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..r^ . • "� ' .4` „Y . _ �L , .' _ __-_-_ .�_ ,. . <br /> ' � � r ! '�" 3-'►_�..Y1.3�1i�ti <br /> ____ - - �- � 92_ � �.o�l�a <br />--- , <br /> -- . � . .. <br /> -_-__.— �.aymerns�wnicn ore nfcrte�[o in Fara pn 2�or chango tho amount ui ttuci�µ�yurcnin. A��y o,.���w�.ts ozu;��s • <br /> � <br /> "'—' amountrcq uired to p�y all outatandin�indg ebtednear undcr the Natc rnd this 5ecudty Ludvment ahall be p�id to�he endty • <br /> �:'.� Io�aUy entitled the�w. <br /> �: <br /> B. Fleea. Lender may collect fees a►id charQes wuthorized by the SecreUtry. <br /> o;:• 9. Grounde for AccekraHon o�Deb� <br /> _,'- .._ _ . ______ _ (�)Default. L.ender may,except aa limited by regulationa isaued by Ihe Secretary in the case of paymant defaulu, <br /> requiro immediate payment in full of all sums cecured by this Secudty Insdumen�if: <br /> � (i)Borrower dsfeults by falliog to pay in tLll any monthly puymant requin�by this Security Inrtrument Qrior <br /> a to or on thc duc dete of the next monihly payment,or <br /> _.. (li)Hormwer defuults by f�ilina,for a pedad of thirly dnys�to perform sny other obli�ations contained in thie -- <br /> _��*f Securiry Insm�ment. <br /> ;�� (b)Sale VYfthout Credit Approvs�l. Lender shall,lf pertnitted by Applkable law and with the pdor opproval of the <br /> __—'���� Secrct�y,rcquir�immediate payment in full of all the sums secured by this Security Insaumont if: <br /> -- �� (i)All or paR of the PropeAy.or a 6eneficial interest in a uust owning all ar part of the Property,is eold or <br /> ���.=�?k� otherwiae transfeRed(ather than by devise or descent)by the Borrower,and <br /> '°:'r'�=t•�'�-- (ii)'Jlio Property ia not occupied by the purchuser or grantee as hia or her princlpal residence,or the purchaser <br /> � r a* +4 or grantee daes so accupy the Properly but his or her credit hes not been opproved in eccaeranco <br /> ��_��. <br /> �s�.� �„r•� .�,:.;,.� with tho requirement�of the Secretary. <br /> �� •� ��' (e)No Wsdver. If circumstances occur that would permit Lender to require immediate payment in tLll,but L.ender <br /> --- '°'"` -�� daes not require suchpayments,Lender does not wuive i1s c�ghts with respect to subsequent events. <br /> �"� (d)ltegulallons of HUD Secretary. In many cincumstances regulations issued by the Secretary will Ilmit Lender's <br /> -i ��, ' ��' � � ' rights, in the case of payment defaults, to require immediate payment in full and foreclose if not paid. This <br />__?:�.����:�.�';.a, Securiry Inshument das not authorize acceleralion or foreclosuc�e If not permitted by regulationc of the�ecretary. <br /> _ ��": `�:,,� ,. , �, �• (e)Mort�age Not Inaured. Darrower agrees thet should this Security Insdument and the note secured thereby not <br /> _ <<�, .•<. be eligible for insurance under the National Houaing Act within from the <br /> ' � ��`'' '� date hereof,Lender may,at its option and notwithstanding anything in Paragraph 9,requirc immediate payment in <br /> ._ . � .' "`.F : <br /> -_ �� ':,�yY��,� ,^:�x full of aU sums secured by this Security Instrument. A written statement of any autharized agent of the Secretary <br />- ' . � �� ` deted subsequcnt ro from the date hemof,declining to inswo this Securlry <br /> - � � '�;?" ,�. ., Instrument and the note secured thereby,shall be deemed conclusfve proof of such ineligibllity. Notwfthstandjng <br /> . .. . ' . '�� :�... ihe foregoing,this option may not be exercised by I.ender when the unevailabUity of insurance is solely due to <br /> i.ender�failure to remit a mongage insurance premium to the Secretary. <br /> __�i��}���fM�"''� 10. Relasfatement. Borrower has a right to be reinstated if Lender hes required immediate payment in full because <br /> ,, - - of Borrower�s failure so pay an amount dt�e t�ntk�r the•Note or this Security Inswment. This nght applies even eftcr <br /> • � ' . foreclosure proceedings ure insututed. 'Ib reinstate the Security Instrument, Borrowcr shall tendar in a lump aum all <br /> :. amounts required to bring Borrower�s account current including,to the extent ihey are obligations of Borrower tu�der this <br /> •� � � � Security Insvument,foreclosure costs and reasonable and customary attomeys'fees and expenses Properly assaciated with <br /> � .. ' the foreclosure proceeding. Upon reinstatement by Borrower.this Security Instrument and the obligations that it secures <br /> '.;�o" � . :. .,,y,r ,.,� shall remein in effect as if Lender had not rec�uired immediate puyment in full. However, Lender is not required topermit <br /> :,. , r w. .jr1;.:: : reinstatement If: (i) Lender has occepted rcinstatemein after the commencement of forecbsure prceeedings within two <br /> � ' • �%'' yeara immediutely preceding Ihe commencement of a current foreclosure proseeding, (ii) reinstalernent will preclude <br />=- V�"".� � : .. ' forcclosure on different grounds in the future,or(iii)reinstatement will adversely affect the priority of the lien created by <br /> . • . this Security Instrument. <br />' �� � "- , ' , 11. Barrower Nat Released; Forbearance b� I.ender Not a Wafver. Extension of the time of paymem or <br /> �. . �.,;;;,�.;,,,�; .:���;,s modi6cation of umortiwtion of the suma secured by th�s Security Instrument grunted by Lender to any suceessor in interest <br /> � , � o f B orrower s h a i l not opera�e�o re lease�he liu bi lity u f t l�r u�igina i Buuuwr� ur Buuuwr��,uuesiur iu iu te�ea�. Lci K ler - <br /> �i' ,,,. • � �'���"' shall not 6e required to commence proceedings agumst nny succes�or in interext or refuse to extend�ime for puyment or <br /> _,'�;, ' „�.�. .. � otherwise modify amonization of the sums�ecured by this Security Instrument by reason of any demund mnde by the <br /> p:. • original Borrower or Bomower's successors in intercst. Any forbeurancc by Lender in exercising uny right or remedy Shul) <br /> o'•.• � �, . not be a waiver of or precludc the cxcrcixe of uny righl or remcdy. <br /> ;'., �.`"'� 12. Successors and Asstqna Bound;Joint and Several Liability;Co•Si�ncrs. Thc covenums und ngreements of _ <br /> � '�''• �� .� this Security Instrument shull bind und benefit the succexson und utisign+of Lendcr und Borrower,subject to the provisions - <br /> , . of Farngraph 9.b. Borrower's covenunts und agrcements shull bc joint nnd severul. Any Borrower who co-signs this <br /> . Secudty Instrument but dces not execute thc Note: (u)iti co-signing this Scrurity Instrument only to monguge,gmnt nnd r <br /> '", ' . convey that Borrowerc interest in the Propeny undcr thc tcrmti uf this Sccurity Instrument; (b)is nut personully ubliguteJ to <br /> � pay 1he sums secured by this Security In,trumenr,and(c)agncs Ihul Lender:uid uny other BoROwer may ugree to extend, � <br />'�`4, � modify,for'.xur or muke uny accommodationv wi�h rrgard to the�erms of Ihis Secunty In�tniment or the Note without�hat <br /> �;__'� .�' Borrower�consent. __ <br /> • " 13. Notices. Any nutice to Barrowcr provided for in this Sccurity Inxtrument shull bc given by dclivering it or by � <br /> "�r v;�. ," muiling it by iirst cluss mail unless upplicuble li�w reyuire�uxe uf another melhod. The notice shall be directed to the � <br />. ° '�, .r::•: � Property Address or any other uddress Borrowrr designute�by noticr to Lcndcr. Any noticr to Lender�hull be given by - <br /> � ,� ., ' ' �rst class muil to LenJcr's uddresc .tulcd hcrrin or uny addretiti Lender dc�ignatc. by notirc to Borrower. Any notice _. <br /> ' provided for in this Securiry Instrumcrn+hull tx:deemeJ to have hrrn givrn tu Horrowrr or Lrnder when given a�provided <br /> _ � - in this purngruph. - <br /> 14. (:uvernln�Law; tieverability. Thi.Scruriry Instrumcm�hull 1►r govrmrd by Frdcrul law und thc luw cti the � <br />..o , � jurisJiction in which Ihe Pro�xrty is lixuted. hi the cvcnt that any provi�i�m ur cluu�r of thi.Sccurity Instrumcnt or thc <br /> No�e conflicts with ap�licuble li�w, �uch rimflirt.hull nut affert uthrr provitiion�uf'thi. Serurity Instrument or thr Note i <br /> which cun lx given eftect without thc�nnflirtinE pruvi.ion. 1i�thix rnd thc provisions of thi.Sccurity Instrunxnt und the �_ <br /> ,;� � Nole ure declured to bc scvrrablc. = <br /> � I5. Borrower's Copy. Burrower+hull Ix�!i�•en oac confurmrd cupy ol�this Sccurity In,trument. i <br /> . � 16. Assignmenf of Itenls. Borcou•cr unrundilionally a.�i�n�and tran�fen�a LrnJer all thc rrnt�:mJ revenuc�of thr <br /> ' Property. Borrower uulhorire�l.rndcr ur I.rndrr:aticnts ti�rullrct thr remr anJ revenuc.:md herchy directti cuch trn:mt i�f j <br /> � the 1'rc�perty to puy thc rent�to LenJrr ur Lendcr'. apcnt�. Nowrvrr, priur �o LrnJrr+notirr a�liurrc�wcr uf'Borcawer: � <br /> �' breach of any covenant or agrcement in�hr Serurity In.�rumrnt.H�,rrowrr�hall n,llect and mrri�•e all rcn�.:mJ rcvenur�uf' <br /> ��.:4�. � + th�•PmmNV ae tn�.trv fnr Iho{w•nrfit nf 1 rnd�•r mid Hnrr�iwrr Thi�:n.ivnnu•nt�if renh r�m.�itutrc:m ah.nhur a��innmrn� <br />-- ___' � _"�.-_'.r_.�� ""' '. . � .. .. .. � f. <br /> - s- and noi•rn as.igumern fi�r u�iciiiiunai .ecw iiy uuiy. , <br /> • - ., , If Lcndrr Eivc�notirr al hrc.Kh ui Fiurn►wcr: liu ull rcm.r�crivrd by H„n•��w�r.hull Ix hrlJ b� Fiurc���rer u,�ru.lrr <br /> , � • for benefit uf LrnJcr rnily, t��Ix :��rn�� ��,a,��um,,rrurcJ hy thr Srcuritv Im�rununt:Ib► Lcndcr ,hall tx rntillrJ ta <br /> roUccl unJ rccrivr ull ul'Ihr rcm�of thr Pr���kny;��nJ Irl rirh trniml iif thc I'ror�ny �hnll pa�•ull rents Jur;uid unpaid to � <br /> Lcnder or Lrndrr+ugrnt on LcnJrr��ariurn drmund lu thc tcnan�. ' <br /> — . - -- _ ..... . 6c);;o:•er:••.. :tot . ^::.�. :t� p:.... ..:�;:: . ... •.".: ... ...:.: :::�.. ..,.. ..��: ..��� ta,lt j;:;�;.:6� .u�j .«: ; :t.,,:i�� � <br /> � t ' prevent Lender fnnn rxcrcisin�,ittiyrighl�unikr thi�ParaFraph 16� <br /> • Lendcr rhull nnt Ix reyuired t�i cntrr u�xm,takr c�m�rol ut�or nwinlain thr I'rareny lxfurr ur:dtrr�ivinN noiicc uf <br /> . . � breach tu Bortuwcr. Huwcvrr, Lendcr�ir r juJicially appainlcd rrrrivrr rr�a�•du.0 al c�n� timr thcrr �� a hnad�. Any <br /> • " aPplicution ol'rrnt.shall not rurr vr wai�•c anry drl:iult ur imahdair�m�•��Ihrr nghl ur rcmrd�� ul Lrndrr. "fhi.a�.iEnmrnt <br /> . . of rcnts oF the 1'roperty shull termin•rtr whrn Ihr dcht�crurcJ hy Ihr ticrurily In�trumrnl i.paid in full. <br /> ,� , • i <br />� �� �pdcr±��/Jpd�r�l <br /> � t <br /> A <br /> � + '_ � <br /> � / . <br />