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� :.v�e� . . . <br /> ,�y�� I <br /> �.' ;;� . . � . ..... .~.�i�'r"�z`:: <br /> ., <br /> u .. .. . _ . . .�.�. _".—_ ._ <br /> "_ — _�. - <br /> - <br /> ��4 Iv1���;.. . ,r' _�o�er��r.v — -�� . "�` _ v..d _ <br /> •- t :�. '� .,� .. . ..-tif. .� . .. ... ..... _ ... �r':�-.�-:�-�:�.-T- . . �-'�l�..�..._ <br />.... _,t: - - .. . .. <br /> • .r.�'- <br /> `4f: <br />- ---_ �a-� M 1���'!� - <br /> 9. Re�o�lee tiot Bxclunive. Tha r.omedlee �rovided in thio Agroument ahal7. no� <br /> be excluolvo. upon the doEAUlt af tha Truator, tho eonoficiary mey aook celio£ � y'' <br /> � ?r by any legal or equltablo meana. Tho �oneElclary iaay ueak to enfosce the = - <br /> • Ugroamenho hceo mode Ln auch ordex end mannor aa �enr�Eiclary oee� Eit. No ` � <br /> • xc�rae�iy is lntondaci to ba axcluaivo but cach ahall be cunulativa. Lvc�y po��cr ox <br /> reaedy unAec tho Deed of Truat to the Trustee ar denofleiary oc to wAlch eithec ��" <br /> �,y • nf them may othervlse bo entitled by lav may bA �xerciae� concuc=nntly or —n <br /> � .�� independently ao oEten an Qeemed neceesary by tho Truutoe or the eeneflciary or. �'` <br /> `�,�.=�-��"-' ' either of them ancl aithor of them may puroue inaonai�tent remedioa. 4ho �°°- <br /> Beneflclary or Ttustno may Nxoceed to puraun a deEiclency iudgment againnt the � <br /> ....r. - Tzuator Lo tho oxtent such actlon in pr,rmittQd by luw. �- <br />- " a° 10. T�ahafer of the Peopesty; As�umption. No part of tho nrop�rty or _` <br /> � '�' lnteceat t•herein may be eold vi4hin 10 yeaxa of the date oE the deed, ° <br /> , .. traneferxed or otherwiae conveyed by Trustoc, unless full �aymant ls made upon <br /> noto s�curecl by thls Deed of Trust, excluding (a) the croation oE a llen or <br /> ,�:�..r � encumbeance subordlnAL•e to this Deed of Tzustj or (b) a tcanoEer by doviae, _- <br /> ,,�;�,,.; , descent ox by opezation of lav upon the doath oE the Txusstor; such action is a <br />�.;,.;r,�_ F � breach oE this agreement, and Benoficlacy may, at BeneEiclaxy's optlon declace <br /> �::3f;�� all sums aecured by this Desd of Tzuat to be immediately duo and payable, or <br />"'-;-�;�� caune the Trustee to file a notice oE default. <br /> 11. Forbeasance by eennficiary an8 Naivet. 11ny forbearance by Heneficiaryto <br />'�•rt�':�;��I� Trustee, Ttustoz or anyona, !n exerclsing anp riqht or remedy hereundor, or � <br /> _:Y���,;x;. otherwiae affoided by appllcable law, shall not be a vaiver of oi pzeclude the <br />- �--�e • exerclse of any auGh right or temedy heroundec. Likevise, the walver by <br /> .';}.., BenoficiaYy to Trustee of any default of Truetor under this Deed of Txust shall <br />— "'�° not be deeaed to be a vaiver or any other oY simlla� defaults subsayuently <br />�:�.:'�;,� occuiring. No watvar ahall ba construed against the Beneficiary unlesa such <br />`�a�,::. vaiver shall be expresa and in vriting signed by the Beneficiary. <br /> ��ry� 12. Beneficiary's Powers. The Beneflciaty vill cauae to ba releaeod, the <br />=�'r�,s.�� entice Arnount secured bX this Deed of Trust, aEter the ].0 yeax tenn has expixed, <br /> � �� ��""' begl►uilny from the date of the Deed, provided all other terms and condiCions o£ <br />"j''�``'� th13 Deed have been ful£illed. Eieneficiary may, !n its aole disczetlon (1) <br />-__�='� ' inapect the pcemises at any ceASOnablo time (111 cequlYe auch additional <br /> '�:��M:� securlty as may be roasonable; and (iii) subatitute tho Trustee hereln with any <br />�w���� pezson, entity, or coxporation qualifted ao to act. The attorneys of the <br /> neneilcia=y or one oi them nay now or subseguenciy be designaied Ehn Y�tuai�c ° <br /> ---__�� hereln and may pexform foc the Reneficiary dutles as counsel and Truetee. All <br /> ,_,'""'��"�'= Trustore shall be �ointly and severally obligated and bound by the actions of <br /> --_==-+±tiv'� the Benaficiaty o: thA Truato: ae herein etated. <br /> __�''�`"';'�� 13. Attorney'u fees, Costs, and Expen3es. Trustor agxees to pAy ala feas, <br /> =—— cost�, and expensee including attornoy's fee expended by the eoneficlary or the <br />—_ = Trustee to collect any Buma due heteundez or tsnforce thia agreement. Such sums <br />_� ahall bo deened an Advancement to protect tha aecutity when paid by the <br /> '�'�' BenAficiary, Provided Eucther, however, that thls section daes not apply to the <br /> ':':'� Tru�tee fee referrea Eo in pazagsaph B.S.H. <br /> ---- lA. Roconveyance by TYUStetl. Upon vritten xequest of the Beneficlary stating <br /> that all conditions of thls nota have been met, and upon aurzencles of thia Deed <br /> of Trust and the notes to the Tru�tee foz cancellation and setention aiid upon <br /> puyment by the Trurttor of the Txustee's feea, the Trustee ahall zeconv�y t� the <br /> Trustor, ax the peraon or pessons legally entitled thoreto, vlthout varranty, <br /> any portion oE the propetty then held hetcun8et. Tho recitals and euch <br /> reeonveyanee of any mattecs or faeta shall be conelunlve droo£ oE the <br /> txuthfulness thereof. Tho [�santee in any teconveyance may be deecribed as "the <br /> pa=aon or persons logally entitled thereto." <br /> 15. Naticos. <br /> 15.1 Notice aa zequiced by the Nebraska Truoti Deeda Act ehall be given. <br /> _ _ Except as provifled herein and whexever pe�miesible by lav Trusturs vaive�iotice. <br /> T g=� Notice may be sent to the parties at thelx a8dreas as listed in this ugfeeracnt <br /> or as othetwise changed. All notices Yegulred heroin shall be in vxlting. �ny <br /> __ paztx may at any tirte change it'a acldzeas for such noticee by delivotinq or <br /> mailing to the othar parties hetoto, a notice of such change. Any notiae <br />--- -- hereundec shall be �eemed to have been given vhen placoA vithin the U.S. Matl�, <br /> ,.� postage prepa�d, addcossed to the adclroas oE the pazYy as lieted hereln or as <br /> _�,� pzoperly change8. <br /> - -��•:§B[ 15.2 Trustox, Benef iciaxy, and Txustee xequest th�t a copy of any notice <br /> _____-_, pxovided hereunaer, pxovided according to applicable law or proviZed by the <br /> - -- toxma oE any othe: aecurity agseenent covasing the eecurity hereln, be mailad to <br /> =4��"-°~ them at the addtioas provided above. <br /> '_�.;�,,;,.�,�� 16. Thle DeeA oE Truet ohall be goveznnd by the lave of the 6tate oE Nabraoka. <br />_=u;,�n��a�;�- 17. 1lcceptance tiy the Ttuatee. The Txustee accepta thin t=ust when this Deed <br /> �,9,:��s�t��• of Tsuet, duly c�xecute8 ancl acknowla8ged, la mAde a public xcr.ozd, ae providod - <br /> - .-t��.r.:�� by law. <br /> _--w:i;utM' = <br /> _-_+'ri'F."�' - <br /> -"''+_`!�:�"..s�.f$� �-- <br /> '„'_;�-�_�� — <br /> 'iR:Ai•",i: t . <br /> �t".C'a.�� `... <br />..���_w1�[a�l����� <br /> =i..�'r`", _ • F, <br /> ',i.:�;�:�•:�. � <br /> ..;�: � <br /> • F <br /> ;{���. #; . <br /> . v _ <br /> i <br /> i <br />