpt ofp�yment orthe Prke bid,7Yuatee ad�ll ddtver to the purch�er 7Fuatee's dee�conveyiag We
<br /> Property. The redtafs in the 7bo.9ta s deed shall be prima tacie evidence ot truth oi the etatemente mAde theretn.
<br /> _._ _ .-i--------�z� .ry,���1 pppty lhe proceeda of tde stle 1n the Pollowing orders (a) to All costs and expennes of exercisin� Ihe _
<br /> power of sale,and the sak,iacluding Ihe paymeat ot the 7Fustee's tees qct�wlly incurred,aot W exceed 3.0 `�
<br /> �1 the� prtucipAl amouet af the aote wt the dme of the decl�tlon of de�ault, and reasonable Altw�eys' feea ps
<br /> �rmUfed b IAwt(b)W All wnu stcwred by thi�Security Ip�trutnent;aad(c)any exceas to the perron or persoa�
<br /> �y�p��a a��.
<br /> 18. Recoaveyaoce. Upon p�yrnent of all sums secured by this Security Instrument,I.ender shall request'itustee to
<br /> reconvey the Property and xhall sursender lhis Secur�ty Instrument and all notes evidenctng debt secured by this Secu�ity
<br /> Instrument to'Itustee. 'Itustee shall reconvey the Property without warranty and wlchout ci�arge to the person or pensona
<br /> -- -- — - -- lc�ally cnNdcd to it. 3uch person or persons sh�ll pay any recordation costs.
<br /> _ - 19. Substitute 1lrustee. Lender,ac i�s opdon,may fmm time to time t+emove 7ivstee and appoint a successor wstee
<br /> r to any 7Yustee appointed hereunder by en instrument cecorded in�he caunry in which lhis Security[ostrument fs necorded.
<br /> :;��"`�' .wn Without conveyance of 1he Prupedy. U� suc��ssui l�uslce shell suceeed to all thc title,pawer and dudes rnnfemed upon
<br /> - • ",`'�•'" 7lustee herein and bp applicabie luw.
<br /> ��'r 20. Request(or Nodces. Borrower requests�hat wpiea of�he notices of default and�ale be sent to Barrower�a
<br /> -- add�+es�wNich ia the Property Address.
<br /> = RWerat ta this 3ecurity Insirumm� If one or more riders are executed by Borrower and recorded together with this
<br /> _- � '� Secu�ity Inswment, the covenents of each such rider ghall be incorporated into and shuli emend and supplement the
<br /> . �'_ covenants and agreementa of this Secudty Mstrumem as if the rider(s)we�in e pert of thia Secudry Inatrument.
<br /> [Check applicable box(es)J.
<br /> I��� �, ,,•"�,.. �Condominium Ridcr �OrndutHed Payment Rider �Growing Equity Rider
<br /> �k'��.�
<br /> xi.,<
<br /> "•'':..��.. ..
<br /> _ � ri,�',� +,� �Planned Unit Develapment Rider X�Other�Specify� ACKNOWLEDGMENT. IhORTGAGE ADDENOUm
<br />. � .. �'�kt- •,��'1�✓?
<br /> BY SIGNING BELOW, BoROwer accepts c�nd agrees to the terms contained in pages 1 through 4 of this Security
<br /> .- * Insuument and in any rlder(s)executed by Borrower end recorded with it.
<br />�-.—�5- S .e':� •�t
<br /> � '!l.v�l!�' �. 1 WI��.S�.gi J`�
<br />.�.�... �i3l�'$r:
<br /> � -.,.�i,',`, �"'P' �Sea�� .
<br /> �, . .�.`�''=°'� , '. SEAN W. TENNANT BonbN'`�
<br /> Y xMR�� , . ,
<br /> y�� '��'��y�•� (Seaq _
<br /> �i� Borrower
<br />:/,.. '_��.� '�„°
<br />- ° f-1..,. ' ` .. .. (Seal)
<br /> Bunnwcr
<br />- ' ��r�"...
<br />.� , "" _
<br /> �:2 -� ;.Y : ($CA�)
<br /> - j, Hormwer
<br /> " ^�'�7t�w� . .
<br /> .n�-• -. • ii
<br />. :� � .r.:
<br /> .. �r . � STATE OF NEBRASKA, HALL Coun�y,s:
<br /> . ...:.�r._,_,
<br /> . d�'���`:" '�` •• On this 14TH ��Y��� AUGUST� 1992 .�xforc mc,ihc undcrsigned, u Notury
<br /> � „ Public duly commissioned nnd quali�cd for said county,p�:rsonully cumc SEAN W. TENNANT, A SINGLE
<br /> � PERSON
<br /> , � �� � ,lo mr knuwn to bc Ihc -
<br /> , . identical person(�:)whosc name(�1 are sutncrilxJ to the foregoing inslrumcnt und ucknowl�dged thr execution thereof to be _
<br /> , � . . HIS voluntary act and dccd.
<br /> , . .. Witness m a��� ISLAND, NEBRASKA in xuid counly, the
<br /> . � :�� dateaforesaid. µpp�yyy�MCCUMBER
<br /> ''�Y Y!r CDran,Exp.April 5.199F � /�
<br /> i'�:..;.:�N �4 /� - A
<br /> . . /� •� r ��/ //_- I. �� ��`/ • t
<br /> _--_ :_a:�mA!��s:c�s±=.,- MY(.�M►�miaainn rxr�me• [.[.�!.( J� I!�(/ _ �L��ff��I NI►• I/I li(firMaV
<br /> .. .. I� fvolury�1'ubl�c
<br /> '��Y. �.
<br /> ;�_ ° � ° ° REQUEST FOFi RECONV�YANC�
<br /> �,�,_L.. 'I'U TRUSTEE:
<br /> _.— ----i--�— The undenigned is�hc holJer uf Ihr nalr or ixn�s securcd by this lJCCd ut iiuxt. �ui�i n��te ar notes.iogciiicr wi�n uil
<br /> ," . ,� _ other indobtednetis secured by thiti Dced uf'7�ust,huvc bcen p•rid in Full. Y��u •rm hcrchy dirrcted tu ranrrl�aid ncitc or
<br /> _, notes und�his Decd nf'l�ust,whi�h urc dclivcrcd hcrcby.unJ lu rcconv�)•.wilhuut w;�rranty.all thc r,tutc na�v hrld hy y��u
<br /> ;,, , ,�^, ' ' under this Deed of 7Fust to the person or persons Iegul ly entilled therclo.
<br />� � ��t"! Datc: — ---
<br /> . �. �: 'Y
<br /> 1w. ,�i �
<br />,X:y� . ; �pier J n�.e p�i��•��
<br />• � . .
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