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. • •• . ., . -;:'`�?;'�" : . ___ <br /> . ...__....�s��,.�x,'�_ . . . .,.,,-.,_—._....� <br /> .NC_°rsa�cn;• <br /> � .. -�R�C::L':.;.. <br /> -�r��...�:. <br /> r,y . .,.<.::,:��- <br /> , suhstuntiully cyuivulcnt mortgagc intiuruncc roveragc iti nut availahlc. Burrnwcr ,hc�ll i tu L��ndcr carh n�onth a .um ryuul tu . 4, _.J.y_ <br /> imc-twclflh of thc ycurly m��rtgagc insurancc prcmium hcing paid hy Rorruwrr whcn thc insuranrc cuvcragc I,�pscd or rcascd tu �`•..c„m;:,i;��_=. <br /> ''=;�r°:�.,— <br /> bc in cffcrt.lAndcr will acrcpt. usc und retain thc+c paymcnc�as a lus�, re�crvc in licu �il' m��rtgugc in,urancc. lu,ti rcurrvc � •+�-;-'--u <br /> paymcnts may nu lungcr hr rcquireJ. at thc option��f l.cndcr, if;nort�u�c in�uranrr ruvrra�.c(in�unt und liu thc perp`��� .�; a:'��; <br /> thut LxnJcr r�yuirc,)prnvi�lyd hy an insurcr��pprovcd by l.cnd�r ag.iin h�:r�,mc,avail:ihlc.tnd is�,btaincd. Hurruwcr tihall � �. ��t��r <br /> th�prcmiurn�rcquired tu muintaiu murtga�c intiurance in t��providr a lo„ reurv�. wnil thc requirrmcnt li�r mu�t�;a�r � <br /> • in,urance end+ in arrordanc�with any writtcn a};reetnent hctwren Burr��wer:�nd lAnder ur applic.ihlr la«�. <br /> 9. Inspcctlon. Lcndrr ar itti agem may makc reasunablr cnn•icti u�xm un�l in,prrti��n� ol thc Prupurty. l.�n�lrr,h.dl givc Q . <br /> Bnrrowcr notire at thc tinu of or priar tu un mspcctiun sperifyin� mu�unahlr causc fnr thc iit+pertiun. �,• <br /> 10. (.joiidemnation. Thc prucccd+ut'any uwcuJ ur rlu�m Fur dumatic�. dircrt c�r run,ryurntiul. in runncction with any� • __ <br /> condemnatiun ctt other taking uf xny pan uf lhe Pri�perty. ur ti�r cunvcyanrc in lieu of cundemnatiun,are hcrehy u.�igned und <br /> � ��w'r'-:. <br /> �hall bc puid lo I.cndcr. , '.': <br /> hi thc cvcm of a tutal tuking ul'tl��Prc�pert),thc prc�ccedti�h:ill hc•a�rlird t��thc.unn ucured h�•�h��S�rurity Instruntcnt. . .;.�, <br /> �...� ' whcthcr or not then duc. with any cxcc>.s paid tn Rurrowcr. In thc cvcnt uf a partial takine of thr Property in which thc tau . : <br /> markct valuc uf thc Property immcdiatcly hcfurc thr taking is�yuul to ur grcatcr than the amount c�f thc sums+crurcd by [his •��•`�,�:'i;�-'.,r.;;�i` <br /> Security[nstrumcnt inuncdiutcly befc�re thc taking. unless Borruwer und Lrnder utherwitic agrc� in writink.the swiis serurcd by •^�"yf�„',`.,-.r�;._' <br /> � this Security Instrument �hall Ix reduccd by the amount af the proceeds multiplicd hy lhe fuUuwin�: fraction: (al thc Ie�tul ;;;;�.•,;.p-�_�'" <br /> -��.'`'`���,;�- <br /> umount of the sums secured immeSiutely before the taking, divideci by (b) the fair market valuc uf'Ihe Property immcdiatelY +"�+e:,�- <br /> ' bcforc the laking. Any balunre shall l�e paid to Bcirrowcr. In thc event of a partiul [uking uf thc Properry in whirh the fair }'€,i,y�ry,.YT.------. <br /> inarket valuc of chc Prnperty immc;diutely bci'orc thc�aking is less than thc umount of the sums secured immcdiatcly beforc thc � ,,. � <br /> ' cuking, unle+s Borrower und Lender otherwi�e agree in writing or unless applicahle laa•��therwi�c pruvides, the procreds tihall ,;,�� <br /> • bc applicd to thc sums scrurcd hy thiti Scruriry In+trumcnt wh�thcr or nut thc,unu are thcn duc. • �.�,:;. <br /> I(thc Pruperty i�ahandoncd hy Horru�vcr, or iL al'tcr natirc by I.cndcr to Barruwcr that thc rondemnor offcrs to makc an Y..i. _ <br /> award or scitic a rlaim fcTr dumagcs. B��n'owcr fail� ti� respund to Lcndcr within 30 day� attcr thc dute thc noticc is givcn, . ..:.°• __ <br /> °� [.ender is authorir.eJ to cc�llect anJ apply the pr��ce��+,at its optiun. either tu rc�turation or repair nf the Pmperry c�r tu the sum� ``��:"`.r�'�'�"'" <br /> � serurcd by this Securiry[ntitrument, whtther c�r nnt then due. ;•,%;4,;r <br /> � Unletis L�nder anJ F3orrowcr utherwi+e ugree in writing. any application of pruceeJti tc� principul tihall not extend ur :�..� <br /> �• postpane the due date oF the mc�nthly pay�nent� rcferred tu in paragraphs I and?ur rhange the,un�wnt nf such payments. �;, . <br /> � I1. Iinrro�ver Not Released; Forbeurnncr By I.ender Not a Wpiver. Extension of the time fur payment or mudification '+,, <br /> � of amortizulion uf thc sums sccumd hy ihis Security In,trumcnt grantcd by I.cndcr to any surccssor in intcrest of Borzciwcr tihall ,�,K�— <br /> nc�t oper:itc io releasr the li.�biliry of the c�riginul Borruwcr ur Borrower's xurcessnrs in interest. I.ender shall not hc reyuirrd tc� _ <br /> ' i rummenre pn�rcedin�s against uny succcssor in intcrest or rcfusc to extend time fi�r puyment or othcrwisc modify amorti�atiuu <br /> of the surn� securrd hy this Serunty [nstrumcnt by rca�on of uny dcmand madc by thc original B�rrower or I3orrower's ~ __, <br /> �� tiuccessor� in interest. Any f'orbcarancc by Lendcr in cxcrcising any right or rcmeJy shall not he a waivcr of c�r preclude the �;„_ — <br /> �•� excrcisc uf any right or rcmcdy. <br /> 12. Successors and Assi�ns Buund;Joint and �icverAl I.iability; Co-si�nen. Thc covenants and agrecmcnts of' this � <br /> � Scruriry Instrument ahall hind and benefit thc +ucceyse�r+ and assigns of l.ender anJ Borrower, suhject tc� the provisions of' '��:T <br /> �evcral. An Borrowcr wh�� co-si�n� this Sccuriry �'�° <br /> �� paragraph 17. Borrowcr's covcnants and agrccments shall hc joint and y b •� '�.° <br /> Instrument but does not execute thc Notc: (a) is co-signing this Security Instrument only to mongage, grnnt und convey that lr�-° <br /> Borrower's interest in the Property under the tenns of this Security Instrununr. (b) is nat peisonally obligated tu pay the sums <br /> ���i- <br /> sccured vy Ihis Security Instrumcnt: and (rl agrecs tiiat Lcuuc� .u�a ai�y ��thcr E::rr:}::'c::i:aj„prnn��.�tir�nd. mndify. forhear or �,'�. <br /> make any accommudutiuns with regard tc� the terms of this Scruriry In�trumcnt ur the Note�vitl�out that Borrower's consent. ;� '4..5_. <br /> 13. I.aan Char�;es. If the loan secured by thi�Security Instrument is tiuhjert to a law whi�h sets maximum laun charges, ��, <br /> � and th:rt law is finally intcrpreted w thut thc interest or uthrr loai� rharges collertcd or to bc rollertcd in ronnectian with the , ,, <br /> } loan exceed the permitted limus, then:(a1 any tiurh loun charge shall bc rcJuc�d by the amount nece+sar}�tu reduce the rh:irge ;k�:- <br /> to the permitted limit: and (b)any ,ums alrcudy collerted from Horruwer which excceded permitted limits will be refunded to <br /> �';r <br /> � Borrower. Lender may chuotie to make this refund by reducing thr principul owed under the Note or by muking a direct f, <br /> �- payment to Borrower. If a refunJ reduecs principal, thc reductiun will hc treatcd as a partiul prepiryment without any <br /> e�- prepaymcnt chargc undcr thc Notc. - <br /> � . 14. Notices. Any notice ti�Burruwcr proviJcd for in this Sccuriry Instrument shall be given by delivcring it or by mailing � <br /> f it hy tirst cla�s tnail unlesti applirublc law reyuire+ use uf anothcr mcth�xl. Thr noticc shall bc directcd W the Property Address <br /> � or any other aJJress Borrowcr designates by notice tc� Lender. Any no[icc ti� l.ender shall he given by fint da�s mnil to <br /> ,�. Lcndcr's address tit.ucJ hcrcin or uny uthcr aJdress C.endcr nutirc tu Barrowcr. Any noticc provided for in this _ <br /> '. Securiry Instrumcnt tihall hc dccmed tu havc becn givcn to Burrower or LenJer whrn given as prc�viJcJ in this paragruph. ----- <br /> w 15. Gnvernin�; Luw; 5everablUty. Thiti Sccurity Instrutnent tihall bc govern�J by federal law und the law c�f the <br /> � jurisdiction in whirh thc Property is I��catcd. In the rvcnt thut any prc�visinn or rlausc uf thiti Sccuriry Instrumcnt or thc Notc �-_.___ <br /> � � contlictti with applicable law, such conll ict shull not xft'ect other prcw�sions uf this Securiry Instrument or thc Ni�tc which can be �.� <br /> � given cftcct without the conflictin� provi�ion. T�i this enJ the provisic�ns uf this Serurity Instrumrnt anJ the Notc arc declared __ _ <br /> � tu bc ticvcr.iblc. �-- <br /> 16. linrrower's Copy.Borruwcr shaill hc givcn unc ronformcd ropy of thc Note and of this Security Instrument. �;.��-_ <br /> : � 17. 'Transfer of the Property or a Rene�cial Interest in Borro�ser. II'all ur any part ot'the Pmperty c�r uny intcrest in it �,;;;--__.__ — __ <br /> .I ,....,�: -. <br /> iti sold c�r iransfcrrcJ lur if a bcnefirial inlcro�t in B��rruwrr is suld�,r tran�l'crrcd and Borrowrr is not u natur.d persun)without �.��..-__ <br /> Lender'ti priur wriuen run>ent. 1.cnJer may. at its c�pticm. rrquire inmudiate payment in full uf aU sums secured by thi� ;�-, -+=- <br /> } S�rurity Instrumcnt. flow�vcr,thiti c,pticro shull nc�t hc cxrrriscd hy Lcnder if excrcisr is pr��hibitcd by fcJcral law as of th�datc �,E: ' . . '��,J. <br /> ��f thi.Security instrumcnt. r',�`�-"`� ;.. <br /> If Lcndcr cx�rci��s thi�uption. Lcndcr tihall givr E3urr���vrr nc,tirr uf arrcicratiun. Thc iiutire shcill providr a periad of ncn .��,,.,.-'Y .,. ;. <br /> Ietis tha�t 30 day� frum thr datr thr n��tice iti JrlivereS ur mailed within ��•hirh Burruwcr must pa�� ull sum+ securcJ hy this <br /> �r . <br /> Sccurity In,trumcnt. If Barrua•cr faih tc� pay thctir+una prior to thc cxpiratiun uf this prriod. Lcndcr ntay invokc any rcnmJies ,� <br /> prrmittcd by this Sccurity In,u�umcnt withnut furthcr natirc ur demanJ wi I3orrowcr. - <br /> IS. Borro��•er's Ri�ht to Ncinstutc. If Burrc��vrr m�rtti rcrtain cunditiuns. Borruwcr .hall havc th� right tu havc <br /> cnforrr►ncnt of this Srruriry Intitrumrnt Jiticontinucd at any timc priur tu thc rarlicr ut`. (a) 5 �ay, (ur �uch othcr period ,is • , <br /> applirahl� lu�v may �prrify t�,r rcin.�atrmrnn hrl�,rr salc ul Ihr Pruperly purwant tu am• pu��-cr c�f s:tlr runtaincd in this <br /> Scrurity Imtrununi:ur(hi�nir�•��I'a ju�lgm�•nt cnlittring�hi�tirrtn-ity In,trumrnl.'fhux �onifiu��m arr that Rorm��•cr. (:�� pa}•, <br /> , l.rndrr all tium. ��hirh th�n ��uuld hc �iuc utiJrr thi� Scrurit� Intiu�umcnt and ihr Nutr a� il' n�� arccicratiun had ��rrurrc�: lhl <br /> rure�am dcl:iult ul':uiy �,�hcr rurcnant>�,r ,igrccmrnt,: crl pay. all crpcntir� inrin•rcd in ciifurrin� this Scrunty lutin�umrnt. <br /> . incluJin�,hut n��l limitcd lu. rr:u�,nahlc au��rnc)�,' I�crti: :uid cdl t.ikr, +urh arti�m a> I.rndrr may rca>unahl�• rcyuin tu a+�w-r <br /> ihal lhr lirn ul thi,Scrurit� ln.uumcnt. Lrndcr', rightti in lhr I'r�iprr��• :ind Rurn,�rrr'> nhlig:iti��n�u pa)� thc ,uro, ,rrureJ hy <br /> thi� 5crurity In.trununt .hall �cmtinur unrh:ingcd. Upun rcin�taremcnt h� H�n�ru��•rr, thiti Srrtn•il� In,trumrnt anJ tlic <br /> uhligalium •C�'�n'�d hcrrh� �11a11 rrtn:uu Ildly �(IiClit'� a� if nu aC�Cl�ralii�n h,Id �ururrcd. Hu��•r�•rr, thiti ri�ht tc�rcintitat��h.tll <br /> ..{.,:�� th�,.•a�r nl:�rro�rf:llltltl Ulll�l'!PAlJ{!P.III�I ��. a•. .._ . <br /> , .�.::�,;19. ti�tic of' \otc: ('hun�;c of I.uim ticr�•iccr. 'I'hr N�,tc �n• :i partial mlcrr�t m tiic iv�,ic n�,�:cii�c� �.���� t��„ .,.���d,. <br /> ' In,trunirm) ma� hr��,Id ��nr nr nu,rc�inie��ti iih�,u�pri��r nulirr tu Lii,rn,��cr. A ,:dr ma� rctiult in a rhan�e in Ihe entit�•(6nuH•n <br /> a�Ihc "Luatt tirr��irrr..l th:rt i„Ilcrt�m�,tuhly p;n mcnt�,Jue unilrr thc NuR•and thi. tirruril� In,Irumrnt."I'hrrr ahu map hr unc <br /> nr n�urc rhan�rti ��I Ih� I.i,an ti�n�irrr itnrrl:tlyd l��a�cilr n(ihr N�i1r. II thrrr i.a rh.ingr��I Ihr L�,an ticr��i�rr. R„rn,u'rr��'ill hr <br /> �:i�rn��riucn n�,iiir ul�tlir rhan�!r in;i��nril:inrr �cilh �ru:i�iarh I-1 ahu��r an�l:ir��lirahlr I:i��. 'I'hr nuurr��ill tiiatc Ihr n:�mr:ind <br /> :iJihr,• ol thr nrw Luan ti�rcirrr aud thr :iJJrr" Iu ��hirh ��.i�mrnt. �huulJ hr m:idr. 'I�hc nntirr���ill al,n r�ml:iin am ulhrr <br /> inlurnt:iuun riyuirrd h� a����lii:il�lr I;i��. <br /> 20. Huttu•duu� tiub�lanrr�. Rorr����rr .h:�ll n��t iau.� nr ��rrmn thc �,rc�rnrc. n.r. di.��nti:J. .tnr:i�r. ��t irlratir ��I:ui� <br /> Il:v:u�t��u. tiuh�lanrr, �,n nr in ihr I'n���rrt�- li�,rn���rt �hall ni,t J�,. nur :dl�,�e amnnr rl�r ia Ju. :m�ihing all�rlin} thr <br /> i I'r�,�k•�'t� Ih:l1 �. ill ���,I:�U�,n �d ;d�� I�.II�u�,n��tr�ll:�l I.:���. '111C p�l•irtl�nC 1���, �C�11Ctltc, .h:�ll n�,l ,ip��l) li, IhC ����•�CIIiC. utiC. �,�. <br /> j ,t��r.��c un thr I'i���,ril� „I ,n�.ill�ur, ��I Il:vanln�i� tiuh.l;inrr• ili:n ,rr rrnrrall� rr:�,Lniir�l I�� hr appn,�,ti;ilc 1„ n�,rnt;il <br /> ° ir,iJrnUal u�r,,in�l m niainlrn:inir ul tlir I'r�,���rt�. <br /> i <br /> , ,„ , _, , Fornt 3028 9/90 <br /> _ - _ _ _ <br />