.. .... . ._..._..
<br /> ..�.,w.W,a.,�...._,..__.. . .J. -
<br /> ... ,., �.
<br /> � �r ���.:t.,o.;
<br /> a.==.+'�;
<br /> �fhc t�un�lti +hall hc hclJ in an insti�utiim whu,r dapu�itti arr in,urrd hp :i Ir�lrr:il ,i�rnry. intitruiurrn.�lilv. u�• c��lily �..-Sia•=�`-
<br /> ,�.�A;K....�"
<br /> (inrludin� I.rn�lrr. if l.�rnlrr i, �urh an in,tiiuti�mi nr in an�• I�r�lcral Ilnnu l.uan iianl�. Lrndrr .h�ill apply thr Fun�l, i„p:ry thc � .•s�.;:-
<br /> Etirruw I(cros. l.cn�rr tn:iy nut rh;irgr l3urrc,wrr lin•hnl.lin�;;inil:q�plying lh� f�un�l., annuall� an;d�iing thr rticrrn� :irruun�.ur . •. rt�
<br /> ,,..�.rr�-
<br /> vrrilying thr 1i,rroa Itrm,,nnlc,s Lrndrr payti H��rrn��rr inirrr,i„n �hr Fund,and a��plirahlr I:i��•�rrnut, Lcn�lrr tu mal�r +urh . •
<br /> a rh;u�gc. liowr�rr. Lrndcr ma� re��uirr I�un•m�rr U� p:i)� a��nr tinn rh.u1!r li�r.u� inilrprndrnt rcal r�talc i�ir rcpnrtin� tirrvirr(Q
<br /> uxd hy I.cndcr in cnnnrrli��n wilh thiti Inan. unlr,ti :q�plirahle lua pn���idc, UII1CPlci�C. UIIIC+� an agre��mrnt i, ma.ir ��r�0 . ,;.-.
<br /> upplicahlc lav� rcquirc, intcre,l tu hr p.ud. I.rn�trr�hall uul hr reyuirrd lu pay liurru��rr any intrrc,l ��r rarnu�p,un ihc I�undti. � : ^��^__
<br /> f3urruw•�r und [_cnilrr may agr�c in�+•ntin�:. h�»�•cvrr. that intrrr,t ,h:dl hc paid �,u ihr I�und,. LcnJrr,hall�:i�•r t�, yurru�vrr. �i • ,�o_-:
<br /> withuul �h:u�gr. an unnual arr�,unun� �,1 thc I�und,, tihnuinp rrrdit, :in�l drhn, t��ihr I�und, and thc purpu,r liir ��•hinc �ach �1 ',t,���,T„o;
<br /> dchil tn thr f'und.w��,maJc.Thr I�un�ls��rr plr�l�rd ay a�l�litiun:d +��urily litt all ,umti ,rrurcJ t,y ihi, 5c�•urn� fn,u•umcnt. � � _, +'r;�
<br /> If thr f�und,hrld hy lAnifrr ct�•rrd the:minunt�permiltr�l 1�,hr hrld hy applirahlr la��•. Lcndrr .h�ill ;irc�,unt tu liun•uwcr , -:�'';r__-.�
<br /> 1i�r thc cxcc„ hun�i. in a�•cui�luncc with Ilic i�Nuircmrniti ��f applicahh la�ti. ll Ihr,int��unt ��I'thr I�un�l, hrld t,�• Lrndrr al any O . ..: �,._:.1;L.:
<br /> �;..
<br /> ..,, timr i+nut�ufl'icicnt t��puy�h� [:.rruw(lcros whrn�luc, l.�ndcr ne�y �o nutity H��rruu�rr in u•riting. and, in.urh ra�c Burruwrr� ,.,.r:_:�i'+�•�__-��
<br /> rhall pay to Lcndrr thr anwunt nrrrr�ary to mal�c up ih� dclicicn�ry. t3orruwcr tih�dl m.ihr up thc �lcficicncy in n�� murc th,ui '''.�`=`-'=-_---
<br /> ' twclvr munthly paymcnt�. ai Lcndcr'+ +alc di,rr�(iun. ...c"`•'°�-
<br /> `v SA".:.�-.��..
<br /> Upun puytmnt in full uf ull ,utns ,ccurcd hy Ihiti Scruriry lis,trum�nl. I.nndcr +hull prumptly r�fund to f3nrrowcr any . . Y,-_.--- -- �.
<br /> , t�undti hclJ by l.enJrr. 11'. under para�raplt 21. Lendcr+Itall aryuirr ur ticll thc I'r��pt'rty, I.end�t'.prior iu th��iryui+itiun ur+ale '"'�r-_ f
<br /> � uf thc Pruperry. +hall apply any Fund,hclJ hy l.cndcr at thr umc uf arquitiitinn ��r+alc a�a rrcJit ag�iin,t thr tium�.crurcd hy •.�,�,'
<br /> thi�S�:curi[y In,trumcnt. '�'":�
<br /> ' 3. AppUcutlon nf Payments.Unlc�s uppliruble luw pruvidcs othcrwi,c.all puymcros reccivcd hy LrnJcr under paragraph� ,�
<br /> . I and 2 shall br•rpplicJ: tir�t. to any prcpaymem charg�s Jur unJer the Notc: tic�und. tu amuuntti puyablc under pur�igruph 2: :
<br /> thirJ.tu int�ro,t duc; li�urth.t�� pnnci{�al�.fur:.uid la,t.tu any latr rhargc.Juc un�lrr thc Nutc. `�+'=--
<br /> 4. Chnr�;er; Licns. I3nrrc�wcr shall pay all taxcti. ati+c+�mcnts, churgcti. finr,and impo.itionti .ittrihutahlc tu thr Pn�pertY �'�_' .�
<br /> ° which may attain priuriry i�vcr this Sc�uriry In,trumcnt, and Icaschc�ld paynunt� c�r �ruund rentti. if amy. Boreowcr shall pay ��'
<br /> thcu obligatiuns in thc munncr providcd in pu�a,�raph 2.cir if ni�t puid in lhut manncr. Burrc�wur,hall p:ry thcm on timc dircrtly .�.,
<br /> to thc person��wcd p.rymcnl. Burrower shull prompUy fw•nish tu I.enJer all ncitice�uf.une,unts tu he paid unJcr this paragraph.
<br /> If Burruwcr makcti these puymcntti directly,Borrowcr�hall pruntptly I'uriti,h tu Lcndcr rercipt�c�'iJenring thc pa)�menls.
<br /> Borruwcr shall prcmipQy cli�chargc any licn whirh hati pri�iriry ovcr this Srrurity In�trument unlr��Burr�iwrr: (u)agrcc+in
<br /> � writing tu the puyment uf'the obligaticro secured hy the lien in a manncr acceptcible io L.en�lrr: thl contest�in gooJ faiith the licn - '_�'4
<br /> hy. or dcfcnd� aguinst cnfnrremcnt af thc licn in. Ic�al prurcedings whirh in thc L�ndcr'ti opiniim ��perate t�� prcvcnt thc ,
<br /> �_ enforcement of the licn: c�r(c) secureti frotn th� holdcr uf th� lien un agreemcnt tiatitituctury tu Lendcr+uhorJinating th� lien to .';�. r_,
<br /> thiti Sccuriry Instrumcnt. If Lrnd�r dctcrminr� that any part uf thc Prciperty iti suhjcct to a licn whi�h may attain priuriry ovcr � �,•
<br /> thi,Sccuriry Instrumcnt. Lcndcr may givc Eiorrowcr a nuticc idcntifying the licn. Bo�rowcr�hall sati�fy thc licn or tukc onc��r �
<br /> �• more uf'thc actions sct forth ahuvc within 10 dayti uf thC glving of noticc. �. .�,�
<br /> 5. Haxard ��r Property Insurunce. Borrower shall kccp thc impruvemcnts nu�v cxisting ��n c�rcaRcr crccted �n thc ...�
<br /> Properry in,ured ag.�inst la+y hy firc, har.urJs includcd within thc tcrm "cxtcndcd re�veragc" and any othcr hararJs, including ��'-
<br /> � flc�ods or Flooding, for which LenJer myuirc� insurunce. 7'his insuranre shall he maintaineJ in the untounts and for the periods �;d+• . �::
<br /> i that Lender reyuires. Thr insurancc rurnrr pruviding the inxurance shall br rho�en by Born�wer suhject to LenJer'x uppruval .• ��-;;:
<br /> which shall not bc unrcasunahly withhcld. If Borruwcr 1'ails tn mainlain rovcrage described utxrve, l.cndcr may, at Lender's �L�',�'
<br /> � .,��_,� :I�t�
<br /> .�� option.obtain cuvcragc tci pmtcct Lcndcr'ti riglus in thc Properry in uccurua��cc w�tl�{�u�agrupti'. - ,,.,�1���,��:
<br /> All insuranre p��lirics and renewals tihall be urrcptablc tu Lendcr and shall inrludc a stundard mc�rtgagc rlausc. Lendcr � „ ���}`.�
<br /> � ,hall havc thc riglu to hold thc policic,anJ rrncwals. If[.cndcr rcyuires, Borrower shall prompNy give to l.endcr all receipts of ,. ;,, �`=r::
<br /> paiJ prcmiums und renewal nutirc+. (n thc cvent uf'lu�s, Borrowcr shxll �ive rom t notirr tu thc�nsurancc carricr und LcnJer. �° � �
<br /> b P P :l�_=.
<br /> IAnJcr tnay makc proof ot'loss if not madc prumptly hy lic�rrciw�r. r :�".�
<br /> Unlcss LenJcr anJ Burruwer otherwise agrce�n writing. insuranrc procceds shall be applicd[o rctitoration or repair of thc •.
<br /> Pruperty damugcd, if the rcytoratiun c�r repair is crc�nnmically fcasiblc and Lendcr's�crurity is not Icssened.If thc restorcuion ur � tti �=
<br /> rcpair is not economically fcasiblc cir Lcndcr's tic�urity would bc Ics,cncd, thc insurancc prurccds shall bc applicd tu thc sums •,.y
<br /> secured by thiti Security Instrument, whether ur not then duc, �vith any rxcess paid to Borrower. IT Bcirrower abandons thc .
<br /> Property. ar d��ex not answer within 30 day�ci nutire fremi I.ender that the insur.mce carrier has offcred to sctde u cluim, then j-•---�-��
<br /> l.ender may collcrt the i�uuranrc prac�cd+. Lendcr may use the prurceJs tu repair or retiture the Property or ti� pay sums ��b:"
<br /> xecured by this S��uriry Intitrutnent,whrtlicr��r not then Juc. Thc 30-day peric�d will bcgin when thc notice is given. +�;
<br /> Unlexs L.enJcr and &�rruwer cithrrH�i,c :igrcc in writinE. any appliration uf pracccds to prinripal shull not cxtend or ,�,__
<br /> pustponc the duc date ut' thc monthly paymcnts rcferrcd to in paragraph� 1 .uid 3 or rhangc the umount of thc puyments. If
<br /> under purugruph 21 the Property is acyuired by L=nder. Borrower's right tu any insurance poliries and proceeds resulting from ___--
<br /> �amxge te�the Pr�ipetty priur tu the aryuisitiun shall pass tu[.endrr tu the extent c�l thc+ums ucured by this Security Instrument .-.�-°-
<br /> immcJiatcly prior to thc acquisition. .•"�"-��---
<br /> 6. Occupuncy.Preservntion,Niaintenunce und Protc�cti�m of the Pruperty;Borrowc►•'s I.oan Application; I,easeholds. __ _
<br /> Borrower shall occupy.cstabli�h,and u�c thr F'ruprrty ax Borrower's principul resiJence within tiixty d,rys aftcr the execution of =
<br /> this Sccuriry hi�trument unJ shall rontinuc to urcupy thr Pr��pcny a.Burruwcr'� princip�il rctiidcnrc tirr at Icast unc ycar aftcr � `�!���-� ..
<br /> � thc dxtc�if circupanry, unlr,� Lcndcr nthcnvi�c agrcc, in writing. whinc�onunt shall n��t hc unrruwnahly withhcld, cir unlc�s •i,,`»� -
<br />- � extenuating rircumstanrr�exi,t which arc hcyond Burrc�wer's rontrol. Borrower shall not Jestrc�y. d,unage ur impair thc �.°'_=----`__
<br /> Property, allow the Proprrty tu Jetrriar.uc. ur ��ummit wa�tr e�n the Pr„perty. Borrower+hull he in det:wlt if any forl'eiturc ` .::.-`
<br /> � actiun or prucccding. e;hcthcr ri�•il c�r criminal, i� hrgun that in L.cnJrr'>g�u,d fai�h judgmcnt could retiult in tirrFciturc uf dtc +,t,... �'�;ir,
<br /> � Prc,}x;rry ur uthcrwi.c matcriaUy impuir thc lirn rrratrJ by this Sccurity Insti'umrrn or Lcndcr',,�curity intcrc�t. Bi�rruwrr may .-�..�.,. ':�`,
<br /> � curc surh a dcfault and reinst:itc.,iti pruvidcd in paragraph I8. hy cautiing thc artiun ur prucccding tu hc ditimisuud w�ith a ruling . . ,'� `
<br /> I that, in Lcndrr'ti g�x�d tuilh cictcrminatic�n, prccludr, liufeitum uf thc Bc�rrowcr'� intcrc,t in �ha Pr��perty or uthcr matcrial �
<br /> + impairmcm nf thr lirn rrcatccl h�- thi, Scrurity lnstrumcnt or LrnJcr's sccurity intcretit. 8urrowcr shall alsu hc in dctuult if t'•, .,
<br />� j Rorro�vcr,durine thc loan:�p�u�,u��,�,���,��«�. �����»atcrially fal,c or inacruratc infi�rm�tiun ur statcmcnts tu Lcndcr li�r failyd °
<br /> tu pruvidc I,cnJcr with anp maten.d inl��rmaticm) in r��nncrti��n a•ith lhc�oun cvidcnc�J hy thc Notc. inrluding. but not limitcd
<br /> tu, rrprrticntatiuns«mrcrning Borri�wcr'��xrupanry ut'thr Pruprrq�a,a principal rcsid�nrc. If thiti Sccuriry Dititrumcnt is on a
<br /> 1 Ira�chuld. Borrowrr shull r���nply a•ith all th� pru�-itiion� uf thr Icatic. If B��rrowcr acyuire� t'�c titic �o thc Pruprrty, thc
<br /> I Iraxhuld and thc f'rc titic�hal I nu� nmrgr unlryti I.cndrr agr�cti tu thr mcrEcr in wrilin�.
<br /> ; 7.Yrutectiun of Lendcr'ti kf�;htc in thc Prupert�. li I;nrm��•rr I:iil.tu prrl'urm th. ruvrn:mtti and a�!rcrm�nts�untainrd in
<br /> I thiti Srruril�� In,u•umrnl. ur thrrc i, a Icgal ��rorcrJing that ma� .i�nil'irantly allirl I.cn�frr', right. in thr I'ruprrtc (�urh:i� a
<br /> ' prurrrdin� in hanhruptry.pn�halr. t�ur rnn�l��mnatiun�,r li�rlriturr ur t���n�i�rcr I:m•�ur rrtulaiiun.). ihcn I.rnilrr ma� �iu:in�l
<br /> i pa�• I�rn� �vhatrrrr i, nrrr+•ary t�,pr�,trrt ihr valur ul thr Pri�rrrty aml Lrnilcr', righl, in ihr I'rnprn��. Lcndcr'. :rciinn. mu�•
<br /> � mrludr pa��ing anp yunu .c�urrJ h� a lirn �rhirh hati ��ric�ritc c�rrr ihi� Sr�urit�• Intitrumrnt. a�ipraring in cuun. ��aring
<br /> � rrawnahlr atti,rncy,' lir�an�l rnlrrin�i�n Ihr i'rc,pert�� tu mak. rrpain. Althou�!h I.rndrr nr,i� Iahr arti�m undcr this paragraE�h
<br /> 7 I.rn�lrr dur�nnt ha�•r tu Ju w. �
<br /> � An�• am�,unt, Ji+hunrd h�• Lrndrr un�lrr lhi� ��ara�ra��h 7 �hall hr�umr ad�litiunal �1rht ��I tiorru��rr �rrin-c�i ny �iii� f -
<br /> i tirruriip In,uununt. llnlr�, fi��rrm�rr and LrnJrr.i�rrr lu uthrr Irnn� �,I��a�mrm. thctir anwunt• ,h:ill hc,u• intrrr.t li•nm thc 1
<br /> J:uc ��I Jisbuncmrnl at Ihc Nulc rati and .hall hr pa)ahl�. ��ith intir�tit, u���m m�lii� liutn Lrn�lrr 1�� I�i�rr����•rr rcyur+tin�. I
<br /> . i p.iyinCnt. l
<br /> _ S. 1lort�;a{;c Ittcur��ncc. II Lrndrr rrquirrd nu,rl}�:��r fn.uranir;i,:i r�,nJitinn nl mahfn�ihr I��:in�r�:urr�l h�• thi�tirrurit� ;
<br /> . In�lrumrnt. liun��,��rr .h:dl �r,�� Ihr prrnuuni� reyuirr�l i�, mainlain thr nwri�a�r in.ur:inrr in rllrrt. II. I�n :im rr.i�un. Ihr j
<br /> murt�:i�r imtn:in�r a��rr;iEr rryuir�J h� I.rnilcr I:y�.r�ur rru�r� 1��hr in rlleit. Rurruarr.hall ��:�� lhr prrtiiiinti� rryuircJ t�� �
<br /> � uhiain r�,�cra�r,uh,lanli:dh ri�w�alrni tu Ihr ronriE,iLr in.urancr ��rr�i��u,l� in rurri. :�� ;i r�,•� .uh.ianu;dl� ryui�:drnt I�, Ihr
<br /> cn.l tu 13�n�n���rr ��I Ihr murl�a�. i�t.ur,inir �xr�inu.l� in rlfcrl. Iruni ,in ahrrnair mnrtea�r imurrr :ippn��rJ h� Lriulri. If
<br /> I
<br />- I
<br /> � ,._„„ :,., , Form 3028 9�90
<br /> f �
<br /> _ _ - _ _ _—_
<br />