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.'r;'..�.'' -- <br /> � . ,��.� <br /> : :,�4'!, <br /> �_�kd' ' ;r <br /> � <br /> �� . .... • <br /> , . . . , -- <br /> . ,;' �� �,�'�JaB's�1bA;. � � , • <br /> .�-.y,•j��,: �� . . - . , -. . . �.� . . �� . . ...�d�923�?'.L.•'=-i - � ..—c <br /> 1_yt...,w�w��.�_�1:.___.. . .. _ .., . '_ ' / , . ':. <br /> '�' - <br /> t y� <br /> , 18. Bor�ower's Right to welnatete. II Borrower meels cortaln Conditlona, 8nnowor sf�nll hc3ve tho ri�ht to Yiavo - <br /> � onforcemRnt of this Security Instrumont dlscontinuod at uny timo prior lo tho oarlbr of: (n) 6 dnyc (or ouch othcr porlod na appilcnbb . <br /> - I�e1 m�y spd'Itq lot relnstst9ment) hsforo cnb �f tho Propoi1y pur6uant to nny po�vcr of sal� contuinod in Ihis Sccurity Instrumont; oi ` <br /> (b) entry of o Judpment enforclnp thl:; Sacudty Inotrument. Thoue conditlons nro thUt Bnrrov�or. (u) pays Londor all eums wh�� thon � • - _ <br /> would be due undot thi5 Security Inotrument and tNe Note ae II no aCCBWrAtlon had ocCUrred; (b)cure9 nny delault of any other <br /> Covenant or aproemento; (o) paYS qll expenees Incun�d In enforolnfl Ihl9 Socurlty Instrument, Includlnq, but not Ilmited to, reaeonab� _ <br /> ettomeys' feas; end (d)takes such actlon ns Lendvr may reaeonably r6qulre to aesuro that tha Iien of thls Socurity Instrumant, Lender' ' <br /> r6phts In the Praperty and Borrowers obl�gatlon to pAy the eums socured by this Socuriry Instrument ahall continue unchenped. Upon� ,, "= <br /> relnotatement by Dorrowor, this S:curity Instrumcnt and tho oblk�nlipns secured hereby shall remaln fulty eHective as it no acceleratlon � ; <br /> hed OCCUrted. However,lhis ripht to reln8tate shall not epply In the Cesa of flCCelerfltlon under perngreph 17. - <br /> � 19. Sale of Note; Chenge of Loan Servicer. The NOt3 or 8 pBrttfll Intore5t In the Note (togather wfth thls SBCUrily!!!����jjj <br /> � Instrumont)may be sold One or more times wlthout prior not�o to Borto�ror. A sale may result In e chunge�the entity (known ns tho� <br /> � " "LoBn ServlCer") that Col'�ects mOnthty payments due under tP�e Note flnd thls Security Instrument. There also mRy be One or mOre <br /> ' changes of tho Loetn Servi�or unrelated lo a safe of the Note. It there Is 0 Change of the Loan Serv�er, 8ortower wi11 be(�Men writlen . . <br /> notl�e ot the change In accordance with pnragruph 14 above and appliCBble law. The not�o wlll swt� the narne and address of thp`�'� . <br /> new Loan Servicer and the address to which puyments should be made. The noUce wili aiso conts6� eny other intormnttan requi�ed by <br /> � aPplbabl9 1aw. .,. . . <br /> 20. HEliIIfdouB SubB�GnC@8. eonower sha11 not cause or psrmit the presonee, use, disposal,storage, or release ot sny . , _ <br /> Hesatdous Substance� on or In the Property. Bortower shell not do,nor allow anyono eise to do,anything sttocthg tha Property that � ,.:,_,`;,,��,:_. <br /> •, Is In vloiatlan of any Environmental Law. The preceding two sentences shall not appN to the presence, use, or storape on the �--�— <br /> , � Prcperty of small quantktes of Hszardous Substances that aro genersly recognized to be appropriata to normal residentinl uses and to :;;,.,�.,� <br /> ��:- <br /> ! maintenanca of the Praperty. ��'��`��= <br /> � �s Bortowor shall promptly ghre Lender wrilten imtice of eny Inveattgatlon,cl�lm,demand, IswsuR or other ecti�n by any govemmontal - _________ <br /> • 1 or repulatory agency or prNate party InvoNing the Property and any Herardous Substance or Envtronmental Law of wh�h Bonowor has .' - <br /> 'J ac4uRl knowiedga. 11 Borrower leams, or Is notNled by any govemmentel or repulatory authorfry, that any removal or other remediatlon -= <br /> � ot any Hazardous Substance attecting the Property is necessary, Borrower shnll prompty take ail necessery remadinl acpons In ��,,.-,�;�--_,,, <br /> . �t`-- <br /> a�cnrdarce with Envkonmentsl Law. � ��:':_. <br /> As used L� this parsgreph 20, "Hasardous Substences" are those substancos defhed as toxb or hazardous substances by � �`�;:-__�-• <br /> .•� : Envkonmental Law and lhe following substances: pasollne, kerosene. other flammable or toxb pouoleum products, tox� pestbides and ' ��� <br /> ,� hsrb�Cldes, votatlb soNents, muterlals containing asbestos or tormaldehyde, and radlosative meterials. As usod In thls paragrsph 20, �;�� <br /> � "Envkonmental Law" means tederal iaws and laws of the Jurisd�tion where the Property Is loCeted thet relate to health, satety or �•�yrr�t: <br /> envkonmental proteation. `t�?��� <br /> x NON•UNIFORM COVENANTS. Borrower und Lender further covenant end aflree as follows: <br /> `� ` 21. Acaeteretion; Remedies. Lender shall qive natice to Borrower prtor to ecc�leration foltowing ;j <br /> — aor�oYrar o u?cB��i vi aii�i COL'Cit::l: .^.� �or�aen�nt !n thlw SeCnl�it9l Instrument (but no4 prior t0 _ - <br /> � ncceleretion under perngraph 17 unless e�opliceble law pravidea otherwiae). The notice shell epectiy: ° <br /> � (e) tho detault; (b) the action required to cure the default; (c) a date, not leas than 30 daya from the :�: <br /> dete the notice Is given to Barrow�r, by v►hich the deinul4 muat be cured; and (d)that fatlure to cure <br /> the default nn or betore the date apecified In the notice mey reault In ncceleretton oT the sumrs <br /> � aecured by thta Security Inatrument and aale ot the Property. The notice ahall further Interm <br /> Borrower ot the �Ight to retnetete atter ecceleration and the right to bring a court actlon to esaert the - <br />- non-exiatence of e cietnutt er any other detense of gorrowe� to ecceleraUon end eale. If the defautt Is �- <br /> � rtot cured on or before the dete specified In the notiae, L�nder et ite optlon may require tmmedlete i� <br />�•� � , payment in fult of stl eums secured by thls Security Inatrument without turther demend and msy = <br /> - �� invoke the power of aate end eny other remedlea permitted by epplicable law. Lender ahall be <br /> entiUed to collect nll expeneea incurred In purautng the remedles p�ovlded in lhia pa�reqraph 21. <br /> �� . �+�� includinq� but not Ilrnited to, rcaaoneble attarneys' tees nnd coste of t(tle evidertce. � <br />"�''` "�" ' � If the power of aale is invoked, Truatee shatl record a notice of deteult In eech county In whlch �,�= <br />- '" ''���"'� eny pert of tho Property la loceted entl ahall meil coptes of auch notice In tha menner preacribed by <br /> T"-»-�• ��"'���.. ' eppllceble lew to Borrower end to the other persona preacribed by epplicabte Isw. At4er the time <br />=r;,�.;,:. � <br />�=� • required by eppliceble lew, Trustee ahall qive publlc notice of aale to the persons end in the manner <br /> SA... ...'r:1`. <br /> ,:r.: .�.,,�•_. • prescribed by appllcable lew. Tr�eatee� without demand on Borrorrrcr, ahalt eell the Property at public <br /> eucUon to the highest btdder et the time and piace and under the terrra dealynated in the nottce of � <br /> - �� � sale In one or more pereels end In eny order Trustee determinea Trustee may poatpane aale of ell __ <br /> '•����'r or �ny parcel of the Property by pubife ennouncement et the tlme and place of any prevloualy -_ <br />��_ '._.,.,.� <br />-- � achedule� eale. Lender or ita desigr�ee may purchaae the Proparty at eny eale. �. <br />'`�'" �`��:. � Upon recelpt of peyment of the price bld, Trustee ehall dNtver to the purchaser Trustee's deed _ <br />��"���=A��� >�� conveying the Praperry. The rocitala !n the Trust�e's deed shall be prima fncle evidence ot the Vuth = <br /> r.. . . <br />= . ot the ateternents medA therein. Trustee ahall epply the proceeda of the aale In the tottowing order: `_��--_ <br /> j,~. � (e) to all coste end �xpenaca of exercfafng the power of aale� end the aale� includiny the psyment of =r=�--�• <br />- . � `� ,:� � the Tr�atee'a taea actually incurred, not t� exceed 10% % of the principsi amount of the note _:�_�-_--_-. <br /> ° dt the time of the decleretlon of default, end reesoe�a te attorney's tees ea permitted by law; (b) to ntl — — -°- <br />_ � , � sums aecured by thls Security► IneVument; and (c) eoy exceaa to the peraon or persons legaily __ - _`�___f_ <br /> entiticd to It. • ,i�� �� <br /> - � 22. ReconveVance. Upon payment of all sums securod by this SSCUrity Instrumont,Lender shall request Trustee to reaonvey ' <br /> � tho Rroperty en� shall surrender thts 3oourity Instrument and all notes ovldencing debt seCUred by this SeCUrity Instrument to Tnrstee. ,$;;' � "��.�:�' <br /> �': <br /> ��•�"•� 3 Trustoe shnN reCOnvey the Property wilhout wamu�ty nnd wfthout chnree to the purson or persons�epniN entkied to R. Such person or �•��.�`�" � <br />_ • .��;: �y���`�`.:.�.- <br /> . persons 9haN pay any recordatbn Costs. -."a.'�. ;;� -` <br /> 23. SUbBtitUtC TruetCE. Lender, at ks optlon, may trom tkne to tlme remove Trustee end eppolnt a succassor trustee to :' ' :. "� <br /> :,. �� <br />- -- _ __.. r_.�.Y e......�,.�� �.e.e..�.e. ►�.,nn �netnur�nn� rmnrtled 4t ths countv h whfch this Securitv Instrumsnt Is rOCOrded. WilhOUt ' <br /> -.-.__._-_�- nn� .�..o.w .y.�......�.. .._.�.._� _, _. _._.._..---.. <br /> --- �-� - ---- <br />_ conveynnce ot the Proporty, successor trustee shall succeed to ull the tRb, power and duiles conforrod upon Trustee hereln and by , <br /> applkabte Iaw. <br /> 24. Requeat ter Noticea. Borrower requests thet coples ot the noticos of detault and sab be sent to Bortower's address <br /> ° whbh Is tho Proparty Address. <br /> 26. Riaiera to thla S�curlry Inst�umen� II one or more dders ere executed by Borcowor nnd rocordod togothor with <br /> this Security Instrument, the covenants and agreemonts of sach such rider shnli be Incorporated Into and shali amend nnd supplement <br /> - „ the covenents and agreemenis of this Security Instrument ns if the rfder(s)were a paR of thls Security Instrument. <br /> . Form 9020 B/80 � <br /> . . FtOYG.LMO(2/C6) Pap�1 ot S <br /> � _I 060U00�9 <br />. . � � — — — .__. � ._ . -- � <br />