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: . ., �•.,. .�-� <br /> i. � - .KM�fYM1���� �D4r,vi;i`+rJ <br /> �•»+� �.�MS.tinrws�!..��,..n.,,� - -,. -__. <br /> �.' .:R?!:�,,�5��:a-+'�: � . � .,.._. . ..._. __..T�:':.hw��r%E:`L r:--.-- — <br /> _ � -— _� 7It�'i!`.�y:'�a�::c�.c�.r's_.__rt's:rr�.iera�as�r.�_A..... �_..,..,._.�- -_...,....__ -------------. . <br />.. ----_---- <br />- � ..�-Y..n-,�.o.Q .,:..--.._�_:.— <br />::___tl''Y:._� _LaT�'1'[i'!:�_!ASi'1.'..�_ __ S7i..__�. __— ___�_�_'_____.'....�.'.._��a.a.,�,._�._..-_.._. <br /> : � V <br /> �_" <br /> �� ������� �__- <br /> Sd. Bubordtriation� Lendez and eorrovex acknovleAye anQ agzee that this Dood <br /> oE rruat im eub9eot anQ eubordlnaCe inail r.eepecte to tho llene, teKne, -- <br /> covenani:o, and con��tYona of the Deed aE 'Pxuat ("Ylydt Deed o£ Trunt•") aecuxing <br /> a nate payablo by Bo=rover to il��sl$nd "9enior Llon Holdec") <br /> and to r�ll t�9vancne hezetoEora made or whieti may hereaftex bo mado purauan� to =_ <br /> tAe Flret DeeQ o£ Truat lncluding all euma advancc8 for the purpone oE (a) � <br /> p=otecting GC Eucther aecuring the llcn oi the PSret DeeA aP TRUet, during <br /> def.aulCa by Boreo�er under the Flrnt Dee� uf Trur►t, or for �ny oEhoc pucposo <br /> expreaaly gecNlttea by L•ho 61ret Deed of Truat, or (b) conetcucting, xenov�Eing, <br /> repalcAng, £uxniahing, fixturAng, oc equipping the Propacty. Tho tacma a�� <br /> proviaions oE the P1Y�t Deed o£ Truat ace paramount �nd contxolling, and Chey <br /> auperecde any otheY terme and provislana hareof in confllct thereWlth. 2n tha <br /> event of a focecloauYe oi �eesl in lieu of fareclasure af the Fixet Deed oE <br /> Truat, any provielons heceDn or �ny pxovisiono in any other collatecal agreement °- <br /> restzicCiny tAe ueo of the eropex�y to lov- ox modecate-lncu�o housohold� or <br /> othecwlse resLricting Borrowers abllity ta sall the Pxopecty t�hall hava no <br /> futlhet £orce oi eff.ect on subaoquent ownaLS or puxc:hasera of the Property. Any <br /> person, incluAing hia �uccesgore oz as�lgns (othex tlian Sorrover or a rel.�ted <br /> entity of Horcowe:), recelving tltla to the Psopetty thxuugh � fozeclusurn•_ ox <br /> deed ln lieu of foreclosu=e of hhc+ Fi:at Deed of Trusk ahall eecelve titlt� ta <br /> the Piopetty froe anA clear fYOm �uch ieatrictione. <br /> [�urthr.r, if tha 9anior Lien Holder acaulras tf tle to tho Peoperty puxnaant to _ <br /> a 8aed in lieu of fozeclosnse, the Z1en oE this Deed o£ Tcust shall ` , <br /> automatically Cex�inatp upon the 9enioc Lien Hobdar'e acqulaltion oE tltle, <br /> groviQcd that (1) Lender has been glven wxitten notice ..f a default und�= the <br /> Eicst Deed of Truat, and (1!) Lender shall not hava cuxed tlio 80fault unzla.r the <br /> Firat Deed of TrusL•, ox diligantly pu:sued cuzing tne deEault as 8eternia�d by <br /> the �enior Lien Holde=, �vithln the 60•day norioa provlded in auch notice sent to <br /> Lender. <br /> Iti iTI't.JE�� SOH�P.LOE, Txustor has e:ecuted this Deed of Trua� aa o£ t4�m date - - <br /> and year fireG above ++YStCan. <br /> .� .r�' -- <br /> son Morledge <br /> �'Sxustor/HaxYOVes <br /> BTATE OF NFBR!lBKll ) <br /> 1as. <br /> COUHTY OF NIILG 1 <br /> rhe foregoing lnatrusent r+ae acRnovledge6 be�ore ne thla 20th day of <br /> Docesbe:, 1996 Dy Jaeon Horladga, oaner, a aing le pexaon. - <br /> ....��.�.-----�-. �j�� <br /> ���,N01�p�.$�botNtbruka� C°�y"`'Not Public <br /> JACAiYt!A.ArouB <br /> �ly OM�.�xF J�b 1i,19/! <br /> / <br /> � <br /> T� . .. . ._... . . .. .. . . _ _. . .. <br /> !S — <br />