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<br /> 7'. ProteQtton of Lender'e Hiphte in the Praperty. i� eo�rower ians to perfavm �no eo�Rname and aflreememe
<br /> contHhod In thls Securky In�tNinanl,or Ihere Is Y legol proCeeding lhal m9y BbnitiCentry etteot Lendar's r{(�hte In tho Property (euoh en
<br /> � n procUedinp In bflnkruptCy, probate, for condamnallon or forSaituro ar to �ntorcU la�+o or rcpulatlono), thcn Lcnd�r mny do nnd p�y lor ,
<br /> whatevAr Is noC�senry to prolec! tho vnlue of ti�o Proporty nnd Landsr'a riphta In tho Property. Lcndcr'c actlon3 mny Inob�do R�Y�O �__
<br /> � pny eums eeCUred by a Ibn wh�h he9 prlor@y over thl9 Sacurity InsWraenl, eppearinp In court, paylnp reasonabb atiomoy'e (ees end� �
<br /> entsrfng cn the Proparty to mlks repalro, Ahhouph Lendar rts�y ttke�albn undw thls perppraph 7, I.ender does not hava to do so.
<br /> • My amaunte dlsbureed by Londrr undei thie per�pnph 7 shdl bscome �ddkbnal debt af Bortower aecured by thls sK:urny � ^
<br /> 1� InbtrumBnt. Unie9a Bortower and Lgnder �pree to other terme of pYyma►t, these qmounts ehpll bsar Intarost trom the d�te o1
<br /> dlsbursament�t the Note rate�nd shall be ptyabl�,wllh Intersst,upon notice kom Lender to Oorrower requestinp peyment.
<br /> 0. �Zast9c�o Entu��nca. It Lcnd:r rcquircd mortQ.^fl9 �n9urPnce as e condkbn ot mal.infl the loan secured by thls�
<br /> #q, Secutfty instrum�nt Bortower ehull pey the premlum9 roquk�d to r►NlntYln the mortpape Innurance In effeot. If, for any reason, tha
<br /> ' •�' i mortyige hsunnce aoverape requked by Lender lepses or ceases to be h eftect, Borrowar ehall pay tho premtums requVed to obteln
<br /> •y covenge substanttally equivabnt to the mortgaye Insurance prev{ousy In ettect, at e cost substantlaly equlvaHnt to tha cost to�
<br /> �""���� Bortower ot the mortgAqe InSUrsnce prevbus f y I n e t h�ct, ham fln a k0rn�ta m o rt g a p e I n s u re r a p p r o v e d b y L e n d e r. I f a u b s t l n t l t l y
<br /> ��� �
<br /> equlvalent moRgaye insurflnce covorage Is not ava14tD19, Borcower shall pay to Lender ench month a 6um equal to one�tweMth of the W
<br /> yc�arty moRgflpe ineurance premlum being pald by Bonower when the hsurunce Coverage lapsed or ce�sed to be N eHect. Lender wlll
<br /> �, f, eccept, use and retein these payments as a bsa reservo In Ileu o}mc►�jugs hsurance. Loss reseroe paymenls may no lonper be _v
<br /> � requked, at the optbn of Lender, If mortgafle hsurance covera90(h the iunount and (or the perbd that Lender requkes) provlded by �
<br /> '� � en Insurer eppraved by Lender agah be�cOmes Qvuitabte and Is obtalrted. Bottower eh811 pay the premlums requlred to mafntflh
<br /> mortgape Insuranco h o8ect,or to provide B bss reserve, untll the requkement for mortp8ge hsurance ends iri accordance wRh eny ��-
<br /> e:_
<br /> , ,. ,''�: written ayreement beriveen Hartower and Lendsr or epplbabie law. ___
<br /> , 8. inspectlon. Lender or ks apent may make reasonabie enVies upon and Inspectbns of the Property, Lender shal� gHe =—
<br /> Borcower notfca at tho t4ne ol or prbr to en inspectbn speotryhp reasonable causa for the Inspection.
<br /> �,cc 10. COfid6tili'9iitlOPi. Tiie proceads of eny eward or clatm fot damsQrs, dlmct ar consequentisb !n connecUon wRh any `_
<br /> condemnatbn or other takirtq of any part of the Property, or for conveyance h Iteu ot condemnatbn,are hereby assiq�ned and shall be ---
<br /> � pflid to Le�tider.
<br /> In the event ol � total teking of the Properly, tho proceeds shall be applled to the sums secured by this Securityr InstNment,
<br /> ' :�, �„' 4' whether or not tAen due,wRh any excess pald to Borrower. In the event o} e partial tekinp of the Property fn wh{uh the fair market
<br /> '� value o4 tha Property knmadietety betore the tekhg is equal to or greator than the amount of the sums secured by thfs SeCUrity
<br /> �!�;,�%�;��' Instrument Mmed�to.N be�ore the Inkhg, unless BoROwer and Lender otherwise egree in wrifing, the sums secured by thls Security
<br /> InsWment shali be rpducecl by the amount of the proceeds mukiplied by the tollawina tractbn: (a) the total Qmount o} the sums �
<br />� f ° 6BCU�Ad kT1rt16d�Q�91y �19i0fB the takhp, divided by(b)the t8k market v81ue ot the Property knmedlfltey betore ifie takhy. My halance
<br /> �.•�..�.�.,,�. shall be pald to 9ormwer. In the event of a partial takhp ot tha Property In wAich tho fak market valua of the Property knmediatey —
<br /> �� betore the takhg is bess lhan the amount of the sums 6ecured �madlately before the takiny, unbss Eartower and Lender otherwlse
<br /> `���'s�;-'' ayree In wrkhp or unless appiicable law othenrise provides, t�a prxeeds shall be applied i� the sums secured by th(s Seaurity
<br /> '.�in'l•��,��v.• - i�ibtiuii�t�iilStrla Lf; i��i ti2v.°rSSSS:.°.ti v:�:w f:lS.°.. -
<br /> °�,�ia�`��.,1 I}the Property ia abandoned by Borrower. or H, after not�e by Lender to BoROwer thet the condemnor oNers to make an awar�or
<br /> ;�tl,�;°•��_;� settle a olakn tor damages, Barrov�er falls to responel to 4ender wRhh 30 days after the date the notice Is yiven,Le�der Is autAOriud
<br />'���;s��;�..
<br />'•�.�!�"�'�x''�l ro coHeot and appy the proceed3,at Rs opHon,eMher ta restoradon or repair of the Property or to tho suma secured by this Securky
<br /> "�'f�F�`� � Instrument,whethu or not then due.
<br /> -=-"t'��;;.3he�. .
<br />•�:�,;,�;s. Unbss Lender nnd Bonower othomise agree h wrNlnq, any applfcatbn of proceeds to pdncipal ahall not exlend or postnone the
<br />_-._.�('°.,i duo date of the monthy payments referted to in pnvt�qraphs 1 end 2 or ohsnpe ifie amount of such payments.
<br /> -----— 1 i. Borrower Not Reteeaed: Forbeerr,�nce By Lender Not a Waiver. Extansbn ot cao time ror payment or
<br /> '=�"'`�� modWCatbn of amatia�tbn at the sums secured by thfs Securkyr Inswment prentad by Lender to any successar In htarest ot Borcower
<br />-�y�� ehaN not opKat�to relwse the 1in411ity of the oriphal BoRUwor or Borrowws successars In fnterest Lender shall not be roqulrad to
<br />-a":J:�,e:..�
<br /> :_���� commenCS proceedhgs�yaNst any sucCeSSOr In hterest or retuse to extend Qime(or p�yment or pth�rw(se modiy nmorttutbn of ths
<br /> suma secured by thES Securiry Instrumer►t by retson of any demand made by the orip{nal BoROwer Of BOROWAf�6 6UCC0�SO111 kl
<br /> ---_� interost. My torbe�rance by lender in exerclsinp�ny ripht or remedy shaN not be a wahrer ot or preclude the exercise of tny rpht or
<br /> __��.r�; rptnedy.
<br /> -°-��==`�""�'�' 12. Succeseore and Asstpna Bound; Jolnt a�d �everai Lteb6liry; Co-sl�ners, rno covenants and
<br /> - -- �.,��� agreort�ents o} thb Socurity Instrument shall bind and benef�T tive successors and asslpns ot Lender and Bortower, subJect to the
<br /> ...�::;i����y` provlsbns o}par�qraph 17. Borrower's covenante and apreernents sh9tll be joht and sevsral. Any 8orcower who co-signs thta SeCUrily
<br /> -`°'��x'��� Inst�umsnt but does not execute the Note: (a) ts co•slpnhp tAis Security Instrument ony to mortyepe, 9r�nt, end convey that
<br /> =_ ,,.,�
<br /> -'- -_ � BoROwere interest M the Property under the terms ot thls Socuriry 1nstiument; (b)Is not personaliy oblfpated to pey the sums sacurad
<br /> -- by this Security Instrument; ond (o) ayrees that Lsnder and any othar BoROwer may ayreo to s�dend, modiy,iorbear or makv ony
<br />-_=-_—____ accammadatbns wRh regud to terms of thls SeCUrity InsWment or the Nota wRhout that Borrowsr'a Consent.
<br /> _ 13. LC�11 Ch�l'QES. I} the lotn secured by thls Secarity Instmment fs subJect to a law wh�h sets m�ximum loan charge9, �
<br /> .��R;n;,;,�� artd th�t faw is fndty Interpreted ao that the interest or other ban charyes colleoted or to be colfected N conneatbn with the bfln
<br /> -°��"�'? excaed tt�e permfl;sd nnRs. then; (a) eny suct� bsn charpes shflll be rAduced Cy the emount necessary to r�duCe the Charpe to the
<br />__��,�;��+ permkted IYnk;and(t�)ony sums tYOady collected frum Borrower whVCh exceedo�permkted Iknks will be refundad to Bortewer. Lender
<br /> -.�.,,;- T may ahoose to meke lhk relund by reduchp the principal owed under the Nots or by makhg a dfreot payment to Borr4wer. If a
<br /> ,:t.;`r- ; retund reduces princlpai,the reductbn wili be tre�ted as e partial prepayment wfthout any prepayrtxant charqo under the Note.
<br /> -'�j=�•••-;-a . 1$. NOtIC��. My not�e to Bonower provlded tor b this Securfty Instrumes�t shall be fliven by dellverinp k or by maflhg k by
<br />= -..;_ � Ilrst cfass mail unbss epplicebla law requkes use mt enother method. The not�e shall be directed to the ProperEy Address o► any
<br /> other addrosa Borrower desqnates by not�e to L�ender. My notfce to Lender shall be glven by tirst class mall to Lender's address
<br /> `'"r•"":�' statoG herein or any other address Lender designates by notfce to Borrower. Any not�o providsd tor In this Security InsWrnent shaU �_ _
<br />_"�:.�'.`± . be�Ekxnsd to have kae0n given to BomOwer or Lender when piven as provlded In thfs pereqraph.
<br /> .,'_. 1G. Dovemtn�I.aw�.�t"�Of8I1111�/. Thls SOCUrky fnstrumAnt shflll be pOVemed by fpdorel law flnd the 18w Of tho —
<br /> • Jurisd�tbn in which tha Property Is bcated. In the event that eny prov(slon or clause o}this Securky Instrumenl or the Note coMli�ts -_
<br />- - wkh apptiCable law, such conH{ct ehali not attect other provfsbns of lhls Secwity InsUument or the Note wh�h can be ghren etfect ��:�r
<br />� � wkhout the confltclhg prov�sbn. To thls ond the provisbns of thls Socurity InsUument and the Note are declared to be severehte. F '
<br />- ...
<br />:. . � --" -- �---------•- "--• ..�- -•--- -- .�._ .�_..�... �-�
<br /> - - • -. . .. .-� --- - � -• •--•- -.._ -
<br /> ----„-----:--- - /0. OOffpBC�6 NtiFir. COROYYef 6R8fl OB QIY9ft Of19 COftiOrtn00 GUE7y u� tno��mo mw v� o��.�wmnr �noirurna�i.
<br /> s,� a� 17. Trenater ui the Property or a Beneficial IMerest In Borrower. �r eu or eny part o� ►ne Property or any
<br />� htarest In k IS sold or irunslerred(or M a beneiiclal hterest In Bortower Is sold or transierred end BoROwer IS not a naturnl person) •�
<br /> � •. wRhout Lender's prbr written Consent, Lender may, at Itg optbn,requke Immedfate payment h full of all sums soCUred by th(s Security
<br /> Instrumisnt. However, thls optbn shall not be exercised by lender M exorcise Is prohlbRed'oy tedsrel law as of the date of this Security
<br /> „ Instrument.
<br /> ' • � If Lender exerCfseS ihis optton,Lender shall gHe Bortower notice ot acCeleratlon.The notica shall provlde a perlod of not Iass than ,!
<br /> , • 30 days hom the date the notfce fs delArered or mAlled withh whfch the 8orrower must pay e0 sums secured by this Socurityr ,
<br /> Instrument. It 8orrower falls lo pay thdse sums prlor to tho expiratton of thls portod, Lender may Invoke any remedfes permttted by thls ,
<br /> Security Instrument w(thout turlhe►notice or demend on Bortower. Form soza c�oo
<br /> .. .. � Ft02Y.LM�(2/OI4) Pag��ol S �
<br /> aaueoo+o ( t
<br /> � � �
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